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"Steveo" wrote:
CQ BLOW-JOB, CQ BLOW-JOB, CQ BLOW-JOB THIS IS K4YZ.......K4YZ PULLING MY PUD SUCKING BY!!!!!!!! Hey K4YZ (the real one) This **** is being posted by N8WWM. http://n8wwm.4t.com |
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![]() wrote: From: on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 16:22 K؈B wrote: "K4YZ" wrote in message Then ask them how much Marines are billed for their first seabag of uniforms in boot camp. (Remember, Frankie said Marines are NOT issued UNIFORMS free of charge, assigned duties or not...) My copy of MCO P10120.28G (Individual Clothing Regulations) dated 08 Jul 05 says: Steve was in the USMC on 08 JUL 05? According to Google dated 17 November 05, Robeson claimed USMC service from 1974 to 1992. I'm so glad that Steve was in compliance with regulations that were 31 years in the future at the time he stood on the yellow footprints. Steve always was out of step with the rest of society. There is a 13 year to 31 year GAP in there. He got his uniforms issued at the GAP? Trivial detail according to the Extra Morsemen. They have to hang together...or hang separately. Looks to me like Hans put on his Manager/CEO hat to "calm the turbulent waters." [he does that once in a while when getting a paternal urge?] What does Hans copy of said regulation say for the time period? The unwritten rule in here is to allow morsemen to act any damn way they want to. That's okay. No-coders and non-hams are verboten to rise up against Extra morsemen's puerile putzy pejoratives. Just the same, "clothing allowance" or not, Dudly the Imposter has NOT posted ANY picture of hisself in ANY "active-duty" USMC uniform. Dudly has NOT posted a single scrap of his DD-214 anywhere. Dudly has NOT posted a single name or callsign of anyone who could vouch that he is telling truth. Dudly the Imposter is still busy being the Imposter. Hans is defending a FRAUD. Good on Hans. Just what the "amateur community" needs. Pro-bono "defense." I wonder if Booth, Freret, Imlay, and Tepper know about this? Well, let's look optimistically. Mebbe Dudly will have a cute little Ham Jumpsuit photo sometime? Mebbe with a "I was homeland security before there was homeland security" ribbon on it? Mighty warrior, etc. Then he can claim "8 hostile actions" after having made it through the Code War. Hah!!! These mighty warriors certainly know how to turn off any ham wannabes...which may be why Val Germann is still an unmodified Tech for so long? Poor Val. Such ambition. |
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On 18 Nov 2005 12:19:54 GMT, Steveo wrote:
"Steveo" wrote: CQ BLOW-JOB, CQ BLOW-JOB, CQ BLOW-JOB THIS IS K4YZ.......K4YZ PULLING MY PUD SUCKING BY!!!!!!!! Hey K4YZ (the real one) This **** is being posted by N8WWM. http://n8wwm.4t.com There is a shocker. Vinnie S. |
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From: on Fri 18 Nov 2005 04:52
wrote: From: on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 16:22 K0HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote in message Then ask them how much Marines are billed for their first seabag of uniforms in boot camp. (Remember, Frankie said Marines are NOT issued UNIFORMS free of charge, assigned duties or not...) My copy of MCO P10120.28G (Individual Clothing Regulations) dated 08 Jul 05 says: Steve was in the USMC on 08 JUL 05? According to Google dated 17 November 05, Robeson claimed USMC service from 1974 to 1992. I'm so glad that Steve was in compliance with regulations that were 31 years in the future at the time he stood on the yellow footprints. Steve always was out of step with the rest of society. He is a "man of many talents!" :-) At least he hasn't minced around in baby shoes. There is a 13 year to 31 year GAP in there. He got his uniforms issued at the GAP? Probably at Sergeant Grit or some other Army-Navy surplus store. Trivial detail according to the Extra Morsemen. They have to hang together...or hang separately. Looks to me like Hans put on his Manager/CEO hat to "calm the turbulent waters." [he does that once in a while when getting a paternal urge?] What does Hans copy of said regulation say for the time period? The full copy prolly says "this supersedes previous editions." It's fine for a new boot going into the Navy NOW. Says dink about what it was three decades ago and "yellow footprint" time. But, let's not quibble about teeny details...:-) The unwritten rule in here is to allow morsemen to act any damn way they want to. That's okay. No-coders and non-hams are verboten to rise up against Extra morsemen's puerile putzy pejoratives. Just the same, "clothing allowance" or not, Dudly the Imposter has NOT posted ANY picture of hisself in ANY "active-duty" USMC uniform. Dudly has NOT posted a single scrap of his DD-214 anywhere. Dudly has NOT posted a single name or callsign of anyone who could vouch that he is telling truth. Dudly the Imposter is still busy being the Imposter. Hans is defending a FRAUD. Good on Hans. Just what the "amateur community" needs. Pro-bono "defense." I wonder if Booth, Freret, Imlay, and Tepper know about this? Well, let's look optimistically. Mebbe Dudly will have a cute little Ham Jumpsuit photo sometime? Mebbe with a "I was homeland security before there was homeland security" ribbon on it? Mighty warrior, etc. Then he can claim "8 hostile actions" after having made it through the Code War. Hah!!! Dudly is a Code Warrior. Others are just Code Worriers. These mighty warriors certainly know how to turn off any ham wannabes...which may be why Val Germann is still an unmodified Tech for so long? Poor Val. Such ambition. Well, that's how it goes...sometimes reality boots ya in the ash. |
