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![]() NZART Headquarters Infoline Issue 200 07-FEBRUARY-2010 NZART Website: http://www.nzart.org.nz/ Greetings Welcome to Headquarters-Infoline a twice-monthly bulletin of news from NZART Headquarters e-mailed directly to Branches, the amateur radio packet Bulletin Board Service and to others that subscribe through the NZART Website at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html In This Issue *Two-hundred Infolines Later *FMTAG NOTES FOR FEBRUARY 2010 *Debby says...From The NZART Business Manager ZL2TDM *ZL3 Radio Buildathon *MS Report "MISC" (Miscellaneous) Update *Council Papers Update *IARUMS Region 1 Report 2009 *Wellington EXPO 2010 *Kiwi Digital Modes Group RTTY Contest *NZART Web Update *Digital Conversion of Analogue Amateur TV Transmitters *CHANGE to VHF/UHF/SHF CONTEST RULES *Results of The VHF Field Day Contest 5th and 6th December 2009 *Contest News ==VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes ==HF Contests *Upcoming Events *Break-In and Infoline Information *Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline *Attachments for Branches: NZART Headquarters Infoline 200.doc and KDMG RTTY Contest Rules.pdf ******* Two-hundred Infolines Later On the 14 January 2001 Issue #1 on HQ Infoline was e-mailed. Below is the introduction to the first Infoline. "Greetings everyone, Welcome to the first edition of Headquarters–Info-Line a fortnightly bulletin of news from NZART Headquarters E-mailed directly to Branches. Use it for display, for discussion, but most importantly it can be used by newsletter editors. Use the information in part or in full, each item will be self contained. Newsletter editors who wish to receive a direct mailing of "Headquarters–Info-Line" should send their E-mail address to At the November Meeting, Council appointed me, Jim Meachen ZL2BHF, Editor of "Headquarters Info Line". This bulletin’s publication is on an 18 month trial basis and will generally not contain material that would normally be published in Break-In. This month there will be one issue but commencing February there will be two issues per month the first on Sunday 4th February. Well, that's the intro, here's the info." In the nine years since the above text was written, HQ Infoline has filled the gap between the issues of Break-In by supplying timely information to members. With this issue, Infoline introduces a revised process for repeater, beacon and link applications to the FMTAG (Frequency Management Technical Advisory Group). Currently, applications for repeater and beacon stations are required to be reported in Break-In before the application can proceed. Because Break-In is published every two months, this brings an excessive time delay into the procedure. The revised procedure removes the required Break-In publish requirement and the inbuilt delay. It has added, that all NZART methods of communicating to members and others, are used to show current applications in progress. (NZART Web, HQ Infoline, Official Broadcast and, of course, Break-In). To see the new process in action, please see the next item in this bulletin, and the NZART Web at http://www.nzart.org.nz/fmtag/index.html. You will see on this page, the FMTAG main page, the flow chart covering the new process and a new link "Applications Being Processed". ******* FMTAG NOTES FOR FEBRUARY 2010 PROPOSAL PUBLISHED ON THE NZART WEB SITE AND IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF HQ-INFOLINE Branch 81 Waikato VHF has applied to relocate its Raglan 5675 Repeater, by about 3.4 km, to Te Uku, at map reference NZ260 R15 835684, owing to the construction of a wind farm near the present site. An engineering evaluation confirms that there will be no interference to other stations and that the repeater transmit frequency can remain on 145.675 MHz with the repeater receive frequency remaining on 145.175 MHz. COMMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Please send your comments and suggestions on the above matters and recommendations, and on any other FMTAG matters, by e-mail to: Applications for