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On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:25:07 -0400, (Twistedhed)
wrote: From: (Dave*Hall) On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:28:31 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave*Hall) On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:40:57 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave*Hall) On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:49:48 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: I can't help note but you have begun your games again, selectively snipping questions you pose and have great difficulty when given replies with which you disagree. Editing your gaffes so that they no longer appear illustrates only that you not only recognize such self-created buffoonery, but go to great lengths to attempt to conceal it. By introducing the behavior of selective snipping and editing of your replies, you have intentionally compromised the thread. What you fail to comprehend is such behavior merely serves to facilitate your own degrading commmunicative skills. I snip the fat, as this thread has already grown to the point where it is no longer comfortable to follow. I snip the oldest parts first. There is no "game" involved. Brevity is a virtue. One you have yet to appreciate, it would seem. CB IS anonymous, it's going to stay that way, get over the gastric pain it causes you. And that is the main reason why there are so many malcontents on there. Perhaps, perhaps not, but that is neither here nor there, and a problem of yours. Stop trying to make it someone elses problem. It's everyone's problem unless, No, it's not everyone's problem,,it's YOUR problem. Not everyone sees CB as full of malcontents. I guess in all honesty, it is highly geography dependant. Trust me, in my area, there are a great many malcontents. I apologize to the fine CBers in your area, if they are not of the same (im)moral caliber. Some see hammies like yourself as the malcontents for feeling you have some sort inalienable right to demand cbers jump through the same hoops you must jump through regarding hammie radio. What "hoops" are there to just acting in a civilly responsible manner? CB is not like that in my area. We have one channel with the lulu's,,the rest yield great local roundtables and everyone radio-wise pretty much knows everyone else. Being so close to Philthy, I can understand why CB must be mess in your area. Those people are vile. Yes they are. Ironically, in my new area, there is one channel with any decent local activity. But as luck would have it, the people on the channel rarely just "talk". They are usually involved with showing off another new noise toy, or engaging in the verbal equivalent of WWF smackdown. The rest of the band is pretty much dead now. I'd love to have it they way you have described. Then what is preventing from you from getting on that channel and speaking your mind to those people as you do on here concerning your radical and minority beliefs. Nothing. I've done it already. But what good will it do? All it does it cause further arguments. You try to tell a nut that he's nuts, and they'll swear you're crazy. Finally I realize that it's no use. Why would I want to change a bunch of complete morons into people I'd want to associate with, if that's even remotely possible? You can't make an idiot into a normal person, so why try? Birds of a feather stick together. My only hope is that a group of decent people will decide to start another channel that I would be happy to participate in. I'm already working on a CB reunion for some of the old crew that I've contacted. This might spawn a "retro net" where we fire up that vintage gear for some old fashioned CB fun. After all, that would make you proactive instead of reactive like you have always been here, and I am certain we can count on you to offer your beliefs to those on the air using those noise toys that have you bleeding from the ears and nose, because we all know you believe in saying the same things here as you would face to face. Try it with the noise toys and on the radio with these people,,tell them they are the equivalent of the WWF. Report back. Been there, done that. How do you rationalize the detrimental effects of distorted audio, such as that produced by an echo mike, to someone who has that "kid on Christmas" look on his face at the discovery of his latest toy (that he probably spend half his fast food paycheck for)? He doesn't care that it makes his audio hard to understand. He just thinks it's "cool". Must be something in the water around here..... Yup, it is, but that doesn't shake my faith of always seeing the glass half full and noting the good instead of the bad in most cases..that's why it's called "faith". I tend to look at a glass that has 50% contents as half full also. Not with CB, society, the FCC, and personal privacy rights you don't Because, in those cases, the glass in much less than 50% full. The problem is that when running across people, with respect to morality and consideration, it seems that the glass is slowly dropping below 50%, and it's hard to see the positive side. That IS a problem of yours, no doubt. I still find the majority of people to be good hearted. Must be southern thing (shrug),,if I'm wrong, I'm sure a yankee will correct me to say it is you that are wrong and that people, even in the north, are generally good people. That all depends on which circles you run in. I find most hams in my area to be good people. I find my neighbors to be good people. I can't say the same for the "seedier" towns, or the trash that populates the most popular CB channel. Not true at all. You subscribe to socialist views and rhetoric,,,this is NOT how America is, but how you wish it would be. You know, I really have to laugh when you accuse me of being a socialist. It's true, In fact, this is another of those little times that I will not only remind you that we have had this conversation long ago and many times, but that in what remains one of my more favorite exchanges with you, you not only embrace socialist beliefs, but go as far as to DEFEND those beliefs and offer several reasons WHY you believe that bull****. Do you even know what a socialist is? Do you still think (like you once posted) that a liberal and a libertarian are the same thing? Please provide any exchanges that I have authored where I defended the concepts of socialism. I believe in limited government. I believe in personal responsibility (and accountability). I believe that government should not restrict access and actions, but should prosecute those who abuse their rights. That is so far off track it's really funny. You not being aware of how snowballed this adminsitration has sheople like you isn't at all funny, it's frighteningly pathetic. Only if you have your own partisan beliefs and buy into the rhetoric from equally clueless detractors. I am the biggest fan of the free market, capitalism, freedom, and personal responsibility. Hell, I'm voting for Bush, that's about as far away from a socialist as you can get. I'll make this very simple. Bush swore with his hand upon the Bible that he would uphold and protect the constitution. Immediately after taking office, he launched an assault upon it. His reasons for doing so are irrelevant, as are yours. He did nothing to the Constitution. He merely granted the same powers currently afforded to law enforcement, to those involved with the fight against terrorism. Have you read the entire Patriot act? I have, and I find nothing in it that isn't necessary if we want to improve our chances against those who take advantage of our lax security to do us harm. _ The majority of American's (THANK GOD) do not subscribe to your bull**** about allowing the authorities and anyone else an open book to your life "if you don't have anything to hide". You have no way of knowing what the majority of Americans, CBers, Hams or anyone else thinks or wants. Unless of course, you're omnipotent. You only know what YOU want and the small circle of people you associate want. As I stated before, I am a big supporter of the concept of freedom. Except when it comes to others exercising THEIR freedoms that you think should be curbed,,such as the right to anonymity on the internet, just for starters. There is no good reason why someone needs to hide. You can't give me a good reason why someone deserves the right to be able to hide from others. Especially when that right threatens the rights of other people to the expectation of civil discourse. When that right conflicts with the right to expect civility and accountability in public places then I favor civility and accountability. But with the RIGHT of freedom, comes the RESPONSIBILITY to follow the rules of civilized society. It's not a free ride. Ride? What is this ride you speak of? You have rambled from speaking of anonymity on the net, (one's right) and your problems with it saying one shouldn;t have that right, and once again linked CB to society and presented your problems with all three in discombobulated fashion. You still need that vacation, Dave. I'm sorry you cannot put the pieces together to form the big picture. All rights come with corresponding responsibilities. You can't hide behind a right, without being expected to be responsible enough to not abuse it. That's what I mean by "no free ride". If a significant percentage of the population fails to recognize their responsibility as a member of this civilized society, then their rights should be proportionally removed as well. 3% of the population of the US HAVE been "proportionally removed" due to poorly constructed laws that created non-violent criminals. We have more incarcerations than any other country on Earth. Keeping with your radical and oppressive beliefs, we must have the worst, evil, people to be found on the planet, eh? Maybe we do. When we allow people the option to abuse the system, is it any wonder that there will be a percentage of people who do? Criminals have reneged on their responsibilities and therefore had their rights suspended. That is as it should be. If people choose to hide behind the freedom and "right" of privacy in order to commit crimes or subvert the moral framework of society, then I am in favor of plugging those loopholes in our Constitution which allows this type of malcontented behavior to proliferate. Again, Thank God the majority do not share your belief. Prove to me that this is a true statement. Free