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Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1609 - June 13, 2008
The following is a closed circuit announcement and not necessarily for air. Hers amateur Radio Newsline's Support Fund administrator, Andy Jaremaa, N6TCQ: -- We know you prefer to hear the news rather than having to listen to these announcements and we agree. But over the past few months almost all donations have ceased so here we our with our annual spring pitch. As we have said so many times before, it takes money to gather the news. It takes money to assemble a newscast and it takes money to bring it to you. And as the price of goods and services continue to increase so do our operating costs. The cost of telephone service. The cost of web access. We do our very best to keep operating expenses to a minimum. Everyone involved in the Amateur Radio Newsline is a volunteer. There is no paid staff. More important, all of the monies you donate go only toward operating expenses and in supporting the Young Ham of the Year Award. And for you, your donation is tax deductible. We even make it very easy to donate. If you have web access all you need to do is take your web browser to www dot arnewsline dot org. Then click on the words "Make A donation" and use your Pay-Pal account or credit card to transfer into ours. Or you can use the good old method of writing a check and sending it to Amateur Radio Newsline Support Fund, Post Office Box 660937, Arcadia California, 91066. Either way, we thank you for your kindness. For your support and for your trust. I'm Andy Jarema, N6TCQ. -- Thank you Andy. Now, Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1609 with a release date of Friday, June 13th, 2008 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a QST. Amateur radio responds as savage weather hits the Mid Western states, the BPL fight continues in South Africa, the FCC reminds us that its O-K to record ham radio and C-B transmissions and hams in the Big Apple are again the communicators for the city's Salute To Israel parade. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1609 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESCUE RADIO: HAM RADIO RESPONDS TO MIDWEST STORMS Ham radio was among the first responders as severe weather battered the mid Western United States starting on June 4th. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jack Parker, W8ISH, is in Indianapolis, Indiana, which is one of the states hard hit by Mother Natures fury: -- From Indianapolis, south to the Kentucky line Indiana residents have been surrounded by fast rising flood waters this past week. Torrential rains from slow moving storms dumped up to 11 inches of water on Hoosier communities across the southern part of Indiana. Dozens of Amateur Radio operators were activated in response to calls from various county emergency operations centers. Rising waters have closed many county roads across the region. In Johnson County, just south of Indianapolis, amateur radio operators were asked to report closed roads and bridges damaged by fast moving water. A total of eight bridges were severely damaged and one dam was breached forcing evacuations from a small lake community. By noon Saturday most major highways and county roads were closed due to waist high water. Water rescue units sent to evacuate neighborhoods had a hard time getting equipment to those in need. Hams in Columbus and Seymour, Indiana provided communications to evacuation shelters. Several times they had to tear down and re-locate as those shelters were closed and moved to higher ground. The rain just kept coming. By Monday weary amateur radio operators were calling for relief as more shelters were opened or continued to operate. It has been a busy month for Indiana ham radio operators. A week before the floods many of the same areas were raked by devastating tornadoes. Again, Amateur Radio communications was put to the test while providing emergency communications to area shelters and emergency management agencies across the state. Rescue operations became so numerous local fire departments, the Department of Natural Resources and the Indiana National Guard were swamped with requests. The US Coast Guard dispatched rescue helicopters from Chicago while a contingency of US Marines located at Camp Atterbury near Columbus, Indiana postponed their training mission and began assisting with water rescues in Morgan County. The Marines are from Camp LeJune in North Carolina. They too fell victim to the tornadoes and local flooding. Their large Chinook helicopters flew search and rescue missions for several affected counties. According to the National Weather Service records this is the worst flooding Indiana has seen since 1913. And it may not be over yet. All those flood waters are now flowing down stream causing new problems to Southern Indiana communities. Reporting for Amateur Radio Newsline, this is Jack