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( Odd thing about this dish -- this one is a DishTV brand -- is that in
the original design for satellite reception, the driven element [ the "can", the input to the LMB ] was located low on the dish. In other words, the focus used in this design was off-center, about 30 degrees below the center axis of the dish. This would mean that aiming would be off-axis, too, yes? What is the reasoning behind this design? ) 1. Prevents the LNB converter from shadowing a major portion of the dishes surface with loss of gain. 2. Since the angle of the received signal is offset by the same number of degrees as the feedhorn offset, this results in a more vertically plumb dish surface that more readily sheds snow and ice buildup. Pete K1ZJH |
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Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those
thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. Calculating dish's focus point as f = ( d^^2 ) / ( 16 * c ) f = focus point above center of dish d = diameter of dish c = depth of dish at center With a circular, symmetrical parabolic dish, I presume that the focus is directly above the center. I've located the tiny antenna within the adapter as close to this point as i can. ( Odd thing about this dish -- this one is a DishTV brand -- is that in the original design for satellite reception, the driven element [ the "can", the input to the LMB ] was located low on the dish. In other words, the focus used in this design was off-center, about 30 degrees below the center axis of the dish. This would mean that aiming would be off-axis, too, yes? What is the reasoning behind this design? ) Yes, these dishes are designed/intended for an off-center LNB. They have a different radius of curvature in the horizontal and vertical dimensions. You won't be able to place an LNB (or access-point antenna) at an on-axis location and get a clean focus. The reason for an off-center focus arrangement is that it keeps the LNB or other driven element, and its support strut(s), out of the path between the satellite and the dish. This reduces diffraction effects, and results in a stronger signal and cleaner focus. I find 2 things: 1. It doesn't really matter where I point the dish. The signal varies a little bit when I approach the direction of the access point, but no "leaps and bounds" in the signal strength between being "dead on" and way off. 2. I pick up signals that aren't even in the direction of the access point. I'd guess that this is due to a combination of three effects: - You aren't getting a clean focus, because you're trying an on-axis focal position for a dish which isn't circularly symmetrical. Try re-attaching the LNB support arm which came with the dish, and mount the access point on this arm so that its antenna is at the location of the original LNB. - The dish was designed for frequencies higher than 802.11b - it's a bit small (in terms of wavelengths) to get a really clean focus at 2.4 GHz. Some people have had better results using the larger dishes originally intended for use with the lower-frequency Primestar system. - The access point's antenna is probably rather omnidirectional in at least one dimension - you're getting significant reception "off the back" of the antenna, via direct radiation which isn't being reflected from the dish. Commercial parabolic-dish antennas for 802.11b use are usually circularly symmetrical, with an on-axis feed arrangement consisting of a dipole or (often) a two- or three-element Yagi arrangment aimed towards the dish. I've gotten reasonably good results using a Dish Network dish and LNB support arm, with the LNB replaced by a homebrew biquad antenna and sheet-metal reflector. -- Dave Platt AE6EO Hosting the Jade Warrior home page: http://www.radagast.org/jade-warrior I do _not_ wish to receive unsolicited commercial email, and I will boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads! |
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That is one of the most ingenious sites I have ever seen those guys in NZ
