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  #11   Report Post  
Old August 19th 03, 10:48 PM
Cool Breeze
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

FCC was wrong and how he was right concerning N8WWM jamming repeaters.
Truth = Geogre is insane, Lelnad is madd, and Hall is a hypocrite.
Very simple.
************************************************** **********

I get this post he names these people in an attempt to start a fight.
Classic Troll move ..

  #12   Report Post  
Old August 19th 03, 11:09 PM
Cool Breeze
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
From: (Cool Breeze)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
ANd WA3MOJ,,well,,,,,Geogre can not be taken serious about anything. AS
Dick said,,"He's simply insane"

**** you and **** Dick McCollum,

Not me,, friend. I'm heterosexual, and if you attempt it witt Dick,
you're homosexual and a necrophiliac. Ring "jock" through google in and note that it comes up only in KC8LDO's posts,,.the
nocode fixated on mens testicular wear in a radio group and who
represents the ARRL,,,LOL,,,,,,he may accept your offer.

I wish it was you instead of him pushing up


LOL...that's no have been beside yourself and haven't had
a clue since I have been pointing out your self-contradictions and
unfounded attacks full of colorful obscenity.
,but Geogre and Lelnad don't live where at the addy they supplied the
FCC. I understand it may take several months, but the database is being
looked at.

Really? And you know this how?

Same way you claim firsthand knowledge of ARRL represenative KC8LDO
screwing up the group,

************************************************** ***

I never once made any kinda remark even closely resemb ling that.
Another lie on your part and a purposful attempt to put words in my mouth.

Please tell me where I live jitlip?

You make the incorrect assumption I somehow care.
You do otherwise the statement about the FCC database and addresses
wouldn't have been made

Ohhh shucks we will have to wait several


(shrug) Depends what Riley decides to do.

No you said we will see lelands name on the rain report are you back

He may brush it aside.

Why if it is any type of violation why would he?

He may just send you a letter,
I will bet you I don't get a leter from riley.

but I think he was advised, as a federal agency, to check with another
federal agency where your monthly
disability checks go,,,,,chances are the address they are mailed to is your
real address

************************************************** *************

LOL too funny first I thought you didnt care about my address? LOL see
2) I am not on disability, you fool i work everday unlike you.

LOL yeah ok

Who's laughing now? LOL...

I am laughing so hard you can't imagine... ROFLMAO please stop it is making
my sides hurt

Let's see,,I am on the same ISP,,,
So am I dick face

You lost web2news same day Lelnad did. You going to deny it, Geogre?
************************************************** *******

Yes I have never ever had web2news, I told your stupid ass that before. Your
to dumb to realize

The lies were initiated by yourself, the moment you became nervous. You
alluded to how quiet it has been over the weekend,
************************************************** *****

Just because you can't understand dontt put words in my mouth, I didnt say
it was quiet in here over the weekend, I said it has been quiet in here
lately. You assumed what you wanted, I never alluded to that thats your
brain storm.

  #13   Report Post  
Old August 19th 03, 11:14 PM
Cool Breeze
Posts: n/a

"gw" wrote in message

Jim he is on freqs not authorized to him.......what kind of ham are
you that gives approval to a bootlegger?

would you mind showing proof where twistie did the things you say he


hey gw, I know your not real bright but twisty admitted in a post today he
freebands on un authorized freqs.

What else do you want a signed confession?

  #15   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 01:41 AM
Posts: n/a

"Jim Hampton" wrote:
I believe you stated it more clearly and concisely than I. I agree.

73 from Rochester, NY

"Landshark" . wrote in message
But you know it will fall onto deaf troll ears here. Those
ranting & raving here aren't hams, nor are they cb'rs........
They are troll, nothing more, a whole lot less.

I still hear ya!

GO# 40

  #17   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a

From: (Cool=A0Breeze)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Wrong. You bootleg on "freeband"

frequencies. Too bad the truth wont go away

huh twisty.

Truth is my friend,,,Truth is N3CVJ breaks federal law to get his kicks
listening to underaged teenstalk about sex.
Truth is Lelnad forging cbers in hammie rooms.
Truth is,,,you're insane.

