RM-10808 --- Wexelbaum Redux
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October 14th 03, 08:10 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(N2EY) writes:
FCC disagrees with you, Len. They trust amateurs (like me, whose first
amateur radio license arrived in the mail exactly 36 years ago today)
to keep on learning as they go. At least enough to know the current
There is NO evidence of such implicit "trust" in all of Title 47 C.F.R.,
any radio service.
The Commission is NOT chartered or organized to be a promoter or
booster or provider of emotional sustenance for radio operator license
grantees. Radio serivce regulations of ALL radio serivices do not
expect emotional, nurturing "trust." Regulations REQUIRE obeyance
to the LAW. Disobediance to the law will result in possible arrest,
confinement, equipment seizure, and monetary loss.
Regulations, the LAW, requires ALL involved to be cognizant of
ALL changes which alter relevant LAW. That applies to ALL involved
regardless of their total time of involvement.
No emotional-level "trust" is involved. ALL are EXPECTED to obey
the EXISTING law and ANY changes in that law as it occurs. That is
basic to ALL LAW.
The Federal Communications Commission was created by the United
States Congress through the Communications Act of 1934. That act
of Congress did NOT specifically center on amateur radio nor did it
give any special dispensation in any way to radio amateurs. ALL
civil radio services (non-government, non-military) in the United States
are regulated by the FCC. Regulation of radio services does not involve
"trust." It involves expectation of obeyance of regulations. Failure to
obey regulations will result in governmental action to punish offenders.
All involved with any radio service activity are governed by regulations
applying to that radio service. That is the law. For all.
Try not to redifine basic law or governmental regulation...or attempt
coloring and distortion of personal activities with emotional sugar-coating
of artificial sweetener in a false claim of personal or like-group
and responsibility.
Try to stay within one light-year distance of the subject thread instead
of misdirecting into personal pettiness of perceived pompousness
through false claims.
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