are quite creative! Xanax. "DaveC" wrote in message al.net... Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. Calculating dish's focus point as f = ( d^^2 ) / ( 16 * c ) f = focus point above center of dish d = diameter of dish c = depth of dish at center With a circular, symmetrical parabolic dish, I presume that the focus is directly above the center. I've located the tiny antenna within the adapter as close to this point as i can. ( Odd thing about this dish -- this one is a DishTV brand -- is that in the original design for satellite reception, the driven element [ the "can", the input to the LMB ] was located low on the dish. In other words, the focus used in this design was off-center, about 30 degrees below the center axis of the dish. This would mean that aiming would be off-axis, too, yes? What is the reasoning behind this design? ) Setting up on the roof, finding the wireless access point's signal, I moved the wireless adapter around the focus point a little to maximize signal strength (I use the word "maximize" loosely...). I then aimed the dish around in the general direction of the access point, looking for a leap in signal strength (using a signal strength utility program to verify my aim ). I find 2 things: 1. It doesn't really matter where I point the dish. The signal varies a little bit when I approach the direction of the access point, but no "leaps and bounds" in the signal strength between being "dead on" and way off. 2. I pick up signals that aren't even in the direction of the access point. I tried rotating the dish on its axis to account for polarity mismatch ( would this really be an issue? ). No joy. The wireless adapter can receive signals well, generally, w/o a dish, but because of my location, reception of the desired signal is not great. I'm aware that reflections can be strong from nearby objects, so that could account for some pickup of signals in directions other than from their origin. Also, I suspect that the shallowness of the dish is a contributor. But the lack of directionality of the dish, in general, has me stumped. Have I miscalculated the focus? I understand that the ratio of focus-to-diameter of the dish is important; for 2.4 GHz, is best in the 0.25-0.55 range (this one is 0.69). Is this contributing to my problem? I used this web page as a reference: http://www.usbwifi.orcon.net.nz Any help would be greatly appreciated. If this is off-topic for any NG here, please let me know what is a more appropriate forum. Are there mailing lists for such topics? Thanks, -- DaveC This is an invalid return address Please reply in the news group --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.682 / Virus Database: 444 - Release Date: 12/05/2004 |
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DaveC wrote:
Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. In addition to the discussion[s] on focal point, the received signal gain from the 18 inch antenna is down approximately -14 dB from the 12 GHz nominal frequency for the satellite tv signals. There will be a further reduction from the off center feed [It's been 15 years since I ran the calculations and I'm too rusty at age 66 to do them now grin]. From old experience, I would expect somewhere around a 10 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 12 GHz and somewhere around 30 to 40 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 2.4 GHZ. So, a fairly broad pattern that you describe does not seem unreasonable. However, I invite a microwave engineer with more recent experience to comment and I'll freely accept a better analysis and conclusions. |
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On Wed, 12 May 2004 16:09:13 -0700, DaveC wrote: |Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those |thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. | |Calculating dish's focus point as f = ( d^^2 ) / ( 16 * c ) | f = focus point above center of dish | d = diameter of dish | c = depth of dish at center | |With a circular, symmetrical parabolic dish, I presume that the focus is |directly above the center. I've located the tiny antenna within the adapter |as close to this point as i can. | |( Odd thing about this dish -- this one is a DishTV brand -- is that in the |original design for satellite reception, the driven element [ the "can", the |input to the LMB ] was located low on the dish. In other words, the focus |used in this design was off-center, about 30 degrees below the center axis of |the dish. This would mean that aiming would be off-axis, too, yes? What is |the reasoning behind this design? ) | |Setting up on the roof, finding the wireless access point's signal, I moved |the wireless adapter around the focus point a little to maximize signal |strength (I use the word "maximize" loosely...). I then aimed the dish around |in the general direction of the access point, looking for a leap in signal |strength (using a signal strength utility program to verify my aim ). | |I find 2 things: |1. It doesn't really matter where I point the dish. The signal varies a |little bit when I approach the direction of the access point, but no "leaps |and bounds" in the signal strength between being "dead on" and way off. | |2. I pick up signals that aren't even in the direction of the access point. | |I tried rotating the dish on its axis to account for polarity mismatch ( |would this really be an issue? ). No joy. | |The wireless adapter can receive signals well, generally, w/o a dish, but |because