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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 14th 03, 04:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default 911 two years later.............

i still want to know why those two buildings came down........the
planes did not do it...........what did????? and why????
  #2   Report Post  
Old September 14th 03, 10:13 PM
Posts: n/a

"GMpartsguy" wrote in message news:do%8b.338815$cF.101774@rwcrnsc53...
Did you miss the fires that were burning in the building ? The planes
weakened the structures AND stripped the fire retardent from the support
members. After that, the fire softened the supports and sheared the bolts
holding them. With nothing to tie the inner structure to the outer shell
structure, down they fell.
P.S. I gotta ask.............What is with the period abuse you always use
in your sentences ?

yes that is what we were all told.......but do you believe it.????
after all those buildings were built to withstand the impact of a jet
airliner.....and also the heat you describe just did not
happen......if you will notice in the films on the subject, the blast
went through the building and out the other the films i
have seen on the subject, people can be seen walking around in the
areas, where the planes went through the buildings....i ask
you,.......if it was so cotton picking hot in there how can anyone
walk around in it........????? nope....this crap does not
wash.......also i have to say.....that i think explosive charges were
strapped to the main columns in the basement to bring them
down......if you will also remember, some guys tried that before in
1991 or whenever and the only reason it didn't work was that the van
they parked in the basement was parked next to the wrong support

perios abuse.........i don't think so.........i got this writing style
from old pinhead when he used to be on here, but he died in a drug
deal gone bad along with some byu i celebrate his
memory by using a lot of dots doncha know............
  #3   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 03:05 AM
Posts: n/a

The people you saw "walking around" were the ones stranded above the impact,
and had gotten as far down as the stairs would let them. The only reason you
saw them at all, was they were slowly roasting and suffocating from the
massive fires and hanging out the windows. Did you not see them jumping from
a height of 70 stories or so ?
As far as bombs in the sub-levels bringing it down, hogwash.. Did you also
miss the TOPS of both buildings collapse onto the damage, and pile the rest
into dust ?
The building was designed to take a hit from aircraft such as a 707, but
the thousands of gallons of diesel that burned were never really thought
about, especially from larger, modern jets. If the building had just been
lit on fire on its own, it most likely would never collapse. But when tons
of debris strips fire retardant from the crossmembers, the steel got hot and
I'm sorry you dont believe it, but its the truth. Seems like everyone out
here wants your side of the real conspiracy. So do I..
"gw" wrote in message
"GMpartsguy" wrote in message

Did you miss the fires that were burning in the building ? The planes
weakened the structures AND stripped the fire retardent from the support
members. After that, the fire softened the supports and sheared the

holding them. With nothing to tie the inner structure to the outer shell
structure, down they fell.
P.S. I gotta ask.............What is with the period abuse you always

in your sentences ?

yes that is what we were all told.......but do you believe it.????
after all those buildings were built to withstand the impact of a jet
airliner.....and also the heat you describe just did not
happen......if you will notice in the films on the subject, the blast
went through the building and out the other the films i
have seen on the subject, people can be seen walking around in the
areas, where the planes went through the buildings....i ask
you,.......if it was so cotton picking hot in there how can anyone
walk around in it........????? nope....this crap does not
wash.......also i have to say.....that i think explosive charges were
strapped to the main columns in the basement to bring them
down......if you will also remember, some guys tried that before in
1991 or whenever and the only reason it didn't work was that the van
they parked in the basement was parked next to the wrong support

perios abuse.........i don't think so.........i got this writing style
from old pinhead when he used to be on here, but he died in a drug
deal gone bad along with some byu i celebrate his
memory by using a lot of dots doncha know............

  #4   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 03:06 AM
Posts: n/a

GMpartsguy wrote:
The people you saw "walking around" were the ones stranded above the impact,
and had gotten as far down as the stairs would let them. The only reason you
saw them at all, was they were slowly roasting and suffocating from the
massive fires and hanging out the windows. Did you not see them jumping from
a height of 70 stories or so ?
As far as bombs in the sub-levels bringing it down, hogwash.. Did you also
miss the TOPS of both buildings collapse onto the damage, and pile the rest
into dust ?
The building was designed to take a hit from aircraft such as a 707, but
the thousands of gallons of diesel that burned were never really thought
about, especially from larger, modern jets. If the building had just been
lit on fire on its own, it most likely would never collapse. But when tons
of debris strips fire retardant from the crossmembers, the steel got hot and
I'm sorry you dont believe it, but its the truth. Seems like everyone out
here wants your side of the real conspiracy. So do I..
"gw" wrote in message

