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  #24   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 02:56 PM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

You also lied to the group and told them you didnt have AOL but several
have shown you do,,you slipped up several times,,its your main reason
you have such a hard-on for Sharky,,,,he was the first to prove you had
an aol account,,his sharp eye caught your screw up and you never did it
again, but your campaign of malice toward him had begun.

The lies were initiated by yourself, the moment you became nervous. You
alluded to how quiet it has been over the weekend,

Yup and Frank confirmed it on a previous post:
From: Frank Gilliland
Subject: Get Rid Of Twistedhed
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 02:37:47 -0700

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In , "Brainbuster"

you limey troll

You are the one who's only purpose here is to wind people up.

He does a good job of winding -you- up.

Your posts consist of either...

Have a hard on for "Twisty"... huh.

Have a hard on for "George"... huh.

And you call those who will actually post helpful messages a "Troll".

Hypocrite Landshark does it all the time. So why criticize "George"?

If you don't like the topic of this group, you know where the door is...
feel free to use it.
Oh, and take Socko with you.

If you don't like the people of this group, you know where the door is...
feel free to use it.
Oh, and keep your prime minister to yourself -- we have enough homocidal
politians in this country.

Thanks again Frank.


The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone;
it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave

  #25   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 04:07 PM
Posts: n/a

(Twistedhed) wrote: Exactly,,,but mentioning God
while harassing cbers for a true victimless crime (cite a single
victim,,,,,,,just one,, and the source, from freebanding activity) is
akin to blasphemy

Yeah, well nonpayment of taxes is a

victimless crime and plenty of people

go to jail and get fined for it.

Hmmm,,,how come you are having such a problem with yahoo? Why is it so
hard for someone obsessed with others obeying rules to obey rules
themselves? LOL,,,I'll tell ya' why,,'cause you;re not interested in
anything to do with obeying rules,,,,,you have a personal problem 'cause
I cleaned your filthy clock..LOL,,,and your behavor at getting tossed
from yahoo ona daily basis illustrates your sheer hypocrisy and low-self
Watching how hard you work all weekend and now how you bust your ass to
stay ahead of the yahoo TOS enforcers,,,LOL,,,,,llook at yourself,
breaking rules as fast as you can only o cry to another and have your
head handed to you on a platter,,,,LOL,,,sevres you right for
crossposting and looking for approval,,,Your self-esteem is so low,,,you
feel so destroyed and utterly useless and worthless that you were FORCED
to go in search of support,,,the desperation shines in your crossposted
attempts,,,hahaha,,,,it must be terrible to experience such feelings of
no self-worth.

assure you it IS possible to be issued

a NAL for "freebanding"

Not from what you are asking. The FCC MUST witness the violation,,,end
of story, you poor impotent, vaudevilleian-Lincoln logger.

and in the case

of one freebander, A.K.A. Twistedhed,

the wheels of justice are already in


Oh Brother, The one who can't manage to obey internet TOS and keep the
service for more than 12 hours is holding himself as "the wheels of

If he is a ham, so much the

worse for him.

LOL..what pain you experience,,,what pain,,,LMAO! You mean how much
worse for you,,,Look what I've done to you by merely talking about
freeband,,,LOL,,,you're a total loser.

Oh, but one thing is for certain,

weekends are going to be

quite interesting in Tampa Bay

from now on,

From now on? HAHAHA,,,,,,you have serious delusions that you are a
factor is another's wordl besides your own,(hint: You're impotent)
,,weekends have been interesting all my life....LOL!

one never knowing

if the boat one sees on the horizon

is just another fisherman,

or perhaps someone with

a video camera and radio

scanner collecting "evidence"?

"ONE" never knowing? LMAO..did you stop to think that "one" doesn't care
one iota?
Hahaha,,sure you did,,,it's what made you a stark raving lunatic..LOL.

There will always be with one

that little twinge of doubt,

Yea,,,,I'm so full of doubt, KC8LDO the self-professed ARRL rep scanned
and searched the internet for anything remotely related to "Twistedhed"
and forged me and many others bunches of times,,..he also found my
article I wrote about my freebanding activities complete with club
call,,,,LOL,,,,you've been an impotent failure for years,,,, paranoia
doesn't hold that oe write an articel on freebanding, sign it with my
email AND club call,,,LOL,,you lose ,,,as always! Hyuk!


chilly stab of paranoia.

=A0Never expereinced paranoia, When you;re in a position as I am where I
know practically every single licensed Captain in the county, there are
no strangers in my waters...never will be, either. If anyone at all
launched anywhere remotely near me, VHF would let me know way before
they were in eye-site.

