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Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1412 Â* September 3, 2004
The following is a message from the Amateur Radio Newsline Support Fund. Here's the funds administrator, Andy Jarema, N6TCQ. -- Well, here I am again, so theres obviously another financial crisis that Amateur Radio Newsline is facing. And this time its a real doozie. Let me explain it to you. During the summer many of you are away and donations dwindle to a mere trickle. At the same time, some of our biggest yearly expenses occur during July and August. This includes the Young Ham of the Year Award presentation that we host every year in Huntsville, Alabama. While we had planned ahead, we did not know exactly how much we would need and we were caught short. The price of airfares was up as was the cost of hosting the mini banquet for our recipient, her family and friends. Added to that were higher than anticipated telephone costs to cover the breaking news stories we brought you over the summer. And right now that leaves us with less than $50 in the bank and several hundred dollars in outstanding bills that must be paid right now to keep Amateur Radio Newsline coming your way. As we have said before, Amateur Radio Newsline is a federally charted 501(C)( 3) and California state not-for-profit corporation. For most United States residents it means that your donation is tax deductible. So please help keep the news on your local net, on your repeater and on your computer by making a donation to the Amateur Radio Newsline Support Fund. Its address is Post Office Box 660937, Arcadia, California. The zipcode is 91066. Again that's the Amateur Radio Newsline Support Fund at Post Office Box 660937, Arcadia, California, 91066. On behalf of the entire all volunteer world-wide Amateur Radio Newsline team, I thank you for listening to this appeal and for your ongoing support that keeps the news of Amateur Radio coming your way. I'm Andy Jarema, N6TCQ. Now Amateur Radio Newsline report 1412. -- Thanks Andy. Now Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1412 with a release date of Friday, September 3rd, 2004 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. The ARRL bandwidth based restructuring proposal causes controversy and maybe some reconsideration. Find out more on Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1412 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESTRUCTURING: REACTING TO THE ARRL BANDWIDTH PROPOSAL An ARRL proposal to restructure Amateur Radio along bandwidth lines has caused a lot of discussion in the nations ham community. And it may cause the League to rethink its position. Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, is in Philadelphia, and has the rest of the story: -- Shortly after the ARRL began circulating the proposal and posted it on its website, the e-mails, phone calls, HF, VHF, and digital-mode traffic took off. And now, Amateur Radio Newsline has learned the bandwidth proposal may be tabled for more study when the ARRL's executive committee meets next month. That confirmation comes from W6OBB in Nevada. If the call sign isn't familiar, the name behind it might be. He's Art Bell, host of the weekend edition of "Coast to Coast AM" heard on more than 500 commercial radio stations across the nation. Bell, who joined the fight against Broadband Over Powerlines several months ago, and featured the subject on his radio program, expressed concern about what he called a Draconian proposal that would over- regulate the ham bands. Bell tells me he relayed that concern in a phone call to ARRL President Jim Haynie W5JBP. Bell characterizes the discussion as cordial and at the end, he says Haynie related he was re-evaluating the proposal based on many comments he had received. "He indicated to me and told me I could pass on to you that they're looking into pulling this whole thing back and taking a harder look at it," Bell says. While Bell says he believes the ARRL had good intentions with the proposal, it may have gone too far. "What began as an examination by the League of how we could possibly encourage the digital mode, it went a little too far and began to over-regulate," Bell says. "I'd kind of like to see it go the other way and I'd like to see our bands freed up." Haynie says he's gotten a lot of feedback on the proposal. He says it came from the League's desire to promote - not restrict - innovation and experimentation. He says it was also a response the Federal Communications Commission's desire to see more innovation from the ham community. "I think we rose to the challenge," Haynie says. "We have demonstrated Software Defined Radio that just knocked their socks off, in my view. "We have come up with some other stuff - Joe Taylor and some of his things for moon bounce. And I think the Amateur Radio community needed a