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GB2RS NEWS Sunday 30 March The news headlines * 70cm petition is disinformation * Amateur radio on BBC Wales * CQ Magazine recognises Kosovo for awards An e-petition to the Prime Minister's office, originated just before the Easter break and entitled "70cmsband", has generated what might be described as a "lemming like" response from the amateur radio community. Unfortunately the basis for the petition has no foundation in truth. The RSGB currently enjoys a good working relationship in negotiations with both Ofcom and the Ministry of Defence, where 70cms and other shared bands are concerned. This type of disinformation could undermine the relationship. A concern to both the amateur radio services and the MoD is the growing proliferation of Short Range Devices (SRDs) that are operating in the 70cm band and raising the noise floor. A recent trial that used 433MHz channels as inputs for D-Star equipment tests proved to be unsuccessful due to the high noise floor. According to an EU Directive the official SRD sub-band within 70cms is 433.05-434.79 MHz using a maximum of 10mW ERP. This includes handheld Low Power Devices (LPDs) permitted to use FM voice on channels that include a number of repeater inputs. We would advise members and non-members to check the facts with the RSGB, your national society, before adding your name to such petitions. This could avoid any embarrassment. BBC Radio Wales is to visit Barry Amateur Radio Society to record a 30 minute radio show on the workings of an "Amateur Radio club in Wales". The BBC will be recording a club natter night and on-the-air activity. The thirty minute programme will go out on BBC Radio Wales in English on a Saturday at the end of April or early May, and repeated the following day. The CQ DX Awards Manager has announced that Kosovo has been added to the list of countries and territories recognised for CQ DX awards. Verifications for contacts made on or after 17 February, 2008 are acceptable for CQ DX Award credit. CQ DX Honor Roll members with 335 or more credits should update by 31 May for highest placement in the listings. The new 339 entity maximum will appear on CQ DX Honor Rolls to be prepared in early June. Note that Kosovo has not yet been added to the DXCC list. The Poldhu 3597kHz beacon, GB3SSS, has now ceased operating. Reception at St. John's, Newfoundland, has been continuously monitored by Joe, VO1NA, and results will be analysed in the near future. The 2m beacon, GB3SSS, on 144.406MHz, continues to operate and is currently beaming towards the Caribbean. Last week, we reported that the GB2RS 40 metre news reader Jimmy Porter, GI3GGY, has suffered a failure of his huge antenna and would be off the air for a while. In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that Martyn Phillips, G3RFX, will be reading the GB2RS News at 10am on 7.150MHz from Clifton, Bristol. He runs 400W into a dipole at 50ft and, although he does not put out such a good signal as GI3GGY, he has already had good reports from Germany. The first 10GHz FM voice repeater in the United Kingdom came on the air on 14 March. GB3TC, co-sited with GB3CS in Lanarkshire, is operated and funded by local radio amateurs with support from the Central 2 Scotland FM Group and its technical team. The repeater operates on a channel pair of 10371.1MHz in and 10471.1MHz out and requires a 103.5Hz sub audible or 1750Hz burst access tone. It transmits an FM beacon giving its call and locator every 60 seconds when not repeating. More information from www.csfmg.com. An RSGB Train the Trainers session takes place on Saturday 26 April at the Crawley Amateur Radio Club. The Train the Trainers scheme helps tutors enhance the standard of their Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced licence courses. Alan Betts, G0HIQ, and Brian Reay, G8OSN, will be presenting the all day course, which is free of charge to instructors. For more information, and to register, contact Gavin Keegan, G6DGK, telephone 01825 722045 or email . Demand is expected to be high, so it is important to register as soon as possible. Further Train the Trainer sessions are scheduled for: Wythall on 18 May, Ramsgate on 31 May, and Chippenham on 7 June. Further details are on the Train the Trainers calendar at www.g8osn.org.uk. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources. Belgian operators and members of the Radio Club Secunda from South Africa should be active until 3 April from Katse Dam in Lesotho. 