A conscience which will not

go away is a terrible thing


Do tell from your widesprea experience of breaking and discarding rules
you chose to ignore while whining and crying about
Sociopaths have no conscience, so you have to clue me in....LOL!
Oh,,,appears your little cross-post backfired up you ass,
,LOL....terrible to be a habitual failure and magnificent loser when all
you touch trn to fecal matter....hahaha!

  #26   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 10:36 PM
Cool Breeze
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

Truth is my friend,,,Truth is N3CVJ breaks federal law to get his kicks
listening to underaged teenstalk about sex.
Truth is Lelnad forging cbers in hammie rooms.
Truth is,,,you're insane.

Plus he uses an illegal radio to talk thier so his
attempt to lie is once again brought to light.

LOL,,yea,,,my ten-tec is really illegal,,not.
LOL. NOT wrong again on the freeband and CB Band your radio is illegal..

But YOU claimed I use it there,,,not I,,,just like all your other
claims,,,,,all lies.
Any radio you use to freeband is illegal, your the assclown who mentioned
the ten tec, what do you use that radio for then?

I own many radios. Unlike
yourself, because I mention a single brand, doesn't mean it's all I have
or use, but attempted education of an insane person is useless.

Real easy question name one radio that is legal on the freeband?

still waiting on this answer.

But I'm not the one crying about the freeband law,,you are.

Answer the question, name one radio that is legal for you to use on
I don't expect you to cry and trust me I am not crying either, when you are
caught you
will bre the crybaby.

But let's run with that, Geogre,,,,my Galaxy freeband activity is so
worse than N3CVj's
Yes you are right it most certainly is, that may become a new sig file

Yupp,,it just may,,,,,"WA3MOJ claims
barefoot freebanding on 27 megs worse than pedophilia."

assclown you made the statement ""my Galaxy freeband activity is so
much worse than N3CVj'"

admitted fetish listening illegally to cordless phone conversations
of underage teeney-bopper girls talking about their sexual experiences
to each other...
Off topic

But I didn;t bring it up,,,

Go take your medicine, how did this post turn into a Dave Hall thread, and
you most certainly brought it up You spastic asswipe.

N3CVJ brought it up,,HE mentioned it, HE
posted how much pleasure he finds in such perversions and acts and in
breaking federal communication law. That he is a licensed hammie makes
it all the worse,that you seriously are defending such actions is really
placing you in an ugly light,,then again, you admittted you are of the
belief such acts against children are somehow ok. You really are
insane...touched upstairs. Anyone that defends pedophilia such as you
have done has serious deep-rooted problems.

You have problems assclown, do stay on topic,
I will not have you change the topic of this thread and instigate and
distort what you have said.

and your continued attempted persecution of another for freebanding on a
galaxy radio while defending and condoning acts that reek of pedophilia
is what we are beginning to expect from yourself,
Who have I condoned and defended?

First,,,Lelnad,,you claimed you knew for certain it wasn't him

Provide Proof of this claim, I asked you to yesterday and you still havent,
you lying again ,as usual.

and you
pulled a Bush-like move and attempted a flip-flop and said you now
"don't know" if it was him,
Provide proof of your accusations that I said I know it is not Leland.

Geogre, Go on,,tell me how bad my acts are in comparison to this
Yours are Illegal by FCC Rules

So is N3CVj's.
Provide statutes by the FCC

Not at all,,you indeed claimed he was NOT involved then you flip-flopped
when it was pointed out you most definitely slipped by admitting you
KNEW. Tut-tut, Geogre,,,your slip is showing..LOL.
Provide proof of me ever saying or insisnuating this your lying again.

what is the observer part you speak of? leland is an OO?

What is it? I dunno...ask him,,,,,he's the one playing radio-Kop and
representing himself as the ARRL guy in to attack cbers
that clean his clock on a regular and semi- enjoyable basis.
************************************************** ***

Provide positive proof that leland is representing the ARRL

SO are N3CVJ's,,you aren't getting out of it, Geogre, ,,,,,,,that you
selectively target me to cry about freebadning when there are sexual
deviants among your rank and file that admit not only breaking federal
law, but laws regarding minors,,,,,

What does dave Hall have to do with your lies regarding leland and myself?
Nothing your a troll and a Bad one at that.
No one has selectivly targeted you you are an admitted FCC rule breaker and
confirmed Liar .

You also have used an amplifier,

Yes,,,OH MY!! LOL!
Yes oh my another lie on your part then, you said your only guilty of a
little barefoot freebanding
another lie your caught in.

