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This has been explained many times, to no avail.
So instead of one of us explaining it yet again, I suggest that you do the following experiment. It requires only a transmitter, one or two dummy loads, an SWR meter, and no more than five minutes of your time. 1. Connect the transmitter to either a dummy load or an antenna through the SWR meter and measure the SWR. 2. Connect the transmitter in parallel with a dummy load by using a tee connector. Connect this parallel combination to the input of the SWR meter, and the output of the SWR meter to the same load as before (dummy load or antenna). Do you see any change in the SWR? If you don't, then something is wrong with your theory -- since the source impedance is clearly different for the two measurements --, and you should take the effort of resolving it with your recent observations. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Richard Fry wrote: "Ian White, G3SEK"wrote: Richard Fry wrote: "Ian White, G3SEK wrote The meter measures nothing that involves the source, except the level of RF that it supplies. It does not respond in any way whatever to the source impedance. Not that I said it did in my part of the thread, but nevertheless the above statement is not strictly true. In the case where the source Z of the tx PA does not match its load Z (which is typical), power reflected from the load mismatch will at least partly be re-reflected from the PA -- which then contributes to the power sensed by a "wattmeter" in the output path. Sorry, that statement cannot be correct. It would mean that the impedance you measure at the near end of a transmission line (terminated by some arbitrary load at the far end) would depend on the internal impedance of the device that's doing the measuring - and that is not true, either in transmission-line theory or in the real world. It is a function only of the line and the load. etc ____________ How, then, do you explain the "ghost image" that can occur* in analog(ue) TV transmission systems arising from reflections at/near the antenna end of the station's transmission line? *with sufficient round-trip propagation time in the transmission line RF |
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Ian White, G3SEK wrote:
Reg Edwards wrote: For those who have forgotten how or have never measured SWR. Hang on, Reg - didn't you spend your career working on VLF cables that went under the ocean? How did you keep the water out of the slotted cable? And how far did you have to swim between Vmax and Vmin? Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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Let me suggest an additional exercise for Richard and anyone else that
believes that source impedance affects the SWR. Those of us who believe otherwise can easily calculate the SWR which will exist on a line, and the SWR that will be read by an SWR meter at any point in a system, by knowing simply the line length and impedance and the load impedance. We don't require knowledge of the source impedance. The equations we use can be found in numerous places, and these have been used for over a century to design working systems. You must use other equations to predict SWR -- equations which include source impedance. It would be very interesting to see those equations. Your equations and ours will predict different results from the simple test I proposed. So if you'll show us the equation you use to calculate SWR which includes source impedance, it'll be easy to see whether it's correct or not. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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Richard Clark wrote:
I see you have yet to respond to this very matter attended to quite at length by Chipman. I have recently realized that those terms in Chipman's equations are interference terms. EM wave interference is not understood very well by RF people although it is understood very well by optics people. For instance, the superposing of two coherent voltages in a Z0 environment is well known. Vtot = V1 + V2 (assume V1 and V2 are in phase) Squaring both sides and dividing by Z0 yields the power. Vtot^2/Z0 = (V1+V2)^2/Z0 Vtot^2/Z0 = V1^2/Z0 + V2^2/Z0 + (2*V1*V2)/Z0 Note that the first term to the right of the equals sign is the power associated with the V1 wave and the second term is the power associated with the V2 wave. The third term is the interference term. If V1 and V2 are in phase, the third term will be constructive interference. If the phase angle between V1 and V2 is less than 90 degrees, the interference is constructive, i.e. cos(theta) is positive. If V1 and F2 were 180 degrees out of phase, the interference would be destructive. If the phase angle between V1 and V2 is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees, the interference is destructive, i.e. cos(theta) is negative. Interference is the reason for those extra terms in Chipman's equations. It always happens when the sum of two voltages are squared to get the power. Reference: _Optics_, by Hecht. -- 73, Cecil http://www.qsl.net/w5dxp -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =----- |
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"Roy Lewallen" wrote
Let me suggest an additional exercise for Richard and anyone else that believes that source impedance affects the SWR. (etc) ____________________ Just one sec, please. I didn't say that the true SWR connected to the tx output connector was affected. I said that the RF power measured at the sample point(s) in the transmitter can be affected by the source and load impedances of the tx, for the reasons stated. The true load SWR does not change under these conditions, but it cannot then be determined by such a meter. Attempting to do so will yield some value, but it will be wrong. RF |
