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Hi all,
On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms |
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Paul Burridge wrote:
Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Of course it isn't. A 1st order butterworth is a simple RC. At its characteristic frequency, i.e. its 3db point, it has 45 degs of phase shift in its impedance. Note, centre frequency is meaningless for a LP and HP. In general the input impedance can be all over the place for a filter. Kevin Aylward http://www.anasoft.co.uk SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture, Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design. |
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Paul Burridge wrote:
Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Of course it isn't. A 1st order butterworth is a simple RC. At its characteristic frequency, i.e. its 3db point, it has 45 degs of phase shift in its impedance. Note, centre frequency is meaningless for a LP and HP. In general the input impedance can be all over the place for a filter. Kevin Aylward http://www.anasoft.co.uk SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture, Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design. |
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On Fri, 09 Apr 2004 18:38:30 +0100, Paul Burridge
wrote: Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms Most LC filters are designed to produce the advertised frequency response, given a resistive generator and a resistive load, but they don't generally look like nice resistors themselves, at either port. There are filters designed to look like a resistor, or nearly so, wideband. Picosecond Pulse Labs, among others, sell such. We had a thread on s.e.d. a while back, and Jeroen Belleman posted some nice work, some original techniques to make constant-resistance filters. John |
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On Fri, 09 Apr 2004 18:38:30 +0100, Paul Burridge
wrote: Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms Most LC filters are designed to produce the advertised frequency response, given a resistive generator and a resistive load, but they don't generally look like nice resistors themselves, at either port. There are filters designed to look like a resistor, or nearly so, wideband. Picosecond Pulse Labs, among others, sell such. We had a thread on s.e.d. a while back, and Jeroen Belleman posted some nice work, some original techniques to make constant-resistance filters. John |
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"Paul Burridge" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
... Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. Hello Paul, to be honest, the circuit filters exactly as written. It is designed for an input impedance of 50 Ohm and an output impedance of 500 Ohm. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? You are wrong here. I assume that the book doesn't claim to do an impedance match to 50 Ohm input resistance for max. output power. It's just designed as a passive lowpass filter with different source and load resistor having a flat amplitude response. Nothing more. The input resistance of this filter is for example 5 Ohm at f=12MHz. According to the seven reactive parts, it has 3 notches and 3 resonances for the input resistance over the frequency band from 0 to 200Mhz and an additional zero at infinity frequency. I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... There is always a phase shift at the 3dB corner frequency of any lowpass filter. Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz This the -3dB corner frequency! Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms Paul's filter from a.b.s.e. --------------------------- A netlist file for the old SPICE people. * Butter50_500_35MHz.asc Rs N003 in 50 L1 in N001 152n L2 N001 N002 323n L3 N002 out 414n RL out 0 500 C4 out 0 143p C3 N002 0 153p C2 N001 0 97p C1 in 0 21p V1 N003 0 AC 1 ..ac dec 100 10k 200MEG ..end Best Regards, Helmut PS: Such filters are analyzed with the .AC command in (LT)-SPICE. The simulation type: .AC DEC 100 10k 1G The SPICE voltage source: V1 0 AC 1 V(in) is the node after the source resistor Rs. The frequency response: Logarithmic Bode Plot V(out) The input impedance: Logarithmic Bode Plot V(in)/I(Rs) If you want the output impedance, then you have to add a source in series with the load RL and stimulate from the output side only. The output impedance: Logarithmic Bode Plot: V(out)/I(RL) For the newcomers to this group: -------------------------------- LTSPICE is free SPICE with graphical GUI from