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  #21   Report Post  
Old October 29th 05, 04:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Steveo Suffering Same Comprehension Problems As Mark Morgan

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Steveo wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote:
Steveo wrote:

You like Mark for hump his leg for hours and hours a day in
front of a monitor. Isn't Todd getting jealous, or do you still hump
his leg too?

Naaaaah...You have me confused with your daddy.

Steve, K4YZ

I was going to but your sister's got the crabs again and your mom
can't control her gag reflex like she used to.

Steve, K4YZ

So let me get this straight. You want to bang my mom, sister, and dad?

I see you have the same comprehension problems as Markie does. At
least you can spell well enough to not have to muddle through your

What the #### is wrong with you, STEVEN J ROBESON K4YZ ?

Getting profane, self-righteous "get a room" comments from punks

why are you only and Dan allowed to be profane ( or do you share that
with the MMM)
BUZZ hypocrite alarm

STFU, child abuser.

  #22   Report Post  
Old October 30th 05, 02:13 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"

On 29 Oct 2005 03:29:24 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in
. com:

snip proof of comedic ineptitude
It would have been a matter of record in an Artcle 15 proceeding,

Wrong again, Dudly. The proceedings and evidence are not recorded for
an Article 15, only the 'crime' and punishment.

Wrong. Idiot.

Well gee, Dudly, how would you know? Since you are so knowlegable
about such things, what page in the SRB holds the transcript of an
Article 15 hearing? And for that fact, what page is used to record
crimes and punishments?

Dumb, Frankie...really, REALLY dumb.

Well, maybe you should take that up with the attorney who was
appointed to my case and made that recommendation.

And all the attorney COULD do was RECOMMEND.

YOU were the one who had to make the DECISION, Frankie.

Where did I say anything to the contrary?

Don't try and slide out from under YOUR mistakes, frankie.

I made no mistake, Dudly -- it is -you- who doesn't know squat about
the UCMJ.

"Vindication" only in that you allow yourself that "warm fuzzy"
for it. It has no legal bearing.

Wrong yet again, Dudly: It had enough "legal bearing" to change the
status of my discharge.



But the CONVICTIONS still stand.

Yes they do. I seem to recall having said the very same thing several
posts ago.

Convictions that may
keep you from federal contracts and/or security clearances should you
need one for contract work in the future.

They haven't been a problem so far. My security clearance has never
been revoked. I had a job cleaning a bank while working my way through
college. I also had a contract a few years ago to design and build a
custom security system. I even have a concealed weapons permit. And I
have no plans to start a new career in law enforcement. So I guess the
only problem is the one you created in your imagination, Dudly.

And it was your second OFFENSE..."infractions" are dealt with at
Article 15. You, by your own admission, blew that off.

More semantics..... gee, I'm devastated. Really. And I mean that.

There's no "semantics" to it, Frankie. And I could care less
about how "devastated" you are. Your lack of Honor and honesty are
"devastating" enough.

I haven't been honest about my military service? Hmmmm.....

The Marines did the best possible thing with
you...sent ya packin'.

That might have been true had they not asked me to extend for a
West-Pac float with 2nd AAV, but I declined.

See..that's where we part ways, Frankie...My service never had to
be UPGRADED to Honorable...It was that way all along.

Uh-huh. Sure thing, Dudly. That's why you claimed to have been
discharged for medical reasons, huh? Probably because you are in the
early stages of Alzheimer's......

Your lack of grasp of the facts is hillarious.

It's in the google archives, written by you, in your own words. If it
isn't a fact then you lied. If it -is- a fact then you are lying now.
Either way, you just proved once again that you are a liar.


Yet another snip-job -- too bad you can't address your failures.

Poor redirect to others "failures" in order to mitigate your own


You're the expert.

Steve "Weekend Warrior" Robeson, K4YZ

Don't look now but the medals on your uniform are tarnished.

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  #23   Report Post  
Old October 30th 05, 10:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default K4YZ Asswipe

Steveo wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote:

Steveo wrote:

"K4YZ" wrote:

Steveo wrote:

You like Mark for hump his leg for hours and hours a day
in front of a monitor. Isn't Todd getting jealous, or do you still
hump his leg too?

Naaaaah...You have me confused with your daddy.

Steve, K4YZ

I was going to but your sister's got the crabs again and your mom
can't control her gag reflex like she used to.

Steve, K4YZ

So let me get this straight. You want to bang my mom, sister, and dad?