Parker W8ISH. -- We will have more on this story in upcoming Amateur Radio Newsline reports. (ARNewsline(tm), W8ISH) ** RESCUE RADIO: RACES ASSITS IN NJ ANIMAL RESCUE DRILL Emergency service workers handling large animals during an a disaster. That was the theme of a preparedness drill in central New Jersey on Sunday afternoon June 8th. One that involved not only horses, ponies, goats, alpacas, donkey and young cow, but ham radio operators as well. The exercise consisted of evacuating and registering the animals in a shelter set up at the Hunterdon County Fairgrounds. About 40 volunteer members of a local County Animal Rescue Team took part. Communications for the operation was provided by members of the County's Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service group The scenario for the exercise was the imaginary collision of a car with a train at the crossroads in Franklin Township. The accident supposedly caused the train carrying hydrochloric acid to derail with the toxic acid leaking out and leading to a general evacuation of the area. The ham radio equipped County Animal Rescue Team had responsibility of evacuating the animals in the affected zone. By the time the drill had been completed, more than a dozen animals volunteered by their owners, had been transported to the fairgrounds and registered. The complete story s on-line at http://www.mycentraljersey.com/apps/...080609/NEWS/80 6090320/1002/NEWS03 (mycentraljersey.com) ** RESCUE RADIO: CHECKLISTS AND COMMON SENSE Checklists, Common Sense and Experience is the title of an excellent article appearing in the July issue of Worldradio Magazine. In it, the magazine's Emergency Communications column author Jerry Wellman, W7SAR, gets away from the nuts and bolts of being prepared to respond in time of crisis. In this column he looks as emergency preparedness from a very personalize point of view. To quote one key line that stands out, Wellman credits a reader as stating: "The ideal emergency response is a collection of individuals with skills to improvise and think and not rely on checklists and kits that probably won't be at hand anyway. Wellman says that he is not advocating abandoning checklists to be sure an emergency responder has what he or she needs. But he indicates that the most important tool in a go kit may not be in the bag a responder carries. Rather, its that persons ability to think on the run as a situation changes. The article is a must read for hams involved in emergency response work or for any ham who might one day be in the position of having to be an emergency communicator. It begins on Page 24 of the just out July issue of Worldradio Magazine. (Worldradio) ** THE BPL FIGHT: SARL OBJECTS TO PROPOSED BPL RULES Broadband over Powerline is in the news again. This with word that the South African Radio League plans to attend an upcoming hearing on the future of BPL Internet access in that nation. The hearings will be held on June 18th and 19th According to South African telecommunications regulator ICASA the public gathering will discuss the draft regulations published this past February 7th for Technical Standards for Power Line Telecommunications operations. After the publication of the draft regulations in the Government Gazette, South African Radio League and South Africa's HamNet submitted objections to certain aspects of the draft regulations. The main dissatisfaction is the lack of compulsory notching of amateur radio frequency allocations, limits which are too low to offer adequate protection and the dispute resolution process. The draft regulations and the ham radio objections to them are available on www.sarl.org.za. Just click on the words PLC slash BPL. (SARL) ** RESTRUCTURING: EUROPE HARMONIZES 3400 TO 3800 MHZ The European Union has released its decision on the restructuring or harmonization of 3400 to 3800 MHz. This for use in terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services to the European community. .. The Commission Decision of May 21st says that no later than six months after the document takes effect that member states will designate and make available, on a non-exclusive basis, the 3400 to 3600 MHz band for terrestrial electronic communications networks. Then by January 1st, 2012 member states will expand the spectrum availability up to 3800 MHz . I both cases the band allocation will be made in compliance with the parameters set out in the appendix to the decision. In European terms harmonization equates to agreeing on a way to use the spectrum at hand. (Southgate) ** BREAK 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the W3BN repeater of the Reading Amateur Radio Club and whose charter was signed by none ither than Hiram Percy Maxim, 1 A W. (5 sec pause here) ** RADIO LAW: YES ITS OK TO RECORD AND DIVULGE HAM AND CB COMMS Is it legal to record and divulge the content of ham radio and C-B radio communications? That's a question often asked by newcomers