Plus he uses an illegal radio to talk thier so his
attempt to lie is once again brought to light.

LOL,,yea,,,my ten-tec is really illegal,,not.
LOL. NOT wrong again on the freeband and

CB Band your radio is illegal..

But YOU claimed I use it there,,,not I,,,just like all your other
claims,,,,,all lies.

LOL too easy

Sure is,,,especially when broken down and confronted with your own
contradictory statements and accusations.
I own many radios. Unlike
yourself, because I mention a single brand, doesn't mean it's all I have
or use, but attempted education of an insane person is useless.

Real easy question name one radio that is

legal on the freeband?

But I'm not the one crying about the freeband law,,you are.

Another easy question

Go wash off again!

LOL,,your imitation and outright plagiarism illustrate how much you have
come to need and depend on me.

But let's run with that, Geogre,,,,my Galaxy freeband activity is so
worse than N3CVj's
Yes you are right it most certainly is, that may

become a new sig file


Yupp,,it just may,,,,,"WA3MOJ claims
barefoot freebanding on 27 megs worse than pedophilia."
=A0admitted fetish listening illegally to cordless phone conversations
of underage teeney-bopper girls talking about their sexual experiences
to each other...
Off topic

But I didn;t bring it up,,,N3CVJ brought it up,,HE mentioned it, HE
posted how much pleasure he finds in such perversions and acts and in
breaking federal communication law. That he is a licensed hammie makes
it all the worse,that you seriously are defending such actions is really
placing you in an ugly light,,then again, you admittted you are of the
belief such acts against children are somehow ok. You really are
insane...touched upstairs. Anyone that defends pedophilia such as you
have done has serious deep-rooted problems.

and your continued attempted persecution of another for freebanding on a
galaxy radio while defending and condoning acts that reek of pedophilia
is what we are beginning to expect from yourself,
Who have I condoned and defended?


First,,,Lelnad,,you claimed you knew for certain it wasn't him and you
pulled a Bush-like move and attempted a flip-flop and said you now
"don't know" if it was him, illustrating not only your
self-contradiction, but absent-mindedly admitting, whether you realize
it or not, that you indeed agree Lelnad possibly is a guilty 'nutha
sucka concerning what you originally claimed you KNEW he didn't do..LOL
AND N8wwm,,,you came to his aid when he was popped, just like
Lelnad,,but you backed off faster than Lelnad,,,guess you aren't as
chummy with n8 as Lelnad is, or you just dont want anyone to know. And
just now, you candidly expressed you prefer pedophilia to freebanding
and hold it less harmful,,,,,,twisted, man , twisted. You need help, and
way, way more than the kind we thought,,,,this new revelation of yours
certainly sheds light on your continual and ever-present use of
homosexual remarks as insults.

=A0Geogre, Go on,,tell me how bad my acts are in comparison to this
Yours are Illegal by FCC Rules

So is N3CVj's.
or to KC8LDO's utilizing the ARRL in his sig while abusing the ARRL's
observer program to harass cbers that he has severe personal problems
with and who illustrate his deficit in communications.
I have no knowedge of anything Leland has

done all hersay on your part.

Not at all,,you indeed claimed he was NOT involved then you flip-flopped
when it was pointed out you most definitely slipped by admitting you
KNEW. Tut-tut, Geogre,,,your slip is showing..LOL.

what is the observer part you speak of?

leland is an OO?

What is it? I dunno...ask him,,,,,he's the one playing radio-Kop and
representing himself as the ARRL guy in to attack cbers
that clean his clock on a regular and semi- enjoyable basis.
Lastly,,your preference at holding freebanding barefoot skip as an act
worse than N3CVJ's shared sexual deviations, coupled with your own use
of seual connotations as frequent insult, illustrates you aren't all
that far off from him.
Your acts are self admitted and illegal.

SO are N3CVJ's,,you aren't getting out of it, Geogre, ,,,,,,,that you
selectively target me to cry about freebadning when there are sexual
deviants among your rank and file that admit not only breaking federal
law, but laws regarding minors,,,,,

You also have used an amplifier,

Yes,,,OH MY!! LOL! So has N3CVJ in addition to his deviant
behavior,,,,but you are ok with such whackos and their sexual
sicknesses, so go ahead and let him around the children in your family.

and god only

knows what else.