So has N3CVJ in addition to his deviant
behavior,,,,but you are ok with such whackos and their sexual
sicknesses, so go ahead and let him around the children in your family.

I wont comment any further at all on dave hall since you have continualy
tried to change the topic
and avoided any question posed to you to provide proof of your lies.

Exactly,,,but mentioning God while harassing cbers for a true victimless
crime (cite a single victim,,,,,,,just one,,and the source, from
freebanding activity) is akin to blasphemy, but you don't have God in
your life,,it's obvious.]
************************************************** ***
There are victims you don't see or know about when you freeband and blast
the airwaves with illegal power,
your DXing is interfering with local communications when legal cbers are
trying to talk local. plenty of victims but you are one selfish *******. And
your right religon is for week minded individuals, you need something to
believe in and pray to

And claiming such freebanding activity is worse
than your close pal's shared and posted pedophilia activity is a
surprise Geogre,
Typical distorted facts, and lies by you I dont know dave hall and have
never had any form of communication with him.
Go tell another lie Pinochio your nose must be 5' long by now.

  #28   Report Post  
Old August 21st 03, 02:09 AM
Posts: n/a

From: (Cool=A0Breeze)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Truth is my friend,,,Truth is N3CVJ breaks federal law to get his kicks
listening to underaged teenstalk about sex. Truth is Lelnad forging
cbers in hammie rooms.
=A0=A0Truth is,,,you're insane.

Plus he uses an illegal radio to talk thier so his
attempt to lie is once again brought to light.

LOL,,yea,,,my ten-tec is really illegal,,not.

LOL. NOT wrong again on the freeband and

CB Band your radio is illegal..

But YOU claimed I use it there,,,not I,,,just like all your other
claims,,,,,all lies.
=A0=A0Any radio you use to freeband is illegal,

That wasn't your original claim at all. Need see it again? You claimed
my radio was "illegal"..inferring that all, or even the majority my
radio activity consist of freebanding...not true at all,,not even close.

your the assclown who mentioned the ten tec,

what do you use that radio for then?

LOL,assuming status as one who foot stomps and demands that other's
behaviors concern you when the don't is cute.
I own many radios. Unlike
yourself, because I mention a single brand, doesn't mean it's all I have
or use, but attempted education of an insane person is useless.

Real easy question name one radio that is

legal on the freeband?

still waiting on this answer.

Never claimed any radio was legal on the freeband,,,,,,,,this is a new
addition to the
thread and was entered by yourself.

But I'm not the one crying about the freeband law,,you are.
Answer the question, name one radio that is

legal for you to use on freeband?

Again,,,I never made such an inference or claim. Non-Sequitor.

I don't expect you to cry and trust me

Don't worry. I won't cry, and I certainly won't trust you, as will
anyone else on this group. Trust me.

I am not

crying either,

Sure are. About another talking about his freebanding activities.

when you are caught you

will bre the crybaby.

Caught WHAT, Geogre? Why would I get caught? I do nothing that causes a
problem or attacks attention,,but let;s run with that. No, I won't
cry,,,,I;'ll pay my fine and move on. I take responsibility for my
actions when the need arises, unlike some cowards who must use
camoflauge, smoke, mirrors, threats, and anything else their tiny minds
will allow.

But let's run with that, Geogre,,,,my Galaxy freeband activity is so
worse than N3CVj's
Yes you are right it most certainly is, that may

become a new sig file

Yupp,,it just may,,,,,"WA3MOJ claims
barefoot freebanding on 27 megs worse than pedophilia."
assclown you made the statement ""my

Galaxy freeband activity is so

much worse than N3CVj'"

LOL,,,no, I made no such comment, YOU selectively and intentionally
snipped my sentence to change the meaning and the context..a Lelnad
tactic at best. Go back and reread the post in it's entirety and you
will see I said no such thing.
admitted fetish listening illegally to cordless phone conversations of
underage teeney-bopper girls talking about their sexual experiences to
each other...
Off topic

But I didn;t bring it up,,,
Go take your medicine,

Check your communication deficit and the need for condescension due your
inner ire, self-loathing, battered self-esteem and destroyed ego, at the

how did this post turn into a Dave Hall thread,
and you most certainly brought it up You

spastic asswipe.