society is not perfect and those "loopholes" will always be there in order to make a free society work. Plugging what you wrongly refer to as "loopholes" in the US Constitution does nothing but take away rights of ALL Americans, whether they choose to exercise those rights or not. Just because you choose not to, you damn sure don't have the right to tell others that they should not be able to exercise same and as it stands now, such is the law. As long as people use these loopholes against society, our nation is diminished in quality of life. People who live honest, righteous lives have nothing to worry about, as nothing will change. Bull****. Over 50 people have been exonerated by DNA this year alone for crimes they were wrongly accused. Non-sequiter. This has nothing to do with anonymity. Just last week a man was released from death row after 22 years when a DNA completely abdicated and absolved him from the murder for which he was doing time. I won't even bother to inform you of the rate of crooked cops in cities like LA and NY, as you are myopically not aware and it is apparent that you feel these innocent victims who lose their lives and families are just the acceptable kill and error ratio. You are talking about apples and oranges. We were talking about the right to anonymity and how that right can disrupt a civil discourse. Now you are trying to link this to abuses and mistakes in the criminal justice system. They do not equate. If people are truly innocent they do not deserve to be incarcerated. But if they are guilty, they deserve their punishment. But the biggest question I have is how do these incidents relate to the right of anonymity? Not at all. If you are attempting to pass yourself and your opinions off in a serious discussion, with any sort of credibility, you have to be accountable for what you say. In a group dedicated to mere posting concerning an anonymous hobby, what type accountability and credibility do you seek? How long have you looked to cb venues seeking "serious" discussion? Please try not to answer a question with a question. How long have you looked to anonymous cb venues on the internet seeking "serious" discussion? As long as I have been here. I am an engineer, and I've been repairing and working on radios for close to 30 years, so I have an interest in serious technical topics, as they relate to CB. Well, there is yet another problem of yours that you answered yourself. Since you see this specific forum as such a poor venue, you need to look to other places for your needs, 'casue you been at it for years here pitching your bitch about CB yet you still haven't figured out that you are not going to to control others actions. Of course, you can invoke that "fence sitter" that never posts and claim you are trying to reach this mythical creature. Perhaps that will allow you to believe a slight victory and you won't feel like you are waging a fight that "has to start somewhere" to clean up radio to the point you wish it. CB radio is full of "CB science" myths, which claim fantastic improvements in performance. I am one of a few on here who will throw cold water on these myths and debunk them with proven R.F. practices when I can. This benefits anyone who might have been contemplating spending a good chunk of cash on something that WILL disappoint them. I've had 30 years of experience, and I know generally what works and what doesn't. So now it's your turn: So then, you are of the opinion that this forum should be nothing more than an unimpeded free-for-all with no rules or decorum? I do not concern myself with the manner in which usenet is constructed. You have so many problems with this group, but crying about what you don't like is reactive, Dave. It won't change a thing. I mean, now you're alluding to the manner in which this group is governed..somehing totally transparent to you or I and beyond your ability to do anything about. Have you ever realized you spend a great deal of time worrying about something over which you have no control? Of course, you do. It drives you to frustration and it manifests here. I didn't ask you whether or not you concern yourself with regulating the forum. I asked if you think it SHOULD be an unimpeded free-for-all. Discussions about technical topics should be taken at face value, without the parties displaying their credentials? Now you're catching on. No credentials needed for usenet posting, nor is the "identity", that has you reeling. So as someone looking for technical information, you should take "bad" advice at face value, without even the hint that it might be "bad" advice? What accountability is there if someone takes someone's "bad" advice and in the process ruins a once perfectly good radio? No accountabilty, which is why the internet and isps and usenet have discalimers you agree to prior to being able to access such information. You are really wound tighter than a slinky, Dave. You tend to forget, deliberate, bad information has been posted here by a certain hammie scumbag, that gave directions on how to ruin a radio,,,, disguised as a mod. Sorry you feel what you find on usenet and the internet is so credible. No wonder you are voting for Bush, as only the gullible are doing so. So now you are proposing that all information found on the internet is suspect? Then what GOOD is it, if you can't trust what you read? All the more reason for a greater accountability. Thank you again for making yet another point for me. People identify on ham radio for a reason. Yea,,,,,,it's the law. Hmmm.... The law states that it's illegal to talk on the freeband, yet it doesn't stop you. Freebanding has nothing to do with hammies identifying "on ham radio for a reason". But we are talking about the law. Why is it a given that hams follow the law with respect to ID'ing, yet it's ok to ignore the law WRT freebanding? Try and remain on your invoked topic. I am, it's not my fault you don't see the relationship. Wrong. One is NOT required to identify on CB. No, they are not required to. But the fact that many go out of their way to conceal who they are, imply a certain suspicious motive. Heheh,,,,of course they do, that is what one is supposed to do on cb,,,conceal their personal identity. You really don't know much about anything CB related. Why would concealing one's identity on CB be any more important than someone doing so on the ham band? Isn't privacy important there? Once again, the anonymous appeal of CB implies a potentially sinister motive. I have nothing to hide. One might wonder about you though. What dark secret prevents you from revealing who you are? Oh, I have no problem revealing who I am...in person. What great fear stops you from completing your mission concerning my personal information? What "mission" is that? You are confusing me with Frank. I'm not the one who's looking for information on you. I just wonder why you hide behind a cloak of anonymity. If you wanted to know that bad, you would come down and meet me like others have..unless, of course, you have some dark secret fear, preventing you from doing so, and you would rather whine and cry here about something so bloody off-topic that only you are consumed with it. In that way, there is no danger of you having to live up to your word and saying things in person instead of on usenet that are offtopic, such as personal information. Like I posted before, I'll be in Orlando in October. When and where do you want to meet? Do you LIKE what this forum has become? ** I do. So you like the barrage of "homo" spam, the bickering, the name calling, the cessation of most of the technical discussions? The rude, confrontational demeanor expressed by many of the participants? I have met many good folks, I have daily emails with regs, I have anything in the manner of radio, cb, hammie equipment I could possibly want, and I owe much of it to this group. tyvm. Who have you met personally? I'd like to see them come forward and confirm it. I have NEVER asked for specific personal details. Sure you have. You have inquired as to my work on past occasion, what town I live in, my name, my call sign,,,why, in fact, you have overly concerned yourslef with my identity for years and you;re still doing it. I only inquired about your occupation when you made claims of being a "professional writer" one time, and then in the "information gathering business" (ironic occupation for someone who claims to relish privacy) on another occasion, and then a charter boat captain yet again. There are some inconsistencies which indicate deception. .look at the lenght of this thread, Yet you lambast me for trying to clean it up and reduce the overall length. ,,all because you are still experiencing growing pains because the law regarding internet use is not the way you wish it. Another example of what you want and not the way the realism exists. No, I'm just seeking a civil discussion with you to discover why you hold such subversive views, and why it is so important to you that you be allowed to hide behind a cloak of anonymity. I am keeping my tone civil although I've noticed you starting to become personally insulting. When you cross that line, I'm finished. However, a person's name, and their credentials will establish their expertise in related topics. Who would you be most likely to believe on matters of radio, someone firmly established in the art, with a good education and background, or someone with the vague identifier: "Rubber Duck"? Not even a valiant attempt. Some of those "good educations" you refer have posted directions on how to destroy your radio in the form of mods. This is exactly the reason one should take everything on the internet with a grain of salt. Apparently, you believe otherwise. But, you see, if someone posted a well written, but "poison" mod as a dupe to unsuspecting CBers, then that person needs to held accountable for that. Thank you for making my case for me. No, they DON'T need held accountable for that. If there is no accountability then there is no means to insure accuracy or civility. That is a bad thing IMHO. It lessens the usefulness of the internet. Without accountability, the internet is little more than a playground for the socially deviate and pornography starved people to slither though and disrupt. If you read your user agreements when accessig the internet and usenet and all that governs such, you would find disclaimers for such info. This is where your socialist views and censorship are magnified. There is nothing socialist about demanding accountability. And demanding accountability is not censorship. Nobody is suggesting that people be prevented from engaging in any activity, only the we all know who it is that's doing it. You have maintained in the past that, for example, instructions for homemade bombs (just for a SINGLE of endless examples) should be censored. I never said that this information should be censored. Only that those who USE this information should be prosecuted. Your argument is weak. It would be, if it were the truth. If the information is out there, you want the person that put the information out there to be "held accountable. Well, the liberals in this country are all about the idea of deflecting responsibility to other (deeper pocket) entities. Holding bar owners responsible for a drunk patron becoming involved in a DUI accident. How would this be any different? Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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From: (Steveo)
(Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:28:31 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:40:57 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:49:48 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: I can't help note but you have begun your games again, selectively snipping questions Deer Lowered!!! Someone should snip this ****ing scroll.. Webtv blows for usenet, Twist. ![]() Yea, the long posts get kind of fun to follow, but TIVO is too slow g. |
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From: (Dr.X)
"Steveo" wrote in message ... (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:28:31 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:40:57 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:49:48 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: I can't help note but you have begun your games again, selectively snipping questions _ Deer Lowered!!! Someone should snip this ****ing scroll.. Webtv blows for usenet, Twist. ![]() _ Yeah Twist. WebTV can't be the only provider in your area. ick! :-) -Dr.X (makin' noise in the sand pile) _ Hahaha,,,nope,,,but I'm pretty damn sure they are the only ones who are GUARANTEED virus proof. Plus, they don't screw around with attempted hackers,,,,they are excellent at informing the right networks when the need arises. |
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On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:15:14 -0400, (Twistedhed)
wrote: Part Deux I thought the last thread was a little short..... Are you suggesting that there are ways to identify someone who takes serious steps to hide their identity? If unfounded character assassinations (libel) was committed, absolutely. How? When people hide behind anonymous remailers, servers, public WIFI access nodes, and NAT routers, how can you find out exactly who they are? Do some homework on the wealth of information out there,,,visit some of the hacker sites and groups,,,how do you think the launchers of serious virus' are tracked down? The same way as many other criminals are caught. They brag to their friends and get turned in. That still doesn't address the basic technical issue of how people can anonymously post messages and e-mail using "public" internet access or through clever technical means to disguise their identity. A simple IP lookup is no guarantee that you will find the actual user. In the fist manner, I was under the impression you were speaking of this group. I'm talking about the internet in general. Since it is now apparent you are experiencing problems of this nature somewhere else, I suggest you consult an attorney. What would give you that idea? I'm talking purely hypothetically. Or are you saying that we all should just have to deal with abusive insulting and libelous comments because they are not worth the trouble to pursue seriously? If my emotions were to take over, I would simply trn the thing off and walk away. No one is forcing you to partake in what you view as an injurous electronic arena. It is your choice. The same "turn it to the left" mentality that abusive CBers use to force good people off of the CB band? The very idea that you feel "forced" by another has moved you to the point of wanting to force others to conform to your beliefs,,,nice. Not forced to conform to "my" beliefs. Only that they maintain a certain level of accountability and by extension civility. Decent people should be forced to yield to malcontents, rather than fight back? That is a personal decision and an apparent unresolved issue that plagues you. So you posit that decent people should be held hostage to the whims of these malcontents, and those of us who feel otherwise have "issues"? I believe in the example of not saying something on a forum, that you wouldn't have the cajones to say to someone's face. Very noble. Many agree with you. Obviously, those like Dogie, do not. Doug has personal issues of his own. ...and he fostered his personal issues on this group. Again, I ask of you, how would you he be held accountable for such behavior that you continue to rail against? If you are asking how Doug should be held accountable, first I'd have to ask; how do we know for sure that the person everyone thinks is Doug, really is? Once we establish that it is him, then he should have his access revoked for behaving in an inappropriate manner. I have incredible restraint and am overly polite, even to you in many instances when you began reambling off-topic with insult. I invite anyone who has a problem with me to come forward. How does one "come forward" if we don't know who you are or where you live? "We" lends the notion you are aware of someone, other than you, who shares your incredible identity obsessions and problem regarding myself. Care to specify? That is paranoia speaking. All that "We" refers to is anyone who happens to be a member of this group who would like the opportunity to "come forward". Nothing nefarious about it. Who I am and where I live is personal information, something you claimed you didn't seek. I don't need to know, but if you want me to "come forward" I do need to know some details. I mean Florida is a big state (assuming that is where you really live) Many know where I live. I am incredibly easy to find, as Doctor X recently found. Does Dr. X know where you live? Does anyone? Somehow I doubt it. You are a little too secretive about this. And you know all too well, that once one person finds out, it'll only be a matter of time before the information spreads around. Of course, those who do, encapsulate the very idea you are railing against...not identifying themselevs, only it doesn't bother me like it does you. I have an open door policy and will meet anyone from this group for coffee, fishing, or to continue our rec.radio.cb debates. Ok, I'm coming to Orlando in October. I might make a detour to Tampa. Where do you want to meet? My house. Are you driving? Bring a radio. I'll guide you right to my front door from the interstate. I'm flying, renting a car, no room to pack radios. Doing "Mickey Mouse" for my kid. _ So far, I have met several from this forum and plan on meeting more. If I didn't fish for the day, and we didn't talk about politics or cb, I am certain you and I would get along just fine on the boat for an afternoon ride talking of nothing but hammie radio. Nothing wrong about talking about CB. I love the hobby (at least in the old days), and I could tell you a few good stories. But in order for you to talk authoritatively about hammie radio, that would imply that you are a ham yourself (or at least should be). You've implied similar before. The fact that you won't admit it one way or the other probably speaks more about your fear of identification, considering your admitted behavior on the freeband. No doubt about it. Using the freeband always runs the risk of being identified. But you can rest easy realizing that I just may, perhaps, have the best of both worlds and have for years. I figured as much. Much like I have, even if you might not see it that way from your perspective. **Anonymity is the enabler for people to act inappropriately, and rudely. Using the excuse that privacy overrides acting in a civilized manner is weak IMHO. No one suggested such..but the gist of it, is that American's are afforded the right to act like idiots, even it offends you to no end. Using the excuse that it ought be over-ridden is what is weak. So then you assert that an American's right to act like an anti-social idiot deserves more consideration than other people's right to expect civilized behavior in public places? You said that. You're wandering. You are confusing consideration with rights. There are very many things I can do well within my rights that offend you, in fact, I have no problem offending you with my legal rights merely because you disagree with them and my right to exercise them. It has everything to do with the core issue. You are attempting to make value judgements regarding the relative priority of the rights that people have. You have prioritized the right to privacy (and by extension enabled the unaccountable actions of malcontents) over the right of people to expect civilized behavior in public places. When those rights clash, something has to give. You seem to have made your choice, even though you keep dancing around it and not quite ready to directly admit to it. Ever hear the expression "The right to swing your fist ends just past my nose"? That's how you have to look at your rights. If the right to hide behind an anonymous cloak, adversely affects the sanctity of a public forum, then the right of anonymity needs to be curtailed to a degree than promotes a workable compromise. _ Simply speaking one's opinion (however insulting or rude) is still a 1st amendment right, and ISP's are reluctant to go down that road. You weren't talking of an opinion, Davie, you spoke of character assassination. Character assassination is either based on truth, or opinion. Wrong. Truth is not character assassination. You might want to ask New Jersey Governor McGreevey about that....... If the claims are true then they deserve to be brought out. If they are simply opinions, then it becomes a process to determine whether there was any "real" damage done. Again this becomes complicated if people "hide" well. But easily enforceable via a court of law. Not if you can't identify the perp. Having your identity known, at least tempers the temptation to act like a retard. And goes against everything