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I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) =3D -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hern=E1n S=E1nchez |
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nanchez wrote:
Hi. I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hernán Sánchez Maybe this will help explain... http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd....256811004DD454 |
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On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 18:07:51 -0400, -ex- wrote:
nanchez wrote: Hi. I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hernán Sánchez Maybe this will help explain... http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd....256811004DD454 This is pretty good, but errs when it states that 0 dBm is 1 mW in a 50 ohm system. This is the usual case, but it could just as well be 70 ohm, 600 ohm or 6 3/8 ohm. |
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![]() "nanchez" wrote in message ups.com... Hi. I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hernán Sánchez To rejoin the real world, take the "16" figure and divide it by 20. get "0.8" Then find the antilog of that 0.8 [use normal 'base10' logs] get "6.31" This number is a multiply or divide factor that is applied to a 50 ohm 0dBm reference voltage. So what is this god like reference voltage?. The 50ohm 0dBm reference voltage is in actual fact 0.223Vac. The original number was "-"16 dBm. Just read the minus sign as meaning a voltage less than the 0dBm reference voltage. So that 0.223Vac reference value is divided by your 6.31 factor. get "0.035" Vac. So "-16dBm" is really 35mVac. This means you have more than enough drive voltage available from your 2.5Vpp (900mVac) local oscillator signal. Be very wary whenever you come across dBm figures. There is a minefield of disinformation out there. In many cases they are intended purely to obfscutate the reader and prevent them clearly seeing that the described circuit is junk. In many other cases they are purposely used as an extra level of abstraction to sort out the 'RF men' from the 'boys'. Manufacturers still use the dB concept for historical reasons. It doesn't effect their sales as the RF people buying their kit carry in their heads instant dB-V conversion tables. Don't know about everyone else but all my scopes and signal generators and sources and dc-ac-voltmeters and DVMs and signal probes etc, are marked in Volts and Amps. So that's what I use. (Someday I'll get round to building a real world 1:2:5:10 50ohm attenuator. I certainly can't buy one :-) regards john |
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On Sat, 4 Jun 2005 14:53:43 +0100, "john jardine"
wrote: "nanchez" wrote in message oups.com... Hi. I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hernán Sánchez To rejoin the real world, take the "16" figure and divide it by 20. get "0.8" Then find the antilog of that 0.8 [use normal 'base10' logs] get "6.31" This number is a multiply or divide factor that is applied to a 50 ohm 0dBm reference voltage. So what is this god like reference voltage?. The 50ohm 0dBm reference voltage is in actual fact 0.223Vac. The original number was "-"16 dBm. Just read the minus sign as meaning a voltage less than the 0dBm reference voltage. So that 0.223Vac reference value is divided by your 6.31 factor. get "0.035" Vac. So "-16dBm" is really 35mVac. This means you have more than enough drive voltage available from your 2.5Vpp (900mVac) local oscillator signal. Except neither you or Hernan can be sure of this. His source is not specified to work into a 50 ohm load or present a 50 ohm source impedance to the mixer (what is really needed). Who knows what the delivered voltage will be when driving the mixer port? A measurement is in order. Terminate the source in 50 ohm and measure the power and/or voltage. If it exceeds -16 dBm, attenuate accordingly. Be very wary whenever you come across dBm figures. There is a minefield of disinformation out there. In many cases they are intended purely to obfscutate the reader and prevent them clearly seeing that the described circuit is junk. Spoken like a real expert on bafflegab. In many other cases they are purposely used as an extra level of abstraction to sort out the 'RF men' from the 'boys'. Manufacturers still use the dB concept for historical reasons. It doesn't effect their sales as the RF people buying their kit carry in their heads instant dB-V conversion tables. Don't know about everyone else but all my scopes and signal generators and sources and dc-ac-voltmeters and DVMs and signal probes etc, are marked in Volts and Amps. So that's what I use. (Someday I'll get round to building a real world 1:2:5:10 50ohm attenuator. I certainly can't buy one :-) regards john |
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It is worse than that, Wes. I fail to understand how a device can be
specified as X dB into a capacitive load. Last time I looked, a capacitive load couldn't dissipate ANY power. Jim This is pretty good, but errs when it states that 0 dBm is 1 mW in a 50 ohm system. This is the usual case, but it could just as well be 70 ohm, 600 ohm or 6 3/8 ohm. |
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This may help - url:
http://www.hardware-guru.com/LabStuff%5CdBm.htm -- CL -- I doubt, therefore I might be ! roups.com... Hi. I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. Thanks Hernán Sánchez |
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On Sat, 4 Jun 2005 08:56:56 -0700, "RST Engineering"