N3CVJ brought it up,,HE mentioned it, HE posted how much pleasure he
finds in such perversions and acts and in breaking federal communication
law. That he is a licensed hammie makes it all the worse,that you
seriously are defending such actions is really placing you in an ugly
light,,then again, you admittted you are of the belief such acts against
children are somehow ok. You really are insane...touched upstairs.
Anyone that defends pedophilia such as you have done has serious
deep-rooted problems.
You have problems assclown,

I'm not the one making homosexual laden comments every other line,,,you
are, Geogre, Any educated mind will see the problem is with yourself.

do stay on

topic, I will not have you change the topic of

this thread and instigate and

distort what you have said.

You have no choice or say what I do,,,this is one of your
dilemmas,,,,pathetic, isn't it? LOL! Hall posted it,I merely used it as
an example to illustrate how you have no interest or care about what you
thinly disguise as concern for alleged radio "victims" or for radio
operators vioating the law. Your interest is
me,,,mememememmeememmemememmemememe! LOL! Couple this with your repeated
homosexual comments, ad hominems and referalls, in addition to you
claiming freebanding is a more pressing concern to yourself than
behavior construed by many moral, responsible adults as pedphilia, and
again,,it is of "no surprise" as one of your fans so adeptly put it.

and your continued attempted persecution of another for freebanding on a
galaxy radio while defending and condoning acts that reek of pedophilia
is what we are beginning to expect from yourself,
Who have I condoned and defended?

First,,,Lelnad,,you claimed you knew for certain it wasn't him, then
Hall with your defense of his amp usage,,,you forget quickly.
Provide Proof of this claim, I asked you to

yesterday and you still havent, you lying again
,as usual.


Nope...YOU provide proof to YOUR claim of "interference to emergency
ops" and "victims",,as I already gave you one proof you asked
for,,,,,your tunr, geogre.

=A0and you
pulled a Bush-like move and attempted a flip-flop and said you now
"don't know" if it was him,
Provide proof of your accusations that I said I

know it is not Leland.

See above.

Geogre, Go on,,tell me how bad my acts are in comparison to this lid,,
Yours are Illegal by FCC Rules

So is N3CVj's.
Provide statutes by the FCC

LOL,,,you are claiming your call is WA3MOJ yet you are looking to a cber
for education that the FCC prohibits the intentional monitoring of
private phone calls? LOL..OH Geogre,,how low is that self-esteem,,,,are
you callously ignorant or helplessly ignorant concerning this issue?

Not at all,,you indeed claimed he was NOT involved then you flip-flopped
when it was pointed out you most definitely slipped by admitting you
KNEW. Tut-tut, Geogre,,,your slip is showing..LOL.
Provide proof of me ever saying or

Certainly,AFTER you provide your proof....

insisnuating this your lying again.

You DO ahve proof Geogre, such as a site, URL and credible American news
source, do you not....YES.........or no? g

what is the observer part you speak of? leland
is an OO?

What is it? I dunno...ask him,,,,,he's the one playing radio-Kop and
representing himself as the ARRL guy in to attack cbers
that clean his clock on a regular and semi- enjoyable basis.
Provide positive proof that leland is

representing the ARRL

Certainly,,,but there is that tiny little matter you must attend to
yourself,,,sting proof prior to asking another for it,,,,LOL!

SO are N3CVJ's,,you aren't getting out of it, Geogre, ,,,,,,,that you
selectively target me to cry about freebadning when there are sexual
deviants among your rank and file that admit not only breaking federal
law, but laws regarding minors,,,,,
What does dave Hall have to do with your lies

regarding leland and myself?

There were no lies concerning Leland and yourself. Again, you don't
think about what you post prior to posting,,,Frank said it was you,,and
now,,,YOU claimed they were LIES against Lelnad AND yourself. The ONLY
manner in which YOU can positively say this with absolute truth and
certainty, is if YOU are involved and know exactly where the misery
originates,,,,,,LOL,,Either way,, you're filthy dirty involved, Geogre.
Get over your baaaad self..LOL!
Concerning Hall'spost,, it illustrates niceley that your agenda is not
one of concern for radio operators breaking rules, nor for "victims" as
you lie about,,,,,,your agenda is the same as Lelnads,,and N8s. Live
with it. Deal with it. Accept it. Then again, perhaps you HAVE accepted
it,,,,,,it's why you are full of self-loathing.

Nothing your a troll and a Bad one at that.

No one has selectivly targeted you you are an

admitted FCC rule breaker and confirmed Liar .

Not true,,,when YOU claim that Hall's acts of perversion and of breaking
federal law are less damaging than my barefoot freebanding on 27 MHZ,
and you utilize MY admition of talking skip as a means to harass me, but
ignore N3CVJ's sicko behavior AND federal law breaking, you most
certainly are practicing selective targeting, as again , it illustrates
your hypocrisy and lies that you are somehow concerned with radio
violators and alleged "victims".

