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![]() Young Men are delicious, Healthy, virile and strong, With smooth skin, a firm fleshy arse, And hair growing where it belongs. hey steve I know your forging wa3moj and trying to make him appear gay but you seem to be really getting into your roll LOL |
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![]() Steveo wrote: "HAPPY CAMPER" wrote: You are truly sick. I liked you better when I thought you were just a stupid keyclown. No wonder you and BP and Lancer make keyboard love to each other. You better ask yourself if losing your cable feed is worth it. cable-68-114-111-209.sli.la.charter.com For what?? replying to YOUR post?? I don't know if you're sick or just plain nuts. |
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![]() Steveo wrote: "HAPPY CAMPER" wrote: You are truly sick. I liked you better when I thought you were just a stupid keyclown. No wonder you and BP and Lancer make keyboard love to each other. You better ask yourself if losing your cable feed is worth it. cable-68-114-111-209.sli.la.charter.com For what?? replying to YOUR post?? I don't know if you're sick or just plain nuts. |
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GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! don't start talking about dog sleds. mopeydopey
knows that there are dogs with dogsleds...he will kidnap them and take them home so he can watch his true love romance them. |
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somehow, you seem strangley familiar
at minimum strange is that you monkey? i thought you lived in florida but 5 years since i visited here, so things change dug88 HELP my igloo is melting "Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message oups.com... GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! don't start talking about dog sleds. mopeydopey knows that there are dogs with dogsleds...he will kidnap them and take them home so he can watch his true love romance them. |
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lovely letter
did u rit it yourself actually just wanna **** ya off need some help of the "traditional charter of marriage" in canada instead of telling me how HE SPREAD HIS LEGS THIS WEEK how about telling me. AND anyone else how did this man change my life for the better and ADD any newsgroup you like oh and you can't confess to enjoying something repent and slam it into a drawer, or door way. there is a dull idea ADD a newsgroup lets let people know canuck is for canada. WE care about our lovers. dug88 "Steveo" wrote in message om... I'm Steveo. I'm a cocksucker. Yeh, that's right, a cocksucker. I pleasure straightguys with my mouth when they're horny and there's no pussyaround. And when they've popped their load down my throat, theyjust stick their meat back in their pants and zip up. Sometimesthey say thanks, sometimes they don't. But that's OK, it's justhow straight guys treat cocksuckers. Straight guys always want to know what a guy like megets out of giving them blow jobs when they don't give meanything in return. Well, that's easy. They do give me something,they give me dick, the most wonderful, sexiest thing in the worldto a fag. So while the straight guy is using my mouth as a pussysubstitute in order to satisfy his sexual needs, he is alsoletting me worship his cock so I can satisfy mine. That's a fairdeal as far as I'm concerned. But, hey, don't get me wrong. Seeing me walk down thestreet, you'd never think I was queer. I don't swish. I hang outwith my friends, play sports, get drunk now and then, the usualguy-guy stuff. I'm totally male and a regular guy in every wayexcept one: My favorite kind of sex is sucking on another guy'sdick and taking his load for him. Am I glad that I turned out to be a cocksucker insteadof a normal, pussy-chasing straight guy? Yeah, I am, even thoughsometimes it can be tough being a fag in a straight-ruled world,especially a fag who likes what I like. I wouldn't want to beanything else though. In fact, tell you the truth, I'm more thanglad, I'm proud to be a cocksucker. I'm proud that the guys wholet me service them usually come back for more, whenever they'refeeling horny and need the kind of ego-trip-hot-sex that they canonly get from a really good cocksucker who asks nothing more thanthe privilege of being allowed to suck them. But I'll admit it took me a while to get here. Like allguys growing up homo instead of hetero, I suppose, I had tofigure out a few things first. Let me tell you about it. * * * Ever since I can remember I've been fascinated by otherguy's dicks and I started sucking on them as soon as my oldercousin he's a homo too showed me what a blow job was and then letme practice on his dick so I could learn to do it right. Rightfrom that first time I loved how it felt to have his cock in mymouth, how good it made me feel to suck on it, to make it minefor a few minutes. Even more, I loved how much my cousin enjoyedbeing sucked off, how