the world of security experts and all isp's tell you. As far as I know, acting like "a retard" is perfectly legal, but if you had your way, anything you deemed 'acting like a retard" would most certainly be illegal. Acting rude, inconsiderate, or anti-social, is also not illegal, but it's not something a civilized person would do in a public forum. Therein lies the answer to what ails you. Not all people in public forums are civilized. Nevertheless, these traits you consider uncivilized, exist in these "bad" people you speak of, and unfortunately the word is made up of good AND bad people. So then what is your conclusion? That you have problems following your own claims and posts and have damn near destroyed the thread with your snips and edits., I'm sorry if trimming old posts bothers you. I'm not looking to get into the Guiness Book of records for the longest thread. I'm discussing points, and I'd like to keep it as brief as possible. Your WebTV browser is not helping in that regard either. Should good people be turned away from public forums (Both radio and internet) by the behavior of the bad people? Your words. In fact, you are the only one seeking to do away with what you perceive as "bad" people,,,those that do not conform to your idea of identifying themselves. I am by far not the "only one". There are many people complaining about the anonymous nature of the internet and the ability it gives to people who cannot act any better than a gutter slug. These people have requested changes. The industry has responded. New standards and protocols are already in the works. Trust me, the days of the untraceable anonymous troll is numbered. Do good people not have some right to protection from the worst of the bad people? Isn't this in the best interest of society? Is the right of privacy so important that you would allow it to supersede keeping public places to at least a minimum amount of decorum? It's not in my hands or yours, no matter how bad you wish you had that type control on usenet. No, you are right about that. But when a significant majority of people become fed up with things as they are, and request changes, you can rest assured that things will happen. The court of law recently acknowledged that internet "crime" is new ground, that hasn't been properly codified, and that they are working on laws to address abuses of the public by this venue. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 17:18:11 -0400, (Twistedhed)
wrote: Sorry Dave, had to run out for awhile. Let us carry on,,,, I enjoy the civil tone. As long as it stays this way, I'm cool. Part III From: N3CVJ Why should this newsgroup be treated any differently than an in-person venue? I happen to agree with you on this item, but why should others be forced or made to conform to our view? They shouldn't. Why not? Because they have the same rights as we do. Personal freedom does not (or should not) extend to the ruination of other people's freedom or right of access. And usenet does neither, nor does CB. When legally operating people are shouted off of CB radio by illegal stations "squashing mud ducks", their right of access has been infringed. On Usenet, no one can "squash" a "mud duck" every one is allowed to voice their opinions. But there are no restraints for those who can't maintain a civil tone. Your argument makes the point against the Patriot Act quite nicely, though. In what way? I would not want to make these activities "illegal". If you want to act like a retard, by all means, go for it! But we all have the right to know who it is that is acting like the retard so that they can properly face the repercussions that that type of behavior brings. No,,you don't have the right to know the identity of one just because you feel he is acting like a retard. There would be no question about whether or not someone is acting like a retard. This is beyond the subjective opinion of one user over another. If the behavior is continual and affects more than just one person, then that changes things. Well now, the word "if" and the entrance of injurous posts constitutes an entirely new concept and has no relation to you claiming you have the right to know one's identity on usenet merely because you feel he is "acting like a retard". Nice shuffle, but it non-effective. What did you think I meant when I used the term "acting like a retard"? A simple disagreement of opinion does not qualify as "acting like a retard". Someone who acts like a retard is someone who contributes nothing positive and verbally harasses the regular users to the point that they take the fun out of participation. But,,keeping with this thought you put forward, you just described exactly what happened to Dogie. As it should be. Everyone who acts in that manner should be removed from society where they can no longer harm the activities of others. Wrong." Acting like a retard" is not illegal. Neither is listening to loud rap music outside. But do it at 1:00 Am and guaranteed the cops will be there to "oppress" your right, for the betterment of the rest of the community. That's what I mean by accountability. If you had to "face the music" for acting inappropriately, you would eventually adopt an incentive to NOT act that way. The quality of the forums would increase considerably. What you feel constitutes "quality" is the opposite of what many others feel. The loss of personal privacy in this world is never an improvement in the quality of anything. Why? What would you do differently if suddenly we all knew who you were? It certainly wouldn't change how I interact as I'm already up-front about who I am. Why? Why should it matter if people know who you are? Are you THAT paranoid? Why is none of your concern. But is undoubtedly the whole reason why you defend this notion so vehemently. Why I choose to exercise my American birthrights is none of your concern. Once again, you are owed no explanation. That you would flaunt you rights as an excuse to allow people to victimize other people at the expense of their rights is also telling. I remember making the claim that some I knew personally was popped by local cops for interference relating to his CB radio. You challenged the validity of my claim, AFTER you refused to cite a credible source, and only after did I "challenge the validity" of your claim. I don't have a credible source. I didn't "find" the incident. I was personally involved with it. Of course you don't and of course you were. There are those who insist they were abducted by aliens who also have no credible source. That doesn't mean that it didn't happen. first by trying to find some sort of difference between "a suburb of" and "suburban", suggesting that I was lying. You are lying now. YOU were the one to invoke the word "suburb", not I, and you invoked it when the heat got to hot and you realized, like said, the court documents would confirm your story. I note you originally claimed it happened IN Philthadelphia, I never EVER claimed that it happened IN philthy. Never. I said that it happened in SUBURBAN (Meaning in the suburbs) of Exactly. And then you invoked Norristown, which is NOT a suburb of Philthy, NOT on any area maps of Philthy, and pays no bills or taxes to Philthy, and has no mail go through Philthy. It meets NONE of the criteria for a suburb of Philthy, ,,in fact, it's nowhere near Philthy.. It IS a suburb of philly, as it resides in an area which surrounds the city area. In any case it was your hangup of semantics that caused you to look in the wrong place. The worst you can accuse me of is incorrectly stating the location. It doesn't change the particulars. Oh, and thank you for admitting that I DID provide the name of the exact town. Philly. Why I chose that wording instead of just saying that it happened in Norristown, should be obvious. This is an international forum. Ask someone from another geographical area if they're ever heard of a relatively small town (such as Norristown) and they will most likely not. But mention a popular city as a geographical point of reference, and it's another story. This being an international forum doesn't stop you from invoking domestic (American) law, so you can;t invoke it as a defense for your beahvior now. American law applies to me as I am a citizen of America. But as a referential courtesy to those who don't line in "my neck of the woods" I used general locational terms. I never intended to be detail specific at the time I posted it. That you took it as such is a failing on your part. What more do you want? Umm....perhaps this credibility you always speak of . You hold one who doesn't respond to your demands for personal information as not credible on usenet. The rest of the world holds one who makes claims with no substantiation as not credible. I told you all the details. I never knew the defendant's last name (part of that anonymity aspect of CB) only that the name he went by was "Floyd" (Which from other people, is his middle name, his fist name is Anthony). It happened in Norristown Pa (A suburb of philly) in the late 90's. When you failed to find any information AFTER you claimed it was in Philly, I never claimed it was IN philly. Sure you did,,,here it is again: "This happened about 5 years ago IN suburban Philadelphia.." Suburban philadelphia is not the same thing as being in the city of philadelphia. If I had intended to state that it was in the city I would have said "in the city of Philadelphia". You still won't admit your mistake. That you feel that suburban philly means the same thing as IN philly was your mistake. Wrong. That you called it that with, once again, nothing to substantiate it except your belief, does not consititute what makes a suburbia of a city. Once again, some of those parameters are which defines a suburb of a city are outlined above and Norristown meets none of them. Not in the minds of the people who live here, all of whom refer to themselves as living in the suburbs of phila. Even as far out in the sticks as I now live even the news media refers to this area as the "philadelphia suburbs". But I guess all these people are wrong and you are right? If I was making the whole thing up, do you think I would waste so much time on semantics? What difference does it make now? You know where exactly it happened now, so to continue to argue the point now is counterproductive and wasteful of bandwidth. If you want to go through the trouble to request (at your cost) microfiche records, No need. As far as a court of law would be concerned, I