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Old October 12th 03, 08:45 PM
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In article , "Kim W5TIT"

"N2EY" wrote in message
In article , "Kim"

"Bill Sohl" wrote in message

The issue isn't about USE it is about
the lack of any rational reason to retain code testing as a
license requirement now that the ITU mandatory code knowledge
requirment has ended.

Therein lies the problem with the whole CW test (TEST, *test*) debate.

minute one takes on the "no" CW test argument, it is generally met with

attitude that an end CW use (USE, *use*) is being favored or called for.

Not that I have observed, Kim.

But can you accurately say that *no one* wants to end Morse use?

Of course not. But I can accurately say that there is no need to roll
everyone who wants to see an end to the test element, into the "no CW use"
minority (note I said minority), either.

Agreed! Point is, however, that the "no one" statement is simply not correct.

Until, (UNTIL, *until*) it is clearly understood that seeking the end of

CW test is not the equivalent of seeking the end of CW as a mode, this
debate will never fall within the realm of "friendly" debate at all. I
think it's even hazardous to use the PCTA/NCTA labels.

One of the problems is that some folks aren't clear that it is only the

they are against.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Anyone, *anyone* who allows theirself (bad English) to get all in a huff
about CW use going away or being legislated out of ham radio is being

Not necessarily. Not after seeing the mode (not just the test) attacked the way
I have.

There are a few who have been proponents of seeing the end of CW;
and when I see those posts, I yawn and go on.

That's *you* - not everyone.

There will never be an end to
CW use, and it would never be banned from use in the ham just
wouldn't. I think it would be unrealistic to think it would.

I hope you are right about that. Some of us are not about to "trust to the
kindness of strangers" however

And, if it
was based off a majority of users of the bands, I rest assured knowing that
most would not support an end to CW use.

Not now, anyway.

I think those who are in the
minority are there mostly for the shock value of it.


But not too long ago, the mere suggestion of *any* class of ham license with no
code test would have gathered almost no support. And the idea of the total
abolition of code testing would have been discarded with the claim that
*no-one* wanted all code testing to end.

They way to outlaw something is little by little. Remember your concerns about
the restrictions on privacy brought about by 'homeland security' responses?
Little by little....

There was a time when AM was king of the 'phone modes. Then SSB came a long and
took center stage, while AM was relegated to niche status. Most folks said
"No-one is against the *use* of AM"....

But that was not good enough for some, and proposals have arisen every so often
to effectively outlaw AM from the ham bands. HF ham bands, anyway. So far, none
of them have been successful.

Up until 20 years ago, the amateur power limit was 1 kW DC input to the stages
delivering power to the antenna. Then the rules changed to 1.5 kW PEP output.
For the AM folks, this was effectively a lowering of the power limit to about
half of what it had been before the change. For SSB folks, it was effectively
about a 50% raise of the power limit.

LIttle by little...

73 de Jim, N2EY