I see you have the same comprehension problems as Markie does. At
least you can spell well enough to not have to muddle through your

What the #### is wrong with you, STEVEN J ROBESON K4YZ ?

Getting profane, self-righteous "get a room" comments from punks
like you who is what is wrong. If the cross posting was bothering you,
you could have either (1) killfiled the address (2) ASKED to get the
groups deleted, or (3) just ignored it like I do OTHER cross-posts.

Oh, I see now. You can't control your leg humping so it's up to me.

**** off, asswipe.

an officer. says it all...
  #25   Report Post  
Old December 15th 05, 09:02 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default so ery sorry my hubby is such an asshole

On 26 Oct 2005 09:26:24 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 26 Oct 2005 03:58:45 -0700, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 wrote in

The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle
technique taught to all Marine recruits.

More horse#### from Gunny Dudly.

No...More lies from Frank Gilliland. But then you've made a
career of lying, haven't you...?!?!

More projection from Gunny Dudly.


YOUR words have cemented THIS into the archives, Frankie!

You lied. You stole from the government which is to say you stole
from me. You swore an oath that you had no intention of keeping.

now you are really crossing into new territory

you have no way of making that statement

No one, save for you, is projecting anything.

One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen...(SNIP)

...was the same reason other rounds are chosen...To kill the

If that's what is required to accomplish the mission.

If it's not, why are the only targets used to train Marine
riflemen (and all recruits) head shots and "center mast", or chest

PLEASE, Frankie...Show me SOME reference to targets and USMC
training resources that say "...just shoot for the arms or legs".

making up claims for frank again

Just one...?!?!

And STILL does not change the Marine Corps' practice of teaching
"one shot one kill" to recruits.

Except that such a policy ISN'T taught to Marine recruits. It's taught
in sniper school, but not in boot camp.

Sure it is.

Perhaps if you'd paid a bit more attention in Boot you wouldn't
have had such a hard time later on in your "career"...

Maybe if you had -attended- boot camp then you would have had a -real-
military career instead of a fabrication in your mind made up with
bits and pieces from bad novels and war movies.

Frank, you're a documented liar already.


Oh I am sorry oposing you is proof that you are lying I forgot

Why continue the charade?

YOU have NO BUSINESS critiquing ANYone's military service, let
alone mine.

he isn't sure there is anything to critique

off hand I think he is mistaken on that count I think you had one. one
of keeping your head down covering your ass (big job there I guess)
and avoiding anything that might lead a big decision

It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years
in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we
have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are

It's "CORPS", non-hacker, since you're pointing out typos
yourself...And ESPECIALLY since you're doing so to try and make some
argument that I didn't serve in that CORPS.

I'm pointing out your typos to further demonstrate the fact that you
are a hypocrite. Feel free to point out -my- typos to your heart's
content -- it doesn't bother me at all because, unlike you, I don't
profess to be the newsgroup spelling cop.

Hey! We have ONE thing in common! I don't "profess" to be the
newsgroup spelling cop either!

you are right

you are just not honest enough to fess up to what you do

after all nothing is your fault

All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the
yellow footsteps. But you didn't.

Why are you lying, Frank?

I won't answer a question the requires me to accept a premise that is
not true.

The fact is that I DID "graduate beyond the yellow footsteps".

I've provided more than a few references that any reasonably
"connected" Marine, ex-Marine, retired Marine or just plain old Joe or
JoAnn Citizen could corroborate as true.

indeed I think you serve as to the quality of that service or wether
you were chaeting Us Sam out of your paycheck is a another matter

You? You "profess" to have been a Marine, but even by your own
admission were a ####bird of one, unable to keep your act together for
just ONE enlistment...let alone four.

indeed here you explain a lot about yourself

accusastion is the same as guilt which has become your SOP here in
RRAP and likely in real life

Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never
graduated from MCRD.

Platoon 2100, 03 Sept 74 to 20 Nov 74, Frankie...Just like I've
said before.

Oh, that's right.... and ending with your "medical retirement" in '92.
Sure thing, Dudly.

And yet another example of The Coward of Silliland trying to blow
off facts.

The base library at MCRD keeps a copy of every platoon's
"yearbook". Theya re available in other forums.

Look it up or acknowledge that you're the punk I claim you to be.

again you want other to your work

is this what you did in the service always tell other to do your work?