wake-up call is what they needed and I think that's what we've gotten and were given." Haynie says it's clear the digital modes like RTTY and PSK 31 need attention. "Where do we want to go to the future?" Haynie asks. "And, as I mentioned a couple of years ago, I took my model 28ASR and took it to the scrap man. But that's the standard that's used today is 850Hz shift at 45 baud. "Well, we don't do too much of that. I'm not saying there's not RTTY enthusiasts out there, there are and I appreciate that and I know that and I want to protect their rights to do those things." Art Bell says he and others don't object to digital innovation. But he doesn't think the proposal hits the mark. "There are many with differing interests who are not too pleased with the proposal and, on the face of it, it simply does not make sense," Bell says. "I agree that we should encourage the digital modes and development, but we shouldn't try to push something into place that is not techincally ready to happen yet." Restricting bandwidth, Bell says, won't promote innovation. "Why do we have to cut and slice and dice and regulate," Bell says. Why not just let anybody virtually go anywhere and let all of us just live together with some gentlemen's agreements which we have now and which work very, very well on most bands? "So with that in mind, look at the Canadians. The Canadians have a 6khz limit and they can go anywhere on the band they want from the bottom to the top. And I don't see why that would not apply and work well in America." Haynie says he wants to hear more from hams and he's encouraging all of us to get into the FCC's Part 97 rules and share input on the proposal at the ARRL's website, that's ARRL-dot-org. "Look at the rule book and see what's there now, "Haynie says. "And, is there something that could be changed that would allow a new technology to be developed, then that's what we want to know." For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, in Philadelphia. -- More on the ARRL proposal and reaction to it in upcoming Amateur Radio Newsline reports. (ARNewsline(tm)) ** RESTRUCTURING: DROPPING CW TESTING IN CANADA Meantime, to the north, another form of restructuring proposal is being considered by hams in Canada. This as telecommunications regulator Industry Canada publishes a Gazette Notice called "Recommendations from Radio Amateurs of Canada to Industry Canada Concerning Morse Code and Related Matters". The Radio Amateurs of Canada proposal deals with the WRC-2003 decisions concerning Morse as a compulsory qualification for High Frequency operation in the Amateur Service. Radio Amateurs of Canada has recommended that Industry Canada delete the mandatory aspect of the requirement for Morse testing but leave it as a voluntary qualification. This, because knowledge of code may be required for reciprocal operation in those countries retaining a Morse requirement. The notice was published on Saturday, August 28th and gives Canadian radio amateurs sixty days in which to respond. Radio Amateurs of Canada recommends that the nations ham community endorse this proposal. (RAC) ** ENFORCEMENT: 10 METER INTRUDER WARNED Here in the United States a commercial business has been warned to stay of the 10 meter ham band. The FCC's Daryl Duckworth, N-N-Zero- W, explains: -- Duckworth:"Dandy Service Corporation of Warrendale, Pennsylvania, was issued a warning notice fot unlicensed radio operations on 28.085 Mhz. Two of their vehicles were the source of transmissions on August 5th of this year in Michigan on Interstate 94 at mile-marker 262." -- Dandy Service was told to advise its drivers that operation of radio transmitting equipment without a license is a violation of the Communications Act of 1934. That it could subject the operator to fine or imprisonment, as well as an seizure of any non-certified radio transmitting equipment. Monetary forfeitures normally range from $7,500 to $10,000. (FCC, RAIN) ** Break 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the N7VGS repeater serving Star Valley Wyoming. (5 sec pause here) ** THE BPL FIGHT: IT MAY BE COMING TO SO. CAL. A heads up warning to hams living in the California counties of Los Angeles, San Diego and Riverside. According to ARRL officials in the Southwestern Division, Broadband over Powerline may be coming your way. Writing in the latest issue of the division electronic newsletter, Director Art Goddard, W-6-X-D, and Vice Director Tuck Miller, N-ed-6- T, say that power companies in these areas may be considering BPL as a new business venture. The two officials add that the regions Amateur community needs to work together to see if they can head off these B-P-L flirtations before they become entrenched on the ham radio bands. The report goes on to say that local ARRL Section Managers are already on top of the situation. The S-M's are reportedly forming Local