repeaters, beacons, digipeaters, point-to-point links, and so on, should be made on the latest version of FMTAG Form 10. The latest versions of FMTAG Form 10, and the explanatory Form 10A, are available on the NZART web site: http://www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/fmtag.html Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to ******* From The NZART Business Manager ZL2TDM Debby says... HAPPY NEW YEAR, yes I know I am rather late, but I finally remembered to write something for Jamie to include in HQ Info-line. First of all as usual, I need to remind members who have yet to pay their subs as they will not receive the February issue of Break In which is due out in the next couple of weeks. Please contact me if you are unsure if you have paid. There are over 400 members who have yet to pay their subscriptions. NZART desperately needs these members to ensure 'continuity of service. Last three words added by Editor' I realise that now the office is only open three days a week can be annoying for some members, however if you call and I am not here, please leave your contact details and I will call you back on my return. I would prefer you only call my cell phone if and urgent response is required. However most of the time information that is sought can either be found on our web page, or by contacting a Councillor in your area. Council will be meeting face to face over the weekend of 20th and 21st Feb so if you have any urgent issues you need Council to consider, please send to me by the 17th February. Lastly the office will be closed from Tuesday 2nd February until Wednesday 10th due to family matters. Talk soon...Debby ZL2TDM ******* ZL3 Radio Buildathon The 3rd ZL3 Radio Buildathon was held on Saturday January 30th in Christchurch. A summary report of the event and many photographs can be viewed he http://sites.google.com/site/zl3buildathon/ In the year to 31/12/2009, 1058 visits were made to the ZL3 Buildathon website from 164 Cities located in 35 countries. Read more he http://sites.google.com/site/zl3buildathon/world-map/ ******* MS Report "MISC" (Miscellaneous) Update This update has details on the "Utility DXers Forum (UDXF)". A group that are interested in HF stations that transmit numbers. "Numbers & Oddities" a.k.a. the "Spooks Newsletter" is a newsletter for the members of the Utility DXers Forum (UDXF) and the Spooks mailing list and everyone else who is interested in Numbers Stations. "Numbers & Oddities" covers the fascinating world of Numbers Stations and all kinds of other odd signals on HF. http://www.nzart.org.nz/ms/2010/misc-nz.html#jan ******* Council Papers Update Update to Statement of Current Policy 2009 This edition replaces all previous issues. It contains remit and Council decisions up to June 2009 including changes consequent to Radio Regulations changes. Please refer to the Appendix for a list of other NZART and Council documents... http://www.nzart.org.nz/policies/cur...licy-2009.html ==== Update to 2009 Policy for Amateur Radio Callsigns The provisions for New Zealand Amateur Radio Callsigns and Certificates of Competency are given in... http://www.nzart.org.nz/policies/callsigns-2009.html ==== New Job Description: OCT-2009 NZART's Approved Radio Examiner (NZART ARX) This position requires a person who is listed as an "Amateur radio operator examiner" (ARX) by the New Zealand administration... http://www.nzart.org.nz/nz/jd/jd-arx.html ******* Intruderwatch The Monitoring Service Coordinator has recently sought the approval of the NZART Council and the National System Trustees to use the National System - e.g. 439.875 MHz periodically to encourage more participation in monitoring the HF bands to report intruders throughout New Zealand. You may find myself and other voluntary observers briefly requesting confirmation of an intruding signal to verify the strength and direction for confirmation or to alert others to a potential intruder, which is being verified. By this means, it is hoped that we can quickly establish and confirm it is a real signal and not just local QRM from another source. A suggested procedure