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Old October 13th 03, 10:45 PM
Robert Casey
Posts: n/a

Great, let me guess, you must be another one of those lazy, anything goes,
pot smoking liberals, from B.C., that lives off government handouts. How
nice. I love paying the highest taxes in the civilized world. No wonder we
can't get rid of the liberal dictatorship. Give the people pot to smoke,
filth on TV, and the "F" word, what more could you ask for. At least the
"Yanks" you call them, have a culture and respect their traditions. I can't
say that for canaduh. If it weren't for the "Yanks", we would probably be
speaking Russian. Now if the Americans would like to take over

That would eliminate the problem of having to patrol that long border.
I don't know if any Al Qada people set up shop in Canada anyway. If
Quebec ever splits off like they almost did some years ago, sure, join us.
We could use the extra area. Be interesting to see if we could get sixty-
something stars on our flag....