Action Teams to work on all levels in handling the B-P-L threat to the area. (ARRL Southweestern Divisioon Communicator) ** OPERATIONAL NEWS: TO PL OR NOT TO PL - THATS THE SERA QUESTION Repeaters in eight states and the hams that operate through them may soon face mandatory use of continuous tone coded squelch. Then again, they may not. Amateur Radio Newslines Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, is in Raleigh, North Carolina, trying to sort it all out: -- SERA, the SouthEastern Repeater Association, ignitied a furious debate when its Board of Directors voted to require the use of tone as a condition for frequency coordination for all repeaters in its territory. SERA is the frequency coordinating group for eight southeastern states: Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North and South Carolina,| Tennessee, and parts of Virginia and West Virginia. The SERA Board voted at its June meeting that some form of tone access will be a condition of coordination for all new repeaters effective immediately. Existing repeaters will need to adopt tone within two years, by July 2006. The board was acting on a motion by Steve Grantham AA5SG, the Director from Mississippi. The goal of the policy was to reduce the number of complaints that SERA coordinators receive from repeater owners whose carrier access repeaters are keyed up by users of a co-channel neighbor. In discussion at the meeting, the new policy was softened some when coordinators asked if this meant that repeaters would be automatically decoordinated if they decided not to use tone. The answer, according to an article in SERA's magazine the Repeater Journal, was "no, but…" SERA would not entertain an interference complaint from repeater owners who remained carrier access. The debate began in earnest when the August issue of the Repeater Journal began arriving and the ARRL published a story about it on their web site. Repeater owners argued the merits of tone itself, along with complaints that SERA didn't poll its members, and non- member repeaters, before making the decision. The decision may not be final, according to SERA President Roger Gregory W4WRG: -- Gregory: I've received, and we have received a lot of comments pro and con about this policy. And all I can say right now is that we're taking a second look at it and it's not really written in stone at this time as to what kind of decision we're going to make one way or the other." -- SERA's next Board meeting takes place in January, but the group can reach an earlier decision at any time through an e-mail ballot. Reporting for Newsline, this is Gary Pearce KN4AQ in Raleigh, North Carolina. -- So will the hams in SERA coordinated states have to use tone access on every repeater? Right now, the answer seems up in the air. (KN4AQ, ARNewsline(tm)) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: ISS GOES CROSS-BAND REPEAT Speaking of repeaters. there's a new cross-band F-M system in space and its home is on the International Space Station. This, as the ARISS program announces that the amateur radio equipment aboard the orbiting outpost is now on the air in repeater mode. The downlink frequency remains 145.80 MHz. The new uplink frequency is 437.80 MHz and all frequencies are subject to Doppler shifting. ARISS leaders say that they realize that many hams will miss the packet station that the cross-band F-M voice repeater replaces. Burt the groups leaders say that the cross-band repeater will allow further experimentation of the ISS amateur radio system. For further information on working satellites and adjusting for Doppler shift, please review Emily Clark's (W0EEC) excellent presentation on AMSAT's website, http://www.amsat.org/amsat- new/information/faqs/Intro_sats.pdf (ARISS) ** RADIO LAW: FCC ADOPTS RULES TO ENHANCE NETWORK OUTAGE REPORTING Back on mother Earth in Washington, the Federal Communications Commission has adopted new rules requiring wireless, wireline, cable, and satellite telecommunications providers to report information about significant disruptions or outages to their systems to the Commission. The FCC says that these reports must be filed electronically. The Commission also ruled that all sensitive information collected as a result of these new rules will be protected from public disclosure. The full story is on-line at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_publi...C-250543A1.doc (FCC) ** RADIO LAW: FCC REDEFINES DTV CONVERSION SCHEDULE The FCC has also taken steps toward deciding exactly which channels broadcasters will end up with when they switch to digital television. By unanimous vote, the Commissioners have set up a timetable that will decide by June 2006 which channels people will tune in on to see their favorite programs. . FCC chairman Michael Powell says that the vote signals that substantial progress has been made in