good I made him feel. He'd kick back andrelax on the bed, his hands behind his head, just letting mepleasure him, and I fell in love with giving sexual service toother men. It just felt so good to suck on his beautiful cockuntil he popped his load. Naturally, as soon as I discovered cocksucking, Iwanted more, lots more, and my cousin told me about the Y and themen's room in the bus station downtown. He said that guys whowere horny would go there and let guys like us feed on their meatso they could get off. I'll never forget the first time I went to the Y, acouple of months after I started sucking my cousin's dick. Thisgood-looking guy came into the men's room dressed only in gymshorts and a jock. He saw me sitting in one of the stalls, whichdidn't have any doors. I guess it was obvious I wasn't there totake a ****. "You want something, boy?" he asked when he saw melooking at him while he took a leak at one of the urinals. "Yes, please," I answered, my heart racing. "What's that, boy?" "Can I suck your cock, please, sir?" "You a cocksucker, boy?" he said, waving his dick atme. "Yes, sir, I am. Please let me suck on it." "Funny," he said, "you don't look queer." "Well, it's just that I like to suck guys. I'm not asissy or anything." He walked toward me, his dick getting hard. God, it wasbeautiful, sticking out from his lean, hard body, his heavy ballshanging below it. "You do a good job, cocksucker," he said, standing infront of me, his manhood a few inches from my face. "Yes, sir," I answered, "I'll suck it good for you." "You do that, boy." I leaned forward and felt for the first time the utterbliss that comes over me when a straight man's cock slides intomy mouth. It thrilled me to be this hunky guy's cocksucker, theinstrument of his pleasure. As I sucked him, he kept calling menames like faggot and queer boy and I felt smaller and smallerand he seemed bigger and more masculine every second, until heblew his wad down my throat. When it was over, he thanked me andtold me I was a good cocksucker. That really made me feel goodbecause I wanted to be the best cocksucker in the world for a guylike him. Two other guys used my mouth as a pussy substitute thatday and they called me names too. That bothered me at first. Eventhen, I didn't think of myself as like one of those swishy guyseveryone made fun of at school. As I told that first guy, Iwasn't a sissy, it just made me feel good to suck dick. At thattime, I guess, I thought my cousin and I must be just about theonly guys in the world who needed dick instead of pussy butdidn't act queer. But my cousin told me there were plenty of guyslike us, and being a cocksucker didn't mean you weren't a man. Itjust meant you liked sucking dick. But he also told me that straight guys need to protecttheir self-image before they can relax and get sexual servicefrom another man. He said that submitting to a straight guy'sverbal abuse when you serviced him was just part of being acocksucker and you had to learn to get off on it. Part of thejob, so to speak. He was right, of course. Pretty soon I wantedthe verbal abuse when I serviced a guy, it made being hiscocksucker even more thrilling for me, telling me who and what Iam. But it still bothered me when my friends made fun ofhomos while we were joking around. Of course, they neversuspected I was a homo myself, sucking dick every chance I got atplaces like the Y. I wasn't about to stop doing it, and if doingit meant I was a homo, then I was a homo and so be it. But itwould take a while before I was proud to be a cocksucker. Untilthen, sucking dick was just something I needed to do and so I didit. * * * I began to feel proud of what I am when I went away tocollege. It didn't take me long to find out about the third-floorjohn in the library and its carefully maintained, and usuallybusy glory hole. Soon I was going there several times a week tofind cock to worship, and most of it turned out to be my favoritekind, straight-boy cock. You see, in those days, nice girls weren't supposed toput out, so a lot of the straights went to the campus glory holeswhen they were horny to get their hard-ons serviced by fags. Justlike the guys I'd sucked off at the Y while in high school, noneof them thought there was anything queer about a guy putting hisdick in some cocksucker's mouth so he could get off. It wasputting your mouth around some guy's dick that made you queer. But the straights liked the anonymity of the gloryholes as much as the cocksuckers did. That way they could havesex with another guy and enjoy it without any complications, noreputations made or lost. It was just hot mouths and hard dicksand that was a good deal for everyone, straight and fag alike. * * * I remember going into the library john after I'd beenat school a couple of years, one night when I was real hungry forsome straight-boy dick. But the first stall, the one I liked touse when I worked the glory hole, was occupied. Naturally Ididn't know if it was just some guy taking a ****, or