wrote: It is worse than that, Wes. I fail to understand how a device can be specified as X dB into a capacitive load. Last time I looked, a capacitive load couldn't dissipate ANY power. Jim, the OP said: "And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz." No dB or dBm mentioned. This sounds like a CMOS device with limited drive capability. That's why I suggest terminating it in 50 ohm, assuming this doesn't destroy it, and see what kind of power it can deliver. Most likely, a buffer will be needed, although -16 dBm isn't much and at that level it suggests that this is an active, not passive, mixer and that it might be driven by a higher source Z okay. Wes Jim This is pretty good, but errs when it states that 0 dBm is 1 mW in a 50 ohm system. This is the usual case, but it could just as well be 70 ohm, 600 ohm or 6 3/8 ohm. |
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Actually, if it is a CMOS/HCMOS output, it might be better to terminate
it into a voltage divider of, say, 270 ohms from the osc output to 56 or 62 or 68 ohms to ground. Many of the common clock oscillators are not intended to directly drive a 50 ohm load. Then an output taken across the resistor to ground will look like it's from a nominally 50 ohm source. You could use a larger voltage divider ratio to get the output down further if desired. If the osc has square wave output, that's likely OK for a mixer input, but if it's not 50% duty cycle, you might benefit from cleaning it up a bit with a tuned circuit, for example. And if the oscillator has a TTL output (rather than HCMOS), you might benefit from returning the voltage divider to the osc power supply, presumably 5V. Beware when calculating the power delivered from the voltage divider to a (say) 50 ohm load; put that load in parallel with the output resistor of the divider to calculate the net division ratio. So the suggested resistors, e.g. with 68 ohm output R, might give you about -8dBm, if the osc delivers 2.5V P-P into the divider, yielding roughly .24V P-P output into a presumed 50 ohm load. -- Also, the oscillator probably has DC on its output, and you might benefit from a blocking capacitor. 1000pF would be adequate. And beware that the osc might deliver noticably higher voltage into a resistive load. Perhaps the OP could provide a bit more detail... Also, I'd ask if that -16dBm is accurate...that's pretty low even for active mixers. Finally, RFSim99 is a nice little free program for playing with linear RF circuits, and includes an "RF calculator" which has a tab for signal levels, converting among dBm, watts, volts-RMS, and volts-P-P for a user-specified impedance level. (I wish that tab had "locks" on the values like the resonance one does, so you could see what power level you get when you load a fixed voltage with various resistances, but you can always just copy-and-paste the voltage to "remember" it over a resistance change.) I always appreciate that RFSim99 has a lot of tools all in one place, and I don't have to remember a whole bunch of different programs, each of some very limited scope. Cheers, Tom |
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From: "nanchez" on Fri 3 Jun 2005 14:59
I'm doing some RF experimentation and I need to know the "relation" between dBm specificatons and voltage level for a signal. I have a RF mixer with a specification that says: LO drive level (50 ohm) = -16 dBm And I have a LO source that give me an output of 2.5Vpp to a capacitive load of 5pF at 40MHz. How can I relate both items and design a circuit to connect LO source to RF mixer ? A basic definition that is industry-wide, government-wide, has "dbm" as decibels of "0 dbm" related to a power level of 1.0 milliWatts in a "50 Ohm system." That has become so widespread that specification writers don't always include those words. It is implicit when referring to RF components. The RMS voltage can be quickly calculated from some identities on the basic formula for Watts: P = E x I. Knowing R (50 Ohms) one can substitute Ohm's Law of Resistance of I = E / R into that to get E = SquareRoot (P x R). For 1.0 mW in a 50 Ohm system, P x R = 0.050 and the square root of that is 0.2236 so 0 dbm has an RMS voltage of 223.6 milliVolts. In your mixer specification, -16 dbm is equal to 35.44 mV RMS across a resistance of 50 Ohms. You can't DIRECTLY use your 40 MHz source value of 2.5 V peak-peak across a 5.0 pFd capacitance because it does not include the characteristic RESISTIVE impedance of 50 Ohms. Power in Watts must be related to the impedance of a load in order to perform "work." [a basic definition of power in Watts is "a unit of work"] Capacitance across a load will vary its impedance depending on the frequency. For that reason the electronics industry has long relied on a basic resistive impedance to measure and characterize RF components. The result is the very common "dbm" referred to 1.0 mW across a resistive 50 Ohm load...or the characteristic impedance of the measurement system, both source and load impedance. To relate your mixer specification to your RF source, you will have to put a 50 Ohm load across the source and measure that. If you have some stray capacitance across that load (inevitable) and know approximately what that is, you can calculate its effect across a resistance. At 40 MHz a 5.0 pFd capacitance has a reactance of 796 Ohms. That is not much but it changes the magnitude of the parallel R-C from 50.0 Ohms resistive to 47.0 Ohms slightly capacitive. That's a small change and can generally be neglected for experimental bench work. If you have some web source to study about this items, I'll be glad to hear about it. It's in practically every textbook on the subject of RF electronics. What can confuse newcomers to RF is the implicit "standard" which is not always included in specification sheets. The definition of "dbm" is arbitrary and probably picked (way back in time) for sake of convenience in measurement by all concerned. The reason for picking "50 Ohms" in a "system" is more obscure and ties into the physics of power transfer in coaxial cables. That's a curiosity that some can look up if they are interested but does not apply to how to USE the "dbm" specifications. To use "dbm" one only needs to remember the definition and apply simple forumulas for Power and Ohm's Law of Resistance. I hope that was of some help to you. |
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