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Thats Right_ 20wpm October 19th 06 03:25 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
Slow Code is the kind of guy that everybodys hates on the air. He is
the Jammer because no one listens to him.

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 00:13:41 GMT, Slow Code wrote:

wrote in

Slow Code wrote:
wrote in
On 13 Oct 2006 07:59:20 -0700,
You may
not agree with their suggested solutions, but you'd have to
agree that we have a problem. Right?
notice you have gotten no reply

Having waited almost a week for a reasonable response...

The silence is telling. I believe you are right, he doesn't care..

indeed and it gets worse I am sure he believes the solution is worse
than the problem because it does not promote cw forever

Slow Code is only here to troll. He's a fan of CW, but not a big
enough fan to actually defent the continued testing of Morse Code
with any valid reasoning.

Here's a valid reason for continued CW testing: To keep lowlifes like
you and Markie out of ham radio and off HF. You're too lazy to try to
be real hams. You see no value in being effective communicators,
therefore you're both worthless to the service and if you had to use CW
to save a life that person would die. You're both probably too lazy to
use a microphone to help save anyone too.

I'd like to see the No-code Tech class go away with a 5 wpm Tech the
being entry level to the service, or bring back a code only Novice
class again. Require 13 wpm code test for general and 20 wpm an Extra

People that don't like it should stay on CB. Ten-Four? This should
provide you and Markie a lot to stroke each other with. You both seem
to sing the same tune.


Why do you say I'm a low-life?

Did I say low-life? I meant to say lazy.


Slow Code October 22nd 06 01:33 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of. "Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD, who has used a wide variety of screen names
here, ("billy beeper", "hot ham and cheese", to name just a few)
usually without including his name or callsign.

73 de Jim, N2EY

I've never been so insulted in all my life. Calling me Len. May you be
cursed with six weeks of HF QRN and your antenna tip over.

Slow Code

Slow Code October 22nd 06 01:33 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

"Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him. Ditto
Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who "appears" to
be absent from RRAP.

Why don't you build up your CW skills and quit worrying about who everyone

de Slow Code

[email protected] October 22nd 06 02:44 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

Slow Code wrote:
wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

"Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him. Ditto
Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who "appears" to
be absent from RRAP.

Why don't you build up your CW skills and quit worrying about who everyone

de Slow Code

OK, Len. I'll stop worrying.

Slow Code October 23rd 06 01:39 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
'Mark in the Dark' wrote in

On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 23:33:30 GMT, Slow Code wrote:

wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

"Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him.
Ditto Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who
"appears" to be absent from RRAP.

Why don't you build up your CW skills and quit worrying about who
everyone is.

whjy should he He has passed the test and hold a general class license

Mark in the Dark.

He can keep building his code skills to make himself a better operator.

Why does everyone only want to do the minimum and not improve. It's
because they're lazy. They don't care to be good communicators, all they
want is a hand-out license that doesn't require skill or knowledge. If
that's what they want they should have stayed on CB.


[email protected] October 25th 06 01:04 PM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

Slow Code wrote:
'Mark in the Dark' wrote in

On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 23:33:30 GMT, Slow Code wrote:

wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

"Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him.
Ditto Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who
"appears" to be absent from RRAP.

Why don't you build up your CW skills and quit worrying about who
everyone is.

whjy should he He has passed the test and hold a general class license

Mark in the Dark.

He can keep building his code skills to make himself a better operator.

Again, the pro-coders only equate code speed with being a good
operator. Amateur radio has only a single dimension for them - CW on
HF. Their attitude is bankrupting amateur radio.

an_old_friend October 25th 06 11:55 PM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

Dr.Ace wrote:
"john" wrote in message
Slow Code is a disgrace to Amateur Radio!

I doubt that SC even has a call sign .
Ace - WH2T

you may be right But honestly I don't think so I beleive that SC is a
older hams who moved to some retirement village, did not read the fine
print, and so can't go on the air anymore and having put his saving in
it is just plain screwed andf unable to move and not driving much can't
go HF mobile even

and he come on here and takes it out on us

[email protected] October 26th 06 12:29 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

On 25 Oct 2006 04:04:07 -0700,
Slow Code wrote:
'Mark in the Dark' wrote in
On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 23:33:30 GMT, Slow Code wrote:
wrote in
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

"Slow Code" could
be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him.
Ditto Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who
"appears" to be absent from RRAP.

Why don't you build up your CW skills and quit worrying about who
everyone is.

whjy should he He has passed the test and hold a general class license

Mark in the Dark.

He can keep building his code skills to make himself a better operator.

Again, the pro-coders only equate code speed with being a good
operator. Amateur radio has only a single dimension for them - CW on
HF. Their attitude is bankrupting amateur radio.

be fair they equate Code and some even promote code acuratcy

The late Dick Carrol/W0EX prided himself on being able to send code so
poorly that even a computer code reader couldn't copy him. This was in
order to prevent unworthy No-Code Technicians from eavesdropping on

BTW, all the other Pro-Code Extras were good with it, coming up with
cool, old-timey sounding excuses for such bad behavoir. "Banana Boat
Swing" and "unique fist" were heard. A ham needn't try to produce CW
that meets the Morse Code specification for dots, dashes,
inter-dot/dash spacing, inter-character spacing, and inter-word spacing.

Dr.Ace October 26th 06 12:36 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

"john" wrote in message
Slow Code is a disgrace to Amateur Radio!

I doubt that SC even has a call sign .
Ace - WH2T

Dr.Ace October 26th 06 12:37 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

"Thats Right_ 20wpm" wrote in message
Slow Code is the kind of guy that everybodys hates on the air. He is
the Jammer because no one listens to him.

Probably because he doesn't have an amateur radio license .
Ace - WH2T

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