"GMpartsguy" wrote in message


Did you miss the fires that were burning in the building ? The planes
weakened the structures AND stripped the fire retardent from the support
members. After that, the fire softened the supports and sheared the


holding them. With nothing to tie the inner structure to the outer shell
structure, down they fell.
P.S. I gotta ask.............What is with the period abuse you always


in your sentences ?

yes that is what we were all told.......but do you believe it.????
after all those buildings were built to withstand the impact of a jet
airliner.....and also the heat you describe just did not
happen......if you will notice in the films on the subject, the blast
went through the building and out the other the films i
have seen on the subject, people can be seen walking around in the
areas, where the planes went through the buildings....i ask
you,.......if it was so cotton picking hot in there how can anyone
walk around in it........????? nope....this crap does not
wash.......also i have to say.....that i think explosive charges were
strapped to the main columns in the basement to bring them
down......if you will also remember, some guys tried that before in
1991 or whenever and the only reason it didn't work was that the van
they parked in the basement was parked next to the wrong support

perios abuse.........i don't think so.........i got this writing style
from old pinhead when he used to be on here, but he died in a drug
deal gone bad along with some byu i celebrate his
memory by using a lot of dots doncha know............

ok bud you are factually wrong on some points. a staircase was still
viable on the south tower to let people escape.
where did you get the idea that planes use diesel? jp5 maybe but
certainly not glow plugs in a fanjet...
lastly, there were very few 'cross members' as you stated because the
supporting steel was actually the exoskeleton of the building. in other
words the outside of the building supported the entire structure. unique
yes but that was the wtc....

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 03:30 AM
Posts: n/a

jim wrote:

ok bud you are factually wrong on some points. a staircase was still
viable on the south tower to let people escape.
where did you get the idea that planes use diesel? jp5 maybe but
certainly not glow plugs in a fanjet...
lastly, there were very few 'cross members' as you stated because the
supporting steel was actually the exoskeleton of the building. in other
words the outside of the building supported the entire structure. unique
yes but that was the wtc....

That is flat out false. The building was supported by a rigid central
core. The exoskeleton was designed to absorb wind loads and not apply
those loads to the central core. The gravitational loading of the
building was supported by the central core.

  #6   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 05:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Obviously, those who could make it to a staircase did. Those planes tore up
6 floors when they banked going in. Not everyone was lucky enough to be able
to make it to access down. I wasnt trying to be absolutely perfect in my
reply, just explaining. Jet A and diesel burn pretty much the same, i was
using it for example only (i will be anal retentive and explain things
excessively next time), sorry for that too. As for the crossmembers, look
again. The "crossmembers" that tied the inner core with the outer
exoskeleton, were the floor joists that ran all around the core and were
tied with just a couple or few bolts on each end. And even those were only
1/2" or 5/8" bolts. When the floor joists sagged, the bolts were ripped
apart by tension. Those bolts were never intended for tension, just shear.
Thats when the outer exoskeleton buckled, and the collapse began.
Unique is right too Jim. They dont build em' like that anymore. And i bet
they never will again either ;)

  #7   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 07:49 AM
George Is Innocent
Posts: n/a

(gw) wrote:
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the coast of Florida and can't
understand why the president hasn't been arrested for his obvious lies
and crimes.

this guy is a personal friend of twistie
John Kaminski is a writer who currently lives in poverty on the
coast of Florida, who usually talks every Friday night on a webcast at, and whose collection of essays titled "America's Autopsy
Report" is scheduled for publication sometime in the future by Dandelion
Books. Please don't be alarmed if these messages I now send suddenly
stop. Financial reality is such that I must soon discontinue this
operation. It's been a pleasure chatting with so many of you noble
souls. But don't worry about me. Your time is coming, too, and sooner
than you think.Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole
responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah's.


sounds like he fits right in with twisty
  #8   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 03:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Adshar64 wrote:
there is no conspiracy here. A Terrorist
attack with devastating effect.

But lack of a conspiracy doesn't fit into the Dems campaign platform.

