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"Key Largo" wrote in message news:6kVgb.58222$Ms2.26974@fed1read03...
More old time DXers at URL: http://home.swipnet.se/dx/porthole/index.htm And the CQ Contest Hall Of Fame at URL: http://cqww.com/hof-history.html 73 From Key Largo INCLUDES Famous DXers 1923 DU7CC VP2VB W4BPD BRS-3129 W9WNV AARGH!!. . never mind . . W6AM W6AM tale: My second transmitter was a $29.95 Heathkit AT-1 I'd cobbled together. The only FT-243 xtal I owned was 7.060. Xtals were EXPENSIVE boy! Which when doubled put me on 14.120. Kinda useless freq for dxing so I had to really scrounge for contacts. CQ, CQ, CQ, CQ ad infinitum after school with all 3-5 watts of RF out or whatever it was. Finally a CT1 found me and we latched up for several days running. After some number of days another station called out of nowhere, it was W6AM mobile running CW from his car. So 14.120 got to be a three-way round table around 5pm Eastern Time for days on end. At the time I had no idea who W6AM actually was except that his name was Don and he was a really neat guy. I have a W6AM card. K3ZO ZS4TX KV4AA OH2BH OH2BH/ZA. Tally ho!! SMØAGD P5/RØMEO SMØCNS/4E7 SM1CNS SM6CNS SM6CNS/MM The CQ Contest List 1. Hazzard "Buzz" Reeves, K2GL 2. Katashi Nose, KH6IJ Good 'ole Hammer Fisti the Kamikazi of 80 & 40M 3. Al Slater, G3FXB 4. Martti Laine, OH2BH 5. Bernie Welch, W8IMZ 6. Leonard Chertok, W3GRF 7. W. Gerry Mathis, W3GM Yeah, Gerry W3BES/W3GM. The radio god in these parts, my all-time great mentor. EVERYBODY'S mentor, that's the way he was. I yakked with Gerry on the club machine one day then found out he passed away two days later. Dredge up QSTs from the late '40s and early '50s and check the glossy back cover RCA power tubes division ads for a look at Gerry himself and the collection of the gorgeous monster amps he designed and built. 8. Frank Anazlone, W1WY 9. Jim Lawson, W2PV .. . . talk about hammers . . ! 10. Ed Bissell, W3AU 11. Fred Laun, K3ZO 12. Vic Clark, W4KFC 13. Rush Drake, W7RM 14. John Thompson, W1BIH 15. Atilano de Oms, PY5EG 16. Herb Becker, W6QD 17. Jim Neiger, N6TJ 18. Tine Brajnik, S50A 19. Dick Norton, N6AA 20. Ken Wolff, K1EA 21. Ville Hiilesmaa, OH2MM 22. Lew Gordon, K4VX 23. Bob Cox, K3EST 24. Carl Cook, AI6V 25. Gordon Marshall, W6RR 26. John Devoldere, ON4UN In a class *all* by himself. 27. Jorge Humberto Bozzo, LU8DQ 28. John Dorr, K1AR CQ never heard of HZ1HZ or what? And where is W3LPL please?? What kinda goofy list is this anyway?? w3rv |