is: This is your callsign intruderwatch request, can anyone verify the following signal on Frequency; Mode please over? Hopefully, someone will respond and assist you to verify and confirm the potential signal. Keep your responses short, as others, may need to use the National System. Please send an e-mail to the the Monitoring Service Coordinator using either or my direct e-mail or through the appropriate e-mail reflectors. With the following: Date/Time; Frequency; Mode; RST; Direction, if possible; any comments about the signal. Remember, if you want to report a suspected pirate, I suggest you do so directly via e-mail as above, discreetly rather than on the National System. If you are able to participate or assist, it would be appreciated by the Amateur Radio community within New Zealand, to help you all to continue to enjoy this hobby and public service. 73 John MS Coordinator de ZL1GWE ******* IARUMS Region 1 Report 2009 This report gives a general overview of the development of the IARU Monitoring System in Region 1 in 2009, essential material, goals and dependencies for the success of the system. Currently there are 87 societies in Region 1 with 19 active in the Monitoring System. That is a roughly 22 % of the societies. It is very important to stay updated with the various societies' board members changes and maintain as updated as possible a list of such personnel. Our aims is to recruit more member societies from countries in Region 1 for the Monitoring System.... http://www.nzart.org.nz/ms/2010/ec-2009.pdf @500 kB ******* Wellington EXPO 2010 For more information on this event including Registration Form 2010... http://www.nzart.org.nz/events/2010/expo-2010.html ******* Kiwi Digital Modes Group RTTY Contest The contest dates are April 17th (80 m) & 24th (40 m) which are both Saturdays. The contest is open to all ZL & VK stations. The times for the contest are 1000 UTC to 1100 UTC. The link to the KDMG website for more information is: http://www.qsl.net/zl2sky/new_page_1.htm. ******* NZART Web Update NZ Repeater & Beacon Maps & Bandplan Info The maps have been updated for 2010. With the Wellington & Wairarapa map a new system has been tried to indicate the station location. Instead of a dot indicating the station location and a line to the label, a cross has been used for the station location, with a line to the label as before. Also for two stations at the same location, a partial box has been placed at one end of the label as part of the line to the location. The labels for Mt Victoria and Hawkins Hill have been dropped down the page to stop the map outline interfering with the text. http://www.nzart.org.nz/maps/2010/ww.pdf ==== FMTAG Page Update From the lead article above and the changes to the FMTAG procedure, an additional page has been added to the FMTAG main page. This page is for the listing of the "Application Being Processed". The list will have the branch/applicant's name, followed by a brief reason for the application. http://www.nzart.org.nz/fmtag/fmtag-abp.html ==== Bandplan Update An observant amateur noticed that FM was not allowed for in the bandplan as published on: http://www.nzart.org.nz/maps/2010/bp1-2.pdf This has now been corrected by the following changes: The KEYS have been changed and added to: A = all modes with bandwidth less than 16 kHz. AN = all modes with bandwidth less than 6 kHz. AW = all modes. D = data modes with bandwidth less than 16 kHz. DN = data modes with bandwidth less than 6 kHz. Individual bands have been changed as follows: Replace A with AN below 24.990 MHz Replace A with AW starting at 921.400 MHz and up Replace D with DN below 28.150 MHz The bandplan as shown on the above URL reflects these changes. 