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Old March 12th 12, 04:32 PM posted to,,
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Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 11th March 2012


Sunday 11th March 2012

The news headlines:

RSGB Olympics Facilitator appointed

News on RSGB Consultations

American hams get CW on 60m

The RSGB has announced that Steve Fletcher, G4RFC, has agreed to become
the RSGB's Olympic Facilitator. Steve will be drawing together all the
information on radio amateur special events associated with the Olympic
and Paralympic Games. Steve wants to hear about your plans so the RSGB
website can show who is doing what, when and where. The Games are a once
off opportunity to demonstrate amateur radio and at the same time have
some fun. Steve can be reached at .

The pilots for the recently introduced consultation processes are now
reaching their conclusion. The Litmus Test on proposals for a Queen's
Diamond Jubilee QSO Party will be offering an amended version to reflect
the consensus that is emerging. The amended proposal will be available
on the RSGB website from Monday 12 March, and the Litmus Test will
remain open for final comments. All are reminded that the Litmus Test on
proposals for a new 5MHz NoV and the consultation on the Society's draft
Spectrum Strategy are also ongoing. All consultations can be reached by
following the ``We need your views'' link on the RSGB website home page.

On 5 March, radio amateurs in the USA were allowed to use CW on 60
metres for the first time. G4BUE, operating as N4CJ, and G3VTT believe
they made the first 60 metre CW QSO between the USA and Europe. At
0501UTC on 5 March, just one minute after USA amateurs were allowed to
use CW on the five 60m channels for the first time at 0001EST, Colin
answered Chris' CQ on 5373kHz. They exchanged 549 and 339, later
changing it to 569 as QSB took effect. They also exchanged details that
Chris was using 100 watts from his K3 to an inverted vee at 35 feet and
Colin was using 50 watts from an IC-735 to a 120 foot end-fed wire. A
good result for the first EU-USA 60m CW QSO.

The RSGB was surprised to learn, on Friday 9 March, that a number of
amateurs have received a letter telling them thatšthey would be unable
to renew their amateur radio insurance policy after 31 March. The
Society had been in discussions with Bluefin, also known as Amateur
Radio Insurance Services, as recently as 17 February about a new
insurance underwriter taking on the policies. Bluefin have now advised
the RSGB that this deal had fallen through, which is why they have been
forced to advise their clients of the situation.šThe RSGB is exploring
possible alternative arrangements, and hopes to be able to make further
announcements before the 31 March cutoff.

Everyone, whether you are Irish or not, is invited to a party on St
Patrick's Day. The Irish national society, the IRTS is celebrating its
80th birthday and, as part of the fun, have organised a 24 hour contest
that begins at noon UTC on St Patrick's Day, 17 March. This is an
everybody works everybody contest .Full rules, including a list of Irish
counties, are available on the IRTS website,

The IARU Region 1 Executive Committee is holding its annual meeting this
weekend at the DARC HQ in Baunatal, Germany. The agenda will include
outstanding actions from the 2011 General Conference, WRC-12 and WRC-15,
spectrum defence, EMC, Youth, Political Relations, Development, Working
Groups and Member Societies.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

The Wythall Radio Club Radio and Computer Rally takes place today, 11
March, at the Woodrush Sports Centre, Shawhurst Lane, Hollywood, nr
Birmingham B47 5JW. The venue is on the A435, 2 miles from J3 of the
M42. There will be trade stands and a Bring & Buy, with admission
costing ?2.50. Contact Chris, G0EYO on 07710 412 819.

The next rallies we have information on take place on 25 March.

The Spring Militaria & Electronics & Radio Amateur Hangar Sale will he
held at the Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5
8AL. Doors open at 10am and there will be, civil, military & vintage
radio equipment, vehicle spares & more. Contact Rod Siebert, 01270 623

The Devon & Cornwall HAMFEST takes place the same date, 25 March, at The
Engine House, Compton Park, Callington PL17 8EA. There will be trade
stands and special interest groups. Compton Park is a peaceful, simple
unspoilt site formerly the site of an old Cornish tin mine, with the old
Cornish steam engine house and the Engine House Tea Rooms. More
information from Dereck, M0YDW, via e-mail to .

