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GB2RS NEWS Sunday 31st January 2010 The news headlines PW Publishing joins the fight for the Spectrum CQ magazine columnist becomes a silent key New repeater keeper sought PW Publishing, publishers of Practical Wireless and RadioUser, has joined the fight for the Spectrum as the first corporate donor to the RSGB Spectrum Defence Fund. They have also generously given the RSGB advertising space throughout the year to highlight the problems of PLA and PLT interference. Donations are still coming in for the fund, although more is needed to carry on the fight for a clean spectrum and the RSGB would like to thank those people who have already donated, including many members from the UKQRM group. If you are wondering what the QRM from these devices sounds like, visit the UKQRM website. You will also find the necessary information for reporting this QRM at www.mikeandsniffy.co.uk/UKQRM/. Sad news now from the USA. CQ Magazine columnist David Ingram, K4TWJ passed away last week. He was 67. Dave had written for CQ magazine since 1981 and had also written for RadCom. Dave suffered from a major heart attack on New Year's Eve. Len, GM0ONX is looking to stand down as repeater keeper for the GB3AY and GB3KA repeaters. If you think you can assist in this valuable role on behalf of the Central Scotland FM Group please contact Len on 01563 534383 or by e-mail at . To celebrate the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada, from 1 February to 1 March, Canadian amateurs may change their prefix. VA stations can use the prefix VG, VE stations may use VX, callsigns starting VO may use XJ and VY stations may use XK. Neil, G3RIR and Reg, G8VHI are in the early stages of arranging the VHF and Up stream for this year's RSGB Convention, which will be held over the weekend of 9 and 10 October. They would like to hear from the VHF, UHF and microwave communities what subjects should be covered this year and from those who would like the opportunity to present a paper at the Convention. Contact them via e-mail to or regwoolley@ aol.com. Wakefield & District RS are planning to start an Advanced course this month with a view to sitting the June/July exam. The course fee, including administration, light refreshments and the exam fee will be £80 and external candidates will be welcome. Any interested parties should register with Dave Lockwood, G4CLI by e-mail to or telephone 07 748 221 855. Mid Sussex ARS is about to hold its Foundation and Intermediate courses and are looking for candidates. Please contact Phil Brown, M5BTB by e-mail to for further information. Bromley & District ARS will be holding a two day Foundation Course in Hayes, Bromley on Saturday 27 February and 13 March. Enquiries to Andy, G4WGZ on 01689 878089 or via the BDARS website at www.bdars.org/contact-us.shtml. 2 The Fareham & District Amateur Radio Club is running a Foundation course starting on 21 March. Anyone interested can contact Derek, G4JLP on 01329 823405 or visit the club meetings any Wednesday evening. The website for further information on the club is www.fareham-darc.co.uk. And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week On 31 January, the Horncastle Winter Rally will take place at the Horncastle Youth Centre, Lincolnshire LN9 6DZ. Doors open at 10am for disabled visitors and 10.30am for other visitors, entry will be £1.50. More details from Tony, G3ZPU, on 01507 527835. On 7 February the 25th Canvey Radio & Electronics rally takes place at The Paddocks, Long Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0JA. Entry is £2 and there is free car parking. Opening time is 10.30 and you can get more information from Dave, G4UVJ, on 01268 697978, evenings only please. Due to circumstances beyond their control, the organisers of the Hornsea Amateur Radio Rally have been forced to alter the date of their Rally from 19 September to 17 October 2010. The new date and all other details will appear in the March issue of RadCom. Now for the news of special events GB2EI will be on the air in conjunction with EI2GBW to celebrate the reintroduction of the Swansea to Cork Ferry Service due to commence on 1 March, the original service being established in 1896. The station will be on the air at various times until 31 March. YR5EPC is a special event station from Transylvania, Romania. It will be active using PSK on all bands throughout the year. The QSL manager is YO6AJI. To celebrate the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada, from 1 February to 1 March, VG7G will be on the air. QSL via VE7OM. UK special events stations to listen for on 1 February are GB0RDF for Radio Direction Finding in Daventry and GG100MHG for the Market Harborough Guides. And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources. Nine operators of The Caribbean Buddies 2010 team go to St. Lucia, J6, from 2 to 10 February. Their QTH is a cliff-top villa and they will operate portable from various spots on the island too, on CW, SSB and digital. They are still working on their licensing but each operator expects to end up with his own call. QSLing will be by LoTW, eQSL or direct to the individual operators, with SASE required. Gerd, DJ4KW, and YL Gisela, DK9GG/V31GW, will once again operate as V31YN from Belize, until 28 February. Gerd will then operate as V31YN/P from IOTA NA-180 at the Blue Marlin Lodge, 2 to 7 February. Now the contest news February contesting begins on 80m on Monday the 1st with the Club Championships. The sequence in which the modes are used is rotated every month, so this month it's SSB first. The timings are 2000 to 2130UTC and the exchange is signal report and serial number. 