  #9   Report Post  
Old September 15th 03, 05:29 PM
Posts: n/a

"GMpartsguy" wrote in message news:S069b.341800$cF.103481@rwcrnsc53...
The people you saw "walking around" were the ones stranded above the impact,
and had gotten as far down as the stairs would let them. The only reason you
saw them at all, was they were slowly roasting and suffocating from the
massive fires and hanging out the windows. Did you not see them jumping from
a height of 70 stories or so ?
As far as bombs in the sub-levels bringing it down, hogwash.. Did you also
miss the TOPS of both buildings collapse onto the damage, and pile the rest
into dust ?
The building was designed to take a hit from aircraft such as a 707, but
the thousands of gallons of diesel that burned were never really thought
about, especially from larger, modern jets. If the building had just been
lit on fire on its own, it most likely would never collapse. But when tons
of debris strips fire retardant from the crossmembers, the steel got hot and
I'm sorry you dont believe it, but its the truth. Seems like everyone out
here wants your side of the real conspiracy. So do I..
"gw" wrote in message
"GMpartsguy" wrote in message

Did you miss the fires that were burning in the building ? The planes
weakened the structures AND stripped the fire retardent from the support
members. After that, the fire softened the supports and sheared the

holding them. With nothing to tie the inner structure to the outer shell
structure, down they fell.
P.S. I gotta ask.............What is with the period abuse you always

in your sentences ?

yes that is what we were all told.......but do you believe it.????
after all those buildings were built to withstand the impact of a jet
airliner.....and also the heat you describe just did not
happen......if you will notice in the films on the subject, the blast
went through the building and out the other the films i
have seen on the subject, people can be seen walking around in the
areas, where the planes went through the buildings....i ask
you,.......if it was so cotton picking hot in there how can anyone
walk around in it........????? nope....this crap does not
wash.......also i have to say.....that i think explosive charges were
strapped to the main columns in the basement to bring them
down......if you will also remember, some guys tried that before in
1991 or whenever and the only reason it didn't work was that the van
they parked in the basement was parked next to the wrong support

perios abuse.........i don't think so.........i got this writing style
from old pinhead when he used to be on here, but he died in a drug
deal gone bad along with some byu i celebrate his
memory by using a lot of dots doncha know............

ok don't believe that point then how about
this........the guy that supposedly taught those idiots to 'fly'
jets.........said they couldn't fly by the seat of their pants much
less fly a jumbo jet into the side of a have to
make intricate maneuvers that would be hard even for a experienced is like hitting a needle in a haystack.......and yet
guys who had never actually flew a plane before somehow were able to
make these planes fly into the side of a building......makes no sense
to me............

again on point 1.......i reiterate......the blast from the planes went
out the other side of the building and that includes most of the fuel
associated with these planes..........all that was left was a
smoldering ruins......i ask you.........tell me how hot was it in
there.????? what we are talking about here is aluminum and titanium
tubes full of jet fuel......on impact, naturally it disintegrated. and
the force of the impact went out the other side of the your tapes........

you have to order for 'them' to take your rights
away, 'they' needed a catastrophic event to take place........and so
it did.....and so they are or trying to do just this. it is plain and
simple...the constitution has been trashed all for the price of
rounding up 'terrorist' among us........make no mistake about
it......this will come back to haunt the american is a
travesty and a injustice....and anyone paying attention surely will be
affected by this and troubled....they will not stop until most of your
freedoms you hold dear now are forfeited because you let them do
this..........for what you say??? for the new world
order.........that is the case, no doubt about it....the writing is on
the wall for all to see........
  #10   Report Post  
Old September 16th 03, 02:21 AM
Posts: n/a

GMpartsguy wrote:
Obviously, those who could make it to a staircase did. Those planes tore up
6 floors when they banked going in. Not everyone was lucky enough to be able
to make it to access down. I wasnt trying to be absolutely perfect in my
reply, just explaining. Jet A and diesel burn pretty much the same, i was
using it for example only (i will be anal retentive and explain things
excessively next time), sorry for that too. As for the crossmembers, look
again. The "crossmembers" that tied the inner core with the outer
exoskeleton, were the floor joists that ran all around the core and were
tied with just a couple or few bolts on each end. And even those were only
1/2" or 5/8" bolts. When the floor joists sagged, the bolts were ripped
apart by tension. Those bolts were never intended for tension, just shear.
Thats when the outer exoskeleton buckled, and the collapse began.
Unique is right too Jim. They dont build em' like that anymore. And i bet
they never will again either ;)

i was making the statement about the exoskeleton based on the excellant
ken burns program that recently aired about the wtc. my bad...
please dont get into too much detail, ever see the posts about coax
length :0
no they dont build 'em like that anymore. the tub was brilliant as it
held back the hudson. now its green engineering.

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