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On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 12:44:12 -0500, Gary Schafer
wrote: Try it and you will be surprised. 73 Gary K4FMX I have at 2400mhz too! Down around DC (sub 30mhz) your "pin" is a short and the effects are mostly (though measurable) a shorted coax with all the effects as expected. As you get up there in frequency the "short" as described doesn't behave as it did at DC. The problem is similar to another thread concerning real world components where the discussion finally recognized that like other real world components a short is not always what it may look like. Allison |
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Paul Burridge k wrote: I have at 2400mhz too! Down around DC (sub 30mhz) your "pin" is a short and the effects are mostly (though measurable) a shorted coax with all the effects as expected. As you get up there in frequency the "short" as described doesn't behave as it did at DC. The problem is similar to another thread concerning real world components where the discussion finally recognized that like other real world components a short is not always what it may look like. Sigh... I can't differentiate between you and that other chap on this issue. You both cite perfectly legitimate grounds and come to entirely separate conclusions. You can't both be right, but neither of you seem to be wrong! Can we focus down on *one* issue to avoid disappearing up our own backsides: as far as the tx is concerned, is the portion of the feed line beyond the pin relevant at all or does it effectively cease to exist, as would be the case at VLF/DC? It's really a question of the problem domain - that is, what are the frequencies involved, and what are the sizes of the feedline and the "width" of the shorting bar/pin? Allison and I have been talking about rather different sets of test conditions. I think we're actually in "violent agreement" about what actually goes on. At upper-UHF and microwave frequencies, I agree that Allison is correct. The length of the pin is a significant fraction of a wavelength, and it thus does not behave as a true short circuit - rather, it's an inductor of significant value shunted across the transmission line. At these frequencies, in this problem domain, you have to consider the shunt combination of two non-zero impedances. "Shorting" the feedline with this 'straight pin' inductor will probably have a significant effect on the impedance seen by the transmitter, but it won't be as simple as I had portrayed. At HF (and, I think, VHF up through the 2-meter frequency range) a shorting pin of perhaps 1/4" in length is a negligible fraction of a wavelength long. Whatever small amount of inductance it introduces will have a reactive impedance whose magnitude is far below that of the 50-ohm load, and its very high admittance will swamp the lower admittance of the load. Hence, the load impedance will be of negligible importance in deciding what the transmitter "sees" at these frequencies, under these conditions... the transmitter "sees" only the impedance of the short itself, transformed by however much line is between transmitter and short. If I can find a scrap BNC male connector, and make a shorting-plug out of it, I'll run the coax-and-T experiment I suggested, and post some actual numbers for the systems's behavior at those frequencies I can coerce out of my MFJ-269. -- Dave Platt AE6EO Hosting the Jade Warrior home page: http://www.radagast.org/jade-warrior I do _not_ wish to receive unsolicited commercial email, and I will boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads! |
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If I can find a scrap BNC male connector, and make a shorting-plug out
of it, I'll run the coax-and-T experiment I suggested, and post some actual numbers for the systems's behavior at those frequencies I can coerce out of my MFJ-269. OK, I ran the test, and the results are pretty much as I had anticipated. Although the test arrangement and gear isn't lab-standard, I think it's good enough to confirm the basic principles. Test equipment: MFJ-259 antenna analyzer, with an N-to-BNC adapter. Transmission line and load: 12' length of RG-58 coax, with a 50-ohm Ethernet terminator attached to the end. Shorting insertion: an additional 6' length of RG-58, with a couple of BNC "T" adapters, which can be inserted between the analyzer and the T-line-and-load. If the shorting plug is inserted it'll be 6' from the analyzer and 12' from the load. Short circuit: a male BNC plug, with a short inserted between center pin and shell as far down inside the shell as possible. First test: check quality of T-line and load, using only the 12' section of RG-58 between analyzer and load. Note that the Imag(load) numbers do not indicate the sign of the reactance... the MFJ won't do that, alas. Frequency Real(load) Imag(load) Indicated SWR 2.5 52 4 1.0 5 58 6 1.2 10 57 7 1.2 15 49 1 1.0 20 56 6 1.1 