have presented the burden of proof that your claims were false. I have been "pacified" over this issue regardless or not of whether you feel that such is your decision. This is the internet remember, there is no accountability. So anything that anyone says is already suspect. You are the one unable to provide for your claims. That you feel another should feel foolish for your inability to do so is troubling. Even when I told you the exact town, You never said the exact town and if you did, you NEVER linked it with the case you claim occurred or in the same thread. Since you claim otherwise, force feed me some crow, Davie, and show the world where you told me what town the cber got busted in and went to court. Just another in that long line of unsubstantiated bull****,,,, You asked for it, you got it: Enjoy your crow.... http://groups.google.com/groups?q=No...x.net&rnum= 1 There it is again,,,,Norristown, a town that has nothing to do with Philadelphia except in your mind. You will find nothing anywhere denoting Norristown as even remotely associated as a suburb of Philthy. Except by the people who live here. I don't purport to know what the people in the greater Tampa area should refer to themselves as, so I would expect that you not be so presumptuous as to assume the same from my area. Not "a" repeater system,,,YOUR repeater system. You referred to it as "my repeater". I built it. I am a 1/3 of an owner of it. It is NOT located at my You can't look for something and expect to f ind much without key particulars, like the defendant's name, which I can't give you as I didn't know all of it. YOU not being able to doesn't mean others are unable. And sure I can, dave,,,I can do just that with the very simple process of elimination. You start with the town and backtrack to the corresponding year or two which you already gave us indirectly,,from there, one eliminates all charges except for discorderly conduct. From there, it's a matter of checking those charged with the offense in the corresponding time frame and walla walla,,,,,,,,,,and that is but one way of many and by far the easiest. Not disorderly conduct, it was disturbing the peace. Get it right. And you still assume that this information is on the internet. It may not be. The incident occurred in the 1996-1998 time frame Not all information is available on the internet. Exactly, so I have no clue why you continue to assume it is. Then use your "magic" to produce the info. Although once you find it, I suspect you will not admit it. You don't strike me as someone who takes being proven wrong all that well. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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From: (Dave=A0Hall)
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:15:14 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: Part Deux I thought the last thread was a little short..... I'm attempting to pacify your quest for brevity Are you suggesting that there are ways to identify someone who takes serious steps to hide their identity? If unfounded character assassinations (libel) was committed, absolutely. How? When people hide behind anonymous remailers, servers, public WIFI access nodes, and NAT routers, how can you find out exactly who they are? _ Do some homework on the wealth of information out there,,,visit some of the hacker sites and groups,,,how do you think the launchers of serious virus' are tracked down? _ The same way as many other criminals are caught. They brag to their friends and get turned in. That still doesn't address the basic technical issue of how people can anonymously post messages and e-mail using "public" internet access or through clever technical means to disguise their identity. A simple IP lookup is no guarantee that you will find the actual user. In the fist manner, I was under the impression you were speaking of this group. I'm talking about the internet in general. Since it is now apparent you are experiencing problems of this nature somewhere else, I suggest you consult an attorney. What would give you that idea? I'm talking purely hypothetically. I concern myself with real word issues. I don;t have time to sit around entertaing "what-if's" in the world. _ Or are you saying that we all should just have to deal with abusive insulting and libelous comments because they are not worth the trouble to pursue seriously? If my emotions were to take over, I would simply turn the thing off and walk away. No one is forcing you to partake in what you view as an injurous electronic arena. It is your choice. - The same "turn it to the left" mentality that abusive CBers use to force good people off of the CB band? _ The very idea that you feel "forced" by another has moved you to the point of wanting to force others to conform to your beliefs,,,nice. Not forced to conform to "my" beliefs. Only that they maintain a certain level of accountability and by extension civility. Yes,,accountability and civility according to YOUR beliefs, not the law. You have already demonstrated your disain and disagreeing with the law that allows anonymity in life, most recently, to usenet and CB. _ Decent people should be forced to yield to malcontents, rather than fight back? That is a personal decision and an apparent unresolved issue that plagues you. So you posit that decent people should be held hostage to the whims of these malcontents, and those of us who feel otherwise have "issues"? There are no "us", as you are alone in your radical beliefs. No one else feels "held hostage" or "forced" concerning their freedom of choice to partake in usenet, only you. _ I believe in the example of not saying something on a forum, that you wouldn't have the cajones to say to someone's face. Very noble. Many agree with you. Obviously, those like Dogie, do not. Doug has personal issues of his own. _ ...and he fostered his personal issues on this group. Again, I ask of you, how would you he be held accountable for such behavior that you continue to rail against? If you are asking how Doug should be held accountable, first I'd have to ask; how do we know for sure that the person everyone thinks is Doug, really is? Yea, you already established that the same entity (the FCC) you say we should all obey can be mistaken when it comes to Dogie's bust, but they couldn't possibly be mistaken in not repealing their poorly constructed dx rule. AS always, you take an issue and slant it toward your own agenda, invoking it (the FCC) as one we should obey, but not necessarily believe. More hypocrisy. _ Once we establish that it is him, then he should have his access revoked for behaving in an inappropriate manner. Well, there you have it. It is not up to YOU to establish anything. His antics have been reporeted many times by the many on this group and he has lost several accesses to this group over the years. Yet, it is not up to any "we" to establish his wrong doing,,,that is the job of his isp, and when they find such, as they had in the past, they take action,,not you, despite the status you seek. _ I have incredible restraint and am overly polite, even to you in many instances when you began reambling off-topic with insult. I invite anyone who has a problem with me to come forward. How does one "come forward" if we don't know who you are or where you live? "We" lends the notion you are aware of someone, other than you, who shares your incredible identity obsessions and problem regarding myself. Care to specify? That is paranoia speaking. No, it is a command grasp of basic English. You said "we". "We" is not singular. Again, I ask who you refer in addition to yourself? All that "We" refers to is anyone who happens to be a member of this group who would like the opportunity to "come forward". Nothing nefarious about it. No,,you said how do "we" come forward if "we" don;t know who you are. Not many really care WHO I am in addition to yourself, Now, I ask again, who else do you profess to caring about my identity as much as yourself? _ Who I am and where I live is personal information, something you claimed you didn't seek. I don't need to know, but if you want me to "come forward" I do need to know some details. Oh, I NEVER said I wanted you to come forward,,,just the opposite, you said you were coming to Florida. My invite hasn' changed. Anyone that wishes or "wants" to look me up can do do. If I was concerned about you, then I would travel to you, but this isn't the case. YOU apparently want to come forward, so come on down. _ I mean Florida is a big state (assuming that is where you really live) Well then, if you have doubts, perhaps you better reconsider. _ Many know where I live. I am incredibly easy to find, as Doctor X recently found. Does Dr. X know where you live? Dr. X never asked. Does anyone? Oh yesiree Somehow I doubt it. You are a little too secretive about this. And you know all too well, that once one person finds out, it'll only be a matter of time before the information spreads around. More of your far-removed delusions. I have ordered apparatus from two separate regular businesses on this group, one place twice. That makes two businesses in addition to those I have met from this group that "know" me. See Davie, these people don't give a damn as they don't have the motives you telegraph with your intentions to "spread around" personal information. This is undertaken by those like yourself. _ Of course, those who do, encapsulate the very idea you are railing against...not identifying themselevs, only it doesn't bother me like it does you. I have an open door policy and will meet anyone from this group for coffee, fishing, or to continue our rec.radio.cb debates. Ok, I'm coming to Orlando in October. I might make a detour to Tampa. Where do you want to meet? My house. Are you driving? Bring a radio. I'll guide you right to my front door from the interstate. _ I'm flying, renting a car, no room to pack radios. Doing "Mickey Mouse" for my kid. Mickey Mouse is like a six foot rat to little toddlers. I'm 90 minutes from Orlando. Provide me a cell phone number like Keith did and I'll call you, if that's what you wish. I'll give you precise directions. In fact, if you rent a room in Tampa Bay for a day, I'll take you and show you the way Florida was millions of years ago. Some areas remain untouched. _ So far, I have met several from this forum and plan on meeting more. If I didn't fish for the day, and we didn't talk about politics or cb, I am certain you and I would get along just fine on the boat