switching television from its current analog transmission system to digital. He adds that the national dialogue has shifted from wondering if the DTV transition would ever end to exploring when it should end. (FCC) ** RADIO LAW: CANADIAN GROUPS CHARGE THAT HD RADIO WILL HARM RECEPTION Meantime, Canada charges that High Definition or Hi Fi digital Radio will harm reception of Canadian stations inside its own border. At least that's the headline from the August 30, 2004 edition of Inside Radio. According to the story that follows, both the Canadian Boadcasting Corporation and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters have asked the country's technical regulatory agency to protest iBiquity's In- Band On-Channel digital radio system. They allege harmful effects on current A-M reception, especially during nighttime hours. The whole story is on-line at http://tinyurl.com/6uubn and www.insideradio.com (CGC) ** HAM AWARDS: THE RCC IS BACK AND ITS FREE Some good news. The Rag Chewers Club or R-C-C award is back, but it will not be sponsored by the American Radio Relay League. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, has the details: -- Its the Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio -- better known by the acronym SPAR that will be sponsoring the new R-C-C. The group has announced that as of September 1st it will adnminister this fun award and will do so following the old ARRL rules. According to SPAR, all a ham has to do to get an R-C-C is to present evidence of having had an actual one on one Q-S-O that lasted at least 30 minutes. The QSO can be made on any legal amateur frequency. In early 2004 the ARRL announced it was discontinuing the Rag Chewers' Club Award due to a lack of interest. Conversations SPAR held with hams seemed to indicate that the lack of interest was due mainly to the cost of the award. So SPAR says that the award will be available free of charge to all licensed radio amateurs. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in Los Angeles. Jim. -- All certificates will be distributed by e-mail as Adobe P-D-F files that you can print and frame. The awards are numbered and endorseable by mode. Complete rules and an on-line application are on the SPAR website at www.spar-hams.org. (SPAR, QRZ.com) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: HAPPY 104 BIRTHDAY TO KJ6KQ And less we forget, a belated birthday greeting goes out to Bill Diaper, KJ6KQ who turned 104 on August 12th. That's right, we said 104, and probably making him the oldest living radio amateur in the United States, if not the world. According to a posting on the Q-R-Zed dot com by Tom Ferguson, N6SSQ, website, Bill is a member of the Pacific Amateur Radio Guild and these days resides in the Masonic Homes in Union City, California. Tom says that there is a radio shack in the basement that Bill used up till a year ago but is very difficult for him to access now. That's because the station is in the basement next to the laundry room. Bill says it is dark and damp down there and must get assistance to get there and have someone tune and adjust the frequency on the rig for him. N6SSQ adds that the Pacific Amateur Radio sent Bill a flurry of letters and cards on his birthday and that he was very pleased to get them. (QRZ.com) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** HAM FAIR JAPAN ATTRACTS 30000 ATTENDEES Turning to the ham radio social scene, Japan's largest hamfest, the JAIA Ham Fair, was held the weekend of August 21st and 22nd. The venue was Tokyo's Big Sight International Convention Center. Among the highlights of gear being shown were Yaesu and Icom both showcasing their high end $10,000 H-F transceivers. Kenwood did not match in the super high end radio category but had a well attend ongoing demonstration of their ARCP-480 Radio Control Program. But the manufacturers and dealers were only a small part of the show. Over 170 radio clubs also had booth space at the show. These ranged from large organizations like JAMSAT, the Japan Shortwave Club, and SEANET down to local organizations who use their booth for flea market sales. Also present were a wide variety of organizations promoting every aspect of Amateur Radio. This included mountain-topping operators, microwave activity enthusiasts and antenna construction experimenters. Operations represented included facsimile, SSTV, ATV, RTTY, 10M FM, 6 Meters, CW devotees, QRP, homebrewing, classic rigs, military surplus and even a contingent from the A-M community. Ham Fair is Japan's largest annual gathering of radio amateurs from the Pacific Rim. An estimated 25,000 to 30,000 attended this years event. (WIA News) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: WSWSS 2004 FALL CONFERENCE IN FRESNO CA Back on this side of the Pacific, the Western States Weak Signal Society tenth annual VHF and UHF Conference takes