someonelooking to get blown, or someone after the same thing I wasafter, because I wasn't the only dicklicker at school by a longshot. I knew most of the other cocksuckers by this point, havingrun into them in places like the library john. We'd nod when weran into each other on campus and maybe discuss some new hot spotto get dick that one of us had found. We were sort of a secretfraternity and most of us weren't obvious about being queer. So I went into the other stall to take a leak and Icould feel the guy checking me out through the glory hole while I****ed. "How you doing, cocksucker?" he said. It was Billy, the only guy I let call me "cocksucker"when I wasn't being submissive to a straight guy while I servicedhim. Billy was my best friend. We had met in this very spotduring our freshman year when he had put his dick through theglory hole for me to suck on after I let him know I wanted it. Ihad figured he was just another horny straight boy. But after acouple of minutes of feeding me his meat he surprised me. "Hey, man," he said, "you give great head. But it's myturn now. Let me have some cock, hey, and I'll show you what Ican do with it." Naturally I did and he did as good a job on my dick asI had been doing on his. We were cocksucking buddies from thatpoint on, taking care of each other when one of us wanted to popa load or was hungry for cock. But we were never lovers. We wereboth too much into giving glory hole service, sucking offstraight guys. But we took a lot of classes together and soonbecame best friends. That was great because it can be lonelybeing a homo when you're that age. Billy and I could be completely ourselves together. Healready knew I was a cocksucker, so I didn't have to hide it fromhim like I did from my other friends. And he understood why Ineeded to suck dick in the only way that a man can ever reallyunderstand the need for dick instead of pussy, because he neededit too. So we spent a lot of time together, feeling each other upwhile we talked, making out, and giving each other long, lovingblow jobs as we worshiped our mutual passion, the great god cock. Billy told me he had been hung up on other guys' dickssince his older stepbrother came home drunk and horny one nightand talked him into giving him some head. Billy adored his bro- ther and would have done anything to please him, and he found hereally enjoyed sucking his brother's big dick. It fed a hunger inhimself he hadn't known he'd had before. He became his brother'sregular cocksucker after that, and soon for a couple of his bro- ther's friends too, sucking them each off a couple of times aweek, sometimes separately, sometimes together. That's how helearned to like sucking cock while others watched. And Billy wasstill his brother's cocksucker, at least when he was home fromcollege, even though his brother had gotten married. "Hey, Billy, how you doing?" I asked him when I foundout who was in the other stall. "Had much action tonight?" "Not bad. I've been here about half an hour and I'vesaved two guys from the sin of masturbation." "How were they?" "You're talking to a happy cocksucker." "I bet. Wish it had been me, that's for ****ing sure.You going to be here much longer?" "Well, I'll make room for you if you want. But Ihaven't come yet. How about letting me suck your dick while Ijerk off? You want to be my last cock of the evening?" "Sure, Billy," I told him, "that would be great. Butdon't make me come, hey? I don't want to take the edge off untilI've gotten some dick for myself." "Don't worry," he told me, "I know that feeling prettywell." I'd been playing with my dick while we talked, so I wasalready hard and I stuck my seven inches through the glory holefor Billy to suck on while he jerked off. I felt his warm, wetmouth surround my dick and I could see under the partition thathe had slipped to his knees, the proper position for worshipingcock, even one that belongs to another cocksucker. Soon he wassliding up and down my dick, burying his nose in my pubes on thedown stroke in his cocksucker's hunger for dick. No wonder Billy's brother still wanted service fromhim, even though he was getting regular pussy from his wife.Whether you're straight or a fag yourself, there's just nothinglike a blow job from a really good cocksucker, and Billy was oneof the best. "Hey, thanks, man," he said when he finished. "That wasgreat. You know, you've really got a nice cock, even if you'rejust a ****ing faggot." "Well, no one's perfect," I said as I came out of thestall. Billy came out of his, his jeans still unbuttoned, and Igave his cock and balls a squeeze. "You've got nice meat too,Billy. For a homo at least." "Well, that's what I am," he said laughing. "A queer-as-a-three-dollar-bill dicklicking homo and cocksucker to thestars, and glad to be one. You glad you're a cocksucker too? Orwould you be straight if you had the chance?" "I dunno, Billy. Sometimes I like being a fag andsometimes I don't." "Well, have fun, cocksucker," he said. "You can't