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R J Carpenter July 22nd 03 01:21 PM

"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.

A number of the MicroChip MPs have 16-bit internal counters that claim to
run as high as 50 MHz. The carry out of that counter could be used to cause
an interrupt to extend the number of bits in the count.

But you would need to precede the count chain with a gate of known and
accurate count-window duration. I've thought about the subject and would
try a 74AC-series flip-flop as the "gate". The gating control signal would
be applied to its DC-reset. A 74HC4060 running with a "32" kHz clock
crystal could provide the gating signal. Properly biasing the flip-flop's
clock input might result in fairly good sensitivity.

These MicroChip MPs have a pulse-width-modulated [PWM] output, but it's only
8- or 10-bit resolution. It could be dithered for more resolution, but that
would require an even greater time-constant in the AFC applied to the VCO -
probably intolerable. A simple, inaccurate, 8-bit D-to-A chip might be used
for rough AFC voltage, with interpolation using the PWM.

WARNING: All the above is just hand-waving.

73 de bob w3otc

R J Carpenter July 22nd 03 01:21 PM

PIC Frequency Locked Loop

"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.

A number of the MicroChip MPs have 16-bit internal counters that claim to
run as high as 50 MHz. The carry out of that counter could be used to cause
an interrupt to extend the number of bits in the count.

But you would need to precede the count chain with a gate of known and
accurate count-window duration. I've thought about the subject and would
try a 74AC-series flip-flop as the "gate". The gating control signal would
be applied to its DC-reset. A 74HC4060 running with a "32" kHz clock
crystal could provide the gating signal. Properly biasing the flip-flop's
clock input might result in fairly good sensitivity.

These MicroChip MPs have a pulse-width-modulated [PWM] output, but it's only
8- or 10-bit resolution. It could be dithered for more resolution, but that
would require an even greater time-constant in the AFC applied to the VCO -
probably intolerable. A simple, inaccurate, 8-bit D-to-A chip might be used
for rough AFC voltage, with interpolation using the PWM.

WARNING: All the above is just hand-waving.

73 de bob w3otc

Leon Heller July 22nd 03 09:42 PM

"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.
It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.

I've seen a couple of MCU-controlled "Huff and Puff" stabilisers on the web.

You'll find a couple he

Leon Heller, G1HSM

Leon Heller July 22nd 03 09:42 PM

"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.
It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.

I've seen a couple of MCU-controlled "Huff and Puff" stabilisers on the web.

You'll find a couple he

Leon Heller, G1HSM

W3JDR July 22nd 03 10:06 PM

As I said in my original post, there are plenty of 'stabilizers' available
for the taking. I have also seen a few PIC frequency counter implementations
that don't need any external gating. There are also plenty of PLL chips
which would do the job. However, I have not seen a software application for
the PIC that does it all without (hardly any) external hardware...this
should be possible.

What I want to do is create a tiny, low-power, stable & accurate HF
frequency source module. I think I can implement it with 2 packages...the
PIC and a VCO made out of biased-up CMOS inverters. I want to be able to
'hard-code' a frequency in some cases (fixed-frequency oscillator), or send
an arbitrary frequency word for variable frequency control in other cases
(VFO). This would be a very useful 'building-block' for making HF
communications gear.

The important factors for my applications are good tuning resolution,
reasonable lock-up time, and minimal phase noise. Of course, defining 'how
good is good enough' is somewhat subjective. Whether it's done as a PLL or
an FLL is somewhat semantic as most PLL synthesizer's really don't control
the short-term phase real well anyway.


"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.
It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.


W3JDR July 22nd 03 10:06 PM

As I said in my original post, there are plenty of 'stabilizers' available
for the taking. I have also seen a few PIC frequency counter implementations
that don't need any external gating. There are also plenty of PLL chips
which would do the job. However, I have not seen a software application for
the PIC that does it all without (hardly any) external hardware...this
should be possible.

What I want to do is create a tiny, low-power, stable & accurate HF
frequency source module. I think I can implement it with 2 packages...the
PIC and a VCO made out of biased-up CMOS inverters. I want to be able to
'hard-code' a frequency in some cases (fixed-frequency oscillator), or send
an arbitrary frequency word for variable frequency control in other cases
(VFO). This would be a very useful 'building-block' for making HF
communications gear.

The important factors for my applications are good tuning resolution,
reasonable lock-up time, and minimal phase noise. Of course, defining 'how
good is good enough' is somewhat subjective. Whether it's done as a PLL or
an FLL is somewhat semantic as most PLL synthesizer's really don't control
the short-term phase real well anyway.


"W3JDR" wrote in message
Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and

it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set.

are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I

use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.
It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.


Eamon Skelton July 23rd 03 02:45 AM

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 11:44:07 +0000, W3JDR wrote:

Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and then
it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set. There
are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I want,
use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.

Mine is at
Have a look at Hans Summers and Richard Hoskings web-pages.

It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.


What you are describing is a conventional PLL. PIC based
stabilisers or 'frequency locked loops' usually have very
long gate times for counting the frequency and a fairly
narrow frequency control range. My circuit uses a 100mS
gate time and a control range of +/- a couple of KHz.

