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![]() Richard Fry wrote: . . . Statements on this newsgroup about the free space gain of a very short doublet antenna being not much less than a full-size 1/2-wave dipole might lead some people to conclusions different than shown in the FCC chart. Only if some erroneous statements were made here that I don't recall seeing or if a person doesn't look at the chart carefully. The chart shows that in the absence of ground loss (the "theoretical" curve), the difference in gain between a very short vertical and 0.25 wavelength high vertical is 0.4 dB (300 vs 314 mV/m). This is approximately the number I've quoted before on a number of occasions (0.45, or less than 0.5 dB). I don't recall seeing anyone here ever claim that this will be the gain difference of real antennas with loss (the other curve) -- as the antenna gets shorter, the radiation resistance drops, and so the fraction of power lost in the ground system increases. The curve clearly shows how strong this effect is when using the ground system adopted by AM broadcasters, and in fact the ground system resistance can be inferred from the graph. This was first described and shown in detail by Brown, Lewis, and Epstein in their classic 1937 paper. Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, built and measured a number of very short 40 meter verticals with elaborate ground systems to show that the loss could be kept very modest in a real installation. His experiments were published in QST in the '70s. One shouldn't overlook another potentially large cause of loss when using a very short antenna, either -- the matching network. Short dipoles and verticals have a large amount of capacitive reactance which requires an inductor to match, and loss in the inductor can become large compared to the antenna's feedpoint resistance. But like ground system loss, this isn't a loss inherent in the antenna itself. The actual performance of a vertical can be made to approach the "theoretical" curve arbitrarily closely with a sufficiently elaborate ground system. The system the broadcasters have chosen isn't pefect -- it's simply one that's been deemed to be good enough for the job at hand. Ground systems can be made which have lower loss. What you have to always keep in mind is that if you put 100 watts into a lossless antenna, 100 watts must be radiated. The lowest possible gain of such an antenna is 0 dBi, which is what you get if that 100 watts is spread equally in all directions. An infinitesimally short dipole has a directional pattern which is similar to that of a quarter wave dipole, just a little fatter. That's why its gain is a little less. Even though we can't ever build a lossless antenna, it's useful to understand them. It allows us to separate, and trade off as we wish, the various factors affecting gain and loss. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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The link below leads to a graphic on the FCC website showing the groundwave
field strength produced by 1kW from vertical radiators working against a radial ground system of 120 quarter-wave radials; the typical AM broadcast setup. The field strengths in the table do not include the affect of ground conductivity. They are related only to the "efficiency" (an FCC definition) of the radiator against the stated ground plane. Field strengths in the FCC chart range are empirical values, and range from ~190 mV/m for a 0.05 wavelength vertical to ~641 mV/m for a 0.625 wavelength vertical. This is a considerable range of field strength values for matched, simple antennas all driven with the same tx power. Statements on this newsgroup about the free space gain of a very short doublet antenna being not much less than a full-size 1/2-wave dipole might lead some people to conclusions different than shown in the FCC chart. "FWIW." http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/decdoc/s...3190fig8/2.gif RF |
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Roy Lewallen wrote:
. . . . . . An infinitesimally short dipole has a directional pattern which is similar to that of a quarter wave dipole, just a little fatter. That's why its gain is a little less. . . . I really meant "half wave dipole", although the statement is still true as written. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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![]() "Roy Lewallen" wrote in message ... Roy Lewallen wrote: . . . . . . An infinitesimally short dipole has a directional pattern which is similar to that of a quarter wave dipole, just a little fatter. That's why its gain is a little less. . . . I really meant "half wave dipole", although the statement is still true as written. Roy Lewallen, W7EL The input impedance of a 0.05 wavelength monopole, over a perfectly conducting ground plane, is 0.836 - j1331. Using a shunt "L" series "C" matching network -- inductor Q of 300 -- indicates a network loss of 9 dB. Frank |
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"Roy Lewallen" wrote
The chart shows that in the absence of ground loss (the "theoretical" curve), the difference in gain between a very short vertical and 0.25 wavelength high vertical is 0.4 dB (300 vs 314 mV/m). This is approximately the number I've quoted before on a number of occasions (0.45, or less than 0.5 dB). ___________________ However even when using the theroretical plot, the field difference between 0.25 lambda and 0.5 lambda radiators is 1.65 dB (380 vs 314). Going from 1/4 wave to 5/8 wave the field ratio is even mo almost 3 dB (440 vs 314). I have seen it written on this NG that an improvement of antenna gain of as little as 1dB is worthwhile. RF PS: I see I read the wrong side of the chart in my earlier post. Thanks for your mercy g. Well, the point was right, even if the numbers were wrong. /RF |