50 54 2 1.1 144 51 4 1.0 166 59 8 1.2 440 1.4 Impression: either the RG-58 or the Ethernet terminator isn't exactly 50 ohms (not unexpected) or the MFJ's calibration isn't perfect (likewise) but the figures are good enough to let us draw some reasonable conclusions. Second test: insert the 6' RG-58 and its T connectors between the analyzer and the 12' section. See how much this additional length of line, and the parasitics of the T connectors, affect the load and SWR. Frequency Real(load) Imag(load) Indicated SWR 2.5 54 4 1.1 5 59 5 1.2 10 50 10 1.2 15 49 1 1.0 20 51 8 1.1 50 48 5 1.1 144 50 4 1.0 166 40 2 1.2 440 1.1 Impression: the measured values change a bit, but the SWRs are close or identical (save for the 440 measurement). The additional length of line, and the parasitics from the T connectors, are shifting things around a bit (especially at 440)... not unexpected. Third test: connect the shorting plug to one of the T connectors. See what "pinning the line" does to the analyzer's view of the load. Frequency Real(load) Imag(load) Indicated SWR 2.5 0 6 31 5 0 12 31 10 1 26 31 15 1 43 31 20 2 70 31 50 0 44 28.7 144 7 33 15.4 166 166 353 13.0 440 5 Impression: yeah, that looks like a short circuit, transformed via a feedline. Nothing close to a 50-ohm-resistive load shows up at any of the test frequencies. Fourth test: disconnect the 50-ohm load from the end of the 12' line, creating an abrupt change in the load impedance. See what this does to the figures from the third test - how much of the antenna load change gets back "around" the short? Frequency Real(load) Imag(load) Indicated SWR 2.5 0 6 31 5 0 12 31 10 1 25 31 15 1 43 31 20 2 70 31 50 6 44 29.0 144 6 30 18.5 166 133 317 14.1 440 5 Impression: changing the antenna load from 50-ohms-resistive to near-infinite made a slight change in the impedance seen by the analyzer, but not much at all at any frequency. The presence of the short circuit 6 feet from the analuzer is still dominating the load that the analyzer "sees". Special-distance test: with the short, and the 50-ohm load both in place, sweep the analyzer frequency around the ranges at which the analyzer-to-short distance is around 1/4 and 1/2 wavelength. See if we can "see past" the short under these conditions. Measurements: with the short circuit in place, and a 50-ohm load at the end of the 12' line, an impedance peak (Z1500 ohms) is noted when sweeping between 32.14 MHz and 32.94 MHz. An impedance minimum (Real(load) of 2-3 ohms, Imag(load) of 0 ohms) is noted between 65.7 MHz and 65.85 MHz. The indicated SWR remains high (22 or above) at all frequencies between the impedance maximum and impedance minimum... there's no point at which the load resembles anything like "50 ohms resistive, little reactive component". Removing the 50-ohm load, and thus open-circuiting the antenna feedline, has no significant effect on the impedance as seen at the quarter-wavelength maximum, at the half-wavelength minimum, or at points in between. Impression: we cannot "see past" the short circuit, no matter whether it's a quarter-wavelength from the transmitter, a half-wavelength, or some distance in between these two. The analyzer "sees" only what would be expected for a short circuit, transformed by 6' of coax. Short-circuit quality test: measure impedance of the shorted BNC plug. At 16 MHz and below, the MFJ-269 shows it as 0+0j. Above 16 MHz, some reactance shows up... 2 ohms at 28 MHz, 3 ohms at 42 MHz, 4 ohms and 55 MHz, 8 ohms at 112 MHz, 10 ohms at 144 MHz, 12 ohms at 169 MHz. The inductance of the shorted plug itself, and/or the length of the N-to-BNC adapter on the analyzer, is having some effect. SWR remains unreadably high: 31 up through VHF and 5 on 440. It's not the highest-quality "short circuit" in the world, for certain, but at HF and VHF it's close enough for our purposes here. So... what do I conclude from this? I conclude that at HF and VHF frequencies, if you accidentally short your transmitter-to-antenna coaxial feedline (with a pin, nail, or a loose strand of coax braid which "gets loose" inside a connector), you're going to present your transmitter with an unrealistic load (high, low, or nastily reactive) and that the power flow up the feedline is going to stop at the short circuit. Since no "short circuit" in the real world is going to have 0+0j impedance, this isn't *absolutely* true, but you can probably consider it to be *practically* true and correct at these frequencies, with this sort of shorting. I further conclude that with respect to the above, there's no 'magic' about shorts which happen to occur at a quarter-wavelength distance from the transmitter. In this situation, the transmitter will 'see' something which behaves like a quarter-wavelength shorted stub... the load further up the transmission line at the antenna remains 'invisible' to the transmitter. At high-UHF and SHF/microwave frequencies, where a direct "short" is likely to be a significant fraction of a wavelength, then the additional reactance of the "short" will certainly affect how the undesired connection affects what the transmitter "sees". It may hurt, or help (helping to "tune out" reactance from the antenna itself), or may be completely invisible. Allison is entirely correct on this point, under these particular conditions. -- Dave Platt AE6EO Hosting the Jade Warrior home page: http://www.radagast.org/jade-warrior I do _not_ wish to receive unsolicited commercial email, and I will boycott any company which has the gall to send me such ads! |
