Amazin'....Ain't it...?!?!
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October 14th 03, 03:41 PM
Posts: n/a
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
(Brian) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
(Brian) wrote in message . com...
There's been other rumors of running afoul of the CIVIL courts
and getting booted by his ISP for his misconduct, but I don't have all
those details.
Perhaps he'd like to bring us up to date...?!?!
Steve, K4YZ
Would you mind providing us with the name of that Yahoo MODERATED
Group, so that we might look at the archives and see what got you
tossed off the group.
The group's not there any longer, Brain. I guess John got
plugged from there, too...It was "radiomonitors", and it was
Apparently not. You got moderated right off the group.
Thanks, Brian
Asking yourself questions, Brain?
No, Steve, I asked you a question. See the part that starts with,
"Would you mind..."
Who said anything about "moderated"...?!?!
I was just curious what it would take to get you to play well with
Acting the way YOU want to be treated is the first step, Brain.
Have it your way, Stebe.
Your "mentor" can fill you in on ways to antagonize and instigate
flamefests...he does it well.
OK, Stebe.
You aren't quite there yet, but you're getting close.
I'm learning from the Master, Stebe.
I own four YahooGroups, one of which has over 400 subscribers,
And YOU sponsor...what?
How many articles of yours were published in the now "defunct" 73
How did they contribute to the ARS?
Were they original works?
"How_To_Look_Like_An_Idiot_In Public_And_Still_Not_Have_A_Clue @
StupidGroups . Com"...?!?!
I'll leave that one to you, Stebe.
and I can tell you with certainty that the listowner can block ANY
subscriber to the list.
Just how certain are you? Have you actually done it?
Yep. I allow anyone to subscribe to my lists. Use any of them
for "a/s/l" messages, commercial offerings, or ANYthing having to do
with some get-rich-quick scam get's you booted.
I'd even let YOU join, Brain...But I don't know why you'd want to
be there. All four of them pretty much expect that you have some idea
of what the other subscribers are talking about.
You're so generous, Stebe.
So far, you've been want for such a demonstration in THIS forum,
I know you'd fail in them.
Steve, K4YZ
You got me there, Stebe. I don't know what you are talking about in
"THIS" forum, so why do you think I'd understand your rantings
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