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Jimmie D April 16th 07 05:07 AM

No Code Required Issue

"tack" wrote in message
On Feb 20, 5:34 pm, "JIM" wrote:
Bill, W Q R P in Cincinnati . Your A Moron. Does It really hurt when you
think? Maybe you should go see the Doctor. Help for you is just a door
open it walk through and Don't let it hit you in the A$$ xx I mean Head
the way out.

My Name is Bill and , My name is Bill and, I think My Name is Bill and ,
think My Name is Bill and , They told Me that My Name is Bill and , Duh
your Bill right

"Bill Turner" wrote in message


Please folks, do not reply to these off topic posts.

If these idiots never get any replies, they will eventually give up
and go away.


Bill, W6WRT- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Why must people flame and call names? Bill Turner is technically
correct, although severe. Al's post is off topic, but it is polite
and sane. He shows no sign of being an "idiot" or jerk. An off topic
post like that perhaps should be handled by giving a few polite
answers, reminding that it is off topic, then dropping the subject.
On topic now, I suggest to those that believe that they cannot learn
code learn it anyway. There will still be code on the air, at least
for a time. Take your short-wave sets and listen to it. I disagree
that you should not memorize code. Learn the "A" is .- ; "B" is -...;
etc. There are only 26 characters plus ten numbers, and a few
punctuation characters. Man, if you can get a Master's in EE which
requires advanced mathematics with all the associated arcane symbolism
then you can memorize a little code. Of course, by counting dots and
dashes you'll never get past a few wpm, but you continue to listen to
faster and faster code, and as was mentioned above listen to
characters played very fast but with wide spacing, which will help you
to learn by pattern recognition. When you master that, you will
listen to code as a sort of "language".

Anyway you can do 5wpm is a good way. Once you get on the air it will
improve though you may find you are re-learning it every time you make a
significant speed increase but you will get there.


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