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![]() wrote: From: on Fri 18 Nov 2005 04:52 wrote: From: on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 16:22 K0HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote in message Then ask them how much Marines are billed for their first seabag of uniforms in boot camp. (Remember, Frankie said Marines are NOT issued UNIFORMS free of charge, assigned duties or not...) My copy of MCO P10120.28G (Individual Clothing Regulations) dated 08 Jul 05 says: Steve was in the USMC on 08 JUL 05? According to Google dated 17 November 05, Robeson claimed USMC service from 1974 to 1992. I'm so glad that Steve was in compliance with regulations that were 31 years in the future at the time he stood on the yellow footprints. Steve always was out of step with the rest of society. He is a "man of many talents!" :-) At least he hasn't minced around in baby shoes. His primary talent is lying. There is a 13 year to 31 year GAP in there. He got his uniforms issued at the GAP? Probably at Sergeant Grit or some other Army-Navy surplus store. "GI Joes." Trivial detail according to the Extra Morsemen. They have to hang together...or hang separately. Looks to me like Hans put on his Manager/CEO hat to "calm the turbulent waters." [he does that once in a while when getting a paternal urge?] What does Hans copy of said regulation say for the time period? The full copy prolly says "this supersedes previous editions." It's fine for a new boot going into the Navy NOW. Says dink about what it was three decades ago and "yellow footprint" time. But, let's not quibble about teeny details...:-) For example, everyone in the Air Force up until 1994 knew what AFR 35-10 was. Gen McPeak had the regulations rewritten as Air Force Instructions, and renumbered everything. Similarly, he reorganized the major commands and almost everyone got new unit names. I think he was operating from the principle, "When in doubt, Reorganize (and cut your manpower numbers in half)." By keeping everyone confused, it was hard to tell that they were making the service broken. The unwritten rule in here is to allow morsemen to act any damn way they want to. That's okay. No-coders and non-hams are verboten to rise up against Extra morsemen's puerile putzy pejoratives. Just the same, "clothing allowance" or not, Dudly the Imposter has NOT posted ANY picture of hisself in ANY "active-duty" USMC uniform. Dudly has NOT posted a single scrap of his DD-214 anywhere. Dudly has NOT posted a single name or callsign of anyone who could vouch that he is telling truth. Dudly the Imposter is still busy being the Imposter. Hans is defending a FRAUD. Good on Hans. Just what the "amateur community" needs. Pro-bono "defense." I wonder if Booth, Freret, Imlay, and Tepper know about this? Well, let's look optimistically. Mebbe Dudly will have a cute little Ham Jumpsuit photo sometime? Mebbe with a "I was homeland security before there was homeland security" ribbon on it? Mighty warrior, etc. Then he can claim "8 hostile actions" after having made it through the Code War. Hah!!! Dudly is a Code Warrior. Others are just Code Worriers. But they serve in other ways. These mighty warriors certainly know how to turn off any ham wannabes...which may be why Val Germann is still an unmodified Tech for so long? Poor Val. Such ambition. Well, that's how it goes...sometimes reality boots ya in the ash. "There is no problem so large nor complex that it cannot be run away from." |
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On 17 Nov 2005 15:16:11 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in
.com: snip Steve "wannabe-Marine" Robeson, K4YZ Make all the justifications you want, Dud -- the fact is that you unwittingly provided all the proof yourself........: You didn't know squat about uniform issuance; you don't even remember paying for your first uniform issue in boot camp from your chit book. You didn't know squat about restriction or liberty, demonstrating that you never served with any OOD which is a regular NCO duty (also done by non-rates when there are no NCO's available -- did it myself a couple times). You didn't know that the Marine Corps has Shore Patrol, not MP's. You didn't know that avionics techs (your alleged MOS) are regularly deployed with the FMF. You didn't know about the VINSON system. To wit: "I know who Col Vinson was and I know where Ft Gordon is. Never served with him/for him/within 100 miles of him." Neither did you know that the VINSON system replaced almost all outdated crypto systems in the late '70's, including the old punch-pin monsters (KY-28/38 of the NESTOR system, which had been almost completely replaced by the VINSON system by the early '80's). You didn't know the difference between a 'hitch', a 'cruise', and a 'float'. You mistakenly assumed the origination of the phrase "One Shot One Kill" was from the Army Sniper School; wrongfully presumed that it is a tactic taught to all Marine recruits; then proceeded to demonstrate your ignorance about basic combat tactics, the use of shotguns, and the very common 40mm grenade launchers (M-79 & M-203). You claimed that "the only targets used to train Marine riflemen (and all recruits) [are] head shots and 'center mast', or chest shots", but didn't know that the standard round marksmanship-type targets are also used, and much more often than "dog" targets. In fact, most of rifle qualification is done with the round targets. But you didn't know that despite your claim to have "[taken] home an 'Rifle Expert' on each and every trip to the range". You didn't know that only the results of an Article 15 proceeding are recorded, not the entire proceedings; and you don't even know what page in the SRB they are recorded. You didn't know that Marines are often prohibited from taking any off-duty employment, nor did you know that such a decision is usually made by the CO, not HQMC. You didn't know that outside communications can be prohibited during a base lock-down or unit activation. You defined a 'chit' as "A Naval term for a 'permission slip'", when in fact it means -any- piece of paper with something written on it. You didn't know that a dishonorable discharge can only be given as a result of a conviction in a General court-martial, and is usually given after a few years at Leavenworth and a reduction to Private. You didn't know that the Corps doesn't use cutting scores for promotions. You misquoted your SIX alleged promotion certificates (a misquote that I later found on google verbatim). You didn't understand that "years and months in specialty" (box 11 on the DD-214) is not the same as time in service, yet claimed that you have -several- DD-214's. You claimed that time on the delayed entry program was considered to be time in reserve status but never was. You stated that "My DD-214 says 'Honorable'...", yet after 1979 there is no box on the form to designate character of service. The DD-214 is only a "release or discharge from active duty", not a final discharge certificate. Only that latter will denote the character of service. You claimed to have served from 03 September, 1974 to 29 May, 1992. That's only 17 years and 9 months. Yet you also claim to be retired, which can only happen if you served 20 years. You also claimed to have been discharged for medical reasons, having your discharge later upgraded (a claim which you have both denied and acknowledged). You didn't know that medical discharges cannot be upgraded, nor that time not served cannot be arbitrarily added to the end of an enlistment in order to obtain retirement benefits. BTW, my MOS was 2841 which is "ground radio repair", not "ground radar repair". And you still haven't answered one really basic question: With all your careers, activities and obligations, where do you find the time to post as much as you do on Usenet? Len was right -- you were never in the Marine Corps. You are indeed an imposter. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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From: on Nov 18, 4:54 pm
wrote: From: on Fri 18 Nov 2005 04:52 wrote: From: on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 16:22 K0HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote in message My copy of MCO P10120.28G (Individual Clothing Regulations) dated 08 Jul 05 says: Steve was in the USMC on 08 JUL 05? According to Google dated 17 November 05, Robeson claimed USMC service from 1974 to 1992. I'm so glad that Steve was in compliance with regulations that were 31 years in the future at the time he stood on the yellow footprints. Steve always was out of step with the rest of society. He is a "man of many talents!" :-) At least he hasn't minced around in baby shoes. His primary talent is lying. Lying around the house, lying around the barracks, lying around the newsgroup... There is a 13 year to 31 year GAP in there. He got his uniforms issued at the GAP? Probably at Sergeant Grit or some other Army-Navy surplus store. "GI Joes." Kinda small, but prolly bigger than his Johnson... Dudly is a Code Warrior. Others are just Code Worriers. But they serve in other ways. "Waiter, there's soup in my fly!" :-) These mighty warriors certainly know how to turn off any ham wannabes...which may be why Val Germann is still an unmodified Tech for so long? Poor Val. Such ambition. Well, that's how it goes...sometimes reality boots ya in the ash. "There is no problem so large nor complex that it cannot be run away from." Jimmie not like that one bit. If'n he see what he think is a promise many years ago, he keep after that person forever. Jimmie ought to go out to Misery and kick Val's butt for not learning code! |
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