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Richard Fry wrote:
"---range from about 690 mV/m for a 0.05 wavelength vertical to about 641 mV/m for a 0.625 wavelength vertical. On page 871 of the 1955 edition of Terman`s "Electronics and Radio Engineering" is Table 23-1, "Directive Gain of Simple Antennas Relative to Isotropic Radiator". The directive gain of an elementary doublet, assumed to be infinitesimally short, is given as 1.5. A resonant 1/2-wave wire is given a gain of 1.64 in the same table. Terman says on page 870: "Directive gain depends entirely on the distribution in space of radiated power." So, the miniscule doublet puts 1.5 x as much power in its best direction as does an isotropic. This is 1.76 dBi according to Kraus. From Terman`s dB table on page 8, a power gain of 1.5 is a little less than 2 dB gain. Kraus says 1.76 dB. A power ratio of 1.64 is more tha 2 dB, but less than 2.5 dB gain. The gain difference between a tiny dipole and a 1/2-wave dipole is almost insignificant. Certainly it is less than 1 dB. Kraus`s 3rd edition of "Antennas" has Figure 6-2 pn page 192 which gives gains of common antennas: An isotropic (uncommon) has a directivity of h1.00, and a gain of 0 dBi. An elementary dipole has a directivity of 1.5, and a gain of 1.76 dBi. a 1/2-wave dipole has a directivity of 1.64 and a gain of 2.15 dBi A short monopole gas a directivity of 3 and a gain of 4.8 dBi. A 1/4-wave monopole has a directivity of 3.28 and a gain of 5.2 dBi. A 1/2-wave monopole has a directivity of 4.8 and a gain of 6,8 dBi. With specific gain figures, we don`t need to characterize figures as large or small. I just hope I copied them correctly. Better yet, get your own copy of Kraus. It`s in print and well worth the price. Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI |
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"Richard Harrison" wrote:
The directive gain of an elementary doublet, assumed to be infinitesimally short, is given as 1.5. A resonant 1/2-wave wire is given a gain of 1.64. The gain difference between a tiny dipole and a 1/2-wave dipole is almost insignificant. Certainly it is less than 1 dB. ______________ This is all true, of course, but might lead some to the invalid conclusion that it also applies to monopoles (whips) of 1/2 wavelength or less working against a ground plane, such as in mobile operations or back yard verticals. When a vertical radiator works against a perfect ground plane, the electrical length of that radiator effectively is doubled. So in reality an electrical "1/4-wave vertical" has twice the gain of a *1/2-wave* dipole because of the image effect of the ground plane, and the fact that all radiation is confined to one hemisphere (above ground). Note in your quote from Kraus, p 192 that the short monopole and the 1/4-wave monopole each have 3dB more gain, respectively, than the free space elementary (short) dipole and the 1/2-wave dipole he also lists there. Using your statements above the line, one might think that it rather pointless to use anything longer than a 1/4-wave vertical. But going from a 1/4-wave to a 1/2-wave vertical in fact will add ~1.6dB of gain at the peak of the pattern envelope, and a 5/8-wave vertical will add almost 3dB. These are worthwhile improvements in system performance. Broadcast engineering consultants have recognized this, and used it to advantage for decades. Better yet, get your own copy of Kraus. It`s in print and well worth the price. Good advice (I already have it). RF |
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Richard Fry wrote:
. . . Using your statements above the line, one might think that it rather pointless to use anything longer than a 1/4-wave vertical. But going from a 1/4-wave to a 1/2-wave vertical in fact will add ~1.6dB of gain at the peak of the pattern envelope, and a 5/8-wave vertical will add almost 3dB. These are worthwhile improvements in system performance. Broadcast engineering consultants have recognized this, and used it to advantage for decades. . . . It's important to realize that the graphs you posted are for surface wave field strengths. This is equivalent to far field strengths at zero elevation angle over perfect ground. Amateurs seldom communicate by surface wave, except for local contacts. When the vertical is surrounded by real ground, attenuation of the sky wave at lower angles occurs. One of the results of this is that the antennas which concentrate energy more at lower angles end up losing a greater fraction of the total radiated energy. This tends to decrease the gain difference between a 5/8 and 1/4 wave vertical, for example, over a typical sky wave path. In the case of VHF/UHF mobile operations, which are essentially line of sight, the finite size of most ground planes (e.g. a car top) can affect the pattern considerably, again altering the gain difference between various heights of verticals. While there's an extensive body of well established and proven knowledge in the broadcast industry, we have to be careful in applying it to typical amteur communications. Often, the conditions are different (as in this discussion, of surface vs sky wave propagation; or fixed vs variable frequency operation), and the important criteria are different (a few percent difference in coverage area is important to a broadcaster because of its impact on advertising revenue, but a fraction of a dB is seldom important to an amateur; a broadcast phased array can take a long time to design and adjust, but amateurs want to switch or change directions). So we can't just assume that an antenna or method that's best for a broadcaster is best for us. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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"Roy Lewallen" wrote:
Amateurs seldom communicate by surface wave, except for local contacts. When the vertical is surrounded by real ground, attenuation of the sky wave at lower angles occurs. One of the results of this is that the antennas which concentrate energy more at lower angles end up losing a greater fraction of the total radiated energy. This tends to decrease the gain difference between a 5/8 and 1/4 wave vertical, for example, over a typical sky wave path. __________________ I investigated your concept statements using NEC-2 models of 1/4-wave and 5/8-wave verticals in the 40m band (7.3MHz), working against the same infinite ground plane of "Average" parameters. * The 5/8-wave vertical has a peak gain of 0.2dBi, 16 degrees above the horizon. * The 1/4-wave vertical has a peak gain of -6.4dBi, 26 degrees above the horizon, and its entire radiation envelope is always within that of the 5/8-wave. I don't know which range of elevation angles is considered most useful for skywave paths on 40m, but it would appear that with equal tx power, a 5/8-wave vertical always will have a usefully better skywave than a 1/4-wave vertical over a typical ground plane -- and probably by more than 3dB. If you could check my conclusions on this I'd be grateful. RF |
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It sounds like you might have made the mistake of connecting a wire
directly to Sommerfeld or reflection coefficient ground. Doing this with NEC-2 (or EZNEC) produces a resistance of unpredictable and meaningless value at the connection point, lowering the indicated field strength by an unpredictable amount. (EZNEC gives you a warning message when you try to do this.) EZNEC provides an option not available in NEC-2, a "MININEC-type" ground. This functions as a perfect ground when calculating impedances and currents, but uses the user-specified ground constants (conductivity and dielectric constant) when calculating the pattern. It simulates an antenna with a lossless ground system, allowing you to separately see the effect of ground conductivity on the pattern without the magnitude of the field being affected by changes in the ground system loss. The best you can do with either EZNEC or NEC-2 if you want to include ground system loss is to include radial wires just above the ground in the model and connect the vertical to them. Then, however, any differences you see will hold only for that particular ground system -- and, the above-ground approximation isn't a terrifically accurate representation of a buried system. Using the MININEC-type ground with EZNEC (and only 10 segments, so this can easily be done with the demo program) and starting with the Vert1.ez example file, the gain of a resonant (~0.24 wavelength) high vertical at 7 MHz with "average" ground is -0.0 dBi at an elevation angle of 26 degrees. Changing the height to 0.625 wavelengths (easily done by first changing Units to Wavelengths) produces a maximum gain of 1.19 dBi at 15 degrees elevation angle. The 1/4 wave trace protrudes outside the 5/8 wave trace only from about 25 to 41 degree elevation. But more interesting is the gain difference at various low elevation angles. The comparison is easily done with EZNEC v. 4.0 by saving the trace from one antenna, then superimposing that pattern on the pattern of the second antenna. By clicking the name of the superimposed pattern in the 2D plot window, a new entry appears in the data box showing the difference between the two at the angle of the cursor. It turns out that the 5/8 wave really shines at really low angles when the ground is poor, but isn't so impressive when the ground is very good -- at least at 7 MHz. Over average ground, the gain difference is at or just above 3 dB up to about 10 degrees. (My explanation of the reason for the difference over real ground was overly simplistic. I apologize.) Above 10 degrees, the difference decreases. Over poor ground, the gain difference is about 4.5 dB up to 5 degrees, and over 4 at 10. So if you have poor ground, you can really benefit from a higher radiator. Over very good ground, though, the difference is about 2 dB up to 5 degrees elevation, only 1.2 at 10 degrees, and less than a dB at 12 degrees and above. So it might or might not be worthwhile to extend the height of a tower for that amount of benefit. Those figures depend on frequency, too, and the pattern shape varies considerably with frequency and ground characteristics. So modeling the particular situation would be a good idea before doing any expensive and extensive tower lengthening. In all the cases I looked at, however, the 5/8 wave vertical did show some gain over a quarter wave vertical up to at least 14 degrees. Whether the difference is worth the added height is up to the individual. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Richard Fry wrote: __________________ I investigated your concept statements using NEC-2 models of 1/4-wave and 5/8-wave verticals in the 40m band (7.3MHz), working against the same infinite ground plane of "Average" parameters. * The 5/8-wave vertical has a peak gain of 0.2dBi, 16 degrees above the horizon. * The 1/4-wave vertical has a peak gain of -6.4dBi, 26 degrees above the horizon, and its entire radiation envelope is always within that of the 5/8-wave. I don't know which range of elevation angles is considered most useful for skywave paths on 40m, but it would appear that with equal tx power, a 5/8-wave vertical always will have a usefully better skywave than a 1/4-wave vertical over a typical ground plane -- and probably by more than 3dB. If you could check my conclusions on this I'd be grateful. RF |
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