for an afternoon ride talking of nothing but hammie radio. Nothing wrong about talking about CB. I love the hobby (at least in the old days), and I could tell you a few good stories. But in order for you to talk authoritatively about hammie radio, that would imply that you are a ham yourself (or at least should be). You've implied similar before. The fact that you won't admit it one way or the other probably speaks more about your fear of identification, considering your admitted behavior on the freeband. No doubt about it. Using the freeband always runs the risk of being identified. But you can rest easy realizing that I just may, perhaps, have the best of both worlds and have for years. I figured as much. Much like I have, even if you might not see it that way from your perspective. =A0 _ Anonymity is the enabler for people to act inappropriately, and rudely. Using the excuse that privacy overrides acting in a civilized manner is weak IMHO. No one suggested such..but the gist of it, is that American's are afforded the right to act like idiots, even it offends you to no end. Using the excuse that it ought be over-ridden is what is weak. So then you assert that an American's right to act like an anti-social idiot deserves more consideration than other people's right to expect civilized behavior in public places? You said that. You're wandering. You are confusing consideration with rights. There are very many things I can do well within my rights that offend you, in fact, I have no problem offending you with my legal rights merely because you disagree with them and my right to exercise them. _ It has everything to do with the core issue. Which was what? Law? Breaking the law? Offending you isn't necessarily against the law. _ You are attempting to make value judgements regarding the relative priority of the rights that people have. You have prioritized the right to privacy (and by extension enabled the unaccountable actions of malcontents) over the right of people to expect civilized behavior in public places. I didn't make that priority,,,the law did. The law outweighs your demand for what you interpret as civilized behavior. When those rights clash, something has to give. You seem to have made your choice, even though you keep dancing around it and not quite ready to directly admit to it. What you misinterpret as clashing rights is not illegal. |
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NNTP-Posting-Date: =A0=A0 Fri, Aug 20, 2004, 12:24pm (EDT-1) From:
=A0=A0 Dave Hall Group: =A0=A0 rec.radio.cb Subject: =A0=A0 Hey Twist!!!! Date: =A0=A0 Fri, Aug 20, 2004, 1:24pm Organization: =A0=A0 home.ptd.net/~n3cvj X-Trace: =A0=A0 sv3-ZDZ/moIrmAAEi+xOEPkNQVGmpvkmu7UF+wCz8filpRT0rxrGbml8wr 8WXZq8TijDCNdVOB= Dudrwlwnq!I9iQn+YEsbZkx4owgwo/IkTCiFZP6/GT2D3PBjsHcqSJGJWhi1QdS5sNcP3G5YEr= jUKQRIhan0X1!IG7P5lLLufM=3D X-Complaints-To: =A0=A0 X-DMCA-Complaints-To: =A0=A0 X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: =A0=A0 Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: =A0=A0 Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly X-Postfilter: =A0=A0 1.3.13 On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 17:18:11 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: Sorry Dave, had to run out for awhile. Let us carry on,,,, I enjoy the civil tone. As long as it stays this way, I'm cool. _ K...back again. Part III From: N3CVJ Why should this newsgroup be treated any differently than an in-person venue? I happen to agree with you on this item, but why should others be forced or made to conform to our view? They shouldn't. Why not? Because they have the same rights as we do. =A0=A0Personal freedom does not (or should not) extend to the ruination of other people's freedom or right of access. And usenet does neither, nor does CB. _ When legally operating people are shouted off of CB radio by illegal stations "squashing mud ducks", their right of access has been infringed. Please show me any document speaking of this a RIGHT to access you claims exist. On Usenet, no one can "squash" a "mud duck" every one is allowed to voice their opinions. But there are no restraints for those who can't maintain a civil tone. Nonetheless. civility is not a legal requirement, and once again, usenet "can not extend to the ruin of another's freedom." In fact, the ONLY thing that can lead to such a thing is a crime and/or incarceration _ Your argument makes the point against the Patriot Act quite nicely, though. In what way? Read the part you snipped, it illustrates it perfectly. _ I would not want to make these activities "illegal". If you want to act like a retard, by all means, go for it! But we all have the right to know who it is that is acting like the retard so that they can properly face the repercussions that that type of behavior brings. No,,you don't have the right to know the identity of one just because you feel he is acting like a retard. There would be no question about whether or not someone is acting like a retard. This is beyond the subjective opinion of one user over another. If the behavior is continual and affects more than just one person, then that changes things. Whatever. You STILL don't have the right to know the indentity of one merely because you lend your personal opinion that one is "acting like a retard". _ Well now, the word "if" and the entrance of injurous posts constitutes an entirely new concept and has no relation to you claiming you have the right to know one's identity on usenet merely because you feel he is "acting like a retard". Nice shuffle, but it non-effective. What did you think I meant when I used the term "acting like a retard"? Since you solidified how objective the term can be, it can actually mean whatever you wish it to mean. Nevertheless, because *YOU* feel one is acting in a certainmanner not in conformity with your beliefs gives you no right to know anything concerning their identity. _ A simple disagreement of opinion does not qualify as "acting like a retard". You are the one needing to qualify what he term *you* initiated as term extremely "objective". Someone who acts like a retard is someone who contributes nothing positive and verbally harasses the regular users to the point that they take the fun out of participation. That is ridiculous. "Retard" is a poitically incorrect offensive term for one who suffers from diminished mental capacity confirmed by a American licensed MD. _ But,,keeping with this thought you put forward, you just described exactly what happened to Dogie. As it should be. Everyone who acts in that manner should be removed from society where they can no longer harm the activities of others. Wrong." Acting like a retard" is not illegal. Neither is listening to loud rap music outside. Non-sequitur. But to show how incorrect you have been, it most certainly is illegal once it reaches levels that violate noise ordinances. The charge: Disturbing the peace. But do it at 1:00 Am and guaranteed the cops will be there to "oppress" your right, for the betterment of the rest of the community. Non-sequitur once again. One has no right to disturb the peace and if one chooses to do so, must be prepared for any consequence. That's what I mean by accountability. If you had to "face the music" for acting inappropriately, you would eventually adopt an incentive to NOT act that way. The quality of the forums would increase considerably. - What you feel constitutes "quality" is the opposite of what many others feel. The loss of personal privacy in this world is never an improvement in the quality of anything. Why? What would you do differently if suddenly we all knew who you were? It certainly wouldn't change how I interact as I'm already up-front about who I am. Why? Why should it matter if people know who you are? Are you THAT paranoid? Why is none of your concern. But is undoubtedly the whole reason why you defend this notion so vehemently. Don't give yourself so much credit. I have defended personal liberties long before encountering you. - Why I choose to exercise my American birthrights is none of your concern. Once again, you are owed no explanation. That you would flaunt you rights as an excuse to allow people to victimize other people at the expense of their rights is also telling. Perhaps if that is what I have done, there may be some validity to that. But since I have not done so, and only discussed such when continually pressed by those not unlike yourself who have nose problems and an admitted penchant for personal information in order to "spread it around", I am quite satisfied with just what is and isn't "telling" in this thread. _ I remember making the claim that some I knew personally was popped by local cops for interference relating to his CB radio. You challenged the validity of my claim, AFTER you refused to cite a credible source, and only after did I "challenge the validity" of your claim. I don't have a credible source. I didn't "find" the incident. I was personally involved with it. Of course you don't and of course you were. There are those who insist they were abducted by aliens who also have no credible source. That doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Well, yea, in the world of reality acceptance, it does. first by trying to find some sort of difference between "a suburb of" and "suburban", suggesting that I was lying. You are lying now. YOU were the one to invoke the word "suburb", not I, and you invoked it when the heat got too hot and you realized, like said, the court documents would confirm your story. I note you originally claimed it happened IN Philthadelphia, I never EVER claimed that it happened IN philthy. Never. I said that it happened in SUBURBAN (Meaning in the suburbs) of Exactly. And then you invoked Norristown, which is NOT a suburb of Philthy, NOT on any area maps of Philthy, and pays no bills or taxes to Philthy, and has no mail go through Philthy. It meets NONE of the criteria for a suburb of Philthy, ,,in fact, it's nowhere near Philthy.. It IS a suburb of philly, as it resides in an area which surrounds the city area. In any case it was your hangup of semantics that caused you to look in the wrong place. The worst you can accuse me of is incorrectly stating the location. It doesn't change the particulars. Your posts do not constitute particulars ofan incident that never occurred merely because you say it did. Oh, and thank you for admitting that I DID provide the name of the exact town. Oh, no problem, if that minor consolation worls for