www.linear.com/software There is a special newsgroup for LTSPICE: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LTspice/ This is the schematic file of this filter for LTSPICE. Save it in a file named "Butter50_500_35MHz.asc". Version 4 SHEET 1 880 708 WIRE 0 176 32 176 WIRE 208 176 240 176 WIRE 368 176 400 176 WIRE 512 176 560 176 WIRE 688 336 560 336 WIRE 688 336 688 304 WIRE 400 224 400 176 WIRE 400 176 432 176 WIRE 240 224 240 176 WIRE 240 176 288 176 WIRE 64 224 64 176 WIRE 64 176 128 176 WIRE 64 288 64 336 WIRE 64 336 -80 336 WIRE 240 288 240 336 WIRE 240 336 64 336 WIRE 400 288 400 336 WIRE 400 336 240 336 WIRE 560 288 560 336 WIRE 560 336 400 336 WIRE 560 224 560 176 WIRE 560 176 688 176 WIRE 688 176 688 224 WIRE -80 176 -224 176 WIRE -224 176 -224 224 WIRE -80 368 -80 336 WIRE -80 336 -224 336 WIRE -224 336 -224 304 WIRE 32 176 64 176 FLAG -80 368 0 FLAG 688 176 out FLAG 32 176 in SYMBOL res -96 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 0 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName Rs SYMATTR Value 50 SYMBOL ind 112 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L1 SYMATTR Value 152n SYMBOL ind 272 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L2 SYMATTR Value 323n SYMBOL ind 416 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L3 SYMATTR Value 414n SYMBOL res 672 208 R0 SYMATTR InstName RL SYMATTR Value 500 SYMBOL cap 544 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C4 SYMATTR Value 143p SYMBOL cap 384 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C3 SYMATTR Value 153p SYMBOL cap 224 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C2 SYMATTR Value 97p SYMBOL cap 48 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C1 SYMATTR Value 21p SYMBOL voltage -224 208 R0 WINDOW 123 21 106 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value "" SYMATTR Value2 AC 1 TEXT -192 24 Left 0 !.ac dec 100 10k 200MEG |
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"Paul Burridge" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
... Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. Hello Paul, to be honest, the circuit filters exactly as written. It is designed for an input impedance of 50 Ohm and an output impedance of 500 Ohm. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? You are wrong here. I assume that the book doesn't claim to do an impedance match to 50 Ohm input resistance for max. output power. It's just designed as a passive lowpass filter with different source and load resistor having a flat amplitude response. Nothing more. The input resistance of this filter is for example 5 Ohm at f=12MHz. According to the seven reactive parts, it has 3 notches and 3 resonances for the input resistance over the frequency band from 0 to 200Mhz and an additional zero at infinity frequency. I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... There is always a phase shift at the 3dB corner frequency of any lowpass filter. Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz This the -3dB corner frequency! Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms Paul's filter from a.b.s.e. --------------------------- A netlist file for the old SPICE people. * Butter50_500_35MHz.asc Rs N003 in 50 L1 in N001 152n L2 N001 N002 323n L3 N002 out 414n RL out 0 500 C4 out 0 143p C3 N002 0 153p C2 N001 0 97p C1 in 0 21p V1 N003 0 AC 1 ..ac dec 100 10k 200MEG ..end Best Regards, Helmut PS: Such filters are analyzed with the .AC command in (LT)-SPICE. The simulation type: .AC DEC 100 10k 1G The SPICE voltage source: V1 0 AC 1 V(in) is the node after the source resistor Rs. The frequency response: Logarithmic Bode Plot V(out) The input impedance: Logarithmic Bode Plot V(in)/I(Rs) If you want the output impedance, then you have to add a source in series with the load RL and stimulate from the output side only. The output impedance: Logarithmic Bode Plot: V(out)/I(RL) For the newcomers to this group: -------------------------------- LTSPICE is free SPICE with graphical GUI from www.linear.com/software There is a special newsgroup for LTSPICE: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LTspice/ This is the schematic file of this filter for LTSPICE. Save it in a file named "Butter50_500_35MHz.asc". Version 4 SHEET 1 880 708 WIRE 0 176 32 176 WIRE 208 176 240 176 WIRE 368 176 400 176 WIRE 512 176 560 176 WIRE 688 336 560 336 WIRE 688 336 688 304 WIRE 400 224 400 176 WIRE 400 176 432 176 WIRE 240 224 240 176 WIRE 240 176 288 176 WIRE 64 224 64 176 WIRE 64 176 128 176 WIRE 64 288 64 336 WIRE 64 336 -80 336 WIRE 240 288 240 336 WIRE 240 336 64 336 WIRE 400 288 400 336 WIRE 400 336 240 336 WIRE 560 288 560 336 WIRE 560 336 