Points Of Perception...What Do YOU Call "Collateral Damage"...?!?!
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October 10th 03, 11:31 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
Radio Amateur KC2HMZ wrote in message . ..
The code test will soon vanish, and then hopefully we can get around
to the business of repairing the collateral damage that's been done to
the ARS in the process.
"Collateral damage", John...???
You've been watching too much CNN.
You wouldn't be talking about the "damage" created by the influx
of over a quarter of a million NON-code licensees, would you?
Or would that be by the "damage" created by Amateur volunteers in
the last 80+ years that has earned Amateur Radio the respect and
hearldry bestowed upon it by the American Red Cross, the Deaprtment of
State, the Department of Defense, the Salvation Army, FEMA, etc etc
etc...??? (Not to mention mentions in the Federal Register and
accolades rendered on the House and Senate floor)
Perhaps you were alluding to the "damage" created by the creation
of a radio repeater net that has withstood fire, flood, maelstrom and
terrorist attack...Is THAT the "damage" you were refering to? I heard
all the "complaints" about it from about two dozen New York and New
Jersey emergency response groups from all the "trouble" they created
in September 2001...You should read all the things some of those guys
had to say about Amatuer Radio!
Maybe you meant the "damage" created by the fact that we are
(generally) self-policing and allowed by the FCC to mentor our own? I
don't see the commercial services being allowed to do this, but I
guess I am missing something...
Or I guess you were refering to the "damage" caused by the
interruption of our schools by such programs as ARISS and SAREX...???
I can see how taking little Johnny and Mary away from recess to chat
wwith orbiting astronauts might inhibit thier imaginations...
And I guess we sure got our "come-uppance" when we were allocated
new bands on HF in the last 20 years.
Otherwise, I haven't got a clue of what you were alluding
to...And I doubt YOU did either, John.
Steve, K4YZ
Hey John...Where'd ya go...?!?!
Find it a bit rough going trying to create an illusion while
someone else was shining a light on you, eh?
Steve, K4YZ
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