stopneeding dick, so you might as well enjoy getting it." He leanedforward and kissed me gently on the lips. "Thanks, cocksucker, I'll try my best." I kissed himback and we held each other for a moment. As I said, it can belonely being queer at that age, especially if what turns you onthe most is getting straight guys to share their manhood withyou, like it did Billy and me. * * * I went into Billy's stall and sat down, playing with mydick while I waited. Pretty soon two guys came in and startedtaking a leak. They were talking about how horny they were, so Ifigured they hadn't come into the library john just to find aurinal. I tapped my foot a couple of times, the signal that theguy in the stall was looking for cock to service. "Hey, I think we're in luck," one of them said. "Great," the other one answered, "you go ahead and I'lllook out." "You want to suck on my dick?" the first one asked me. "Sure would," I said. "You need to pop a load? I'lltake care of you." The guy went into the other stall and stuck six inchesof manmeat through the glory hole. "Suck on this, faggot," hetold me. I do what I'm told when I'm on cocksucking duty and Ifell on it. Boy was I hungry for straight-boy meat that night.Pretty soon I was making a disaster zone of his cock and ballsand he was moaning and calling me a pussy mouth faggot and a****ing, dicklicking cocksucker--all of which is true. Prettysoon he popped his load and I swallowed it happily. "Hey, Steve," he said to his buddy, "this guy is great.He really drained me." He left the stall and the other guy came in and put atrue eight-incher through the glory hole. It was a real beautyand I leaned back to admire it for a second. "Come on, cocksucker," he told me, "do your job, Ihaven't got all night." I set to work, polishing the head of his dick with mytongue. I licked his balls for a while and then deep-throated himright to the base of his cock. He let out a low moan and startedto move his hips back and forth. He turned out to be one of thoseguys who prefer to **** a cocksucker in the face, so I justpushed my mouth up to the glory hole and had a really good timewhile he put his hands on the top of the partition and shoved hisdick down my throat again and again. Just as we were really getting into it, the door to thejohn opened and another guy came in. Sometimes when that hap- pened, the guy getting sucked would pull away. But this onedidn't seem to care and he kept right on face ****ing me. "Hey, Pete," the new guy said to the one I'd servicedfirst. "What are you doing here?" "Not doing anything, Fred. I'm here getting done. So'sSteve." "You got a cocksucker in there taking care of you,Steve?" he asked. "Sure as hell do," he said. "Wait a couple more minutesand you can find out for yourself how good he is. This guy'sreally got a hot mouth." "Thanks," he said, "but I think I'm getting laid thisweekend. Don't want to spoil that." "Lucky you," the guy I was sucking said. "Haven't hadany pussy in ****ing ages. Got to be satisfied with blow jobsfrom faggots. At least this cocksucker really knows how to usehis mouth on a guy's meat." "Well, enjoy," the other guy said, flushing the urinaland going out. I was really pleased he had called me a good cocksuckerand he started calling me more names when he got close. "Come on,cocksucker," he said, "use that pussy mouth of yours. Yeh, man,suck my dick. ****ing queer, you like my meat, don't you,faggot?" Suddenly he shot a big wad and I slurped it up. He took his dick out of my mouth, wiped it off withsome toilet paper and zipped up. "Thanks, guy," he said, "youwere great. Really enjoyed it." "Glad I could help," I said. "Any time." "See you around, whoever the **** you are," he said ashe went out the door with his friend, laughing. I waited again, my cocksucker's hunger for dick not yetsatisfied, despite two great cocks. But no one came in for a longwhile and I eventually decided to try the park to get what Ineeded. I'd never been there before but Billy had told me aboutit. When it was warm he especially liked to go to a part of thepublic park near the campus because that's where the local punkswent when their girl friends weren't putting out and they neededa blow job from the cocksuckers who went there to service them.It really turned him on to be on his knees in front of theseguys, servicing their dicks in public, and taking their verbalabuse along with their loads. "You've never been called a faggot until one of theseguys call you a faggot," Billy would say happily when he wastelling me about his latest night out, sucking on townie dick."Their friends are watching, so they have to be real macho." * * * There was a moon out, so I could see my way as I wentto the secluded path through the wooded part where Billy had toldme the action was. Soon I saw two guys, obviously townies, stand- ing against the stone wall that went along one side of the path,and a third guy, who looked like a college student, down on hisknees, giving head to one of them. I