400 336 WIRE 560 224 560 176 WIRE 560 176 688 176 WIRE 688 176 688 224 WIRE -80 176 -224 176 WIRE -224 176 -224 224 WIRE -80 368 -80 336 WIRE -80 336 -224 336 WIRE -224 336 -224 304 WIRE 32 176 64 176 FLAG -80 368 0 FLAG 688 176 out FLAG 32 176 in SYMBOL res -96 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 0 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName Rs SYMATTR Value 50 SYMBOL ind 112 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L1 SYMATTR Value 152n SYMBOL ind 272 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L2 SYMATTR Value 323n SYMBOL ind 416 192 R270 WINDOW 0 32 56 VTop 0 WINDOW 3 5 56 VBottom 0 SYMATTR InstName L3 SYMATTR Value 414n SYMBOL res 672 208 R0 SYMATTR InstName RL SYMATTR Value 500 SYMBOL cap 544 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C4 SYMATTR Value 143p SYMBOL cap 384 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C3 SYMATTR Value 153p SYMBOL cap 224 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C2 SYMATTR Value 97p SYMBOL cap 48 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName C1 SYMATTR Value 21p SYMBOL voltage -224 208 R0 WINDOW 123 21 106 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value "" SYMATTR Value2 AC 1 TEXT -192 24 Left 0 !.ac dec 100 10k 200MEG |
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Filters can be lossy or, in theory, lossless. An example of a lossy
filter is a first order lowpass, consisting of a series R and shunt C. But let's talk about the passive lossless variety, made solely of inductors and capacitors, since I think that's what you're asking about. In practice, inductors in particular can have appreciable loss, and this complicates analysis a great deal. But for many applications, for example HF filters that aren't too sharp, loss can be negligible for practical purposes. So I'll further simplify things by talking about only theoretically lossless LC filters. A passive lossless filter can't achieve any frequency selection by means of loss, so it depends entirely on mismatch. Among other things, that means that a passive filter works properly only when both the source and load impedances are the ones it was designed for. A lossless lowpass filter has zero loss only at DC. At DC, or very low frequencies, then, the input is matched to the output. If the filter is designed for 50 ohms in and out, for example, you'd see 50 ohms resistive at the filter input when the output is terminated in 50 ohms. It can also be designed for other transformation ratios -- imagine the same filter with a broadband 10:1 impedance transformer at one end. There are other ways to effect the transformation, but the end result is the same. But as you go up in frequency, the attenuation of the filter increases. In the case of an LC filter, that means -- it has to mean -- that a mismatch is occurring. The attenuation typically rises slowly and not too much until you approach the cutoff frequency, but there are an infinite number of possible filter shapes, and some can vary pretty wildly in the pass band (the frequency range from DC to cutoff). Butterworth, Chebyshev, and a number of other canonical types have a substantial amount of attenuation, and therefore mismatch, at frequencies quite a bit below cutoff. An interesting passive LC filter type is a "quarter wave" lowpass filter. It's so called because it mimics a quarter wave transmission line over a moderate range of frequencies. This is a pi section filter (although like any other pi, it can also be realized as a tee) consisting of a series inductor and shunt capacitors. Each has a reactance at the operating frequency equal to the source and load resistance, which for the simple form I'm describing, are equal. This filter is unusual(*) in that it *is* perfectly matched at the operating frequency, which is just below the cutoff frequency. The cutoff isn't particularly sharp, but sections can be cascaded for better high frequency attenuation without changing the impedance match at the operating frequency. It's a really handy tool for homebrew transmitters, where additional harmonic attenuation is needed, since sections can be added without necessitating output circuit redesign. (*) It's unusual in my experience with modern filter design, but I suspect this might be a common characteristic in "image parameter" designed filters -- a technique I never learned. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Paul Burridge wrote: Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms |
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Filters can be lossy or, in theory, lossless. An example of a lossy