If you want to cover a larger frequency range with your
VCO, you will need to use a much shorter gate time to
keep tight control of the VCO frequency. This will
increase the tuning steps and will also increase the
phase noise on the VCO output. You soon run into the
the same trade offs and compromises that you get with
any PLL design.

A PLL/DDS combination seems to be the best way to
go. I recently built a 21MHz VFO for a 10M transceiver.
The 21MHz VCO is mixed with the output from a 17MHz
crystal oscillator. The resulting 4MHz signal is
phase locked with a 4MHz signal from an AD9835 DDS
chip. The DDS is controlled by a PIC16F84. I use the
10M rig to drive a homebrew transverter for 144MHz.
I am delighted with the results. The RX is free from
the usual birdies you get with a DDS VFO. The phase
noise is low enough that I can operate within a few
KHz of some very strong local stations on 2M SSB.

73, Ed. EI9GQ.


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Eamon Skelton July 23rd 03 02:45 AM

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 11:44:07 +0000, W3JDR wrote:

Anyone know of a PIC-based frequency locked loop for VFO control? I'm
looking for something that can be programmed with a frequency word, and then
it aquires and maintains the frequency. I've seen frequency 'stabilizers'
but most of them just hold the frequency once it's been manually set. There
are also PIC-assisted DDS designs, but these are more complex thatn I want,
use more power then I'd like, and are not as clean as a simple voltage
controlled oscillator.

Mine is at
Have a look at Hans Summers and Richard Hoskings web-pages.

It seems to me that the PIC should be able to measure the frequency,
determine the error, and operate a very simple charge-pump/VCO to put the
frequency where it wants.


What you are describing is a conventional PLL. PIC based
stabilisers or 'frequency locked loops' usually have very
long gate times for counting the frequency and a fairly
narrow frequency control range. My circuit uses a 100mS
gate time and a control range of +/- a couple of KHz.

If you want to cover a larger frequency range with your
VCO, you will need to use a much shorter gate time to
keep tight control of the VCO frequency. This will
increase the tuning steps and will also increase the
phase noise on the VCO output. You soon run into the
the same trade offs and compromises that you get with
any PLL design.

A PLL/DDS combination seems to be the best way to
go. I recently built a 21MHz VFO for a 10M transceiver.
The 21MHz VCO is mixed with the output from a 17MHz
crystal oscillator. The resulting 4MHz signal is
phase locked with a 4MHz signal from an AD9835 DDS
chip. The DDS is controlled by a PIC16F84. I use the
10M rig to drive a homebrew transverter for 144MHz.
I am delighted with the results. The RX is free from
the usual birdies you get with a DDS VFO. The phase
noise is low enough that I can operate within a few
KHz of some very strong local stations on 2M SSB.

73, Ed. EI9GQ.


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Avery Fineman July 23rd 03 03:06 AM

In article , "W3JDR"

The important factors for my applications are good tuning resolution,
reasonable lock-up time, and minimal phase noise. Of course, defining 'how
good is good enough' is somewhat subjective. Whether it's done as a PLL or
an FLL is somewhat semantic as most PLL synthesizer's really don't control
the short-term phase real well anyway.

Short-term phase stability almost always lies in the VCO design with
some disturbance possible by an incorrect loop filter. That has little
to do whether the VCO is used with a PLL or DDS.

To be phase-stable (i.e., reduce short-term jitter), the VCO supply rails
should be bypassed adequately well up into the RF range of the VCO
and the control voltage line absolutely free from any loop-induced
pickup almost to the VCO's RF range. Iron powder or ferrite beads,
even slabs of the stuff, can halp on the control line. Stability also
involves using whatever active device in the oscillator at its optimum
lowest-noise point...that's device dependent and not all manufacturers
supply such data.

In truth, I've never had experience with the PLL or DDS dividers as an
integral part of the frequency control determining processor. I've always
had to work some to make the external-divider kind lay down and be
nice. I would imagine there's more fun and games with a combined
type using a Microchip processor being both controller and divider. :-)

Len Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

Avery Fineman July 23rd 03 03:06 AM

In article , "W3JDR"

The important factors for my applications are good tuning resolution,
reasonable lock-up time, and minimal phase noise. Of course, defining 'how
good is good enough' is somewhat subjective. Whether it's done as a PLL or
an FLL is somewhat semantic as most PLL synthesizer's really don't control
the short-term phase real well anyway.

Short-term phase stability almost always lies in the VCO design with
some disturbance possible by an incorrect loop filter. That has little
to do whether the VCO is used with a PLL or DDS.

To be phase-stable (i.e., reduce short-term jitter), the VCO supply rails
should be bypassed adequately well up into the RF range of the VCO
and the control voltage line absolutely free from any loop-induced
pickup almost to the VCO's RF range. Iron powder or ferrite beads,
even slabs of the stuff, can halp on the control line. Stability also
involves using whatever active device in the oscillator at its optimum
lowest-noise point...that's device dependent and not all manufacturers
supply such data.

In truth, I've never had experience with the PLL or DDS dividers as an
integral part of the frequency control determining processor. I've always
had to work some to make the external-divider kind lay down and be
nice. I would imagine there's more fun and games with a combined
type using a Microchip processor being both controller and divider. :-)

Len Anderson
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person

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