You freely drop names like LtCol Oliver North as if you were old
drinking buddies, yet can't seem to find simple information from
archives you also claim to have access to...

What's up with that?

Frank, let's face it...

You're just a punk. You were a punk in the service, you're a punk
now. And with your present attitude, I am sure you'll die a punk.

Awww, you hurt my feelings, Dudly.... sniff

What feelings?

Feelings are characteristic of human beings.

ah yes noone you dislike is even human

borong Stevie and showing you off in the bad light we RRAP'ers have
come to expect for you

Back under your rock, non-hacker. It's where you belong.

Steve, K4YZ

I'd rather be a punk under a rock than a fantasy-prone hypocrite.
Maybe someday you will set aside your delusions long enough to
understand what 'integrity' means..... but I doubt it.

Frankie, you're a liar, a coward, a cheat, and in my NOT so humble
opinion, a thief. Being lectured by a punk like you about "integrity"
is obscene.

you got something right you are not humble but then NO ONE has accused
you of that here, and likely nowhere else either

Steve, K4YZ

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server
More than 140,000 groups
Unlimited download to open account

  #26   Report Post  
Old December 15th 05, 09:11 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default so very sorry about the insane asshole I married

On 26 Oct 2005 19:55:51 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:


Well...that makes it hard to figure out the attributes...But it
DOES make it easy for Markie to claim "I didn't say that..."

nope it cuts down on the **** being posted

YOUR words have cemented THIS into the archives, Frankie!

You lied. You stole from the government which is to say you stole
from me. You swore an oath that you had no intention of keeping.

now you are really crossing into new territory


guess you are right you been in the lying range so long

I've been lying on the couch today, but that's all the "lying"
I've done today.

no you just racked up another lie

you have no way of making that statement

Sure I do.

That lying SOB swore an oath to support and defend the
Constitution, wherein he ALSO swore to obey those appointed senior to

One no reason but your word to say is lying SoB but his first duty is
the constitution entitirely possible to feel a conflict in which case
he is bound to disobey (rather like some solders at Abu Graib should
have done but that is another topic)

One, No, it's not "another topic".

abu graib is another topic than frank and so

The soldiers at Abu Gharib shold have REPORTED THE INFRACTIONS via
the chain of command.

no they should have refused to prefrom them and then informed the
chain of comand

the "orders" were unlawfull and they should have had the gut to refuse

even were he tried and found
guilty (it being found that the orders were not illegal) thais does not
prove he was lying or in any way violated his oath or stole his
rightfull pay

Markie...He WAS tried and found guilty!

Twice! Indicted, tried and CONVICTED!

your source?

oh that is right you don't need sources

people are never aquitted of any charges and even if they are they
were still guilty riight Stevie

you have presented nothing that allows you to state

Almost right, Markie!

I didn't "present" it...FRANKIE did! He's the one who made

the "####bird PFC" comment which, on "cross examination" led to the
discovery that he's twice convicted for violations of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice.

not according to the body of his posts

Mind you that the Marines would much rather send a "junior
trooper" to Office Hours, whichn in the Marine Corps are Article 15
proceedings. In other words, letting the commander of the unit handle
the incident at the lowest echelon.

Something I would only advise a soldier to try if they are guilty of
something but likely he reufsed Art 15 as I did many times

Courts maritals are reserved for the real idiots or the specially
grevious charges.

not always but then you were so busy ducking you would not know

Since it's apparent that Frankie didn't spend any time in
Leavenworth, we can safely put him in the "real idiot" category.

no we can't

His conduct in this forum corroborates that.

by no bwoing to you that is proof of his good sense

He freely brags about having disobeyed orders and subsequently was
court martialed...Not once, but TWICE, for his conduct.

so what?

BTW your facts don't seem to be true

Then if they were not true, they'd not be facts.

well they are n't facts then

he has admited to making a mistake (haven't seen him says it was
violating orders) and taking a lumps and once to being tried and found
not guilty

He WAS found guilty.

not according to him
not after apeal was it but that does not count with you

No one, save for you, is projecting anything.

One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen...(SNIP)

...was the same reason other rounds are chosen...To kill the

If that's what is required to accomplish the mission.

If it's not, why are the only targets used to train Marine
riflemen (and all recruits) head shots and "center mast", or chest

PLEASE, Frankie...Show me SOME reference to targets and USMC
training resources that say "...just shoot for the arms or legs".

making up claims for frank again


Frank suggests that it's NOT a Marine's job to kill his enemy.