filter is a first order lowpass, consisting of a series R and shunt C. But let's talk about the passive lossless variety, made solely of inductors and capacitors, since I think that's what you're asking about. In practice, inductors in particular can have appreciable loss, and this complicates analysis a great deal. But for many applications, for example HF filters that aren't too sharp, loss can be negligible for practical purposes. So I'll further simplify things by talking about only theoretically lossless LC filters. A passive lossless filter can't achieve any frequency selection by means of loss, so it depends entirely on mismatch. Among other things, that means that a passive filter works properly only when both the source and load impedances are the ones it was designed for. A lossless lowpass filter has zero loss only at DC. At DC, or very low frequencies, then, the input is matched to the output. If the filter is designed for 50 ohms in and out, for example, you'd see 50 ohms resistive at the filter input when the output is terminated in 50 ohms. It can also be designed for other transformation ratios -- imagine the same filter with a broadband 10:1 impedance transformer at one end. There are other ways to effect the transformation, but the end result is the same. But as you go up in frequency, the attenuation of the filter increases. In the case of an LC filter, that means -- it has to mean -- that a mismatch is occurring. The attenuation typically rises slowly and not too much until you approach the cutoff frequency, but there are an infinite number of possible filter shapes, and some can vary pretty wildly in the pass band (the frequency range from DC to cutoff). Butterworth, Chebyshev, and a number of other canonical types have a substantial amount of attenuation, and therefore mismatch, at frequencies quite a bit below cutoff. An interesting passive LC filter type is a "quarter wave" lowpass filter. It's so called because it mimics a quarter wave transmission line over a moderate range of frequencies. This is a pi section filter (although like any other pi, it can also be realized as a tee) consisting of a series inductor and shunt capacitors. Each has a reactance at the operating frequency equal to the source and load resistance, which for the simple form I'm describing, are equal. This filter is unusual(*) in that it *is* perfectly matched at the operating frequency, which is just below the cutoff frequency. The cutoff isn't particularly sharp, but sections can be cascaded for better high frequency attenuation without changing the impedance match at the operating frequency. It's a really handy tool for homebrew transmitters, where additional harmonic attenuation is needed, since sections can be added without necessitating output circuit redesign. (*) It's unusual in my experience with modern filter design, but I suspect this might be a common characteristic in "image parameter" designed filters -- a technique I never learned. Roy Lewallen, W7EL Paul Burridge wrote: Hi all, On page 57 of RF circuit Design, Chris Bowick sets out a filter design example. I've posted this to a.b.s.e under the same subject header. He claims that the filter in question - a low pass Butterwoth - matches 50 ohms source to 500 ohms load. However, having checked this out with the aid of a Smith Chart, it appears there is some capacitive reactance present that would require the addition of a shunt inductor to neutralize. However, this would of course totally screw up the filter's characteristics. Upon closer examination, it appears impossible that this type of arrangement could ever be designed without introducing some reactance into the signal path. Or am I nuts? I'd always thought of these kind of filters as being purely resistive overall at Fo but is that really the case? It don't look like it... Design criteria: Centre frequency: 35Mhz Response -60dB at 105Mhz zero ripple(!) Rs 50 ohms Rl 500 ohms |
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Roy Lewallen wrote: . . . A passive lossless filter can't achieve any frequency selection by means of loss, so it depends entirely on mismatch. Among other things, that means that a passive filter works properly only when both the source and load impedances are the ones it was designed for. A lossless lowpass filter has zero loss only at DC. . . The last sentence should read: A lossless lowpass filter has zero attenuation only at DC. The attenuation is often called "mismatch loss", but in the remainder of what I wrote, I use the term loss only to mean dissipative loss -- which "mismatch loss" isn't. Roy Lewallen, W7EL |
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