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On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 08:04:02 -0600, "Richard Fry"
wrote: wrote At VHF and up it's common to use a shorted 1/4 wave section for second harmonic suppression at the output. Very effective and dirt cheap. The finals are not the least bit bothered. ___________ Yes, and in typical configuration it is an electrical 1/4-wave coaxial section connected in parallel with both conductors of the main transmission line. It does not terminate the main transmission line, so this application/example is not very relevant to the "pin through the coax" question of the OP. And it would not result in a dead short at the carrier frequency, no matter where it is located in the output system. Some FM broadcast antennas also include them to supply a DC short from inner to outer conductors of the antenna coax to provide some protection from lightning. A 1/4-wave shorted stub is used at frequencies as low as the MW broadcast band. The need there is to add a deep notch at stations whose 2nd harmonic falls in the broadcast band. This stub is used to add to the attenuation of the already compliant 2nd harmonic level coming out of the tx, but which, without the stub can be heard on broadcast receivers within a short distance from the broadcast antenna site. WJR (760 kHz) is one station using this technique. That just strikes me as plain stoopid. At MW, such filtering would be far better achieved by lumped elements. A quarter wave stub at such frequencies appears impractical, unwieldy and rather expensive! -- "What is now proved was once only imagin'd" - William Blake |
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At VHF and up it's common to use a shorted 1/4 wave section for second harmonic suppression at the output. Very effective and dirt cheap. The finals are not the least bit bothered. ___________ Yes, and in typical configuration it is an electrical 1/4-wave coaxial section connected in parallel with both conductors of the main transmission line. It does not terminate the main transmission line, so this application/example is not very relevant to the "pin through the coax" question of the OP. And it would not result in a dead short at the carrier frequency, no matter where it is located in the output system. Some FM broadcast antennas also include them to supply a DC short from inner to outer conductors of the antenna coax to provide some protection from lightning. A 1/4-wave shorted stub is used at frequencies as low as the MW broadcast band. The need there is to add a deep notch at stations whose 2nd harmonic falls in the broadcast band. This stub is used to add to the attenuation of the already compliant 2nd harmonic level coming out of the tx, but which, without the stub can be heard on broadcast receivers within a short distance from the broadcast antenna site. WJR (760 kHz) is one station using this technique. RF (WJR engr in mid-1960s) |
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"Paul Burridge" wrote
A 1/4-wave shorted stub is used at frequencies as low as the MW broadcast band. The need there is to add a deep notch at stations whose 2nd harmonic falls in the broadcast band. This stub is used to add to the attenuation of the already compliant 2nd harmonic level coming out of the tx, but which, without the stub can be heard on broadcast receivers within a short distance from the broadcast antenna site. WJR (760 kHz) is one station using this technique. (RF quote) That just strikes me as plain stoopid. At MW, such filtering would be far better achieved by lumped elements. A quarter wave stub at such frequencies appears impractical, unwieldy and rather expensive! ____________ It also provides a low-impedance and fairly wideband path to ground for the insulated, series-fed tower used by most broadcast stations -- which drains off any static charges that may collect on the tower, and so reduces the probability of lightning strikes. Lumped elements are less effective at this. RF |
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![]() "Paul Burridge" k wrote in message ... That just strikes me as plain stoopid. At MW, such filtering would be far better achieved by lumped elements. A quarter wave stub at such frequencies appears impractical, unwieldy and rather expensive! -- Even at 50 KW? 73, Steve, K,9.D;C'I P.S. I suspect it is air line, no? |
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