Can't speak for the USMC but the Army teaches it people that it is
better to wound the enemy in most cases ties at least 4 people that way

You can't speak for the Army, either, Markie.

not on an officail cap of course but I will never forget basic

I suspect the USMC theaching much the same thing


Naw...We were basically told that the phrase dusbiously attributed
to General George S Patton, that it was a soldiers duty not to die for
hiscountry, but to make the other SOB die for his.

gee I thought the marines were smarter than Patton

USMC attitudes on this are that if you let those four guys carry
that fifth guy off the battlefield, there will be five guys to worry
about later. Better to kill them all now than to ahve to face them a
second time.

So, better you quit trying to figure out who you're "speaking for",

shove it stevie

Follow the thread back and read for yourself, Markie.

Just one...?!?!

And STILL does not change the Marine Corps' practice of teaching
"one shot one kill" to recruits.

Except that such a policy ISN'T taught to Marine recruits. It's taught
in sniper school, but not in boot camp.

Sure it is.

Perhaps if you'd paid a bit more attention in Boot you wouldn't
have had such a hard time later on in your "career"...

Maybe if you had -attended- boot camp then you would have had a -real-
military career instead of a fabrication in your mind made up with
bits and pieces from bad novels and war movies.

Frank, you're a documented liar already.


Where he swore to uphold his oath,

no such documentaion

Sure there is!

He provided a partial copy of his DD214 here. In order to have
gotten a DD214, he had to have been sworn in in the first place.

not the issue
but you don't understand that

and his frequent assertions
that I did not serve in the United States Marine Corps, among others.

he has expressed his opinion you did not serve holding that opinion
even if it may be contary to fact is not a lie

Sure it's a lie.

nope it is an opinion Frank holds and stets that he doesn't believe
you sered

that is no lie
cuting the rant

if it were you would been guilty of lying when you say I have not
served in the Army, in those cases you are simply mistaken

I am not "mistaken".

yes you are

Oh I am sorry oposing you is proof that you are lying I forgot

Nope...You asked, I told you.

another lie

no proof was offered

Sure it was.


Frankie's own words.

Or are you now calling him a liar too?

no I am saying you are distorting his words

IOW you are lying about what he said

And Frankie's only reason to be in this forum were to try and
"undermine" my USMC service claims on your behalf.

I doubt that I think Frank was acting on his own

I KNOW he's not acting on his own, Markie! But thanks for agreeing
with me!

another lie Stevie I said exactly the oppositie but then you realy
can't read we knew that

I believe you served just that you served very badly indeed

Uh huh...That's why I don't have a single disciplinary action in
my SRB and four stars on my GCM.

no that isn't why has nothing to do with it

Why continue the charade?

YOU have NO BUSINESS critiquing ANYone's military service, let
alone mine.

he isn't sure there is anything to critique

He's an idiot.

of course he is he dares to oppose you,when are you going to publish
that dictionary of words as you use them

It's already published.


It's called "Websters".

nope it isn't

You should get one.

You two have a lot in common.

I doubt we have much in common

Sure you do!

One we both oppose you here

two we both have lived our lives

I supect that is about it

And you're both liars and cheats.

nope I am not a cheat we both lie as does everyone else of course

off hand I think he is mistaken on that count I think you had one. one
of keeping your head down covering your ass (big job there I guess)
and avoiding anything that might lead a big decision

And therein YOU'D be wrong again.

maybe I would but I don't think so don't THINK, Markie...

yes I do

another lie from stevie

But then it's a habit for you.

It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years
in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we
have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are

It's "CORPS", non-hacker, since you're pointing out typos
yourself...And ESPECIALLY since you're doing so to try and make some
argument that I didn't serve in that CORPS.

I'm pointing out your typos to further demonstrate the fact that you
are a hypocrite. Feel free to point out -my- typos to your heart's
content -- it doesn't bother me at all because, unlike you, I don't
profess to be the newsgroup spelling cop.

Hey! We have ONE thing in common! I don't "profess" to be the
newsgroup spelling cop either!

you are right

you are just not honest enough to fess up to what you do

after all nothing is your fault

I do my best to make sure I have my bets covered, Markie. That's
just a prudent thing to do.

no you don't do that either

Sure I do.

you cheat on your bets

Frankie claimed I "profess" to be the "newsgroup spelling cop".
That was a lie. I've never done it.