Now for the news of special events

Two special event stations are taking to the air for St Patrick's Day,
17 March. GB5SPD will be on the air from County Tyrone and GB1SPD will
be on the air in Omagh. More details on both stations can be found on

And now the HF DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

V5/GI4FUM, V5/GI8MIV, V5/GI4DOH and V5/DM3BJ will be operating from
Namibia from the QTH of Andre, V51B starting on 19 March. The team will
be QRV for CQWW WPX SSB on 24 and 25 March with the callsign V55B. All
QSLs for the operation should go via David, GI4FUM, who is QTHR.

A large group from Germany and Poland plan to be active from the Pacific
island of Tonga until 24 March. Callsign is A35YZ and QSL manager is

Willy, ON4AVT will be active as C5AVT from near Banjul, The Gambia until
20 March. He will operate PSK only, mainly on 15 metres. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau.

John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from St. Kitts, which is IOTA
reference NA-104, until 28 March. He will operate SSB on the 6 to 80m
bands. His wife Cathy will also operate occasionally as V47HAM. All QSLs
via W5JON.

LA2XNA and LA8HGA plan to be active from Svalbard as JW2XNA and JW8HGA
respectively from 16 to 20 March, all bands. JW2XNA will be on SSB and
PSK, while JW8HGA will be on CW. QSL via their home calls either direct
or via the LA QSL bureau.

Now the contest news

The 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place on 13 March from 2000 to
2230UTC. Using all modes on the band, the exchange is signal report,
serial number and locator.

The following day, 14 March, the CW leg of the 80m club championships
takes place from 2000 to 2130UTC. The exchange is signal report and
serial number.

You will need to be up very early if you want to catch the start of the
BARTG HF RTTY Contest at 2am on 17 March. It runs for 48 hours until
0200UTC on 19 March. Exchange signal report, a serial number and the
time. Please note that although this event is not run or administered by
RSGB, it does count towards the HF Championship.

You can also be Irish for the day by taking part in the CQIR Ireland
Calling event, commemorating the 80th anniversary of IRTS. SSB QSOs are
worth 2 points, while CW QSOs are worth 3. It runs from 1200UTC on 17
March until 1200UTC on 18 March, using both CW and SSB on all bands from
3.5MHz to 28MHz, the exchange is signal report, serial number and Irish

Starting at exactly the same time as the IRTS event is the Russian DX
Contest, which runs until 1200 on 18 March. There are lots of entry
categories, mostly for single ops. An interesting twist is that it is
permitted for a single op station to make two single-band entries.
Usually this would be to take advantage of bands that aren't open at the
same time, for example 10m and 80m. Using CW and SSB on the 1.8 to 28MHz
bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Russians also
send their oblast code.

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 2nd to the
8th of March, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 9th of March.

Warnings were made as recently as last week in this report regarding a
sudden upsurge in solar activity. Well, this happened when a large
active sunspot region rotated into view. Since then this region as
produced 12 M class and 2 X class solar flares during the period, plus
numerous C class flares every day. A second group also produced an X
class flare. The largest flare of the period was an X5/3B proton flare,
which took place early on the 7th. Since then activity has declined.
Coronal mass ejections took place along with some of the larger solar
flares and are headed our way. Solar flux levels increased from 108
units on the 2nd to 140 by the 7th. The average was 127 units. X-ray
flux levels showed an increase also, from B2.6 units on the 3rd to C1.1
by the 7th. The average was B6.6 units. Geomagnetic activity started at
just unsettled levels but by the early hours of the 7th activity
increased to major storm levels, though activity did not last long at
that level. The Ap index on the 7th was 64 units. Again, by mid-morning
the next day another CME arrived, this time stronger than the previous
day. The Ap index on the 8th was 28 units. However, the Bz remained
mostly positive, which explains the lower Ap figure for that day. The
average was Ap 20 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft saw
solar wind speeds vary between 350 and 500 kilometres per second until
the early on the 7th. Particle densities were low but increased on the
7th to 22 particles per cubic centimetre. From around 0900 on the 7th
solar wind speed and particle data was corrupted due to the proton solar
flare several hours earlier. Bz varied between minus 8 and plus 9
nanoTeslas until the 7th when fluctuations to minus 19 and plus 14
nanoTeslas on the 7th and between minus 13 and plus 41 nanoTeslas during
the morning of the 8th. Bz data remained unaffected from the protons.
For anyone wanting regular daily reports, then enter spots and flares as
one word into a search engine. Aurora occurred on 50, 70 and 144MHz
extending down to central England during the afternoon and evening of
the 7th. MUFs were depressed by several MHz during that phase of the
disturbance but recovered enough during the 8th for the 3C expedition to
be workable on 28MHz.

