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I have a Heathkit SB-401 transmitter I refurbished a few years back
that exhibits a couple of peculiarities during tune-up: 1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. 2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. This really isn’t problem--just a nag. I monitor my on-air signal with an SB-610 monitor scope and the output looks fine. -Dave, K3WQ |
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On 07/07/2011 08:33 PM, David wrote:
I have a Heathkit SB-401 transmitter I refurbished a few years back that exhibits a couple of peculiarities during tune-up: 1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. 2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. This really isn’t problem--just a nag. I monitor my on-air signal with an SB-610 monitor scope and the output looks fine. -Dave, K3WQ A pale blue glow can be a normal ionization glow, doesn't mean gas. The tank circuit on most rigs for 80 meters tends to be low Q which means it will tune broadly. If the the plate current dip and max power output doesn't match it could mean a miss-match between your antenna and the rig, IE: high SWR. The tank circuit on the '401 is designed to match between a 50 ohm load, stray too far from that and the tank doesn't tune correctly, 80 meters is the worst in this regard due to the limited range of the variable caps on that band. No grid current? check your bias setting, driver tube OK? |
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On Jul 7, 8:42*pm, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
A pale blue glow can be a normal ionization glow, doesn't mean gas. The tank circuit on most rigs for 80 meters tends to be low Q which means it will tune broadly. *If the the plate current dip and max power output doesn't match it could mean a miss-match between your antenna and the rig, IE: high SWR. *The tank circuit on the '401 is designed to match between a 50 ohm load, stray too far from that and the tank doesn't tune correctly, 80 meters is the worst in this regard due to the limited range of the variable caps on that band. No grid current? *check your bias setting, driver tube OK?- Hide quoted text - The maximum-output-not-at-plate-current-dip problem occurs when I use my 50 Ohm dummy load. Incidentally, the 401 is specified for output (antenna) loads between 50 and 75 Ohms. I suspect this is why the LOAD control has little effect on the tuning. Honestly, it's the no-grid-current problem that has me more puzzled. I've checked the grid meter circuit and found the resistors to be OK. Just for kicks, I may open up the 401 and check the them again. The meter works fine for other measurements (plate current, peak output voltage, etc.), so I don't think it's the problem. -Dave, K3WQ |
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On 7/7/2011 5:33 PM, David wrote:
I have a Heathkit SB-401 transmitter I refurbished a few years back that exhibits a couple of peculiarities during tune-up: 1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. 2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. This really isn’t problem--just a nag. I monitor my on-air signal with an SB-610 monitor scope and the output looks fine. -Dave, K3WQ The blue glow on the glass is from electrons striking the glass. That is not a problem. If the glow is inside the plate (between the plate and grid) that is gas. In my experience, the tuning problem is from not completely neutralizing the amplifier. Bill K7NOM |
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Q1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final
amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. R1) If this problem only occurs on 80 meters it means that, although the tubes are correctly neutralized, some particular effect occurs just on 80 meters which alters the zeroing of the neutralization bridge on that band. The most likely cause could be a bypass capacitor having too low a capacity (the reactance of a capacitor decreases with frequency). For instance, your screen bypass capacitor may result to have enough capaciity for the 10-40 meters needs, but not enough capacity for 80 meters. If so, neutralization on that band would be upset. The same could occur due to a too low capacity cathode bypass capacitor. A possibility could be that one bypass capacitor has got "open" (at those times it was not uncommon to put several bypass capacitors in parallel, so that, if one capacitor gets open, the total bypass capacity decreases). So, the simplest thing to do is to try putting a bypass capacitor (say 0.01 uF with appropriate voltage rating) in parallel with the existing one, on both the final tubes cathode and screen, and see what happens. Q2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. R2) Having no grid current is usually due to the fact that the driver tube does not deliver enough drive power into the final tubes grid. Although this could possibly be due to a weak driver tube, the most likely cause is that the driver stage (or the stages before that) are not well adjusted. You could then try performing the adjustment procedure described in the manual. In any case, having no grid current does not cause any problem. Probably you now get a somewhat lower RF output power than if the final tubes grid would be driven harder. 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy |
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On Jul 12, 6:14*pm, "Antonio Vernucci" wrote:
Q1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. R1) If this problem only occurs on 80 meters it means that, although the tubes are correctly neutralized, some particular effect occurs just on 80 meters which alters the zeroing of the neutralization bridge on that band. The most likely cause could be a bypass capacitor having too low a capacity (the reactance of a capacitor decreases with frequency). For instance, your screen bypass capacitor may result to have enough capaciity for the 10-40 meters needs, but not enough capacity for 80 meters. If so, neutralization on that band would be upset. The same could occur due to a too low capacity cathode bypass capacitor. A possibility could be that one bypass capacitor has got "open" (at those times it was not uncommon to put several bypass capacitors in parallel, so that, if one capacitor gets open, the total bypass capacity decreases). So, the simplest thing to do is to try putting a bypass capacitor (say 0.01 uF with appropriate voltage rating) in parallel with the existing one, on both the final tubes cathode and screen, and see what happens. Q2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. *However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. *So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). *The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. R2) Having no grid current is usually due to the fact that the driver tube does not deliver enough drive power into the final tubes grid. Although this could possibly be due to a weak driver tube, the most likely cause is that the driver stage (or the stages before that) are not well adjusted. You could then try performing the adjustment procedure described in the manual. In any case, having no grid current does not cause any problem. Probably you now get a somewhat lower RF output power than if the final tubes grid would be driven harder. 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy Tony, Thank you! I'll try your suggestion of placing additional caps in parallel with the existing bypass caps. Incidentally, I found a spare set of 6146 tubs, installed them in the SB-401 and tuned-up on 80 meters. Even though I didn't neutralize the tubes, the '401 exhibited the same behavior I described above. This suggests the problem is not with the tubes, but with some other component. Yeah, come to think of it, little or no grid current isn't anything much to worry about. The 6146s are pentodes. Their grids shouldn't draw much power, in any. I think the narrative in the manual is misleading. -Dave, K3WQ |
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Thank you! I'll try your suggestion of placing additional caps in parallel with the existing bypass caps. Incidentally, I found a spare set of 6146 tubs, installed them in the SB-401 and tuned-up on 80 meters. Even though I didn't neutralize the tubes, the '401 exhibited the same behavior I described above. This suggests the problem is not with the tubes, but with some other component. Yeah, come to think of it, little or no grid current isn't anything much to worry about. The 6146s are pentodes. Their grids shouldn't draw much power, in any. I think the narrative in the manual is misleading. -Dave, K3WQ Hi Dave when you'll have done the test, please let me now as I am curious to know whether the extra capacitor helps. The screen capacitor is the most critical one because, if the screen does well shield the plate from the grid, the neutralization bridge gets obviously altered. Yes, there should not be much grid current. Anyway, if you get the RF output power you are supposed to get, you may forget that grid current issue and you would be all set. 73 Tony, I0JX Rome Italy |
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If the problem is ONLY on 80 meters then the issue may be with the
output loading capacitor. On 80 meters the three gang variable loading capacitor isn't big enough so the band switch adds an additional fixed cap in parallel. Maybe that cap has gone bad or the switch is not making contact on that band. Try putting a 500pf 500v cap in parallel with the output loading capacitor and try it on 80 meters. On 07/12/2011 06:14 PM, Antonio Vernucci wrote: Q1) First, on 80 meters (and only 80 meters) when I tune the final amp’s plate circuit, the plate current dip point does not correspond to maximum output. R1) If this problem only occurs on 80 meters it means that, although the tubes are correctly neutralized, some particular effect occurs just on 80 meters which alters the zeroing of the neutralization bridge on that band. The