I agree he was in error

You are the cp just not hoest enough to admit it

The "cp"...?!?!


more evasion



another lie

You? You "profess" to have been a Marine, but even by your own
admission were a ####bird of one, unable to keep your act together for
just ONE enlistment...let alone four.

indeed here you explain a lot about yourself

Nope. I have a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with four bronze
stars on it (Not THE "Bonze Star"...the small attachments that signify
a multiple issue of the same award)

so what?

means you kept you know out anything for years I am not impressed

It means I did my job. And I did it well.

no it does not it means you stayed out of trouble

accusastion is the same as guilt which has become your SOP here in
RRAP and likely in real life

The "guilt" is Frankie's and is from HIS admissions, Markie.

no it isn't it comes from your distortion of his words

What's to distort?

plenty when you compare your account of his words to his words

He called HIMSELF a "####bird PFC" and admitted to his two courts

There was nothing there for me to distort if I wanted to!

he said a lot more than that you just left it out

and tthat is hardly guilt


Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never
graduated from MCRD.

Platoon 2100, 03 Sept 74 to 20 Nov 74, Frankie...Just like I've
said before.

Oh, that's right.... and ending with your "medical retirement" in '92.
Sure thing, Dudly.

And yet another example of The Coward of Silliland trying to blow
off facts.

The base library at MCRD keeps a copy of every platoon's
"yearbook". Theya re available in other forums.

Look it up or acknowledge that you're the punk I claim you to be.

again you want others to your work

Try that in English.

calling you lazy again ahven't you seen that statement for enough to
reconize it

"haven't" "recognize"

Haven't YOU had your nose rubbed in your own laziness and childish
spelling errors to fix them?

obviously not

and you are dumb enough to ask

Again...I was asked for specifics...I gave them.

you gave no proof at all

is this what you did in the service always tell other to do your work?

What "work"...???

any work

WHAT are you talking about, Markie?

you are not bright enough to know?

He claims I didn't do something. I provided verifiable references.

you asked him to do your homework

No, I didn't.

sure did
you told him to go find the proof

you lie so freely

Frankie claims I didn't seerve in the Marines. I've given him
units, dates of boot camp including units and locations, and even my
promotion boards dates and precedent numbers.

and told him to go check it out

to do your work in other words

He claims to have "contacts".

Obviously he doesn't.

That substantiates my claim of LIAR.


You freely drop names like LtCol Oliver North as if you were old
drinking buddies, yet can't seem to find simple information from
archives you also claim to have access to...

What's up with that?

Frank, let's face it...

You're just a punk. You were a punk in the service, you're a punk
now. And with your present attitude, I am sure you'll die a punk.

Awww, you hurt my feelings, Dudly.... sniff

What feelings?

Feelings are characteristic of human beings.

ah yes noone you dislike is even human

You and Frankie are high on that list, however you have a track
record that substantiates my claims.

indeed as close to admision as we ever see from Stevie the weasel


There's TWO weasels here, Markie...You and Frankie of Silliland.


you refuse to turthfully answer any question put to you

you demand that everyone do your work for you

borong Stevie and showing you off in the bad light we RRAP'ers have
come to expect for you


No...Only you, Brian, and Lennie.

which is about half of the regulars Stevie more than a thrid prehaps
less than half

"third" "perhaps"

Nope. You, Lennie and Brain. Then myself,

Cmdr Corey,

doesn't count he is not a person


, Mike

outa here accrding to him
"Ace WH2T",

you even put him in qutes as less than real
Alun N3KIP,

not a reg


dan is outa here
, Kim W5TIT,

not a reg

Dave K8MN,

he counts

not a reg
, John K KC2HMZ,

not a reg
Bert WA2SI.

not a reg
If we go into the Wiseman crowd, we
pull in about another five or six "regulars".

they don't count no names
3 outa 6 is half the regualrs plus Frank who you treat as a regular

BUZZZ you are wrong again

Unless, of course, you have yet another "definition" for the term

Frankie's not even a regular
here...Just a lurker with a competency and confidence deficit.

but you treat him like one

You're darn right I treat him like he's a lurker with a competency
and confidence deficit!

so he counts

Back under your rock, non-hacker. It's where you belong.

Steve, K4YZ

I'd rather be a punk under a rock than a fantasy-prone hypocrite.
Maybe someday you will set aside your delusions long enough to
understand what 'integrity' means..... but I doubt it.