51.000 to 53.000 MHz - 6 metres This band has had "See note" added to 50 to 51 MHz. The note reads: "Operation between 50 and 51 MHz requires the possession of a MED 6 metre contract." ******* DIGITAL CONVERSION OF ANALOGUE AMATEUR TV TRANSMITTERS BULK PURCHASE SCHEME Branch 74, The Wellington VHF Group Incorporated, is importing Digital Amateur Television (DATV) equipment for the conversion of analogue mode Amateur TV Transmitters to digital. Branch 74 is operating a Bulk Purchase Scheme, to achieve better pricing, and invites enquiries from Branches wishing to convert their transmitters to the Digital TV mode. The cut-off date for the next equipment order is Thursday the 25th of February. For more information, please email Branch 74 at: ******* CHANGE to VHF/UHF/SHF CONTEST RULES The rules are changed by modifying part of Clause 1 of the Contest Rules by adding, at the end, the words: "or Easter". Part of Clause 1 goes from: Low Band Contest All bands 50 MHz to 440 MHz. First Saturday in April, and the following day. Delayed one week if it clashes with VHF Convention. To: Low Band Contest All bands 50 MHz to 440 MHz. First Saturday in April, and the following day. Delayed one week if it clashes with VHF Convention or Easter. ******* Results of The VHF Field Day Contest 5th and 6th December 2009 Band Frequency Callsign Locator Points 6 m (51 MHz) ZL4AA RE54fe 1517 ZL2KO RE89av 998 ZL4AS RE43vt 597 ZL1BQ RF64sg 338 ZL1AA RF73ir 57 ZL3TJ RE78jq 6 2 m (144 MHz) ZL4AA RE54fe 1446 ZL1BQ RF64sg 1354 ZL2KO RE89av 1333 ZL1AA RF73ir 709 ZL4AS RE43vt 75 ZL3TJ RE78jq 42 70 cm (432 MHz) ZL1BQ RF64sg 1164 ZL1AA RF73ir 1012 ZL4AA RE54fe 899 ZL2KO RE89av 819 ZL4AS RE43vt 55 ZL3TJ RE78jq 48 32 cm (925 MHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 183 ZL1BQ RF64sg 131 23 cm (1296 MHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 2051 ZL1BQ RF64sg 1111 ZL4AA RE54fe 16 13 cm (2424 MHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 494 ZL1BQ RF64sg 290 9 cm (3399 MHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 1323 ZL1BQ RF64sg 1089 6 cm (5670 MHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 553 ZL1BQ RF64sg 436 3 cm (10.3 GHz) ZL1AA RF73ir 1393 ZL1BQ RF64sg 1307 TOTAL SCORES ZL1AA RF73ir 7775 ZL1BQ RF64sg 7219 ZL4AA RE54fe 3878 ZL2KO RE89av 3150 ZL4AS RE43vt 716 ZL3TJ RE78jq 96 BEST DX 6 m (51 MHz) ZL2KO to VK6KDX 5397 km 2 m (144 MHz) ZL2AS TO ZL4AA 815 km 70 cm (432 MHz) ZL1BQ TO ZL2AL 605 km 32 cm (925 MHz) ZL1AA to ZL1BQ 121 km 23 cm (1296 MHz) ZL1BQ to ZL1BK 426 km 13 cm (2424 MHz) ZL1AA to ZL1BQ 121 km 9 cm (3399 MHz) ZL1AA to ZL1BQ 121 km 6 cm (5670 MHz) ZL1AA to ZL1BQ 121 km 3 cm (10.3 GHz) ZL1AA to ZL1BQ 121 km 124 STATIONS ACTIVE ZL1AA, ZL1AF, ZL1AKW, ZL1AFZ, ZL1AVZ, ZL1BCJ, ZL1BK, ZL1BOK, ZL1BQ, ZL1CHS, ZL1CN, ZL1CW, ZL1GSM, ZL1IU, ZL1QF, ZL1SAT, ZL1TBG, ZL1TMF, ZL1TPH, ZL1TWR, ZL1UYJ, ZL1ZLD ZL2AJ, ZL2AO, ZL2AS, ZL2AUB, ZL2CDK, ZL2CMC, ZL2CS, ZL2DEK, ZL2DW, ZL2DX, ZL2FE, ZL2GAZ, ZL2HQ, ZL2IP, ZL2IW, ZL2JC, ZL2KO, ZL2LF, ZL2LOL, ZL2LI, ZL2MAX, ZL2MER, ZL2NFN, ZL2QC, ZL2PW, ZL2RR, ZL2RZ, ZL2SKY, ZL2SP, ZL2TAL, ZL2TC, ZL2TDA, ZL2TJT, ZL2TJX, ZL2TN, ZL2TPY, ZL2TRF, ZL2TWS, ZL2UBG, ZL2UGR, ZL2VC, ZL2VCC, ZL2VM, ZL2VN, ZL2WG, ZL2WHO, ZL2WL, ZL2WY, ZL3AAN, ZL3ADC, ZL3AG, ZL3CU, ZL3FJ, ZL3GE, ZL3GL, ZL3MH, ZL3OC, ZL3OY, ZL3OZ, ZL3TJ, ZL3TT, ZL3TY ZL4AA, ZL4AH, ZL4AS, ZL4BHX, ZL4CG, ZL4FM, ZL4IS, ZL4KS, ZL4LV, ZL4PDX, ZL4RC, ZL4SA, ZL4SJ VK1DJA VK2BHO, VK2GFC VK3ALZ, VK3BBB, VK3BDL, VK3BY, VK3FIQ, VK3KH, VK3OE, VK3OP, VK3OT, VK3SIX, VK3VFO, VK3XQ, VK3XYX, VK3YFL, VK3ZRT VK5GA, VK5GF, VK5ZK VK6IA, VK6KDX VK7AAD, VK7AAR, VK7AB, VK7PD THE NEXT CONTEST The next contest is the Low Band Contest, 50 MHz to 440 MHz, on Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th of April 2010. This is the weekend after Easter. The operating times a Saturday 1700 to 2300 NZT and Sunday 0700 to 1300 NZT. The contest after that is the Hibernation Contest, 50 MHz and up, on Saturday the 12th and Sunday the 13th of June 2010. This is the weekend after Queens Birthday weekend. The operating times a Saturday 1700 to 2300 NZT and Sunday 0700 to 1300 NZT. All contest logs should be sent, to arrive within two weeks, to: with Contest Log in the subject line, or by post to: Contest Manager Wellington VHF Group P.O. Box 12-259 Thorndon Wellington ******* Contest News VHF/UHF/SHF Contest Notes The next contest is the Low Band Contest, 50 MHz to 440 MHz, on Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th of April 2010. This is the weekend after