place Saturday, October 9th. The venue is the M2 Antenna System Facility, at 4402 N. Selland Ave in Fresno, California. Registration starts at 8 AM with the conference program slated to begin at 9 AM. For more information write to David Peters, KI6FF, 14291 Middletown Lane, Westminster, California, 92683. You can also e-mail David to (VHF Reflector) ** HAM RADIO BUSINESS: OAL NO LONGER REPPING DEM In news from the ham radio business world, David Clingerman, W-6-O-A- L says over the V-H-F Reflector that his company known as the Olde Antenna Lab of Denver, Colorado is no longer representing Down East Microwave, Inc. Dave says to please refer your help questions, pricing information and orders directly to Down East Microwave in New Jersey. (VHF Reflector) ** HAM RADIO NEAR SPACE: UK BALLOON LAUNCH LICENSED FOR SEPT. 12 G3ZHI reports that a license has been granted for a United Kingdom high altitude ham radio balloon flight. The project is now authorized for operation on 2.500 GHz on Sunday, September 12th. The license has special permission to operate at up to 50,000 feet instead of the usual flight ceiling of 2,000 or 5,000 feet. The launch is scheduled to take place at about 1.30. Plans are still afoot to relay pictures via the new 13 centimeter GB3FT repeater if the system is completed and on the air in time for the flight. More information on this experiment as it becomes available. (G3ZHI) ** WORLDBEAT - UK:: NEW RSGB ON -LINE There's a new ham radio promotional video out and it has a definitely British flair. And in an effort to help to promote amateur radio, the recently-created Essex Amateur Radio Club has started streaming the new RSGB video "What is Amateur Radio" on the Internet. The Essex group is providing it at speeds of 26 kb and 57 kb so it can be viewed by those using dial-up as well as broadband. If you want to take a peak it is available in cyberspace at www.essexamateurradio.org.uk (RSGB) ** WORLDBEAT - NORWAY: HACKER DEFEATS AIRPORT EXPRESS Meantime on the European mainland the same Norwegian hacker known for developing D-V-D encryption-cracking software has apparently struck again. This time his target is the security system that protects Apple Computer's wireless music streaming technology. Jon Johansen has released a hacking system on his website that provides a key to unlock the encryption Apple uses for its AirPort Express. The unit lets users broadcast digital music from Apple's on- line iTunes Music Store on a stereo that's not plugged into an Apple computer. This permits other software applications from competitors to work with the proprioritary AirPort Express codec. Apple is reportedly considering taking legal action in the case. (Published reports) ** RADIOSPORTS: HOST STILL NEEDED FOR 2005 ARDF GAMES Turning to the world of radiosports, a reminder from Joe Mell, KZ0OV, that a group is still meeded to host the fifth U-S-A Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championship games. This, in the summer of 2005. Some prerequisites for being the host include having suitable sites for 2 meter and 80 meter hunts along with the ability to provide foxhunting courses. There are also the organizational aspects to consider. These include providing registration services, housing for the contestants, meeting rooms, transportation to and from the hunt areas and lots more. If your club is interested in hosting this event, please contact Joe by e-mail before September 15th to . Full details about the games and how to become the 2005 host is on line at www.homingin.com (ARNewsline(tm)) ** DX In D-X, word that K3GV portable VY2 is active on 15 and 20 meters as from Prince Edward through the 12th of September. The island counts as NA-029 for the RSGB Islands on the Air award program. QSL's go to K3GV at his callbook address. (RSGB) And while this is short notice, the All Asian SSB contest will take place beginning at 00.01 U-T-C on Saturday, September 4th and will run for 48 hours. Operation is on 160 through 10 meters with stations in Asia trying to work the rest of the world. The official exchange for this one is a signal report and the operator's age. (WIA News) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: NRC MEETS IN BATAVIA NY And finally this week, a big meeting of broadcast band SWL's is taking place as we go to air. Here's Fred Vobbe, W8HDU, with the details: -- Audio report only. Download the newscast at www.arnerwsline.org -- Fred has promised to be here net week with a full wrap-up on this years gathering. (W8HDU) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW, saying 73 and we thank you for listening." Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Yahoo! Groups Links * To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arnewsline/ * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: |
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