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Steveo wrote in message ...
(AntiKeyclown) wrote: Too stupid to read a header...goes on for WEEKS...hook, line, sinker...haw haw haw. What's up with your headers,dogie? Did ya leave Kathy to gaurd your pen? Wouldn't Kathy be surprised to see a big strappin' man like myself sitting on euclid, after you no-showed. There's nothing for you at euclid except a hail of lead. It makes no sense to go there. |
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(AntiKeyclown) wrote in message . com...
Inventing me saying there was a conspiracy of any kind against me does not change the fact that what I typed had no mention of such. I am waiting for you to post a sourced response to support your "repeater jamming" claim. Still can't read, hey DouGay? It's in the RAIN report. Look it up, dimbulb. The purpose of initiating communication to moped is simple: If some true warped ass wackaloon, under disguise as me, DID actually meet him some where and busted a cap on his ass, who do you think would be under investigation? I will take all my own falls, and have. I won't be blamed for something of that nature I did not do. Your inability to do anything but tell lies about me shows your anger, hatred, fear, and stupidity. That's fine. Amusing, actually. A demonstration of your submission to the AKC is welcome anytime. Do it some more. As for the radio hobby itself, you and any keykween like you is not any part of such an entity. Your criminality is admitted, thus excluding you from that hobby. All keykweenz are is a buncha slimeballs that have to hide. Now, asshole...let's see some proof of "repeater jamming". Must suck to be a lying ass Gomer Pyle, sawed off piece of trailer trash like you. N8WWM PS: Go worship my jock strap some more and contemplate the pickle that having no proof of your lies has now placed you in. After that, hit the truckstop and get busy...FUGGLY needs a new vibe. "Having a great time, how about you?" (Twistedhed) danced on orders from the AKC in message ... Steve, Are you that dumb? The guy purporting to be me who calls himself "Citizens For A Keyclown Free" Newsgroup is NOT me. I will prove to you I am N8WWM by the following means: 1.Go now to QRZ.com and do a lookup on me. 2.Since it takes QRZ a day or two to screen changes, wait until Tuesday afternoon or early evening and look again. There will be a change. The change will be these words verbatim. "My 3.5 wavelength six meter wire antenna is sure working great! Email me for details and photos of how to build it! 4dB gain beats the heck out of a dipole!" 3.Then if you wish to reply to this email, fine and dandy. The purpose of this is to establish that you are talking to the real deal. On the subject of the poster who invited you to Oak Openings for a rumble: Again, not me. I have made clear on several occasions that all anyone has to do is show up on my premises. An intruder in my home will be assumed hostile, and will be shot dead on sight. I never play by another guy's rules in a fight, You don;t play by any rules. You make them up as you go along to suit yourself. It's why you were popped by the FCC for jamming repeaters. and the Marquess of Queensbury didn't write any rules that I would follow, anyway. How stupid is it to do something on an adversary's terms? I know it doesn't matter to you, and as far as I care you can say anything you want to me, but there is something I wanna tell you in the interest of clarity: It was not repeater jamming. LOL..yea,,your reputation and past actions really accentuate such denying of what the FCC claims and what was on the rain report It was a heated fight on the air with someone Fight? N8WWM/ Naaaaaaw! You mean your shining personality and effluent communication skills couldn't prevent you from reducing yourself? Sort of like the way you came into this forum,,all **** and vinegar until you were turned out and we all had our way with you and you were no longer any fun, just a mere mosquito that sometimes needs a fly swatter. who admitted on the frequency to orgaizing an interference campaign. LOL..all the proof one needs of your paranoid delusions!!!....hahhahahah! A CONSPIRACY against N8WWM? HARHARHAR...whoda' thunk it? You must be a real idiot to actually believe and share your warped fantasies. To actually believe that you are somehow important to another besides that poor woman whose reputation you are trashing forever, that an entire club would conspire to lie agaiinst you is the wildest thing you have said to date. Perhaps they tossed you off the repeater for talking that gay smack you are so fond of. See Dougie, several folks know the intimate details..you can lie through your porked belly, but as far as you caring, oh yes, you most certainly care, as you wouldn't be out here denying so vehemently what the FCC had on the rain report concerning your call sign. You were banished for acting,,,well, for acting like you always do, and as usual, you had the nenderthal knee-jerk reaction that you must retaliate because in your weak mind, it was you who was wronged. You're seriously tweaked. I identified myself by callsign at least 4 times in the 10-15 minutes I was on my soapbox. You are denying what the archives in the rain report say. There was also no use of profanity, LOL..another one,,yea,, we can certainly believe that N8WWM uses NO PROFANITY! HAHAHAHHA! What a tumbling card!!! but I did belabor the arguement long enough and heatedly enough that Riley was a bit perturbed. LOL........hahahhahha,,yea,,,'ol Riley used the FCC for his personal poitical beliefs because he disgareeed with your speech and wanted to silence you! (SCREAM)HAHHAHA HAHHAHAHAHAHHA..LOL! HAHHA...Oh ,my GOSH! HAHAH! Now, I know the truth is not in your best interest in what you think is a campaign to smear or embarrass me, HAHAHAH...YOU, are the only one that mentioned a conspiracy to smear you, law breaker! No one need a campaign to embarrass yourself, you manage quite well. What delusions!!HAHHA! but it is nevertheless the truth. There are many local hams that heard the whole thing, Yes there were,,,but NONE that share your version. and there is a recording of the incident. Damn straight there is. In fact, there are several. It's how