Easter. The operating times a Saturday 1700 to 2300 NZT and Sunday 0700 to 1300 NZT. The rules are available at: http://www.vhf.org.nz/VHF-UHF-SHF-ContestRules Logs should be sent within two weeks, to: with Contest Log in the subject line, or by post to: Contest Manager, Wellington VHF Group, P.O. Box 12-259, Thorndon, Wellington Wellington VHF Group Website http://www.vhf.org.nz ==== HF Contests NZART WARO THELMA SOUPER MEMORIAL CONTEST When: - 10 & 11 April 2010 Times:- 0800Z until 1000Z both evenings Modes :- CW and SSB The Annual memorial contest activity to commemorate the memory of the Late Thelma Souper a former stalwart of the NZ Womens' Amateur Radio Organization and considered to be "The Grand Old Dame" of WARO. Contest Rules and Other Operating information is now available from the WARO Website :- http://www.qsl.net/zl6yl/awards.html. 2010 JOCK WHITE MEMORIAL FIELD DAY CONTEST When:- Saturday, 27th February 2010 and Sunday 28th February 2010 Times :- Saturday 1500 NZDT until 2400 NZDT and Sunday 0600 NZDT until 1500 NZDT Updated Contest Rules and Other Operating Information will be available from the NZART Website prior to the commencement of the contest. NZART Website http://www.nzart.org.nz/contests/rules.html For the contests below please see the NZART Web at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/contests/index.html Click on GOTO Contest Manager's Reports for the latest contest report. 2010 ARRL INTERNATIONAL CW CONTEST 2010 PACC (DUTCH) INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST 2010 ARRL INTERNATIONAL PHONE CONTEST 2010 RSBG COMMONWEALTH CONTEST (BERU) ******* Upcoming Events Wellington Radio EXPO '10 27 March 2010, Knox Church Hall, Lower Hutt Registration form and details available at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/events/index.html Te Puke Annual Sale 6th March 2010 http://www.nzart.org.nz/tepuke-53/index.html NZART Annual Conference Auckland 5th - 7th June 2010 http://nzartconference.cjb.net ******* Break-In, Infoline and General Information Break-In - From the Break-In Editor John ZL3IB 1. Closing Date Reminder: Copy for the MARCH/APRIL issue of Break-In closes on 10-MARCH-2010. 2. Document File Format: Please do not send copy for publication as Word 2007.docx files; they cannot be processed. Please send in Word 2003 (or earlier).doc or *.rtf file format. 3. Early receipt of copy is much appreciated. 4. Break-In Contents Index from 1957 can be found at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/breakin/index/index.html 5. To search for an item use the page menu entry of: "Search all index pages up to Jan 2010 HTML 435 kB" Found on "Index for Break–In Volumes 20 to 81" page. All the yearly pages have been combined into one page for your convenience. Copy for the AREC Break-In Column - From Geoff ZL3QR The close-of-copy date is the 03-MARCH-2010 for articles for publication in the AREC COLUMN OF BREAK-IN. Photos, if available, to be on a separate floppy or CD (with captions), posted DIRECTLY TO US Call Book address. All other material can go to e-mail: or . ==== The WIA Weekly News Bulletin and The ARRL Letter can be found at: WIA Weekly News Bulletin http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2010/wia-weekly-news.html ARRL Letter http://www.nzart.org.nz/html/2010/arrl-weekly-news.html ==== Subscribe to and Un-Subscribe From Infoline Please send an e-mail to the address at the end of this bulletin or see instructions on the NZART web page at: http://www.nzart.org.nz/lists/infolinelist.html ==== Dates for Official Broadcast (OB) and Head Quarter's Infoline OBs FOR 2010 FEB-28 MAR-28 APR-25 MAY-30 JUN-08-27 JUL-25 AUG-29 SEP-26 OCT-31 NOV-28 DEC-19 * Next NZART Official Broadcast is on FEBRUARY 28 2010 * and * Next HQ-Infoline e-mailed on SUNDAY 21-FEBRUARY-2010 * INFOLINE 2010 SUNDAY JAN-17 FEB-07-21 MAR-07-21 APR-04-18 MAY-09-23 JUN-13-27 JUL-04-18 AUG-08-22 SEP-05-19 OCT-03-17 NOV-07-21 DEC-05-19 Infoline on the web http://www.nzart.org.nz/infoline/ Regards, Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor |
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