to ham radio or by those hams involved in chasing down malicious interference. FCC rules man Bill Cross, W3TN, says that the answer is yes, it is: -- Cross: "There is an exception in the Communications Act -- I believe it is Section 706 of the Act -- Its called Privacy of Communications -- and it is a ection that was enacted in the early part of the (last) century that basically was designed so that radio operators aboard ships or other people that had to relay a message were not supposed to use that information or divulge it to someone else. But at the very end of it there is an exception and its an exception for the Amateur Service and the Citizens Service. "The import of it is that it does allow the recording of amateur to amateur communications on the amateur bands. And that's really a part of the whole mentality we have of self policing and looking after ourselves and being able to report violative communications. But its an exception right there in the Act." -- The bottom line is that if you hear a major violation of the Part 97 Amateur Service rules, don't be afraid to record it and then send the tape or CD to the FCC. (ARNewsline(tm)) ** ENFORCEMENT: BROOKLYNITE ORDERED TO PAY $1000 FINE FOR UNLICENSED STATION The FCC has affirmed a $10,000 fine issued against New York resident Trevor Whitley. This, for what the Commuision terms as willfully and repeatedly violating Section 301 of the Communications by providing services and facilities incidental to the unlicensed transmission of communications by radio. On January 25, 2008, the Commission's New York Field Office issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Whitley for playing hot to an unlicensed transmitter operating on 102.3 MHz in Brooklyn, New York. To date, Whitley has not filed a response to the N-A-L or paid the proposed forfeiture. So, based on the evidence before it the FCC has ordered Whitley to pay the fine within the usual time period or to file an appeal. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: DON'T OPERATE OUT OF BAND AGAIN A California ham has been warned by the FCC that future instances of out of band operation will result in enforcement action against his license. In its May 20th letter to Frederick C. Severa, AH8I, of Chico, the FCC notes that back on March 1st 2007 it forwarded to his address of record in Pago Pago a complaint regarding out of band operation. The FCC says the letter was returned unclaimed. The FCC says that finally a letter was sent to Severa at his Chico, California address on March 27, 2008 reached him. On April 25th AH8I replied. In his letter Severa stated that he had operated out of band only because it was dark in the vehicle and apparently he experienced a problem with improper VFO selection of the transceiver that he was using. The FCC has accepted this explanation as being reasonable. In addition to warning Severa to not operate out of band the FCC also has instructed him to update his license records indicating the address at which he will receive Commission mail. (FCC) ** RADIO LAW: CANADA AND MEXICO NOT SWITCHING TO ALL-DTV FOR YEARS The United States may have next February cast in concrete for the final switchover from analog to digital television broadcasting, but its going to be a while before our neighbors to the North and to the South join us. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, has the rest of the story: -- Canadian telecommunications regulators say that it will be at least another three years before any digital switchover takes place in that nation. And this only after Canada's broadcasting authority ruled that television stations would be forced to switch to ATSC digital broadcasting by August 31 2011. And then then there are a number of minor exceptions to this date. This for broadcast operations in remote areas where analogue transmissions will not cause interference to the new digital services. As to Mexico? Don't even think digital for another quarter of a century. As of this writing, Mexico has no plans to switch to digital television until sometime in 2022 at the very earliest, and that's just for a start-up date. It could take many more years before that nations digital transition is completed. And while Mexico has said that it will likey go with the ATSC system that is prevelent in North America, 25 years gives that nation a lot of time to explore alternative systems such as Europe's OFDM. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Paasternak, WA6ITF, in the studio in Los Angeles. -- By the way, for those interested, Luxembourg was the first country to complete the move to all digital broadcasting. That happened almost two years ago on September 1st, 2006. For more information on the DTV changeover worldwide, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_switchover (CGC Communicator, Wikipedia) ** HAM HAPENINGS: TECH PAPERS SOLICITED FOR DCC Technical papers are solicited for presentation at the 27th Annual ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference to be held September 26-28, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois. The submission deadline is July 31, 2008. Please send papers to Maty Weinberg, at the ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, Connecticut, 06111. ** RADIO BUSINESS: KENWOOD AND JVC TO MERGE BY OCTOBER Kenwood and JVC say that their proposed merger will be completed by this fall. Will this lead to a new high frequency radio from the labs at Kenwood Communications? Jeff Clark, K8JAC tries to provide an answer: -- While nobody will say for sure, at least one reason that Kenwood has not introduced a new, high end high frequency transceiver to rival offerings from Icom, Yeasu and newcomer Heiberling could have to do with aspects of the companies business that have nothing directly to do with ham radio. Rather some are speculating that it might have been the merger of Kenwood with the Victor Corporation of Japan that may have at least temporarily sidelined any major high frequency Kenwood product introductions this year. According to a joint news release the two Japanese electronics giants will combine to form JVC Kenwood Holdings. The new corporation will have its headquarters in the city of Yokohama. The new model business will focus on car electronics, home electronics, and professional wireless systems, and will also explore new product segments. In an earlier statement by Kenwood it was stated that the merger would have no impact on the company's continuing support of the amateur radio marketplace. I'm Jeff Clark, K8JAC. -- The two companies appear to be combining to reduce operating costs while scaling distribution in the already crowded world-wide consumer electronics market. (News.com, Southgate) ** RADIO BUSINESS: MOBILE CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SALES CONTINUE TO GROW And speaking about the world of consumer electronics, it looks as if the publics desire to own the latest and greatest in mobile electronics is a thirst that just cannot be quenched. This, even with a the price of gasoline reaching astronomic levels. Amateur Radio Newsline's Don Carlson, KQ6FM, has the details: -- Sales of in-vehicle consumer electronics will grow at a rate of 13 percent in 2008 to more than $12.8 billion. That's the prediction of a study released by the Consumer Electronics Association. In the study, "Automotive Electronics What Consumers Have and What They Desire," the Consumer Electronics Association said the typical American spends nearly 17 hours a week in a car. As a result, 38% of the driving age population intends to buy and install an in-vehicle product over the next year. Topping the list at 15% are remote vehicle starters. That's followed by in-dash navigation systems at 13% and car alarms accounting for 12%. But says the Consumer Electronics Association there are also strong purchase intentions for technologies like HD Radio, satellite radio and DVD players. In Reno, I'm Don Carlson, KQ6FM -- The study also predicts that consumers are actually more likely to spend money on products that are not permanently installed in vehicles. They say that this signals a desire for flexibility and multi-location use when it comes to buying consumer electronic products, according to the trade group. (RW) ** RADIOSPORT: ARDF CHAMPIONSHIP SEPT 2 - 7 IN KOREA The 14th World Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships take place September 2nd to the 7th at a location near Seoul, Korea. If your team wants to participate in the event and you have not sent the letter of intent yet, please send it as soon as possible to the sponsoring group. Full details and the needed form can be found at www.2008ardf.org. You should fill the category, name, callsign, date of birth and passport number of participants in the application and send it back via e-mail no later than July 30th. (Southgate) ** CHANGING OF THE GUARD: ANTENNA DESIGNER DJ9BV - SK The changing of the guard in amateur radio continues. This with the sad news that VHF and UHF antenna designer Rainer Bertelsmeier, DJ9BV, has passed away following a long illness. Well known for his work on VHF Yagi's and other designs, DJ9BV was in charge of the highly respected VHF magazine Dubus until becoming too ill to continue. He was near the top of the 70cms listings, active on modes such as EME and was considered as being a wealth of knowledge that will be missed by all VHF and UHF operators. (Southgate, DJ0QN) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: LIVE HOLOGRAM PRESENTATION DOWN UNDER Call this one its shades of the fabled star ship Enterprise's Holideck. But in this case its real and its now been demonstrated down-under. Here's Graham Kemp, VK4BB: -- In an Australian first, Telstra has used a hologram to beam its Chief Technology Officer, Dr Hugh Bradlow, live into Adelaide from Melbourne to talk at a major function for senior business