of my location, reception of the desired signal is not great. | |I'm aware that reflections can be strong from nearby objects, so that could |account for some pickup of signals in directions other than from their |origin. Also, I suspect that the shallowness of the dish is a contributor. |But the lack of directionality of the dish, in general, has me stumped. Have |I miscalculated the focus? I understand that the ratio of focus-to-diameter |of the dish is important; for 2.4 GHz, is best in the 0.25-0.55 range (this |one is 0.69). Is this contributing to my problem? | |I used this web page as a reference: | |http://www.usbwifi.orcon.net.nz | |Any help would be greatly appreciated. | |If this is off-topic for any NG here, please let me know what is a more |appropriate forum. Are there mailing lists for such topics? | |Thanks, |
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In alt.internet.wireless DaveC wrote:
Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. With a circular, symmetrical parabolic dish, I presume that the focus is directly above the center. I've located the tiny antenna within the adapter as close to this point as i can. Oops. It's not circular or symmetric. I've heard that it is a portion of a parabola, rather than a parabola in itself, as if the oringal mounting point of the LNB were mounted in the predicted focal point of a larger piece of metal that did form a parabola. The proper focal point is wherever the antenna element was on the original LNB. The frequency doesn't matter. That's still the focal point. The next problem is knowing exactly where the antenna is in your USB widget, so that you can put it in the same spot. ( Odd thing about this dish -- this one is a DishTV brand -- is that in the original design for satellite reception, the driven element [ the "can", the input to the LMB ] was located low on the dish. In other words, the focus used in this design was off-center, about 30 degrees below the center axis of the dish. This would mean that aiming would be off-axis, too, yes? What is the reasoning behind this design? ) I think it's 22 degrees, but it is certainly "off". The old Primestar dishes often looked like they were pointing at the ground, instead of into the heavens. I tried rotating the dish on its axis to account for polarity mismatch ( would this really be an issue? ). No joy. My DLink DWL-122 USB adapter improves noticeably when the orientation is correct. I tried the face facing the WAP, horizontal and vertical, as well as edge on, horizontal and vertical. I didn't try end-on. For my setup the face on - horizontal was best. The wireless adapter can receive signals well, generally, w/o a dish, but because of my location, reception of the desired signal is not great. I put my USB widget 1" in front of a 9" pie tin. The 9" pie tin isn't really quite large enough. 1" was discovered empirically, and appears to be good for about 6db, according to Netstumbler. It is also far more stable with the pie tin, where without it the signal seems to wander. http://www.usbwifi.orcon.net.nz His wok is a parabola. That doesn't count for you. I was going to use a reflector like Trevor's BiQuad to feed the USB to a Dish-Dish, but my son cleaned out his garage and threw the dish away about a week before I asked for the dish ;-(. I think the reflector behind the USB widget, painting a parabola, should be a good combination. And the right focal point for the odd-shaped Dish-dish is important. http://www.trevormarshall.com/biquad.htm http://martybugs.net/wireless/biquad/ And my favorite site: http://www.nodomainname.co.uk/cantenna/cantenna.htm Where David uses a full sized USB adapter, pulling the antenna loose and sticking it through the side of a can. I might put my mini-usb inside a can. -- --- Clarence A Dold - Hidden Valley (Lake County) CA USA 38.8-122.5 |
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Actually, (gain wise), as, from memory, double the SIZE, (or conversely),
Double the Frequency, you gain 6 dB! lets see: these for 18 GHz, , lose 6 dB, for 9 GHz, Another 6, to 4.5 GIG, and another 6 to 2.25 GIG ! total, 18 dB loss! Now, as to the dish, IF the round one, what was stated about getting the feed centered is true, HOWEVER, if you have the ELEPTCIAL dish, these are made to view 2 SATELITES! and, even Directv is useing them!! Reason?? Has to do with "OTHER" services, like internet connects, and LOCAL TV feeds!! In esscence, the dish is aimed between 2 sattelites, allowing it to "see both sattelites at the same time. This allows aprox 2-3 HUNDERD more (local ) channels to be direct broadcast to your home (ABCBSNBCPBS) !! These are NOT very effecient antennas at 2.4 GHz, but, if you place your 802.11 feed, where the original feedpoint was for 18 GHz, most likely will be at the