Exactly,,,but mentioning God while harassing cbers for a true victimless
crime (cite a single victim,,,,,,,just one,,and the source, from
freebanding activity) is akin to blasphemy, but you don't have God in
your life,,it's obvious. And claiming such freebanding activity is worse
than your close pal's shared and posted pedophilia activity is a
surprise Geogre, but as an email asked me "Are you really surprised?" In
hindsight,,I guess not. Way to go, Geogre! We have KC8LDO with his many
posted threats of violence and forges of cbers,,we have N3CVJ posting
about his off-topic sexual deviant behavior toward children in CB radio
room, we have N8 with his porn spamming to the group and his getting
busted by the FCC for breaking federal law and jamming repeaters while
Lelnad and you defended him, we have you climbing the walls as you
backed yourself into such a tight corner there is nowhere else for you
to go, as you telegraph your beliefs concerning importance and severity
of the crime...and we have the Voob" man himself that neatly illustrated
all the lids in one single post of his,,,,naming the three of you by
name and in order...LOL......I think you're right, Geogre,,,your recent
revelations may make a great sig,,,,,, always, after you, my
insane man.

  #19   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 02:30 AM
Posts: n/a

WA3MOJ seethed and hissed with:
You make the incorrect assumption I somehow care.
You do otherwise the statement about the

FCC database and addresses wouldn't have

been made

Again,,,enforcement and the claim of calling the feds was initiated by
your little group of lids,,I am merely mentioning the return of the

Ohhh shucks we will have to wait several


(shrug) Depends what Riley decides to do.
No you said we will see lelands name on the

rain report are you back peddling?


No,,I didn't say that at all,,,I asked you if you wanted to wager
it,,,,,,,,placing words in my mouth won't make it so,

=A0He may brush it aside.
Why if it is any type of violation why would he?

Priorities, Oh, you appear to be under the impression I meant
"ignore",,,,LOL,,,,,no, I promise you he will not ignore it. May take
some time, but it will be addressed. And that's a twisted
do you like me now? : )

He may just send you a letter,
I will bet you I don't get a leter from riley.


If you are who you say you are, I will hedge you are contacted by the
FCC for supplying an incorrect address.
=A0but I think he was advised, as a federal agency, to check with
another federal agency where your monthly
disability checks go,,,,,chances are the address they are mailed to is
real address
LOL too funny first I thought you didnt care

about my address? LOL see above.

You too.

2) I am not on disability, you fool i work

everday unlike you.

If you are WA3MOJ, you receive disability.

LOL yeah ok

Who's laughing now? LOL...
I am laughing so hard you can't imagine...

ROFLMAO please stop it is making

my sides hurt

Nervous laughter.
Let's see,,I am on the same ISP,,,
So am I dick face

You lost web2news same day Lelnad did. You going to deny it, Geogre?
Yes I have never ever had web2news, I told

your stupid ass that before. Your to dumb to


You also lied to the group and told them you didnt have AOL but several
have shown you do,,you slipped up several times,,its your main reason
you have such a hard-on for Sharky,,,,he was the first to prove you had
an aol account,,his sharp eye caught your screw up and you never did it
again, but your campaign of malice toward him had begun.

The lies were initiated by yourself, the moment you became nervous. You
alluded to how quiet it has been over the weekend,
Just because you can't understand dontt put

words in my mouth, I didnt say it was quiet in

here over the weekend, I said it has been

quiet in here lately.

Yes,,and it wasn't quiet in HERE at all,,,you made tons of posts, most
of them full of anger and cursing at several, and,Lelnad made a barrage
of angry posts,,,,see,,it's your communication deficit acting up
again,,has nothing to do with understanding you, and even if it did, you
have such a hard time with proper communication technique and effective
debate, it's your fault for not having the know-how to properly convey
what it is you think you're trying to say.

You assumed what you wanted, I never

alluded to that thats your brain storm.

No,,,YOU assumed,,,I KNEW you referred to in HERE when you said it was
quiet. It was an outright lie.

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