And finally the solar forecast. With a very active region already in
view solar activity this week is expected to up to moderate levels on
some days and high levels on the occasional day. Solar flux levels
should decline towards next weekend as the active region nears the
north-west limb and rotates out of view. Levels should be around the
120's by then. Geomagnetic activity could increase around midweek when a
small recurring coronal hole disturbance arrives. However, there is a
good chance that a coronal mass ejection associated with any large solar
flares could increase activity substantially within 24 to 48 hours after
a large solar flares takes place. MUFs during daylight hours at equal
latitudes should be around 27MHz for the south and 24MHz for the north.
Darkness hour lows should be around 9MHz. A warning though, levels could
be much lower on any days when high geomagnetic activity is taking
place. Paths this week to Japan should have a maximum usable frequency
with a 50 per cent success rate of around 22MHz. The optimum working
frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 17MHz. The best
time to try this path will be between 0800 and 1100 hours. This path
should be difficult to work this week.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your transmission.]


On Sunday 11 March Wythall Radio Club is running the Wythall Radio
Rally. Details from Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.

On Sunday 11 March Midland Amateur Radio Society is visiting the Wythall
Radio Rally. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 07808 078 003.

On Sunday 11 March South Birmingham Radio Society is running a club
stand at the Wythall Radio Rally. Contact Don, on 01214 581 603.

On Sunday 11 March Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is having a club
stand at Wythall Radio Rally. Details from Rich Moles, M0UVA, via email

On Monday 12 March Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is
operating in the new shack. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548 478,

On Monday 12 March South Birmingham Radio Society is having a rally
debrief and putting the shack on the air. Contact Don, on 01214 581 603.

On Monday 12 March Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is having
a test equipment evening with John, G0JUQ. Contact G0CHO, on 01608 664

On Tuesday 13 March Derby & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 13 March Eagle Radio Group is having a talk on HF walking
mobile by Charlie, G0CBM. Contact John, M6JMS, on 01754 873 926.

On Tuesday 13 March Lincoln Short-Wave Club is taking part in the 432MHz
UK AC from 20.00. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on 01427
788 356.

On Tuesday 13 March Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is
holding its annual dinner. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509
504 319.

On Tuesday 13 March Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is having a
talk. Details from Rich Moles, M0UVA, via email to

On Tuesday 13 March Wythall Radio Club is having a committee &
post-rally meeting. Details from Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.

On Wednesday 14 March Derby RAYNET Amateur Radio Group is holding an
open evening at Ascot Drive Fire Station Community Room. Contact Martin,
G7MKS, via email to

On Wednesday 14 March Lincoln Short-Wave Club is having a social night
and quiz from 20.15. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on
01427 788 356.

On Wednesday 14 March Midland Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting and training classes. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on
07808 078 003.

On Wednesday 14 March Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is
holding its Main and Novice construction competitions. Contact Mike,
G3JKX, on 01952 299 677.

On Thursday 15 March Lincoln Short-Wave Club is running a club net on
145.375MHz from 20.00. For more information contact Pam Rose, G4STO, on
01427 788 356.

On Thursday 15 March Salop Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. Details on the club website at

On Thursday 15 March South Birmingham Radio Society is holding training
classes with Dave Murphy, G8OWL. Contact Don, on 01214 581 603.

On Friday 16 March Coventry Amateur Radio Society is holding a
construction night. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958 777 363.

On Friday 16 March Melton Mowbray Amateur Radio Society is having a
presentation on software defined radio by G8EBM. For more information
contact Geoff, G3STG, on 01664 480 733.

On Friday 16 March South Birmingham Radio Society is having a
construction evening. Contact Don, on 01214 581 603.


We start with advance notice that Southport and District Amateur Radio
Club will be starting their next Intermediate course on 17 March,
leading to the exam on 21 April. The programme is by distance learning
plus tutor support, a practical training session and a theory revision
session followed by the exam. The venue is Ormskirk, Lancashire. The
club still has some places available and any Foundation licensees
wishing to upgrade their licence should contact Rob Harwood, G0HRT, on
07413 937 075 or via .

