Code test analogy
Even though the testing for code was reduced to the basic 5 WPM over three
years ago, it's obvious that the debate still rages on.
The insistance that a person know Morse Code at a resonable speed in order to
be "real ham" is similar to religious fanatics, particualrly Christian
fundamentalists, who think that a person has to believe in god in order to be a
good and moral person. They cannot prove that their god even exists. So with
the PCTA, they cannot prove that code is useful in light of communications
advancements that have been made over the past several decades.
Just as certain fundamentalists would like to turn the country into a
Judeo-Christian theocracy, so would certain hams go back to an outdated
communications scheme, simply because they think that Morse code is their
To expect prospective hams to believe in the fairy tale of morse code is the
the same as expecting people to believe in the fairy tales of the holy bible.