approached and saw that itwas Billy. He had said he was through for the night, but youprobably know how it is when you're a cocksucker. The guy who was watching his friend get serviced lookedat me as I came closer. It didn't take him long to figure out Iwas a cocksucker too. (I was dressed like a college student, andany college student who was in that part of the park at that timeof night was looking for townie dick to suck). He took his meatout of his pants and waved it at me. "Suck it for me, faggot," he said. I got down on myknees in front of him next to Billy, who looked at me, the otherguy's dick still in his mouth. His eyes widened when he saw itwas me. "Enjoying yourself, cocksucker?" I asked as I took holdof my guy's balls with one hand while I started to lick his hard- ening dick. He shook his head yes and went back to work, his headsliding long and easy on the bigger-than-average piece of meat infront of him. He looked real happy, but a cocksucker on his kneeswith a hot dick in his mouth usually is. I got to work too and soon our heads were bobbing inunison as we pleasured the two punks. As they each came, theyjust tucked their meat back in their pants and walked away, leav- ing me and Billy kneeling there, the last of their cum stilldribbling down our chins. "****in' faggots," one of them said as they moved outof sight. "How you doing?" I asked Billy. "Pretty good. I see you decided to check out the parkand try some townie dick for a change." "Yeh, why should you get it all?" "I'm not the only cocksucker who comes here to get dickfrom these guys, believe me. On Saturday nights there can be fiveor six of us down on our knees giving head and a couple of dozentownies waiting their turn to be serviced. It can be real hot.Check it out sometime. It can be better than college cock." "I will." As we were talking, a couple of other guys came up tous and pulled out their meat. A third joined us and waited whilewe took care of the first two. Billy finished first and began onthe third guy. When my man gave me his load, I stayed on my kneesand watched Billy suck. As I said, the straight-acting homos at school, likeBilly and me, tended to stay out of each others' way when we wereout getting dick. And although Billy and I were best friends andwe had sucked each other off a hundred times, I had never seenhim with anyone's dick in his mouth except mine. Then Billy took the guy's penis out of his mouth andoffered it to me. Of course, Billy was my best friend, not justanother cocksucker. I took over and pretty soon we were switchingback and forth. While we were both working on it, me on one side,Billy on the other, the guy suddenly shot his load between us. * * * As we were watching this guy cum, a cop who had obvi- ously been watching us from the shadows suddenly appeared. Theguy we had been blowing ran off, tucking his meat back in hispants as he went, but Billy and I were trapped. Anyway the copsnever arrested the punks, just the fags who serviced the punks. The cop stood in front of us, his hands on his hips."Alright, faggots," he said, looking down on us, "let's go." "Please, sir," said Billy, who seemed calm, "can't wemake a deal?" "You ****ing queers," he said. "We don't like cock- suckers in this town, especially smart-ass college cocksuckers.On your feet and let's go. Now." I was too scared to move. My parents were going to havea fit when they heard their darling son had been arrested forgiving blow jobs in the park. Like most straights they didn'teven know I was queer. But Billy stayed calm. He reached out andgently touched the policeman's well-packed crotch. "Please, sir," Billy said massaging his basket, "let mesuck your dick. I'm a real good cocksucker, sir, and so's myfriend here. We'll take good care of you. Please, sir." "Suck on this, faggot," the cop said, shoving his nightstick in Billy's face. Billy didn't hesitate. He started suckingon the end of the club, his head bobbing back and forth obedient- ly. But he kept massaging the cop's basket, and the cop didn'tstop him. I could see his dick was getting hard. I figured I bet- ter follow Billy's lead if I hoped to stay out of jail, so I un- zipped the cop's fly, reached in and pulled out a beautiful pieceof semi-hard cop meat. I started sucking on it while Billywatched. After a minute or so, I let Billy take over the cop'sdick and I started licking his balls. I could tell the cop wasreally getting off on having two cocksuckers service him at thesame time while I was really getting off sharing his manhood withBilly. "****ing faggots," he said. "You like my meat, don'tyou, queer boy?" "Yes, sir," I said, as Billy continued sucking. "I suredo, sir." "Well, you tell your faggot friend to keep doing whathe's doing to it. His pussy mouth feels real good on my dickright now." Billy looked at me out of the corner of his eye andwinked. I went back to licking the cop's hairy balls and shiftingoff with Billy every couple of minutes. Billy took his own dickout and began