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  #1   Report Post  
Old January 24th 06, 02:16 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His "Feeble Five" Crown

Frank Gilliland makes a bigger fool of himself by writing:
You claim that you were never a reservist:

Nope. I never was....Other than my Delayed Entry period.

"From 03 September 1974 to 29 May 1992 I was on active duty. Nothing


Uh huh.

Yet you also claim to have served with 1st Batallion 24th Marines:


No such "claim" exists, Frankie. Not in that URL, not ANYwhere!

That unit is part of the 4th Marine Division -- i.e, the Reserves.
Even the Batallion CO is a Reservist. So either you lied about serving
with 1/24 or you lied about not being in the Reserves. Since both
claims are mutually exclusive, at least one of your claims must be

ANYONE who reads the post I made on the bulletin board of 1/24
will NOT find a SINGLE WORD that says "I served with 1st Batallion 24th
Marines". Not even a HINT.

What they WILL find is a "cc"'d copy of a letter I wrote to the
editor of a paper that had written an article that told of the UAW's
refusal to allow Marines of 1/24 to park their non-US built vehicles on
their lot across from the 1/24 Armory.

Here. Allow me to copy it directly:


Parking Lot Flap

A Letter To The Editor: Dear Mr. Mayne, I've been searching for a new
vehicle and had been 99% decided on a new Ford Ranger or F-150 even
though I liked the design of a certain foreign truck just because I
wanted to Buy American. Now I will reconsider. And on the bumper of
that new vehicle, whatever it may ultimately be, will be a new bumper
sticker of my own making: UAW can KMA. I am sure the meaning is clear.
Semper Fidelis. STEVEN J ROBESON, LPN Gunnery Sergeant, USMC(ret'd)
Winchester, TN

Posted by Steven Robeson
Mar 18 2005 04:13:44:000AM


You're welcome to point out the part that allegedly says "I Was A
Part of the 1st Bn 24th Marines"

The story about the parking lot flap was covered by several of the
on-line news servers and CNN, by the way, Frankie.

Now...WHERE did I allegedly say "I Served With 1stBn 24th

And don't you think that if I had made some outlanding claim of
being a member of their unit in MARCH of 2005 that SOMEONE from 1/24
would have responded and said "Who Are You To Claim You Were Ever In
This Unit..?!?!"

That's absolute proof that you are a liar, Dudly.

No...YOUR attempt to suggest that the "letter to the editor" in
support of the Marines of 1/24 over parking thier non-US built vehicles
in that UAW parking lot is the "absolute proof" that YOU are the liar.

As if more was needed.......

I do, however, tend to believe that you were a Reservist.

You "believe" that because it serves to fit your stories. It's
still wrong.

You were
discharged after 18 years. If you -were- on active duty that would
mean you were only two years away from retirement with full benefits.
Not even an idiot would quit with 2 years left.

Since you were not party to the arrangements, Frankie, the only
IDIOT here appears to be you.

During Desert Storm, 1/24 was sent -not- to Iraq, but to Okinawa:

OK. So?


You also admit to going to Oki.

Yep. But not in 1990. I was just RETURNING from my last Oki tour
in the spring of 90.


Uh huh. First time with HMH-462 in 1980.

Then again with HMH-363 in 1981. I went back to Oki in 89 with
HMH-363 and cross decked to 361, staying a year.

Omigosh, looks like you are a closet CBer!!!


I've openly addressed using CB radio on numerous occassions. It
has it's uses. I own both 11 meter and FRS radios.

CB was how I met the first Amateur I ever knew and eventually got
into Amateur Radio.

I've never said otherwise.

Either that or you were
masquerading as one, which is far more likely. I wonder what your
hambo buddies think about THAT!!! Anyway.....

Gee, Frankie...Just a couple weeks ago YOU were alluding to being
an "extra"...

Of course you didn't state "extra" WHAT, but then it doesn't

However almost everyone here (RRAP) has acknowledged some CB radio
use in the past or present.

Your point?

So Dudly the wannabe-hero gets shipped to Japan while the war is
happening in the Middle East. Do you feel that you were denied the
honor and recognition that you think you deserve?

Boy-oh-boy do I see some PROJECTION there!

Frankie, the Twice Court Martialed In One Tour ex-Marine trying
DESPERATELY to make amends withn his own soul for the Marine Corps
career that never happened because he was too irresponsible to do it
right the FIRST time....

Or were you just denied the opportunity to be a hero?

Funny thing about "heros", Frankie...If you ever get a chance to
talk to one who, by virtue of appropriate award, is what we define as a
"hero", none of them will tell you that what they did was "heroic", nor
did they feel that way before, during or since that event.

I did my job, Frankie, and I did it well. I was never a "poster
Marine", but neither was I Gomer Pyle or a non-hacking little puke like
you. Not even so much as an on-base parking ticket.

Must have been devastating for
you, Dud, having to come back and face the same people you lied to
when you told all those tall tales of your war exploits and acts of
"uncommon valor".

Whelp...There's yet another point at which you and I diverge, Your
Pukiness. I didn't have to make up any lies to tell. I go just the
other way...I just don't care to talk about it.

It's so much easier to maintain the lie than to fess
up and risk losing what little respect you mistakenly think people
have for you.

I guess I could follow in YOUR (and Lennie's...) footsteps and
just quote from various Clancy novels and USMC manuals in CB and Ham
Radio related newsgroups and wait for the "ooooohs" and "ahhhhhhh" to
start pouring in...

