"Dick Carroll" wrote in message
That *might* be a bit difficult given that even Carl, their vaunted
leader, is a SSB ratchjaw, not given to even putting a digital HF
station on the air, much less doing any "amsteur digital design".
Gee, Dick your hatred of SSB is showing again ... and you failed
Mike's "test" because you resorted to insults.
Besides, I'm active on digital ... how the hell do you profess to
know what modes I'm capable of/equipped for/using?????
At least I can get PSK31 to work ...
Most of the avid CW ragchewers/contesters I've known over the years
(remember, I'm a long-time ham)
Ah, it MUST be pointed out here that your tenure as a longtime ham did
not include close connection to *anyone* who was seriously involved in
radiotelegraphy in any way. And I know that how? By your actions here!
It's completely safe to say that no one would tolarate your attitude as
a friend, not likely as even a casual acquaintance, given the lever of
vituperation you have always shown toward CW. So what would anyone
expect your experience to be??
One of my best friends, now SK unfortuantely, was a CW op ... worked
as radio officer on ships, was a LL telegrapher when he was a kid. 60 wpm
in his head, while drunk, smoking, and playing poker was no problem for
him. HE understood that CW "wasn't my thing" and we still were friends,
enjoyed other aspects of ham radio together, and had a good time.
Now, I wouldn't expect to be able to have that sort of a relationship
with you, Dick ... you're not open-minded enough to accept that others
see things different than you. (You see, I accept that you like and use
CW ... I disagree only with your propatation of the "Morse myths" and
your insistence that everyone should have Morse forced on them in
exchange for HF privs ... fortunately, most of the rest of the world
doesn't agree with you.)
Carl - wk3c