to beat off slowly as he serviced the cop and I didthe same. Finally the cop pulled his meat out of my mouth andsaid, "OK, cocksuckers, here's your reward," as he stroked it. Hebegan shooting a huge wad all over our faces. Spurt after spurtlanded on Billy and me as we kneeled there together in the park,jerking ourselves off and looking like a pair of hungry babyrobins, our mouths wide open while the cop fed us his spunk. Whenthe cop finally finished coming, he zipped up his pants andadjusted his uniform. "Lucky for you guys I was horny. Next time I may not beso generous." "Yes, sir," Billy said, "Thank you for letting us beyour cocksuckers, sir." The cop went off, leaving Billy and me alone. I lookedat him and saw some of the cop's cum dripping down the end of hisnose. I leaned over and licked it off him and then cleaned up therest of his face with my tongue, and he did the same for me,savoring every drop of the cop's load. "Wow," Billy said when he had finished, "that was hot." "Sure was. How did you know he'd let us suck him?" "I've seen him getting a blow job here before, so Ifigured that's what he was really after. Couldn't hurt, right? Wewere already in deep **** if he meant it." "You're right about that, man." Billy looked thoughtful. "I asked you earlier," hesaid, "if you were glad you were a cocksucker. After somethinglike this, I know I'm glad to be one, even though it has it'sinconveniences, so to speak." "Me too, that's for ****ing sure. I'm still hot." "Well, I didn't come just now. Want to take care of me,before we head back to school?" "Sure, Billy," I said, "that would be great. Thanks.I'd love to suck your dick." Billy stood up, his meat still hanging out of hispants. "Help yourself, faggot," he said, smiling down at me on myknees in front of him, waving his dick in my face, just likestraight guys did when they taunted me. Like Billy, I preferred sucking off straight guysinstead of other fags, but right then for some reason I was gladit was Billy I was taking care of. Billy, who knew what it meantto be a cocksucker, knew the humiliation of begging straight boysto share their meat, knew the sexual power of their contempt forguys like us, knew the joy of giving sexual service to them. Justthen I was glad it was Billy, not some straight guy who used mefor his pleasure while he made fun of me because I wanted him touse me. I liked Billy a lot, and taking care of him was what Iwanted to do right then. Like a lot of guys who are hung up on other guys'dicks, Billy had big meat of his own and it quickly came to fullerection, seven and a half inches that curved smoothly upward. Ihad always enjoyed taking care of him when he needed to pop aload. Now I took his beautiful penis into my mouth once more andbegan to worship it with long, smooth strokes while I fondled hisballs, just as I had been worshiping the cocks of the straightguys. And Billy's turned out to be the best dick I'd had allnight, not because it was the biggest--the guy in the libraryjohn had been bigger--but because it really gave me what a cock- sucker needs from another guy's meat, that sense of completeness,sexual wholeness that guys like Billy and me only get fromsucking on another man's manhood. I sucked contentedly for several minutes, giving Billythe best blow job I knew how to give while I nourished myselffrom his manhood. He leaned up against the wall making it easierfor me to service him, just as the punks had done, holding myhead gently in his hands. Some of the guys we had sucked off earlier walked by."Hey," one of them said, "Look at that. The cocksuckers are doingeach other now." "Hey, faggot," another said to Billy, "you switched orsomething? You not a cocksucker any more like your friend?" "Hell, no," Billy yelled back, "I'm still a cocksucker.I'll always be a cocksucker. I'm ****ing proud to be acocksucker, man. That's what I am." The punks went off laughing about the two crazy homos.But I didn't care any more than Billy did. As I knelt on thepathway in the park, sucking my best friend's cock for him, get- ting sexual pleasure for myself in the greatest way I knew how,by using my mouth to give sexual pleasure to another man, Irealized that I was proud to be a cocksucker too. After all these years, I'm still proud to be a cock- sucker. Like Billy said, that's what I am. |
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i know you
hi good to see you again nadda nadda nadda cute idea jus bend over, anwe seee who NAPS this or that. By the way where is the florida monkey? 5 ywearaway is no big deal think not? just sleep beside a guy with rotten foot. slapping a guy who snores , sounds good to me. toro tor toro the bull. sSPIT AND PUSHh "Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message oups.com... GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! don't start talking about dog sleds. mopeydopey knows that there are dogs with dogsleds...he will kidnap them and take them home so he can watch his true love romance them. |