most likely cause could be a bypass capacitor having too low a capacity (the reactance of a capacitor decreases with frequency). For instance, your screen bypass capacitor may result to have enough capaciity for the 10-40 meters needs, but not enough capacity for 80 meters. If so, neutralization on that band would be upset. The same could occur due to a too low capacity cathode bypass capacitor. A possibility could be that one bypass capacitor has got "open" (at those times it was not uncommon to put several bypass capacitors in parallel, so that, if one capacitor gets open, the total bypass capacity decreases). So, the simplest thing to do is to try putting a bypass capacitor (say 0.01 uF with appropriate voltage rating) in parallel with the existing one, on both the final tubes cathode and screen, and see what happens. Q2) Second, I never read any grid current during tune-up. However, the manual states that I could see as much as 0.5 mA during tune-up. I’ve check the components in the final amp, to the extent I can without un-soldering anything, and found no problems. So I’m wondering if I have flaky tubes in the final that can’t be neutralized (problem 1) and draw negligible grid current (problem 2). The tubes are 6146s and one slightly glows blue during key-down in CW. R2) Having no grid current is usually due to the fact that the driver tube does not deliver enough drive power into the final tubes grid. Although this could possibly be due to a weak driver tube, the most likely cause is that the driver stage (or the stages before that) are not well adjusted. You could then try performing the adjustment procedure described in the manual. In any case, having no grid current does not cause any problem. Probably you now get a somewhat lower RF output power than if the final tubes grid would be driven harder. 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy |
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"Kenneth Scharf" ha scritto nel messaggio
... If the problem is ONLY on 80 meters then the issue may be with the output loading capacitor. On 80 meters the three gang variable loading capacitor isn't big enough so the band switch adds an additional fixed cap in parallel. Maybe that cap has gone bad or the switch is not making contact on that band. Try putting a 500pf 500v cap in parallel with the output loading capacitor and try it on 80 meters. Should the output Pi network capacitance be too low (bad additional fixed capacitor or faulty switch), one would just see a dull plate current dip and get low RF output power, due to the Pi network overcoupling to the antenna. I see no reason why it should also cause the final stage to become non properly neutralized (as evident from the fact that the plate curent dip does not occur as the same plate capacitor setting as for maximum output power) 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy |
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I find it hard to imagine that the final could exhibit symptoms of being
out of neutralization on 80 meters. The grid / plate capacitance is simply too low to cause feedback on this band. The Heath SB series used an unusual pre-selector / driver tuning circuit. On 80 meters a single coil with a coupling link is used in the tank circuit on both the input and output of the driver. It is tuned by variable capacitor, and tracking is adjusted with a variable powered iron slug. On the other bands additional slug tuned inductors are switched in parallel with the 80 meter inductor. These inductors are connected in series and are shorted out one by one between 40 to 10 meters by the band switch. On 80 they are disconnected from the circuit. IF the 80 meter inductor were open the circuit would not tune correctly on that band, but the series connected inductors might still resonate close enough on the the other bands, on 10 meters the open 80 meter inductor would not even be noticed. Since this circuit is part of the neutralization bridge it would be worth checking. On 07/16/2011 04:55 AM, Antonio Vernucci wrote: "Kenneth Scharf" ha scritto nel messaggio ... If the problem is ONLY on 80 meters then the issue may be with the output loading capacitor. On 80 meters the three gang variable loading capacitor isn't big enough so the band switch adds an additional fixed cap in parallel. Maybe that cap has gone bad or the switch is not making contact on that band. Try putting a 500pf 500v cap in parallel with the output loading capacitor and try it on 80 meters. Should the output Pi network capacitance be too low (bad additional fixed capacitor or faulty switch), one would just see a dull plate current dip and get low RF output power, due to the Pi network overcoupling to the antenna. I see no reason why it should also cause the final stage to become non properly neutralized (as evident from the fact that the plate curent dip does not occur as the same plate capacitor setting as for maximum output power) 73 Tony I0JX Rome, Italy |
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