On Monday 12 March Angel of the North Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on 4G, the next generation cellular technology by Steve Townsley.
Contact Nancy Bone, G7UUR, on 01914 770 036.

On Monday 12 March Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is holding an open
evening as part of National Science Week. More information from Peter
Day, G3PHO, by email to

On Monday 12 March Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society is having a
demonstration on how to solder RF plugs by G8KBH. More information from
J Duddington, G4BFH, on 01253 853 554.

On Tuesday 13 March Chester & District Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. Contact Bruce Sutherland, M0CVP, on 01244 343 825.

On Tuesday 13 March Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society is on the
air and continuing its Foundation course. Details from Martin, M0GQB, on
01422 341 317.

On Tuesday 13 March Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society is having an HF
& 70cm night, organised by Russ, M3LCZ. Contact Sheila, on 07867 516

On Wednesday 14 March Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is participating in the
80m CC CW and having a talk by G0TPS. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV,
on 01377 240 573.

On Wednesday 14 March Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society is having a
discussion on coax cable termination, led by G8XMZ. Contact Peter Paul
Fox, G8HAV, on 01606 553 401.

On Wednesday 14 March Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the
RSGB 80m Contest CW from the club station, G3RCM. More information from
Peter Day, G3PHO, by email to

On Wednesday 14 March Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on King Telegraph versus Rival Radio by Lisa Mossop, M0LSA. Details
from Simon, G6XHF, on 01516 013 269.

On Thursday 15 March Keighley Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
Echolink by Steve, G8ZMG at Parkside Social Club, Butt Lane, Haworth
BD22 8QJ. Details from Phil Hey, G4JHS.

On Thursday 15 March Wakefield & District Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting and is on the air from the club shack. Contact Ken,
2E0SSQ, on 07900 563 117.

On Friday 16 March East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is holding a bring
in something interesting evening.. For more information contact
Alistair, G4OLK, on 01642 475 671.

On Friday 16 March Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club is having a live flight
simulator experience. Contact Bob, M6KLO, by email to

On Saturday 17 March Wakefield & District Radio Society continues its
Foundation course from 13:30. Contact Dr David Lockwood, G4CLI, on 07748
221 855.


No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.


On Tuesday 13 March Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society is
having a club evening. Details from Norman, GM1CNH, on 07740 946 192.

On Wednesday 14 March Glenrothes & DRC is having a talk and
demonstration on Slim Jim aerials by John, GM4AQ. Details from Laurie,
MM0LJA, via email to

On Wednesday 14 March Lothians Radio Society is having a talk on WWII
utility radios by Peter Dick, GM4DTH and Colin Wright, GM4HWO. Contact
Andy Sinclair, by email to

On Thursday 15 March Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by
James MacKinnon, GM4EKC. Contact Fred Gordon, MM0ODL, on 01975 651 365.

On Thursday 15 March Paisley Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on APRS
by MM6ANL. Contact Bill Anderson, 2M0BZZ, on 01505 613 633.

On Thursday 15 March Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
10 ways to make your station work better by Ian, GM3SEK. Details from
Ellis Gaston, GM0HPK, 07979 692 580.

On Friday 16 March Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on planning permission by Len Paget, GM0ONX. More information from
Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723.


On Monday 12 March Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having a
talk on junk box antennas by M0NDJ and M1MRB. Details from Steve Beal,
G3WZK, by email to

On Monday 12 March Maidstone YMCA Amateur Radio Society is holding a
junk sale. Admission is ?1 and all are welcome. More information from
Howard Vicary, G0RJN, by email to

On Monday 12 March Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is running a club net from
19.30 on GB3NB. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 898 678.

On Monday 12 March West Kent Amateur Radio Society is holding a surplus
auction run by Dave, G4OTV. Details from Keith, G4JED, via email to

On Tuesday 13 March Bedford and District Amateur Radio is looking at
antenna analysers, how they work and what they can and can't tell you.
Details from Bob Leask, G3XNG, by email to

On Tuesday 13 March Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack.
For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720 815.

On Tuesday 13 March Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is running a club
net from 8.30. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Tuesday 13 March Harwell Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on HF
DX working by John, G3VPW. Details from Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524

On Tuesday 13 March Hilderstone Radio and Electronics Club Amateur Radio
is working with the pupils of the Marlowe Academy from 10am to 3pm.
Contact Chrissie Turner, by email to

On Wednesday 14 March Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Wednesday 14 March Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is
holding a members' forum. More details from Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831

On Wednesday 14 March Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group is holding an
inter club quiz with Colchester & Clacton Radio Clubs. Details from
Kevan, 2E0WMG, on 07766 543 784.