the FCC determined you were guilty of deliberately jamming the repeater on not one, not two, not even three,,,but on many, many occasions. The fact that a single tape exists is not testament that you are innocent of the other logged law breaking incidents you committed. You were told to straighten up and fly right,,,,in fact you were inundated with offers and chances, but you continued to play radio and internet evil demi-God, needlessly harassing all those that you come in to contact with.....those retardations in communication skills prevent you from interacting normally. Remember those words that came back to bite you in the ass like nothing you ever knew before..."Watch what you ask for,,you just might get it." You're just ****es because you can no longer get away with such flagrant abuse. My favorite words to date on this group.."I'll make ya' famous!" HAHAHHAHHAHAHHA! If you would like a peaceful .exchange sometime, I would be happy to give you a copy. I don't think you could handle the truth, though. Especially since you are not capable of truth nor peace. If you were, you would have came into this group with a little respect for other folks. Just because someone is discussing an amp or dx does not make them a bad person, as your damaged gray matter has you believing. Cussing (very unpeaceful like) because you don't like the topic, and attacking the person for no reason, and telling lie after lie in this group, illustrates where you are in proportion to truth. You keyclowns make me laugh... And you make the radio world gag! Again, name a single hammie, as you claimed, that heard the entire incident and sides with yourself...go on, now...here's your last chance...LOL! any scrap of information you can get makes your mouths water with lust. I am in the public record, I knew that going in. You knew nothing of the sort. You thought you were above the law and needed broght down a few notches...LOL. You had it coming and never has anyone more deservedly been busted. It is you keyclowns that have to hide, not me. Sure sure sure,,,your intimidation of posting an valid email addy and inability to manage a single ISP for even a year's subscription is testament to the opposite. Your attempts to insult and defame my character only show the potency of the Anti-Keyclowns. That's IMpotency, littel big man. You were the one popped, not any "keyclowns"...LOL.Try and remain clear about such matters. Attack me in any form you want, it doesn't matter to me. You keyclowns do not understand that concept. Oh, this is absolutely golden stuff we're extractingfrom you, Adair..absolutely golden!! Because YOU would smart and be ****ed at the kinda stuff you try to pull and say about me, you think I would as well. Hahhaha,,,you try to forget that you are responsible for all your own misery. Never have I seen someone as ignorant as yourself in such denial.......you're actually believing that you were some type victim....LOL,,,HAHAHHAHAHHA...absolutely priceless! That is a fundamentally flawed assumption about another person on all levels. In my case it does not a thing to my ego to be insulted and cursed by any one of you, or just about any other person on earth. keep it up...maybe you can make me laugh even harder. Only,.....you have been unable to see where the laughter is coming from, Dougie,,,even though you hear it all around you, 360 degrees...LOL. You challenging me to a fight is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Hmmm,,actually, you coming in to this forum demanding respect because you had a paltry nocode license was the most ignorant thing some of US ever heard. You don't know me, you think you know about me. Again,,YOU began this little dance. If you lost weight, you wouldn't be so dead on your feet from the Tango and begging for intermission before resuming the Fox Trot! Must suck to be you and have such choices taken away from you, Dougie. You knew none of us in this forum, yet that did not prevent you from coming in here and posting homosexual related insults to everyone that laughed at you when you tried to appoint yourself forum moderator. I don't ever fight with anyone without knowing I am going to win from the jump. Only you lost, Dougie. The FCC archives are forever there to remind you of such. Mull that over, 1mangayboy. The only way you could take me is from ambush, which is probably what people like you do. I shake laughing at knowing where you or any one of you Bevises would end up if you were stupid assed enough to try. You shake trying to see your toes. Your eforts would be much better used in identifying the culprit of these posts, There ya' go again, telling another what he should do. Tell ya' what heavyweight, you are concerned, YOU identify. After all, you're the only one mewling and crying over and over and over about the same thing. Yet,,,we must remember,,,you "don't care",,,HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA! but if you wanna sit on your tuffet and blame me go right ahead. The FCC blamed you. As Frank said, once the FCC identifies you as breaking the law, that's it,,,you're guilty. Case closed. All it does is show how stupid you are and how you are obsessed with me. Actually, all it does is illustrate how obsessed and paranoid you are that you believe the world is out to get you with an organized conspiracy involving the FCC, Riley, repeater clubs and hammies across the land ......LOLL..Hoo boy!HAHAHAHH!HAHAHAHHHA! That is just more for me to laugh about and more proof of the low mentality of keyclowns. LOL...hokay, Dougie...(ROAR)! I am sure you know how to do this as well, but here is a traceroute of the IP of the post that was supposed to be me offering to meet you. I will continue below it for a bit after you look at that. Make no doubt, you have been blamed unfairly for some posts, I agree,,but you are one guilty nutha' sucka when it comes to jamming repeaters..the FCC says so and the radio world is more inclined to believe the FCC as opposed to one they busted that has a proven history laden with obscenities, unprovoked attacks, and a Tourrette-like fetish for speaking of homosexuals and same-sex acts all across usenet. |
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(AntiKeyclown) wrote in message . com...