3 Tuesday 2 February bring the 144MHz UK Activity Contest and Club Championships between 2000 and 2230UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The Black Sea Cup International Contest 2010 takes place from 1200UTC on 6 February until 1159 on 7 February. Rules can be found, in English, at http://bscc.in. On the morning of Sunday 7 February the 432MHz AFS contest takes place. This is a team event with a maximum of three members in each team, although clubs can enter more than one team. Clubs must be affiliated to RSGB to compete, but the members need not be RSGB members. However, if you want to submit an entry as a Single Operator, you do need to be an RSGB member. The activity takes place between 0900 and 1300UTC and the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Now the solar factual data for the period from the 18th to the 24th of January, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 25th of January. As an active sunspot region approached the south-east limb it produced 6 M class and 21 C class solar flares taking solar activity to moderate levels. The last M class solar flare occurred in March 2008. Once the sunspot group became visible flare activity decreased to very low levels. Solar flux levels increase from 82 units on the 18th to 85 by the 23rd and the 24th. The average was 83. The 90 day solar flux average on the 24th was 77 units, that's the same level as last week. X-ray flux levels averaged B1.1 units, a level not seen for a long time. Geomagnetic activity started at quiet levels but a new coronal hole had developed and rotated on the Sun to where it would affect the Earth's magnetic field and by the 20th the Ap index increased to 14 units. This is the highest daily figure since the 22nd of October last year. The average was Ap 5 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw solar wind speeds increase from 320 kilometres per second on the 18th to 530 by the 20th. Particle densities were low except for a brief rise to 48 particles per cubic centimetre during afternoon of the 20th. During the disturbance the Bz fluctuated between minus 17 and plus 15 nanoTeslas. On the quieter days the Bz varied between minus 6 and plus 5 nanoTeslas. During the afternoon of the 22nd a large sporadic-E opening took place covering most of Europe and lasted over two hours and saw activity on 50MHz. It's most unusual to see an opening of this size at this time of year. Other smaller opening also took place. And finally the solar forecast. Since the 9th of December there as been two sunspot groups on the Sun spaced 180 degrees apart, so, as one group rotates out of sight the other group appears over the opposite limb. There as only been 3 days when no spots were visible. This situation will last till one or both groups decay and disappear. So for the coming week there remains a good chance that spots will be visible. Solar activity is expected to be very low to low. Solar flux levels could be in the 80's if spots appear or lower if not. Geomagnetic activity should be quiet everyday. MUFs during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be around 21MHz for the south and 18MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows should be about 7MHz. Paths this week to South Africa should have a maximum usable frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of about 28MHz. The optimum working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be around 22MHz. The best time to try the path will be between 1000 and 1500UTC. And that's all for this week from the propagation team. 4 Next, the Local News: Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including e-mail addresses and website links where known. [Note to newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.] NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-EAST and EAST ANGLIA On Monday 1 February Basingstoke Amateur Radio Club is holding a junk sale. Details from Clive, G4ODM, on 01256 326050. On Monday 1 February Braintree & District Amateur Radio Society is having a construction evening, and possibly operating on 80m. For more information contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Monday 1 February Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a talk on SDR by M1FHU. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720. On Monday 1 February Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society is having a shack open night. For more information go to www.mkars.org.uk. On Monday 1 February Southdown Amateur Radio Society is having a practical demonstration of magnetism by Steve, M3EVM and Tony, G0EYE. Details from John, G3DQY, on 01424 424 319. On Monday 1 February Surrey Radio Contact Club is having the Sid Morley Memorial Lecture. For more information contact Ray, G4FFY, on 020 8644 7589. On Monday 1 February Waterlooville Amateur Radio Club is holding its exam course. Details from Rich, G4IBW, on 02392 680852. On Tuesday 2 February Andover Radio Amateurs Club is having a demonstration of commercial SDR radios. Details from Martin, M0MWS, on 07776 181646. On Tuesday 2 February Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack. For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815. On Tuesday 2 February Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club is having its Advanced License Exam at Radegund Road. Details from Lawrence Micallef, M0LCM, on 07941 972724. On Tuesday 2 February Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on the loop fed array Yagi by Justin Johnson, G0KSC. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Tuesday 2 February Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having a natter night and social evening. Contact Stuart, G0FYX, on 023 9247 2846. On Wednesday 3 February Dover Radio Club is having a natter and operating night. For more information contact Brian, G4SAU, by email to . On Wednesday 3 February Hastings Electronics and Radio Club is having an auction in aid of Hastings Repeater Group. Details from Gordon, on 01424 431 909. On Wednesday 3 February Southdown Amateur Radio Society is operating at the Hailsham shack. Details from John, G3DQY, on 01424 424 319. On Wednesday 3 February Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is watching a collection of vintage radio films from the British Vintage Wireless Society. For more information contact Roy, G4GPX, on 01903 753 893. 5 On Thursday 4 February Cambridge University Wireless Society is having a talk on sunspots and solar physics by Dr Michael Proctor. Visitors are welcome. Details from Martin Atherton, G3ZAY, by email to . On Thursday 4 February Cray Valley Radio Society is having a talk by Paul, G3SXE about his recent trip to Jamaica where he helped to set up the university club station in Kingston. Details from Bob, 2E0RCV, on 020 8265 7735 after 8pm. On Thursday 4 February Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having part 4 of the talk by Ron Polley, G3PYC, entitled The History of Mr Polley. Details are on the web at www.harc.org.uk. On Thursday 4 February King's Lynn Amateur Radio Club is holding its AGM. Contact Ray, G3RSV, by email to . On Thursday 4 February Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on codes and ciphers by Ed Erves. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 419204. On Thursday 4 February Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society invites members to bring their best QSL card. Details from David, G8UOD, on 01234 742 757. On Friday 5 February Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club is holding its constructors contest. Details from Lawrence Micallef, M0LCM, on 07941 972724. On Friday 5 February Lymington Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on disguised antennas. More information from Keith, M0LCC, by email to . On Friday 5 February Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is having a radio night. Contact Peter, G4AKG, on 01444 239371. On Friday 5 February Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk by Olof Lundberg, G0CKV on a personal history of maritime radio. Details on the web at www.weyvalleyarg.org.uk. On Saturday 6 February Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM at the shack. For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720815. On Saturday 6 February Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club is holding its AGM. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737 552 170. On Sunday 7 February Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is at the Canvey Island Rally from 10am to 4pm. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008. On Sunday 7 February South Essex Amateur Radio Society is running the 25th Canvey Radio & Electronics Rally at The Paddocks, Canvey Island. Contact Norman, M0FZW, on 01268 692776. On Sunday 7 February Waterlooville Amateur Radio Club continues its exam course. Details from Rich, G4IBW, on 02392 680852. NEWS FOR THE SOUTH-WEST On Tuesday 2 February Blackmoor Vale Amateur Radio Society is on the air on VHF and testing the 4m set. Contact Tony, G0GFL, on 01258 860741. On Tuesday 2 February West Devon Radio Club is having a bring and buy sale plus the usual natter with tea and biscuits. Further information from Jules Cuddy, M1AGY, on 01752 291588. On Wednesday 3 February Cornish Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Russell, M1AVW, on the Lizard Wireless Station at Bass Point. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844939. On Wednesday 3 February Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion on WISPER Mode with Dave, M0CIF. Contact William, G3WNI, on 01823 666 234 for more information. On Wednesday 3 February Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by Peter, G4OST, sharing his underwater experiences. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417048. 6 On Thursday 4 February South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is operating the club station on 2m & 70cm. Contact Len, G4RZY, on 01275 834 282. On Thursday 4 February Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having a members' equipment sale. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317750. On Thursday 4 February Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is holding an EGM. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to . On Friday 5 February Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having an operating night. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to . NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS On Monday 1 February Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is working on the club construction project with Cliff. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548478, daytime. On Monday 1 February Leicester Radio Society is having a lecture. Contact the duty committee member on 07804 595749. On Monday 1 February South Birmingham Radio Society is having a contest review meeting. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Monday 1 February Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is having an open house HF on the air evening and a committee meeting. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677. On Tuesday 2 February Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club invites members to bring a Morse key. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. On Tuesday 2 February South Notts Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the 2m Contest. Details from Terry, M0RIA, via the web at www.radioclubs.net/snarc. On Tuesday 2 February Spalding & District Amateur Radio Society is taking part in the 144MHz UK Activity Contest at the Portakabin. Contact Graham Boor, G8NWC, on 07947 76448. On Wednesday 3 February Bolsover Amateur Radio Society is having a shack night. For details, send an email to . On Wednesday 3 February Hinkley Amateur Radio Society is having a social evening. Details from John, M0JAV, on 07836 731544. On Wednesday 3 February Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a shack activity and natter night. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788356. On Wednesday 3 February Midland Amateur Radio Society is having a general meeting and holding training classes. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 01214 229 787. On Wednesday 3 February South Birmingham Radio Society is having a lecture in the main hall. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. On Wednesday 3 February South Notts Amateur Radio Club is working on its construction project and having a talk on receiver calibration by G4EDX. Details from Terry, M0RIA, via the web at www.radioclubs.net/snarc. On Thursday 4 February Brigg & District Amateur Radio Club is having a general knowledge and radio quiz night with Fred, G0AOJ. Contact Fred, G0AOJ on 01652 618213. On Friday 5 February Coventry Amateur Radio Society has no meeting. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777363. On Friday 5 February South Birmingham Radio Society is having a construction evening. Contact Don, on 0121 458 1603. 7 NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND On Monday 1 February Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club takes to the air and continues its Advanced Licence course. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036. On Monday 1 February Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is having a social night and reminds members that it's time to renew their subscriptions. For more information contact Trevor Wood, M0TWS, by email to . On Tuesday 2 February Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is holding its Advance Licence exam. Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 0191 477 0036. On Tuesday 2 February Chester & District Amateur Radio Society is having a surplus sale. Details from Barbara Green on 07957 870770. On Wednesday 3 February Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is having an activity night and CW class. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on 01377 240573. On Thursday 4 February South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is having a talk by Peter, G0BHP on the odd-shaped ball. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 0161 969 3999. On Friday 5 February East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is having a radio components catalogues evening. For more information contact Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671. NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 2 February Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is having a club evening. For more information contact Norman, on 07740 946192. On Wednesday 3 February Ayr Amateur Radio Group is operating on HF. Contact Charlie, MM0GNS, on 01563 551704. On Wednesday 3 February Kingdom Amateur Radio Society is having an informal shack night. Details from Brian, MM0XBD, on 01383 738905. On Thursday 4 February Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a junk sale. More information from Lewis, GM4AJR, on 01224 575 663. On Friday 5 February Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a normal club night. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. NEWS FOR WALES On Monday 1 February Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a discussion night and making an inventory of club equipment. More information from Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF, on 01248 362229. On Tuesday 2 February Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having a junk sale. For more information contact Glyn, MW0BNB, via the web at www.qsl.net/wars. On Wednesday 3 February Conwy Valley Amateur Radio Club is having a talk by John Parry, GW3VVC, on how to fine tune your computer. Contact Wynne, GW6PMC, on 01745 855 068. On Thursday 4 February Meirion Amateur Radio Society is having a surplus equipment sale. Details from John, MW0VTK, on 07868 738016. On Friday 5 February Newport Amateur Radio Society is on the air and holding an Intermediate class. Details from Gareth Price, on 01633 880081. 8 NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND On Thursday 4 February Bangor & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on software defined radio by Charlie, GI4FUE. Contact Mike, GI4XSF, on 028 4277 2383, evenings. On Friday 12 February Ballymena Amateur Radio Club is holding its winter bring and buy sale from 6.30pm at the new Ahoghill Community Centre. For directions and map go to http://gi3fff.synthasite.com or for any other information contact Hugh Kernohan, GI0JEV, on 02825 871481. And that's the end of this week's GB2RS news broadcast, prepared by the Radio Society of Great Britain. |
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