executives. Dr Bradlow addressed and interacted with the audience for around 15 minutes and conducted a real time media conference following the function. Staging Connections in collaboration with Telstra, Bytecraft Entertainment and in partnership with Musion Australia combined their respective experience and know-how to deliver this exciting industry first, which represents a new generation of video conferencing innovation in Australia. Group Managing Director for Telstra Enterprise and Government, David Thodey,said "We've all seen this sort of thing in futuristic sci-fi movies, but the reality is that it can be done here and now, as we have just demonstrated, because of the scope and capability of Telstra's world leading networks. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of the WAIA News in Brisbane, Australia. -- Telstra is Australia's leading telecommunications provider. The hologram was delivered over its high speed network using the Musion Eyeliner System. This is a high definition holographic video projection method that allows three-dimensional moving images to appear within a live stage setting. And you thought it was only Hollywood movie magic. (WIA News, Telstra national media release 146/2008) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: A FREE RIDE TO ORBIT Cubesat satellites built by students from universities in Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Switzerland have been selected for a free ride to low earth orbit. The launch is scheduled on the maiden flight of the European Space Agency's new Vega booster from the ESA launch facility in Kourou, French Guiana. Tentative date for the mission is late this year or in early 2009. The cubesat from Belgium is among the most interesting. It proposes to use D-Star as it's communications protocol. This in the hope of bringing digital ham radio voice communications into space. More is on-line at: http://www.esa.int/esaED/SEM2BPUG3HF_index_0.html (ANS) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: CUTE 1.7 DIGI IN TEST MODE The Amateur Radio digital repeater function is now being tested on the Cute-1.7 cubesat. Information supplied to AMSAT by the satellites controllers say that they are currently testing an amateur digital repeater and a test message is being transmitted. FM packets are downlinked on 437.475MHz. Information on the and packet formats is available at http://lss.mes.titech.ac.jp/ssp/cute...ode_apd_e.html (Tokyo Institute of Technology) ** RADIO NEAR SPACE: AN ALASKAN B.E.A.R. GRANT . The Alaska Space Grant Program intends to expand a near space project called B.E.A.R. into a larger program. One that will allow University of Alaska Fairbanks students the opportunity to fly payloads of their own design, and to conduct atmospheric research in the spring and fall. B.E.A.R. is an acronym for the Alaska-based Balloon Experiment And Research Program. It's a joint effort of the Alaska Space Grant Program and the Arctic Amateur Radio Club have formed December 2007. The program's aim was to launch a high altitude balloon equipped with several amateur radio projects as payload in the spring of 2008. On May 10th the balloon was launched and reached an altitude of 95,327 feet above Fairbanks. The balloon had three payloads in tow, all built and designed by Dan Wietchy, KL1JP. While in flight the balloon's ham radio gear captured more than 100 photos and some video which was returned to Earth. The balloon parachuted back to Earth. It was found less than seven miles from where it was launched at Poker Flat Research Range. Faculty from the Geophysical Institute already say that they are interested in designing graduate-level courses. Ones that will take advantage of this new method to bolster hands-on student research into near space. (Eureka Alert) ** WORLDBEAT PORTUGAL: NEW D-STAR MACHINE ON THE AIR CT1DQV says over the D-Star remailer that a new D-Star repeater is operational in Portugal at Serra do Leiranc. That's at 1146 meters above sea level at a site is located between Chaves and Boticas, in northeast area of that nation. The new Portuguese D-Star system uses the call CQ0DCH. Its input is on 430,975 MHz and it transmits on 438,575 MHz with a 7.6 MHz split between its input and output frequencies. Its licensee, ownership and maintenance responsibility is in the hands of the Associano de Radioamadores do Alto Tamega. It will be a while before it joins the world wide D-Star gateway operation. (D-Star Remailer) ** WORLDBEAT - UK: NEW FAST SCAN ATV STREAMING SITE The British Amateur Television Club has announced a new amateur television streaming video Web Site. It designed to bring streamed fast scan ATV to the internet and allow cross repeater operation while working from its multi screen display. The site, located at www.batc.tv. will also carry a library of ATV programs and will act as a port for other ATV events to be streamed from around the world. (RSGB) ** ON THE AIR: MALAYSIA SCOUTING SPECIAL CALLSIGNS On the air listen out for eighteen Malaysian scouting special callsigns to be on air the rest of this year. This, in conjunction with the centennial anniversary of scouting in Malaysia and the World Telecommunication & Information Society Day 2008. To help celebrate these events the Scouts Association of Malaysia has been granted eighteen never-heard-before heard special event callsigns with the 9M1CS prefix and suffix plus one other letter in the suffix. The callsigns are valid until December 31st, and will be used for the on air scouting jamborees. The Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society will provide QSL Bureau services for most of the stations. Details are available http:\\jota.scouts.my. (Southgate) ** DX In DX, word that members of the the Spanish Amateur Radio League are active fro, Timor Leste as 4W6R through June 24th. Operations is on 160 through 6 meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY. The plan is to have two stations on the air at all times. QSL as directed on the air. M0AEP, will be active from Montserrat signing VP2MDD through June 19th. He will be on 80 through 6 meters using various modes. QSL via home call, direct or via bureau. Lastly, the special call sign TM4OO will be active from France through June 15th. This, to celebrate the 400th birthday of the city of Quebec. QSL this operation only via the bureau. (From various DX news sources) ** PUBLIC SERVICE:: HAMS COMMUNICATE FOR NYC SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE And finally, its one of New York City's cultural events and as in years past, ham radio has again provided a communications network for the annual Salute to Israel Parade. This years event took place on Sunday, June 1st and Amateur Radio Newsline's Mike Lisinco, N2YBB is in the Big Apple with mo -- The ham radio communications nerve center for this years Salute to Israel Parade was in a multi-radio equipped van located at 68th Street and 5th Avenue in Manhattan. According to Steve Ostrove, K2SO, who is the amateur radio Communications Coordinator for the event, the ham radio network began operation at at 9 a.m. and finished at 5 p.m. Ostrove tells Newsline that five hams were assigned to the parade announce locations while others shadowed V-I-P's and event officials. One operator even had had on roller blade skates for his shadow job which K2SO said to proved to be very successful. Ostrove says that he knows of only one call for medical aid handled by the ham radio network. Most of their job consisted of relaying information for the parade announcers, locating missing materials and all of the other incidental utility communications for an event of this scope. The Salute to Israel Parade began in 1964 when handful of people walked along Manhattan's West Side Highway in a show of support for the State of Israel. In the mid 1960's the event had grown into a full scale cultural event on Manhattan's 5th Avenue with thousands of marchers that included bands and floats. It was then that parade organizers approached the late Lou Belsky, K2VMR, to ask his assistance in providing communications for the event after a trial using 11 meter C-B radio gear proved unsuccessful. In its early years K2VMR built the communications network was on 6 meter A.M. on 50 point 4 Mhz. Ironically that was the old Brooklyn, Kings County ARES net frequency and was chosen only because most hams operating mobile in the New York City area carried it in their radios. By 1970 the ham radio communications for this event had moved to 2 meter F.M. as that mode became dominant nationwide. The current ham radio communications network is an outgrowth of those early years but refined to use the latest in ham radio communications technology. It's a network that Steve Ostrove, K2SO, and others have been improving over the years. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, in New York. 73 and Shalom. -- This years parade also happened to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel and making it the biggest in the events history. There were some 100,000 participants marching up Fifth Avenue cheered on by over one million spectators. And behind the scenes was a small group of ham radio communications volunteers making sure that every detail of the parade was just as it was supposed to be. . More information on the Salute to Israel Parade is on-line at www.salutetoisrael.com A article detailing Steve Ostrove, K2SO, life, career and involvement in the parades communications effort can be read at http://www.njjewishnews.com/njjn.com...HamHandle.html (ARNewsline(tm) with information supplied by K2SO and historic information from ex-WA2HVK) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. With Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Jim Davis, W2JKD, saying 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. |
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