Frankie, you're a liar, a coward, a cheat, and in my NOT so humble
opinion, a thief. Being lectured by a punk like you about "integrity"
is obscene.

you got something right you are not humble but then NO ONE has accused
you of that here, and likely nowhere else either

I didn't say anything about MY "humbleness", Markie...

another lie "in my NOT so humble" that is part of the statement above
on your humbleness or rather the lack of it

And AGAIN you've screwed up the English, Markie...

not at all

you did post about your humbleness

you lied again

But there you go showing off that English comprehension problem of
yours again....

no you show you don't evn bother to understand your own posts


I'll give you ONE thing, Markie...

Just when I think it's NOT possible for you to make a bigger idiot
out of yourself, you go and prove me wrong.

Steve, K4YZ

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server
More than 140,000 groups
Unlimited download to open account
  #27   Report Post  
Old December 15th 05, 09:21 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default so sorry about my asshole hubby attackign a real marine

On 26 Oct 2005 21:58:59 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

On 26 Oct 2005 19:55:51 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Well...that makes it hard to figure out the attributes...But it
DOES make it easy for Markie to claim "I didn't say that..."

nope it cuts down on the #### being posted

Two things...Stop posting and there won't be any #### here.

another Stevie lie
your stuff will be here and so the bull**** will continue

ctuing all after the first stevie lie
everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

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  #28   Report Post  
Old December 15th 05, 09:27 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default i can't stand seeing my asshole hubby attack a real man

On 27 Oct 2005 04:20:16 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

Steveo wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:


Get a room.

I was going to but your sister's got the crabs again and your mom
can't control her gag reflex like she used to.

lalking to yourself Stevie?

and boasting of your intent to cheat on your wife

Steve, K4YZ

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

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  #29   Report Post  
Old December 15th 05, 09:32 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default i wiosh i understoof why my asshole hubby does this ****

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:49:16 -0700, Frank Gilliland

Got lots of work today so I'll only make a few comments:

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 23:17:50 -0400, wrote in

abu graib is another topic than frank and so

The soldiers at Abu Gharib shold have REPORTED THE INFRACTIONS via
the chain of command.

no they should have refused to prefrom them and then informed the
chain of comand

the "orders" were unlawfull and they should have had the gut to refuse

Quite right. The oath requires you to perform any -LEGAL- order given
to you by your superiors. This was the issue during the Iran-Contra
scam when Ollie claimed he was just following orders and didn't care
if his actions were legal or not (although I'm sure he knew they were
illegal). That's blind obedience and it's wrong.

and dangerous as well

even were he tried and found
guilty (it being found that the orders were not illegal) thais does not
prove he was lying or in any way violated his oath or stole his
rightfull pay

Markie...He WAS tried and found guilty!

Twice! Indicted, tried and CONVICTED!

your source?

Me, but Dudly didn't have all the facts. I pled guilty at the first
court-martial and so was never tried.

Mind you that the Marines would much rather send a "junior
trooper" to Office Hours, whichn in the Marine Corps are Article 15
proceedings. In other words, letting the commander of the unit handle
the incident at the lowest echelon.

Something I would only advise a soldier to try if they are guilty of
something but likely he reufsed Art 15 as I did many times

And that's exactly what I did for the second infraction. I forced a
summary court-martial so the facts regarding the case would be a
matter of record.

He WAS found guilty.

not according to him
not after apeal was it but that does not count with you

For once Dudly is right. There were no appeals and both convictions
stand. The vindication of my second infraction was the result of a
seperate entry made as the result of a review that I requested after
my discharge. The violation leading to the conviction was found to
have "mitigating circumstances that should have been considered [by
the presiding officer] but were not," and that I "was denied evidence,
and the opportunity to gather and present certain evidence" relevant
to my defense. The conviction was not overturned (since it was not an
appeal) but my conduct marks were adjusted accordingly, and my
discharge upgraded to Honorable.

well thanks for clearing it up Id say it was an appeal of sorts but
then try not to quible when I can

USMC attitudes on this are that if you let those four guys carry
that fifth guy off the battlefield, there will be five guys to worry
about later. Better to kill them all now than to ahve to face them a
second time.