You also have used an amplifier,

Yes,,,OH MY!! LOL!
Yes oh my another lie on your part then, you

said your only guilty of a little barefoot


No,,I never said of " a liitle barefoot freebanding",,this is more iled
obfuscation attempts on your sorry insane, behalf. I do "alot" of
barefoot skip, not a little, and I invoke the same reasoning and defense
Hall did,,that my amp usage was in the past,,,,and it was ONLY 100 (read
ONE HUNDRED) watts, as several credible sources on this group can

another lie your caught in.


Not at all, You set forward something I never said. Semantic games you
are playing.

=A0So has N3CVJ in addition to his deviant
behavior,,,,but you are ok with such whackos and their sexual
sicknesses, so go ahead and let him around the children in your family.
I wont comment any further at all on dave hall

since you have continualy tried to change the



LOL,,and WHAT is your topic, Geogre,,,illegal radio operators? Law
breakers,,,,,or me? LOL!
No need to comment any further, Your opinion is forever etched in stone
concerning his behavior.

=A0and avoided any question posed to you to

provide proof of your lies.

Oh no,,I provied proof for Lelnad's denial lie and claim that he never
had Bignet. Did you see that Geogre? Did you see your bud's lie? Does
that not constitute a lie to you, Geogre? LOL. I also provided prrof
that YOU asked me for with "Show me one SINGLE post I directed toward
you over the weekend", which you tried to change your claim AFTER the
fact, as you are indeed a slimey one. No, Geogre,,the proof providing is
now your turn. Still waiting,,,,do you have a proof of thes
einterference to emergency ops as you claim and these victimes? URL and
credible media source.......YES,,,,,,or no......LOL!
Exactly,,,but mentioning God while harassing cbers for a true victimless
crime (cite a single victim,,,,,,,just one,,and the source, from
freebanding activity) is akin to blasphemy, but you don't have God in
your life,,it's obvious.]
There are victims you don't see or know about

LOL,,then HOW do you know they exist? Hahaha!

when you freeband and blast the airwaves

with illegal power,


I don't blast the airwaves with illegal power, Geogre, but you need to
use my past admittance of using an amplifier as your "proof" that i do
it now, despite over 4 years of my posts prasing the virtue of barefoot
LP DX. You;re a loser, Geogre,,a total loser. Keep reaching and crying
with your insanity.

your DXing is interfering with local

communications when legal cbers are trying to
talk local.

Those that suffer from no communication deficits do not attempt to talk
local when skip is running. This shows how little you know of HF and
propagation. See Geogre,,,when the DX is running on 27 MHZ, the man
across the country is going to be louder to my locals than myself. You
ought be embarassed about your lack of knowledge while holding such a
call,,,,,wait a sec..YOU ARE! LMAO!

plenty of victims but you are one selfish


No, I'm one magnificent *******.
And don't you ever forget it,,,,,ah,,i need not worry,,,you won't,,,you

And your right religon is for week minded


Another claim I never made.
Religion is for God fearing folks, Each post you make sheds more and
more light on your inner sanctum of personal hell we call your soul.

you need something to believe in and pray to

I believe I'll watch you carry on about happenings in my life in which
your impotence shines brilliantly, and of which you obsess and dwell.
And claiming such freebanding activity is worse than your close pal's
shared and posted pedophilia activity is a surprise Geogre,
Typical distorted facts,

What was distorted Geogre?
YOU snipped my posts to claim that my activity was worse,,,,and you
concurred. yo;re insanse.

and lies by you I dont know dave hall and

have never had any form of communication

with him.

Then why the quick jump to proect his amp usage in the Davemade
discussion? Huh? Why? Huh? Tell us,,,LOL!

Go tell another lie Pinochio your nose must be
5' long by now.

That's the list of new email friends you have made me in just the last
week. Appears your cross posts are telling you what I have been telling
you all along,,,,my pulse is more in common with the public than yours,
or your lid pals of Lelnad, Hall, and N8, will ever be....none of you
see yourself as the rest of the world does,,,it's your collective
massive deficits in communicaton, and why you get along so well, and why
Voobsie named you exact lids as lids that this group will have to
"contend with". You're angry, have low-self-esteems, and your egos are
so heavily involved that you are in way too deep now and have no
recourse but to attack the snake that bit you when you picked it up from
it's peaceful resting place under the rock and proceeeded to squeeze it,
despite several rattles of it's tail..

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