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Old October 11th 03, 05:37 AM
Bill Sohl
Posts: n/a

"Dick Carroll" wrote in message
Mike Coslo wrote:

Hans K0HB wrote:

Joe Speroni, AH0A, has introduced a looney-tune petition, reminiscent
of Bob Wexelbaum, W2ILP "Amateur Radio Needs More Tests".

Below is my comment to the FCC.

73, de Hans, K0HB


Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of )
Amendment of Part 97 of the Commission's ) RM-10808
Rules to Drergulate Testing for Non-Voice )
Mode Allocation for Amateur Radio Licenses )

To: The Commission



These comments are submitted in response to the petition of Joseph
Speroni (AH0A) which requests changes in the qualifications and
testing of applicants for new or upgraded licenses in the Amateur
Radio Service.

I. Discussion:

The instant petition requests the elimination of Element 1 (5WPM
Morse code test) from the required test for General and/or Extra
Class licenses in the Amateur Radio service, and goes on to request
that the written examinations (elements 2, 3, and 4) be stripped of
all mode-related questions except those pertaining to Phone
operation. Persons licensed under this scheme would only be
authorized to use Phone emissions, unless they had additionally
passed examinations related to other modes.

Bizarre. I wonder what the "test" for Hellschrieber or the computer
modes would be?

Petitioner further proposes that operation in ARES (Amateur
Radio Emergency Service) would be restricted to licensees who had
passed a written examination on that subject.

OY! This person would maybe like to turn Amateur radio into a
Fraternity? Signa Fy Nothing?

Petitioner also proposes that Volunteer Examiners would only be
required to administer the basic written examinations (elements 2,
3, and 4) and could decline to administer any of the proposed
mode-related examinations if they felt it were burdensome to them.

Okay, so we couldn't operate any other mode besides phone is
essentially what he is saying. If we strip mode specific questions, and
then VE's only tested for 2, 3, and 4, all the other modes kinda go
away, don't they.

And this is yet another time I've heard about the great "burden"
upon the VE's. Heck it's a volunteer thing. If its too much work, they
can find less burdensome things to do with their time.

II. Comments:

Agreed with all your comments, Hans.

In summary, this petition should not be tossed aside lightly. It
should be hurled aside with great force.

And terminated with great prejudice!

And ya'all failed to underestand that the real point to allthis is that
NONE of the tests are any more valid than the Morse code test!

So you're saying Joe filled his petition as a joke or
to be sarcastic then. Not a nice thing to do to the
FCC if that was his intent...which I don't believe
was his intent.

Bill K2UNK