7P8FC will also be operational during the CQ WPX SSB contest. Activity is SSB only on topband, SSB and RTTY on 80 metres and SSB, RTTY and PSK all HF bands except 30 metres. They appear not to be using CW. Further information can be obtained from www.7p8fc.be. K4QD and AF4Z will be active portable HH4 from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission until 4 April. They will operate 80 to 10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY, but only as time permits. QSL via their home callsigns, preferably using the ARRL's Logbook of the World QSO confirmation service. SP2JMB, will be active portable 3B9 from Rodrigues Island and then from Mauritius Island portable 3B8. His activity is from 1 to 8 April, mainly CW. QSL to his call book address. Now for the news of special events Special call GB1SUN will be active from 5 April until the end of the year, promoting the use of solar energy in amateur radio. The station will be powered by solar panels and will operate on the HF and VHF bands. The location is Ossett, West Yorkshire, the QTH of Mary and Robert Brown, M3XMW and M0JRB. On Thursday 3 April, the radio club of Raismes in northern France will use the callsign TM0FAC at the university of Valenciennes. They are particularly keen to contact teachers and students. Club members will operate on 20, 40 and 80 metres, and on VHF through local repeaters. The locator is JO10SI. A special QSL card will be sent for each QSO. And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week On the evening of Friday 4 April the Church Island Radio Rally takes place at the Community Hall, Bellaghy, County Derry. Doors open at 8pm. Details can be obtained from John, MI0MIO, telephone 07719 100595 or email . On Sunday 6 April the Northern Mobile Rally will be at St Francis Xavier School, Richmond, North Yorkshire. Doors open at 10.30am. Further information is available from Paul Hunt, email , or at www.northernmobilerally.co.nr. 3 On Sunday 6 April the West London Radio and Electronics Show is at Kempton Park Racecourse. Among the attractions is the RSGB Top Ham Competition. For more details contact Paul, M0CJX, on 0845 165 0351, or email him at . The rally web site is www.radiofairs.co.uk. Also on Sunday 6 April, there is the Spring Militaria, Electronics and Radio Amateur Hangar Sale. It is held at Hack Green secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW58AP. The sale is held concurrently with the Ex-Military Landrover Association's large display of military vehicles. Further information is from Rod Siebert, telephone 01270 623353 or email . Details of the secret bunker and its history can be found at www.hackgreen.co.uk. The last event on Sunday 6 April is the Cambridgeshire Repeater Group Annual Rally at Bottisham Village College, six miles east of Cambridge. Doors open at 10am. More information can be obtained from Paul, G2PA, telephone 01462 683574, or email . Now the contest news The 48-hour CQ Worldwide WPX SSB contest ends at 2359 on Sunday 30 March. There are likely to be many exotic prefixes active in this contest which uses the bands from 1.8 and 28MHz. The exchange is RST and serial number. On Tuesday 1 April there is the RSGB 144MHz activity event and Club Championship between 2000 and 2130 local time. All modes are permitted and the exchange is RST, serial number and locator. Sunday 6 April sees the RSGB 70MHz contest, held between 0900 and 1200UTC. All modes are permitted and the exchange is RST, serial number and locator. And now the solar factual data for the period from 17 to 23 March, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS and Martin Harrison, G3USF. The solar disc was spotless until the 23rd when a small group emerged, this group grew rapidly in size and produced a couple of small sub flares. Solar activity was very low. Solar flux levels declined slightly to 68 units by the 20th and the 21st. With the emergence of the sunspot group, levels increased to 72 on the 23rd. The average was 70 units. The 90 day solar flux average on the 23rd was 72 units. That's the same level as last week. X-ray flux remained below the minimum recording level throughout. Geomagnetic activity was quiet everyday and the average was Ap 6 units. The ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds decline from 580 kilometres per second to 410 by the 22nd. Particle densities were low every day. Bz varied between minus 6 and plus 7 nanoTeslas. With lower geomagnetic activity the HF bands have been in better shape, with mid-day F2 critical frequencies averaging around 5MHz. North-south paths were particularly improved, with many stations able to contact the 9X0R expedition. Short periods of sporadic-E were reported on 28MHz. Darkness hour critical frequencies fell to around 2.4MHz. There were no reports of auroral activity, although March is traditionally a good month for auroras. 4 And finally the solar forecast. This week solar activity is expected to continue at very low levels. Any increase in activity will be rather sudden and brief. Without this increase solar flux levels should be around the 70 mark. Geomagnetic activity should be quiet, however right at the end of the week activity is expected to increase due to a recurring coronal hole. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 19MHz for the south and 16MHz for the north. The darkness hour lows should be about 9MHz. Rather than a path predication this week we have the latest analysis from NASA, which suggests that the solar flux will remain close to current bottom-of-cycle levels for the rest of this year. A rapid rise towards the next peak in 2011 will begin during the first quarter of 2009. There is as yet no consensus among forecasters about how good cycle 24 will eventually prove to be. Operators on the higher bands will have to be patient for a while longer * but low-band operators should be able to look forward to another winter comparable to the one just ending. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. 5 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Monday 31 March Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society is having the club net via GB3BZ. Contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Tuesday 1 April Cambridgeshire Repeater Group is having a presentation on D-Star. Contact Paul, G2PA, 01462 683 574, , or on the web at www.gb3pi.org.uk. On Tuesday 1 April Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on the GHz bands by RadCom Microwave columnist Sam Jewell, G4DDK. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Tuesday 1 April Horndean and District Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night and social evening. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846, or on the web at www.hdarc.co.uk. On Tuesday 1 April Leiston Amateur Radio Club is meeting at Sizewell sports and social club. Contact Dave, G4HUP, on 01473 737 717, or by email to . On Tuesday 1 April North Kent Radio Society is having a natter night and field day discussion. Contact Dave, G4YIB, by email to . On Tuesday 1 April Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society is operating on VHF and taking part in the 144MHz UK activity contest. Contact Neil, M0ARH, on 01438 217 077. On Wednesday 2 April Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society is having a general meeting. Contact Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 506 344, or by email to . On Wednesday 2 April Dover Radio Club is holding its AGM. Contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On Wednesday 2 April Havering and District Amateur Radio Club is having a business meeting to review the first quarter of 2008. Contact Dave, 2E0EBV, on 07956 594 514. On Wednesday 2 April Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM. Contact Mark Taylor, G0LGJ, on 01362 691099, or by email to . On Wednesday 2 April Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on "SWR and all that" by G3LDO. Contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. On Thursday 3 April Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the history of recorded sound by John Weller, G0GNA. Details on the web at www.harc.org.uk. On Thursday 3 April King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is having a 2 metre club net with the Huntingdon club. Contact Ray, G3RSV, on , or on the web at www.klarc.org.uk. On Thursday 3 April Maidenhead and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the history of receivers by John Ellerton, G3NCN. Contact John, G8RYW, on 01628 628 463, or by email to . 6 On Thursday 3 April Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on climate change by Keith, M1EPK. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Friday 4 April Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a fox hunt with Sue and Geoff. Contact Sue, G6YPY, on 01273 845 103, or by email to . On Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April Reading and District Amateur Radio Club is continuing its Foundation Licence course. Contact Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697. On Friday 4 April Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating night. Contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to . On Friday 4 April Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group Is having its club construction contest. Details on the web at www.weyvalleyarg.org.uk. On Saturday 5 April Reading and District Amateur Radio Club is looking for help with its three towers hike. Contact Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697. On Saturday 5 April Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society is having its cub dinner at Stratton House Hotel. Contact David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Sunday 6 April Cambridgeshire Repeater Group is running its annual rally at Bottisham Village College. Contact Paul, G2PA, 01462 683 574, , or on the web at www.gb3pi.org.uk. On Sunday 6 April Whitton Amateur Radio Group is starting its Intermediate Course. Contact Chris, 0870 760 5082, or on the web at www.warg.info. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Tuesday 2 April the Solent Club for Amateur Radio and Television will be holding its AGM at The Castle Inn, Witts Hill, Southampton. The AGM will be followed by a lively junk sale. Contact Tony, G7OGT, by email to . On Wednesday 2 April South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having its spring table top sale. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Wednesday 2 April Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the quest for higher frequencies by Peter Butcher, the editor of the Defence Electronics History Society magazine. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234, or by email to . On Wednesday 2 April Trowbridge and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Mike Adams, M0ALW. Contact Ian, G0GRI, on 01225 864 698, evenings and weekends. On Thursday 3 April Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on 1.3 and 10GHz operation by Ian Lamb, G8KQW. Contact Mike, M5CBS, on 01793 826 465. On Thursday 3 April Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having a fun run. Contact Gary, 2E0BFJ, by email to . On Friday 4 April Bournemouth Radio Society is having an illustrated talk by Colin Redwood, G6MXL, on the history of sound recording. Contact John, G0HAT, on 07719 700 771. 7 NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 31 March Gloucester Amateur Radio And Electronics Society is operating on VHF. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime, or on the web at www.g4aym.org.uk. On Tuesday 1 April Derby and District Amateur Radio Society is having its Foolish Junk Sale. Contact Martin, G3SZJ, on 01332 556 875. On Tuesday 1 April Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Phil Green on the glory years of the Nimrod. Contact Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 1 April Wythall Radio Club is taking part in the 2m Club Championship from the shack. Contact Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819, or by email to , or on the web at www.wythallradioclub.co.uk. On Wednesday 2 April Lincoln Short-Wave Club is visiting Alan Wiles' Workshop. Contact John, G1TSL, on 01526 323 153. On Wednesday 2 April Telford and District Amateur Radio Society is having an open house evening. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677, or by email to . On Thursday 3 April RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night in the club. Contact Martin, M0MDF, on 01522 752 785, or by email to . On Thursday 3 April Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night. Details on the web at www.salop- ARS.org.uk. On Thursday 3 April Tamworth Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night. Contact Colin Marks, G4ZPJ, on 01827 700 893, or by email to . On Friday 4 April Coventry Amateur Radio Society is having mini lectures. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 02476 273 190, or by email to . NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 31 March Angel Of The North Radio Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Contact Nancy, G7UUR, on 07990 760 920 (day), 0191 477 0036 (night), or by email to , or on the web at www.anarc.net. On Monday 31 March Bolton Wireless Club is meeting at the Britannia Hotel for a talk on Summits on the Air by Ian, G7KXV. Contact . On Monday 31 March Sheffield Amateur Radio Club 2E0ZLT is explaining how to fit a radio into a car. Contact Trevor, M0TWS. On Monday 31 March Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a video by Ted, G3WBB. Contact Jack, G4BFH, by email to . On Tuesday 1 April Chester and District Radio Society is having a talk by John Goldberg. Details on the web at www.chesterdars.org.uk, or by email to . On Tuesday 1 April Stockport Radio Society is having part 2 of Steve, G8YTP's talk on the art of using rope and knots. Contact David, M1ANT, on 0161 456 7832. On Wednesday 2 April Hambleton Amateur Radio Society is having a VHF operating night using SSB and FM. Contact Tim, G0TYM, on 01642 711 334, or by email to , or on the web at www.radioclubs.net/hambletonars. 8 On Wednesday 2 April Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having an activity night. Contact Sue, G6UQA, on 01482 668 041, or on the web at www.hornseaarc.co.uk. On Wednesday 2 April Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night at the Saughall Hotel, Saughall Massie. Contact Tom, G4BKF, on 07050 291 850. On Friday 4 April East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a radio magazine evening. Contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671, or by email to . On Friday 4 April South Manchester Radio And Computer Club is hearing about the further Antarctic adventures of Chris and Ron with G3UAU and G3SVW. Contact Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 4 April Tynemouth Radio Club is having a junk sale. Contact Tony, G8YFA, by email to . NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Wednesday 2 April Paisley YMCA Amateur Radio Club is discussing PCs in the shack. Contact Jim, GM3UWX. On Thursday 3 April Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having its junk sale. Contact Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663, or on the web at www.aars.freeserve.co.uk. On Friday 4 April Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a normal club night. Contact Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. On Friday 4 April West Of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is having a club night. Details on the web at www.wosars.org. NEWS FOR WALES On Sunday 30 March Pembrokeshire Radio Society is having an amateur radio bring and buy at "The Patch", Furzey Park Community Centre. Contact Evan, GW4AKZ, on 01437 710 141. NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND On Thursday 3 April Bangor and District Amateur Radio Club is having its annual constructors contest. Contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2 383. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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