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COLIN LAMB February 8th 06 02:28 AM

Wilson T-1402SM VHF Portable Manual
I have a manual for the Wilson T-1402SM VHF portable transceiver. It needs
a new home. Is there someone who collects these old manuals and then makes
them available? I would donate it to them. BAMA does not seem to want this
sort of stuff.

Colin K7FM

Michael A. Terrell February 8th 06 04:47 PM

Wilson T-1402SM VHF Portable Manual

I have a manual for the Wilson T-1402SM VHF portable transceiver. It needs
a new home. Is there someone who collects these old manuals and then makes
them available? I would donate it to them. BAMA does not seem to want this
sort of stuff.

Colin K7FM

Colin, I am in the process of scanning all my old manuals, and
listing them on my website. I upload the scan to another website so
someone can access it on request, since I can't afford a lot of web
space. I also plan to make full CDROMS available for a couple bucks
each, because some of the manuals are huge. They will be sorted into
categories, or custom made to what an individual wants. I straighten the
scans, splice the schematics together, and clean up the stray dots, so I
spend a lot of time on each manual. I am a disabled veteran, and this
is more of a project to keep me busy, than anything else. Most of my
useful hours are spent on this project: A project to provide free
computers to disabled and disadvantaged Veterans in Marion County,

which will get any money made from selling CDROMs, if there is anything
in excess of the cost of the media and shipping. I can't just sit around
and do nothing, so I started the "Computers for Veterans" project. I
have a small but steady stream of donated computers and parts coming in.
I repair as many as I can and turn them over to the local "Vets Helping
Vets" group. I have funded the overhead out of my disability pension,
but I can't afford to buy replacement boards and such. The gasoline
costs are killing me. I can't ask for, or accept any cash donations
until I get my tax exempt status from the IRS, so I fix what I can
without buying parts.

I am not a ham, but I have collected and restored boatanchors from
the mid '60s, and I worked as a broadcast engineer at a number of rado
and TV stations so I know the value of preserving manuals on all types
of electronics.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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