you, hail hail. The fact of the matter is, the town meets no parameters for what consitutes a suburb of a city. You feel merely because the closest big city is Philly, it constitutes that Norristown is a suburb? By what do you base this? Distance? What were you references? Again, you can cite nothing in this world that illustrtaes Norristown as a suburb of Philly, because it is not. Philly. Why I chose that wording instead of just saying that it happened in Norristown, should be obvious. =A0 It was. =A0This is an international forum. Ask someone from another geographical area if they're ever heard of a relatively small town (such as Norristown) and they will most likely not. But mention a popular city as a geographical point of reference, and it's another story. This being an international forum doesn't stop you from invoking domestic (American) law, so you can;t invoke it as a defense for your beahvior now. American law applies to me as I am a citizen of America. But you don't direct your posts about the law to yourself,,(well, sometime you do), you post them with abandon and no thought to other counties laws. But as a referential courtesy to those who don't line in "my neck of the woods" I used general locational terms. I never intended to be detail specific at the time I posted it. That you took it as such is a failing on your part. You had months to reply. You were asked many, many times to provide "specifics" (verbatim) of the case. That you responded with "Suburbian Philly" and now try to say you weren't responding with "detail specific" at the time you were asked, is *your* communication gaffe, because that is exactly what you were asked for.."specifics". Not anyone else's fault you can't answer correctly. What more do you want? Umm....perhaps this credibility you always speak of . You hold one who doesn't respond to your demands for personal information as not credible on usenet. The rest of the world holds one who makes claims with no substantiation as not credible. _ I told you all the details. I never knew the defendant's last name (part of that anonymity aspect of CB) only that the name he went by was "Floyd" (Which from other people, is his middle name, his fist name is Anthony). It happened in Norristown Pa (A suburb of philly) in the late 90's. When you failed to find any information AFTER you claimed it was in Philly, I never claimed it was IN philly. Sure you did,,,here it is again: "This happened about 5 years ago IN suburban Philadelphia.." Suburban philadelphia is not the same thing as being in the city of philadelphia. Correct. But suburbs of Philadelphia are inexplicably tied to the city it a suburb of, in one of many ways, a few of which you have now been informed. If I had intended to state that it was in the city I would have said "in the city of Philadelphia". =A0=A0You still won't admit your mistake. That you feel that suburban philly means the same thing as IN philly was your mistake. _ Wrong. That you called it that with, once again, nothing to substantiate it except your belief, does not consititute what makes a suburbia of a city. Once again, some of those parameters are which defines a suburb of a city are outlined above and Norristown meets none of them. _ Not in the minds of the people who live here, all of whom refer to themselves as living in the suburbs of phila. Even as far out in the sticks as I now live even the news media refers to this area as the "philadelphia suburbs". But I guess all these people are wrong and you are right? If they call Norristown a suburb of Philly, yes , they are wrong, and once again, stop being so personal, for it is not I that define the parameters of what constitutes a suburb of a city. For one, they must have a civic connection in some form. Norristown does not. In addition to you admitting how vile those Philthy folks are, you're telling the world the majority of folks in your area are ignorant, as well. If I was making the whole thing up, do you think I would waste so much time on semantics? Oh yea. This group has been witness to watching you talk out both sides of your mouth. What difference does it make now? Now that you admitted what I maintained after all this time, that you are unable to produce anything to sustantiate this claim, not a thing. _ You know where exactly it happened now, so to continue to argue the point now is counterproductive and wasteful of bandwidth. Correct. It should be reserved for your long rants illustrating your fancy for what you refer as internet psychology. If you want to go through the trouble to request (at your cost) microfiche records, No need. As far as a court of law would be concerned, I have presented the burden of proof that your claims were false. I have been "pacified" over this issue regardless or not of whether you feel that such is your decision. _ This is the internet remember, there is no accountability. So anything that anyone says is already suspect. You are the one unable to provide for your claims. That you feel another should feel foolish for your inability to do so is troubling. Even when I told you the exact town, You never said the exact town and if you did, you NEVER linked it with the case you claim occurred or in the same thread. Since you claim otherwise, force feed me some crow, Davie, and show the world where you told me what town the cber got busted in and went to court. Just another in that long line of unsubstantiated bull****,,,, You asked for it, you got it: Enjoy your crow.... http://groups.google.com/groups?q=3D...oup:rec.radio= cb+author ![]() 3556.2BA%40worldlynx.net&rnum=3D1 - There it is again,,,,Norristown, a town that has nothing to do with Philadelphia except in your mind. You will find nothing anywhere denoting Norristown as even remotely associated as a suburb of Philthy. Except by the people who live here. Another claim of yours that is morose. I don't believe an entire community is illiterate in civics. I don't purport to know what the people in the greater Tampa area should refer to themselves as, so I would expect that you not be so presumptuous as to assume the same from my area. _ Ahhh,,but I am quite familiar with Philthy and the related area...actually, I am pretty familiar with Penna, NY and a host of other states. I have done quite a bit of traveling over the years and hung around Philthy for some time. _ _ You can't look for something and expect to f ind much without key particulars, like the defendant's name, which I can't give you as I didn't know all of it. YOU not being able to doesn't mean others are unable. And sure I can, dave,,,I can do just that with the very simple process of elimination. You start with the town and backtrack to the corresponding year or two which you already gave us indirectly,,from there, one eliminates all charges except for discorderly conduct. From there, it's a matter of checking those charged with the offense in the corresponding time frame and walla walla,,,,,,,,,,and that is but one way of many and by far the easiest. Not disorderly conduct, it was disturbing the peace. Get it right. Semantics. And you still assume that this information is on the internet. Whatever has you stuck on the internet as being the single informational tool in my work arsenal is incorrect, but seeing as you were told this before and still can't grasp it, this will be the last time I correct you on this matter. As always, you have the right to insist on remaining clueless and ignorant on such matters. It may not be. The incident occurred in the 1996-1998 time frame Not all information is available on the internet. Exactly, so I have no clue why you continue to assume it is. Then use your "magic" to produce the info. I am of the opinion it did not occur. You made the claim, substantiate it or just get past the fact that you finally admiitted you are unable. Although once you find it, I suspect you will not admit it. You don't strike me as someone who takes being proven wrong all that well. Well, that's ok, considering how many times you have been wrong lately. Dave N3CVJ "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 15:08:57 -0400, (Twistedhed)
wrote: From: (Dave*Hall) On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:15:14 -0400, (Twistedhed) wrote: Part Deux I thought the last thread was a little short..... I'm attempting to pacify your quest for brevity Thank you. Do some homework on the wealth of information out there,,,visit some of the hacker sites and groups,,,how do you think the launchers of serious virus' are tracked down? The same way as many other criminals are caught. They brag to their friends and get turned in. That still doesn't address the basic technical issue of how people can anonymously post messages and e-mail using "public" internet access or through clever technical means to disguise their identity. A simple IP lookup is no guarantee that you will find the actual user. In the fist manner, I was under the impression you were speaking of this group. I'm talking about the internet in general. Since it is now apparent you are experiencing problems of this nature somewhere else, I suggest you consult an attorney. What would give you that idea? I'm talking purely hypothetically. I concern myself with real word issues. I don;t have time to sit around entertaing "what-if's" in the world. I can respect that. I also "live" in the here and now, but I like to ponder the future and potential situations. Like playing chess, you have to keep a few moves ahead of your opponent and try to anticipate where they will be going. Or are you saying that we all should just have to deal with abusive insulting and libelous comments because they are not worth the trouble to pursue seriously? If my emotions were to take over, I would simply turn the thing off and walk away. No one is forcing you to partake in what you view as an injurous electronic arena. It is your choice. - The same "turn it to the left" mentality that abusive CBers use to force good people off of the CB band? The very idea that you feel "forced" by another has moved you to the point of wanting to force others to conform to your beliefs,,,nice. Not forced to conform to "my" beliefs. Only that they maintain a certain level of accountability and by extension civility. Yes,,accountability and civility according to YOUR beliefs, not the law. You have already demonstrated your disain and disagreeing with the law that allows anonymity in life, most recently, to usenet and CB. The law does not allow a person to use