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![]() "Walter Maxwell" wrote in message ... On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 17:16:48 -0300, "Another Voice" wrote: **** Post for FREE via your newsreader at post.usenet.com **** "Richard Harrison" Just how short can a transmission line be and still enforce its Zo? The whole thing is perfectly clear if one imagines applying a step function (rising edge) to any short, even VERY short, length of transmission line. The current in the short line will be equal to V/Zo - at least until the reflections (if any) start arriving back at the input. If the line happen to be terminated with Zo, then no reflections and I=V/Zo is the steady state. The only issue of shortness is that a very short line means very short time until the reflections arrive. The step function makes things a lot easier to understand than RF. It 'enforces' the distinction between the transient period and steady state. IMO, the length of the line is irrelevant when using a device such as the Bruene bridge or a Bird 43. Each of those instruments are designed or adjusted to indicate the forward or reflected power, based on three things: 1) ratio of the foward and reflected voltages, the voltage reflection coefficient 2) the scale numbered from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates the reflection is zero, and 1 equals total reflection, but the significant point is that a 3:1 mismatch gives a reflection coefficient of 0.5, which then means that the half-scale reading of 0.5 indicates the 3:1 mismatch, or a 3:1 SWR, and 3) the device is so designed or adjusted so that the voltage ratios indicate the correct value because it's inherent characteristic impedance, Zo, is 50 ohms. Thus, no transmission line is necessary. For example, the device can be connected directly to the antenna terminals, or any other device you desire to determine the mismatch, and power it directly from the signal source--no transmission line is needed on either port for the device to indicate the degree of mismatch. Walt, W2DU Walt, I hope people are listening to what you are saying. I built up a Bruene meter in SWCAD using 0% tolerance components and other ideal parts. Works exactly like Bird claims their meter does, except that the error only depends on the PC floating point arithmetic. Transmission line or not makes no difference. BTW, it is kind of neat to see the directional coupler properties, by driving the two sides with different signals, and then being able to separate them. Tam/WB2TT |
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Sorry, I must have misinterpreted your earlier posting.
But we seem to now have a "true SWR" as opposed to some other kind of SWR. And "true SWR connected to the tx output" doesn't have any meaning at all to me. I also have no idea of what "sample points within the transmitter" might be. So let me explain what I (and virtually all published literature) mean by SWR. If we connect a transmitter to an SWR meter, and then to a long piece of lossless cable with the same Z0 as the SWR meter, and finally to a load, the SWR meter reading will be the same as the VSWR on the cable, i.e., the ratio of maximum to minimum voltages on the line. This ratio of voltages is, by definition, the VSWR -- which equals the ISWR, and is often referred to simply as SWR. If we measure or calculate the impedance seen looking into the line, then disconnect the line from the SWR meter and replace it and the load with lumped elements of the same impedance, the SWR meter reading won't change(*). Now, I can calculate the what the SWR meter reading will be under this condition also. In both cases, the source impedance won't affect the SWR meter reading, the positions or relative magnitudes of the maximum and minimum voltages on the line, or the voltage or current within the SWR meter line section. (This last condition assumes that the net power delivered by the source stays the same; otherwise, the ratio of voltage to current, and their phase angles, stay constant, regardless of the power delivered.) I have no idea how all this relates to your "true SWR". But do you agree with what I've said above? If not, I'll describe a couple of simple experiments which will test it against any alternative view you might propose. (*) We can also replace them with a load at the end of a line of different Z0. As long as we choose the load Z and the line length to make the impedance seen at the line input the same as before, the SWR meter will read the same as before -- even though it no longer equals the actual VSWR on the transmission line. The SWR meter is really indicating the impedance seen looking into the line, not in this case the actual line VSWR. (That's the essence of Reg's objection to the SWR meter designation. Of course, if I connect my ammeter across a resistor, it's not measuring the current through the resistor, either.) Roy Lewallen, W7EL Richard Fry wrote: "Roy Lewallen" wrote Let me suggest an additional exercise for Richard and anyone else that believes that source impedance affects the SWR. (etc) ____________________ Just one sec, please. I didn't say that the true SWR connected to the tx output connector was affected. I said that the RF power measured at the sample point(s) in the transmitter can be affected by the source and load impedances of the tx, for the reasons stated. The true load SWR does not change under these conditions, but it cannot then be determined by such a meter. Attempting to do so will yield some value, but it will be wrong. RF |
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Ian White, G3SEK wrote:
Reg Edwards wrote: For those who have forgotten how or have never measured SWR. Hang on, Reg - didn't you spend your career working on VLF cables that went under the ocean? How did you keep the water out of the slotted cable? And how far did you have to swim between Vmax and Vmin? Roy Lewallen, W7EL =============================== Water can be kept out of slotted cables by the ship's radio operator who never has anything else to do. We used to toss him overboard with a ladle and pump. On occasions we used the ship's doctor when he wasn't propping up the bar boozing duty-free scotch. Didn't have to swim anywhere. The propagation velocity is so low at ELF in sea water it is necessary only to sit on a stool in a diving suit and wait for the max's and min's to pass by. --- Reg. |
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"Roy Lewallen" wrote
But we seem to now have a "true SWR" as opposed to some other kind of SWR. And "true SWR connected to the tx output" doesn't have any meaning at all to me. My "true SWR" term is used is an attempt to differentiate between the SWR of the antenna system, and the inaccuracies associated with trying to measure it with devices that cannot isolate the incident power in the system from internal reflections of that power. For the conditions and reasoning outlined in my earlier posts in this thread, and even though the system SWR is a constant -- the normal SWR meter used in/with an operating transmitter working into a mismatched load won't have the ability to give strictly accurate measurement of that SWR. That is all I'm saying. I also have no idea of what "sample points within the transmitter" might be. In broadcast gear, these are the directional couplers whose pickup probes are inserted transversely into the coaxial line between the harmonic filter output and the tx output connector. I haven't been a licensed ham for over 40 years (when I went into the broadcast field), but I expect some ham txs might have the same setup. Otherwise it could be a Model 43 or the like inserted between the output connector of the ham tx and the transmission line to the antenna. I hope this is understandable now. RF |
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Richard Fry wrote:
Ian White wrote: The so-called SWR meter is a steady-state instrument, so it always makes sense to use that quicker, easier way of thinking. Since you're the one who chooses to think of this particular situation in terms of multiple reflections, any difficulties you encounter are entirely yours. This reads to me as though you know they are there, but choose to ignore them...? Oh no, quite the opposite - but since these difficulties are entirely of your own making, you get to do the work :-) If you ever see a conflict between two different theories that explain the same observed facts, then there's an error somewhere. We agree on the subject of conflict resolution, but apparently not on the location of the error. Thank you for the more detailed explanation below... which, sure enough, revealed where the error is. If the multiple-reflection theory is extrapolated to infinite time, so that it calculates results for the steady state, it *must* give identical results to the steady-state theory. But whenever the steady-state theory can be used, it will always get you there much more quickly. This is true only to the extent that all the power ever generated by the transmitter eventually either is radiated by the antenna or is dissipated by losses somewhere. That is exactly true in the steady state. For simplicity, let's assume a tx with a source impedance of zero ohms feeds a lossless transmission line of uniform impedance throughout its length to a mismatch at the far end. The mismatch reflects a percentage of the incident power back down the line to the tx, and continues to do so as long as the transmitter generates power. The tx will re-reflect the reflected power back to the far end -- in this case all of the reflected power it ever sees, in fact. To this easily-seen, real-world reality you agreed above ("Yes, that is a true observation, ..."). The re-reflections combine with the power generated by the tx at that instant to create a vector sum at the sample point used by the meter. There's the error: you can't "combine... power" in that way. You can only create vector sums of voltage; and separately, vector sums of current. To make the multiple-reflection theory work correctly, you have to do two separate vector sums at output port of the transmitter. First you add all the voltage vectors: the 1st (original) forward, the 1st reflected, the 2nd forward (re-reflected), 2nd reflected... and so on, summed to infinity to give the correct result for the steady state. Then you do the exactly same for all the forward and reflected current vectors. In order to account for reflection from the transmitter, you have to assume some value of source impedance. Any value will do, for reasons we'll see in a moment. Now you can calculate two things: the vector ratio, which is the complex impedance that the transmitter sees as a load; and the scalar product, which is the power the transmitter can deliver into that load. If you vary the source impedance of the transmitter, it will change all the summed voltage vectors and all the summed current vectors - but each voltage term in the sum will be changed by exactly the same factor as its corresponding current term. Certainly the product (the output power) will change, but the ratio (the load impedance) will not. So, when correctly worked out, the load impedance is *not* a function of the transmitter output impedance or the output power. Likewise, the indication of the SWR meter is not a function of either the transmitter output impedance or the output power - this last one being a well-known fact. -- 73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB) http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek |
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