The USMC attitude on this is simple: "Accomplish the Mission".

he has expressed his opinion you did not serve holding that opinion
even if it may be contary to fact is not a lie

Sure it's a lie.

nope it is an opinion Frank holds and stets that he doesn't believe
you sered

that is no lie

Oh, I'm sure he served alright. And I'm sure he served all of 18 years
as he claimed. But I'm also sure that his time was spent almost
entirely in garrison, that nothing on his record is outstanding, that
he probably got a few Page 11 entries, and that his discharge was not
an honorable retirement but a general discharge, probably for medical
reasons (suggested by his current career in the medical field, which,
according to statistics gathered by psychologists, happens to be the
preferred occupational field for hypochondriacs).

he claims that his discharge is medical

he also denies that it was for a physical cuase which leaves .....

In other words, he
served 18 years as a sick-bay commando. Certainly nothing to be proud
of, nothing to brag about, and nothing he will ever publically admit.
Hence his silence about his "military career". And the epitath that
will be imprinted on his tombstone will be, "I Told You I Was Sick",
just like the one I saw on a PBS special last night.

so your thought run pretty close to mine if not in the same mold

interesting as I suspect we are rather different but we share the
noton that at least when lie under our tombstones an eitaff can read
"well at least we lived out lives"

Just let Dudly keep running his mouth -- the more he talks the more he
proves that he's a socially isolated misfit with serious psychological
issues. He's like a cat in a box: shake the box and he thrashes around
for a while. Let him calm down then shake the box again. Heck, that's
better entertainment than anything on TV!!!

Forgiveme if I wish I could call you liar on that one

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everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

151 12TH AVE NW

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  #30   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 03:21 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default More Markie Mularkie

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:49:16 -0700, Frank Gilliland

For once Dudly is right.

Sorry, Frankie...

I've been "right" all along.

There were no appeals and both convictions
stand. The vindication of my second infraction was the result of a
seperate entry made as the result of a review that I requested after
my discharge. The violation leading to the conviction was found to
have "mitigating circumstances that should have been considered [by
the presiding officer] but were not," and that I "was denied evidence,
and the opportunity to gather and present certain evidence" relevant
to my defense. The conviction was not overturned (since it was not an
appeal) but my conduct marks were adjusted accordingly, and my
discharge upgraded to Honorable.

Gee...I never had to worry about getting ANYthing "upgraded" to
"Honorable"...It was that way all along.

well thanks for clearing it up Id say it was an appeal of sorts but
then try not to quible when I can

There was a blatant lie.

Oh, I'm sure he served alright. And I'm sure he served all of 18 years
as he claimed. But I'm also sure that his time was spent almost
entirely in garrison, that nothing on his record is outstanding, that
he probably got a few Page 11 entries, and that his discharge was not
an honorable retirement but a general discharge, probably for medical

Still tilting at windmills, I see. Tsk tsk tsk. Poor Frankie.

(suggested by his current career in the medical field, which,
according to statistics gathered by psychologists, happens to be the
preferred occupational field for hypochondriacs).

he claims that his discharge is medical

Let's see you pony up those "statistics" from those psychologists,

Published papers or reports?

I say you're just lying...Again...

In other words, he
served 18 years as a sick-bay commando. Certainly nothing to be proud
of, nothing to brag about, and nothing he will ever publically admit.
Hence his silence about his "military career". And the epitath that
will be imprinted on his tombstone will be, "I Told You I Was Sick",
just like the one I saw on a PBS special last night.

so your thought run pretty close to mine if not in the same mold

Of course you're in "the same mold", Markie.

Both of you are lying. That's what Feeble Fivers do best.

Of course Frankie isn't functionally illiterate or careless with
his written word like you are, but then a lie is a lie no matter how
well presented it may appear.

interesting as I suspect we are rather different but we share the
noton that at least when lie under our tombstones an eitaff can read
"well at least we lived out lives"

Uhhhhhh...that shou;d read ..."Lived Our Lies".

Just let Dudly keep running his mouth -- the more he talks the more he
proves that he's a socially isolated misfit with serious psychological

Coming from a twice disgraced ex-Marine, I find that laughable on
oh-so-many levels!

He's like a cat in a box: shake the box and he thrashes around
for a while. Let him calm down then shake the box again. Heck, that's
better entertainment than anything on TV!!!

Forgiveme if I wish I could call you liar on that one

Oh...WAIT a minute, Markie!

I thought YOU were one of the guys who said that a "different
opinion" did NOT make one a "liar"...

Guess we have MORE proof that NOTHING you say is to be taken for
granted or face value!

Steve, K4YZ

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