most effecient point. Also, buried in the RECIEVERS for satelite Recievers, they have aiming instructions for these dishs, by zip code, and you will note the different pointing instructions for them, both round and eliptical!! Hope this helps, Jim NN7K "Dave Shrader" wrote in message news:SCzoc.36401$xw3.2418212@attbi_s04... DaveC wrote: Working with 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless signal. Using USB adapter (one of those thumb-sized products) and an old 18-inch satellite TV dish. In addition to the discussion[s] on focal point, the received signal gain from the 18 inch antenna is down approximately -14 dB from the 12 GHz nominal frequency for the satellite tv signals. There will be a further reduction from the off center feed [It's been 15 years since I ran the calculations and I'm too rusty at age 66 to do them now grin]. From old experience, I would expect somewhere around a 10 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 12 GHz and somewhere around 30 to 40 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 2.4 GHZ. So, a fairly broad pattern that you describe does not seem unreasonable. However, I invite a microwave engineer with more recent experience to comment and I'll freely accept a better analysis and conclusions. |
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In addition to the discussion[s] on focal point, the received signal
gain from the 18 inch antenna is down approximately -14 dB from the 12 GHz nominal frequency for the satellite tv signals. There will be a further reduction from the off center feed [It's been 15 years since I ran the calculations and I'm too rusty at age 66 to do them now grin]. From old experience, I would expect somewhere around a 10 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 12 GHz and somewhere around 30 to 40 +/- ? degree beamwidth at 2.4 GHZ. So, a fairly broad pattern that you describe does not seem unreasonable. However, I invite a microwave engineer with more recent experience to comment and I'll freely accept a better analysis and conclusions. For a circular aperture--a good approximation-- the gain equation approximates to : 10 log (10 D(L)^2) where D(L) is the diameter of the aperture in wavelengths. If the dish is 0.45 meters, we get the following for the gains (assuming (naively) 100% aperture efficiency): Freq gain 12 GHz 35 dB 2.45 GHz 21 dB Thus Dave's accurate answer. Going off-axis lowers the aperture efficiency anywhere from 1-3 dB from ideal, although it usually is only 1 dB or so down from the losses of vignetting from the (centered) feed. So you're probably seeing about 18+ or so dB of gain. The FWHM of the beam is approximately 57/D(L) degrees. So at 2.4 GHz this is about 16 degrees to the 3 dB points. Possibly broadened by the feed arrangement and dish curvature , but the 30-40 degrees sounds a little high Dave. Not a microwave engineer; will a radio astronomer do:-)? 73, Chip N1IR |
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Oh, and one other consideration-- your 802.11 most likely , (for the want
of a better word) is "Omnidirectional" which is a lousey way to illuminate a dish!! A dish is much happier when it is illuminated with a beamwidth of say 60 degrees (for the sake of arguement), any other power outside that beamwidth isn't even hitting the dish (wasted energy, further decreaseing the gain )! Translation: if even a horn ,or a small yagi, ect. would make a much more effecient feed than a point source (radiating in ALL directions) You are starting with little gain, and overlapping (wasteing power) that is 2 strikes against you for directional gain!! Jim NN7K I Sent: Actually, (gain wise), as, from memory, double the SIZE, (or conversely), Double the Frequency, you gain 6 dB! lets see: these for 18 GHz, , lose 6 dB, for 9 GHz, Another 6, to 4.5 GIG, and another 6 to 2.25 GIG ! total, 18 dB loss! Now, as to the dish, IF the round one, what was stated about getting the feed centered is true, HOWEVER, if you have the ELEPTCIAL dish, these are made to view 2 SATELITES! and, even Directv is useing them!! Reason?? Has to do with "OTHER" services, like internet connects, and LOCAL TV feeds!! In esscence, the dish is aimed between 2 sattelites, allowing it to "see both sattelites at the same time. This allows aprox 2-3 HUNDERD more (local ) channels to be direct broadcast to your home (ABCBSNBCPBS) !! These are NOT very effecient antennas at 2.4 GHz, but, if you place your 802.11 feed, where the original feedpoint was for 18 GHz, most likely will be at the most effecient point. Also, buried in the RECIEVERS for satelite Recievers, they have aiming instructions for these dishs, by zip code, and you will note the different pointing instructions for them, both round and eliptical!! Hope this helps, Jim NN7K |