Steveo wrote in message ... (Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote: Steveo wrote: (AntiKeyclown) wrote: Inventing me saying there was a conspiracy of any kind against me does not change the fact that what I typed had no mention of such. I am waiting for you to post a sourced response to support your "repeater jamming" claim. The purpose of initiating communication to moped is simple: If some true warped ass wackaloon, under disguise as me, DID actually meet him some where and busted a cap on his ass, who do you think would be under investigation? I will take all my own falls, and have. I won't be blamed for something of that nature I did not do. Wild Wild West, doug. Did ya think I was gonna go there without my trusty pistola? OMG!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!! Just the thought of Moped standing alone in a wet marsh with his little cap pistol BREAKS ME UP!!!!!! Again, NO WHERE in ANY of those posts did I say I was N8WWM or "Doug". YOU ASSUMED merely by that it was him. Exactly, "the style of language used in the posts" is that of cowardly n8wwm, and that's who I was addressing. Apparently he's not the only Blowhard who trolls this board. He isn't. There's always Georgie-girl Busch, who blows harder than DouGay ever will. No, mopedboy, the only "Exactly" here is that this particular troll led you by the fish hook for weeks, you always replying "Doug this", "N8WWM that"...You, cranus the anus, and several other keykweenz all acting like a semi-retarded Greek Chorus...Most likely "greek" cuz we know you keykweenz like it "greek". You know nothing, Georgie-girl. Not even FCC Rules & Regs. I loved the laffin' at you fags' reactions, but when the threats were made I had to put a stop to it. Becauwse you are a coward? Much as I know you are a useless lawnboy truckstop troller, I need you alive so someone else can come along and show the whole group what a retarded mouth breather ya are. You and your butt buddy cranus the anus were the object of weeks of loud laughs because you were blundering so totally unknowingly into the fish hook. If you could have read the emails that were exchanged about you kweenz you woulda died of mortification. You mean the ghost-posting from you to you? As usual, the AKC proves how stupid you are, and you provide 100% of the proof! As usual, the AKC proves nothing but what a pair of stupid jerks they can be. By the way, the thought of Moped standing alone in a wet marsh with his little cap pistol breaks me up too...But as I would not let a retarded child follow a friends instructions to play freeze tag on an interstate, I must also protect the retarded boy genius so he can provide even more years of 1mangayboyness. What's that, your CB handle? LOL! Too stupid to read a header...goes on for WEEKS...hook, line, sinker...haw haw haw. Like I've said befo You are known by the company you keep. George? Doug? Two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. A real pair of jokers. Losers all. How was the Mustang's football season this year, by the way? Who cares? It's only a game, Georgie-girl. Life is a different story. |
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(AntiKeyclown) wrote in message . com...
(Richard Cranium) wrote in message . com... Steveo wrote in message ... (Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup) wrote: Steveo wrote: (AntiKeyclown) wrote: Inventing me saying there was a conspiracy of any kind against me does not change the fact that what I typed had no mention of such. I am waiting for you to post a sourced response to support your "repeater jamming" claim. The purpose of initiating communication to moped is simple: If some true warped ass wackaloon, under disguise as me, DID actually meet him some where and busted a cap on his ass, who do you think would be under investigation? I will take all my own falls, and have. I won't be blamed for something of that nature I did not do. Wild Wild West, doug. Did ya think I was gonna go there without my trusty pistola? OMG!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!! Just the thought of Moped standing alone in a wet marsh with his little cap pistol BREAKS ME UP!!!!!! Again, NO WHERE in ANY of those posts did I say I was N8WWM or "Doug". YOU ASSUMED merely by that it was him. Exactly, "the style of language used in the posts" is that of cowardly n8wwm, and that's who I was addressing. Apparently he's not the only Blowhard who trolls this board. Of course not. There's Georgie-girl Busch WA3MOJ, Leland KC8LDO, and a few other hangers-on, including Frankie and JJ. And there's you. A fairy from localnet who likes to play with the intimate areas of mens' bodies. Not to mention that you are too retarded to read a header. People like you don't read 'em, they GIVE 'em! Once again you fantasize. And prove that you know nothing, except for the gay acts you and DouGay are so proud of! |
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