But on the other

Is that why your wife dumped you, Dud? She got tired of
all the lies? Can't really blame her..... but you did anyway. Always
someone else's fault, isn't it? Everyone else lies except you, right?

Gee, Frankie...I'm married to the same woman I was married to when
Desert Shield / Desert Storm was happening. Married her BEFORE "The
Storm". We've been through some storms of our own in the meantime.

Where'd you get that "she dumped you" song and dance?

From Markie's posts...?!?!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I love it when one Feeble Five idiot depends on another for
"facts"...The results are ALWAYS hillarious!)

Poor, poor Dudly..... too much pride to admit that his courage was
never tested, yet too much cowardice to face the consequences of that
pride. But I'm sure you will find a way to justify this conflict, both
in the newsgroup and in your own mind. Meanwhile, I'll be back quiet
and continue watching your emotional meltdown. Enjoy.

No emotional meltdown, Frankie! Just a good, deep-in-the-gut
belly laugh at yet another of your wild ###ed "I Have To Prove I Was A
Better Marine Than Any Marine Ever Was" stories.

Now, go back up and prove to us where I allegedly said I was a
member of 1st Bn 24th Marines and how my letter to the editor about
parking lots is in any way-shape-or-form substantiates your blatant
lies, deceit and bull####.

You're a punk, Frankie, and you just proved it again.


Steve, K4YZ

  #2   Report Post  
Old January 24th 06, 02:31 PM posted to,
nurse police
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Default Roberson shows off his sucking skills

"K4YZ" wrote in message

Frank Gilliland makes a bigger fool of himself by writing:
You claim that you were never a reservist:

Nope. I never was....Other than my Delayed Entry period.

Uh huh.

You suck.

  #3   Report Post  
Old January 24th 06, 05:43 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His "Feeble Five" Crown why are you sexualy obcessed Steve now with beatiality and you dare to call ME sick

On 24 Jan 2006 05:16:03 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Frank Gilliland makes a bigger fool of himself by writing:
You claim that you were never a reservist:

Nope. I never was....Other than my Delayed Entry period.

if any of your story is true you are a reservist NOWE

"From 03 September 1974 to 29 May 1992 I was on active duty. Nothing


no proof thaere

Uh huh.

Yet you also claim to have served with 1st Batallion 24th Marines:


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  #4   Report Post  
Old January 24th 06, 07:14 PM posted to,
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His "Feeble Five" Crown why are you sexualy obcessed Steve now with beatiality and you dare to call ME sick

On 24 Jan 2006 05:16:03 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Frank Gilliland makes a bigger fool of himself by writing:
You claim that you were never a reservist:

Nope. I never was....Other than my Delayed Entry period.

if any of your story is true you are a reservist NOW

  #6   Report Post  
Old January 24th 06, 10:40 PM posted to,
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default steve makes acusation of beastiality is there no limits to his offesive ness

K4YZ wrote: Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns
His "Feeble Five" Crown
an old friend wrote:

seems not

  #7   Report Post  
Old January 25th 06, 12:04 AM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His Feeble Five Crown

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns
His "Feeble Five" Crown
an old friend wrote:

seems not

Seems you've proven MY assertions about your having never spent a
day in a uniform of the Armed Forces. "Screwed the pooch" is a common
phrase for having done something so obviously stupid or so royaly as to
have defied common sense.

But then, you ARE one of the Feeble Five yourself.

Steve, K4YZ

  #8   Report Post  
Old January 25th 06, 02:20 AM posted to,
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His Feeble Five Crown

On 24 Jan 2006 15:04:38 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in
. com:

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns
His "Feeble Five" Crown
an old friend wrote:

seems not

Seems you've proven MY assertions about your having never spent a
day in a uniform of the Armed Forces. "Screwed the pooch" is a common
phrase for having done something so obviously stupid or so royaly as to
have defied common sense.

Hence your familiarity with the phrase.

But then, you ARE one of the Feeble Five yourself.

Steve "Yellow Dog" Robeson, K4YZ

Who's your lawyer, Dud?

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  #9   Report Post  
Old January 25th 06, 03:14 AM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His FeebleFive Crown

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 24 Jan 2006 15:04:38 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in
. com:

an old friend wrote:

K4YZ wrote:

Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns

His "Feeble Five" Crown

an old friend wrote:

seems not

Seems you've proven MY assertions about your having never spent a
day in a uniform of the Armed Forces. "Screwed the pooch" is a common
phrase for having done something so obviously stupid or so royaly as to
have defied common sense.

Hence your familiarity with the phrase.

But then, you ARE one of the Feeble Five yourself.

Steve "Yellow Dog" Robeson, K4YZ

Who's your lawyer, Dud?

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----

C'mon Frank, why lower yourself to answer the crap the idiot posts? It
was hoped the old threads were buried yet he posts again trying to get a
rise. Ignore the prick and do us all a favor.
  #10   Report Post  
Old January 25th 06, 03:50 AM posted to,
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His Feeble Five Crown

On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 21:14:13 -0500, jim wrote
in :

C'mon Frank, why lower yourself to answer the crap the idiot posts? It
was hoped the old threads were buried yet he posts again trying to get a
rise. Ignore the prick and do us all a favor.

Your suggestion might carry more weight if you were preaching to both
side of the isle, Jim.

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