anonymity to adversely affect the rights of other people. That seems to be something you have trouble understanding. There are no absolutes when it comes to rights. Rights are always relative, and subject to compromises, when they clash with the rights of other people. Decent people should be forced to yield to malcontents, rather than fight back? That is a personal decision and an apparent unresolved issue that plagues you. So you posit that decent people should be held hostage to the whims of these malcontents, and those of us who feel otherwise have "issues"? There are no "us", as you are alone in your radical beliefs. No one else feels "held hostage" or "forced" concerning their freedom of choice to partake in usenet, only you. How can you make such a definitive statement? How can you be so sure that I am, in fact, "alone"? You tend to make these blatantly absolute statements quite frequently, when there is no possible way you can speak with any authority on the subject. You might want to do a Google search on the issues of privacy, the internet, anonymity and the law regarding these things, and you will find that quite a few people are looking to change the way things are done. I believe in the example of not saying something on a forum, that you wouldn't have the cajones to say to someone's face. Very noble. Many agree with you. Obviously, those like Dogie, do not. Doug has personal issues of his own. ..and he fostered his personal issues on this group. Again, I ask of you, how would you he be held accountable for such behavior that you continue to rail against? If you are asking how Doug should be held accountable, first I'd have to ask; how do we know for sure that the person everyone thinks is Doug, really is? Yea, you already established that the same entity (the FCC) you say we should all obey can be mistaken when it comes to Dogie's bust, but they couldn't possibly be mistaken in not repealing their poorly constructed dx rule. Woah, lets not put words in my mouth. I wholeheartedly agree with you that the FCC should remove the DX limitation. If it were up to me, they should allow unlimited DX, allow 100 watts of power, and open the band from 26.000 Mhz to 28.000 Mhz. AS always, you take an issue and slant it toward your own agenda, invoking it (the FCC) as one we should obey, but not necessarily believe. More hypocrisy. Well, yea, if you assume to know what I think, as opposed to what I really think. _ Once we establish that it is him, then he should have his access revoked for behaving in an inappropriate manner. Well, there you have it. It is not up to YOU to establish anything. His antics have been reporeted many times by the many on this group and he has lost several accesses to this group over the years. Yet, it is not up to any "we" to establish his wrong doing,,,that is the job of his isp, and when they find such, as they had in the past, they take action,,not you, despite the status you seek. I don't care who does it, as long as it's done. _ I have incredible restraint and am overly polite, even to you in many instances when you began reambling off-topic with insult. I invite anyone who has a problem with me to come forward. How does one "come forward" if we don't know who you are or where you live? "We" lends the notion you are aware of someone, other than you, who shares your incredible identity obsessions and problem regarding myself. Care to specify? That is paranoia speaking. No, it is a command grasp of basic English. You said "we". "We" is not singular. Again, I ask who you refer in addition to yourself? All that "We" refers to is anyone who happens to be a member of this group who would like the opportunity to "come forward". Nothing nefarious about it. No,,you said how do "we" come forward if "we" don;t know who you are. Not many really care WHO I am in addition to yourself, Now, I ask again, who else do you profess to caring about my identity as much as yourself? Your paranoia is showing again. I use the term "We" as this is a public forum, which includes more people than you and I. That makes it a "we" issue. Who I am and where I live is personal information, something you claimed you didn't seek. I don't need to know, but if you want me to "come forward" I do need to know some details. Oh, I NEVER said I wanted you to come forward Perhaps you've forgotten your own quote from a few paragraphs above: " I invite anyone who has a problem with me to come forward." Do I not count as "anyone"? ,,,just the opposite, you said you were coming to Florida. After you made your invite to "come forward". My invite hasn' changed. Anyone that wishes or "wants" to look me up can do do. Look you up? How is one supposed to do that when you are not forthcoming with certain pertinent information? If I was concerned about you, then I would travel to you, but this isn't the case. YOU apparently want to come forward, so come on down. I'm merely calling your bluff. You know that I live an impractical driving distance from you, so you feel relatively safe, in making that claim. Now that you have an opportunity to make good on your invite, you start, ever so slightly, to back pedal. I'm guessing that you will find some way to wiggle out of any chance of a face-to-face meeting, as it would blow the lid off of your secret life. I mean Florida is a big state (assuming that is where you really live) Well then, if you have doubts, perhaps you better reconsider. Many know where I live. I am incredibly easy to find, as Doctor X recently found. Does Dr. X know where you live? Dr. X never asked. So he doesn't know. Although you implied such in your last statement above. Does anyone? Oh yesiree Somehow I doubt it. You are a little too secretive about this. And you know all too well, that once one person finds out, it'll only be a matter of time before the information spreads around. More of your far-removed delusions. I have ordered apparatus from two separate regular businesses on this group, one place twice. That makes two businesses in addition to those I have met from this group that "know" me. We only have your word for that, so it is as meaningless as you claim my accounts are of the CBer who got popped in Norristown. Besides, anyone can use an anonymous PO box or other address to conduct business. They don't even need a real name as long as the payment is real. See Davie, these people don't give a damn as they don't have the motives you telegraph with your intentions to "spread around" personal information. This is undertaken by those like yourself. They probably don't know it was you they were dealing with either. I have found through many years of experience on CB, that one of the best ways to rid a channel of a belligerent anonymous troublemaker, was to simply locate them and then make that information public. Once they are unmasked, they tend to give up causing trouble, since they are basically cowards. Ok, I'm coming to Orlando in October. I might make a detour to Tampa. Where do you want to meet? My house. Are you driving? Bring a radio. I'll guide you right to my front door from the interstate. I'm flying, renting a car, no room to pack radios. Doing "Mickey Mouse" for my kid. Mickey Mouse is like a six foot rat to little toddlers. My daughter just wants to ride Space Mountain, and see all the sights. I'm 90 minutes from Orlando. Provide me a cell phone number like Keith did and I'll call you, if that's what you wish. I don't own a cell phone. But I might bring a 2 meter H.T. There are several 2 meter repeaters in the greater Tampa area. You already know my callsign. I'll give you precise directions. In fact, if you rent a room in Tampa Bay for a day, I'll take you and show you the way Florida was millions of years ago. Some areas remain untouched. I've seen some of those areas. I'm no newby to Florida, although I tend to prefer the east coast. I almost moved to Melborne 14 years ago. I might even stop at my favorite steak house, Farmer Jones Red Barn in Lakeland. I hope they're still there. Anonymity is the enabler for people to act inappropriately, and rudely. Using the excuse that privacy overrides acting in a civilized manner is weak IMHO. No one suggested such..but the gist of it, is that American's are afforded the right to act like idiots, even it offends you to no end. Using the excuse that it ought be over-ridden is what is weak. So then you assert that an American's right to act like an anti-social idiot deserves more consideration than other people's right to expect civilized behavior in public places? You said that. You're wandering. You are confusing consideration with rights. There are very many things I can do well within my rights that offend you, in fact, I have no problem offending you with my legal rights merely because you disagree with them and my right to exercise them. If it is a simple matter of subjectivity and value judgement, then I agree with you. But when the exercising of your rights negatively impacts on the rights of others, the line becomes drawn, and some sort of compromise is in order. Remember, you rights are not worth any more (or less) than anyone else's rights. You have no exclusivity. It has everything to do with the core issue. Which was what? Law? Breaking the law? Offending you isn't necessarily against the law. We aren't talking about a simple case of "offending" me. You are attempting to make value judgements regarding the relative priority of the rights that people have. You have prioritized the right to privacy (and by extension enabled the unaccountable actions of malcontents) over the right of people to expect civilized behavior in public places. I didn't make that priority,,,the law did. The law has done no such thing. In fact, laws are being crafted right now to deal with this relatively new forum for abuse, and to protect the rights of people who are victimized by anonymous people who hide to escape retribution. The law outweighs your demand for what you interpret as civilized behavior. When those rights clash, something has to give. You seem to have made your choice, even though you keep dancing around it and not quite ready to directly admit to it. What you misinterpret as clashing rights is not illegal. The truth in that statements depends on the details of the infraction. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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its all yours twist...........go and get it............ | CB | |||
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