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Old October 12th 03, 11:33 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , ospam
(Larry Roll K3LT) writes:

In article , "Carl R. Stevenson"

I have always presented well-reasoned, factual, and unemotional
arguments in support of code testing.

Only in your mind, Tatoo.

Please don't hold me up to
the same light as those who may have transgressed in the manner
which you refer to above. Above all, please remember that by far,
the largest portion of the QRM in the code/no-code debate has been
from the NCTA side.

Again, only in your mind, Tatoo.

Also remember that as one who has never
used the Morse/CW mode to an extent which would have allowed
you to gain useful proficiency in the mode, you are not qualified to
judge the value of this mode at all.

Tatoo has his stash up in the bell tower while looking for de blane.

Back here in the Real World (not on Fantasy Island), poor Tatoo
would have to contend with all the long-ago, much more qualified
in many more aspects of Real World communications in all other
radio services have either: Never considered on-off morse in the
first place; dropped on-off morse as a required mode; relegated it
to an optional mode, good only for things like automatic ID.

I'm not sitting here trying to
argue technical topics with you, so don't you try to tell me that the
Morse/CW mode and testing aren't of value to the ARS. We are
not on each other's respective levels of expertise.

Carl lives in the Real World. So do I. Try visiting it some time.

Since I'm
more than willing to respect your technical expertise, don't presume
to challenge my qualifications to make judgments about CW and
code testing, because you don't know what your talking about.

Hmmm...the Radio God has spoken! :-)

Hey, Larrah, you should have lent your "qualifications" to the US
Army way back when the USAF was part of it. The ACAN (Army
Command Administrative Network) was organized to NOT use
morse code for long-distance primary communications...a couple
years after WW2 was ended.

Now get back up in the bell tower, de blane is coming soon.