On Wednesday 14 March Havering & District Amateur Radio Club is having
an informal evening. More information from John, M0UKD, on 07890 222

On Wednesday 14 March Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is
attending Loughton Town Council's Annual Town Meeting. Contact Marc
Litchman, G0TOC, on 02085 021 645.

On Wednesday 14 March Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is taking part in the
RSGB 80m Club Championship CW, holding an informal meeting making the
workshop available. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603 898 678.

On Wednesday 14 March South Essex Amateur Radio Society is having a talk
by Dave, G4AJY, on frequency, wavelength and waveform. Details from
Dave, G4UVJ, on 01268 697 978.

On Wednesday 14 March Southgate Amateur Radio Club is holding a surplus
sale. Contact Mr. D. F. Berry, by email to G4DFB,

On Thursday 15 March Bredhurst Receiving and Transmitting Society is
having a talk on model radio control techniques technologies. Details
from Andrew, M6AAE, on 07403 325 075.

On Thursday 15 March Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society starts its
Intermediate course. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

On Thursday 15 March Colchester Radio Amateurs are having a self
training evening. More information from Kevan, 2E0WMG, on 07766 543 784.

On Thursday 15 March Cray Valley Radio Society is planning its Olympics
station. Details from Malcolm Bryan, G8MCA, on 07906 433 965.

On Thursday 15 March Horndean & District Amateur Radio Club is having a
talk on forgery in British currency by Mr Richard Burton. Contact
Stuart, G0FYX, on 02392 472 846.

On Thursday 15 March Horsham Amateur Radio Club is having a social
evening at The White Horse, Maplehurst RH13 6LL. Details are on the web

On Thursday 15 March Lowestoft & District PYE Amateur Radio Club is
having a club night at the shack. Details from Lee, 2E1LJL, on 01502 564

On Thursday 15 March Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is
discussing the club project with Richard, G3NII. Details from John
Burnett, M6JBU, on 07860 804 793.

On Thursday 15 March Sutton & Cheam Radio Society is having a talk on
limited space dipoles by Dave Jefferies, G6GPR. Details from Darren,
M0PRV, on 07525 753 702.

On Friday 16 March Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group is having a talk by
David Sumner, G3PVH, on going by sail to Antartica, . Details on the web

On Saturday 17 March Burnham Beeches Radio Club commences its DXPicnic
weekend event. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720.


On Monday 12 March Exeter Amateur Radio Society is having a club night
at the Moose Centre. Contact Nick, 2E0NRJ, on 01363 775 756.

On Monday 12 March Weston Super Mare Radio Society is having a natter
night. Details from Paul, G3SDH, on 01761 221 206.

On Tuesday 13 March Mid Somerset Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
DXing by Ian Davies, G3KZR. Contact Nick, M6NJB, on 01749 346 320.

On Tuesday 13 March Plymouth RC is having a talk on Morse code by Peter
Jackson, M0BLO. Details from Rob James, 2E0ONO, via email to

On Tuesday 13 March Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on the
Titanic by David Barlow, G3PLE. Details online at

On Wednesday 14 March Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio
Club is on the air. Contact Tony, G0WMB, on 01454 417 048.

On Thursday 15 March Cornish Radio Amateur Club is holding a workshop
evening at Gweal An Top School. Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844

On Thursday 15 March South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is holding a table
top sale. Details from Andrew Jenner, G7KNA, on 07838 695 471.

On Thursday 15 March Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is having an
activity night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317 750.

On Friday 16 March Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter
night. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by email to


We start with advance notice that Carmarthan Amateur Radio Society will
be holding an Intermediate course on Saturday and Sunday 7 and 8 April
at Cwmduad Community Hall, SA33 6XJ. Any candidates interested in this
course should contact Lloyd, 2W0LLT, on 01239 711 297, or email

On Thursday 15 March Porthmadog and District Amateur Radio Society is
having its monthly meeting at Porthmadog Yacht Club. Contact details are

On Saturday 17 March Newport Amateur Radio Society is on the air and
hands-on refurbishing an FR-50b. More information from Ross Clare,
GW3NWS, on 01633 880 146.

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