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Default GB2RS NEWS Sunday 8th July 2012


Sunday 8th July 2012

The news headlines:

* Society publishes proposals for strategy and new governance arrangements.

* Final call for 2 metre data band plan consultation

* Olympics frequency regulations start taking effect

On 7 July, the Society published two very important consultative
documents. These are on the RSGB website and in the August Edition of
RadCom. They contain proposals for a 3-year strategy for the society,
together with new governance arrangements. All members are encouraged
to participate during the consultation period that runs until 20
August. You can make comments by joining in two Litmus Tests to be
conducted via the website, by e-mail either to or
or by post to RSGB HQ.

A recent item on GB2RS and a fuller article in July's RadCom detailed
proposed changes to the 144MHz data band plan and the intention to
consult on these changes using a Litmus Test via the RSGB website.
Responses have been generally very positive and it is intended to bring
the consultation to an end on 15 July. A final call for comments will
be posted on the website this week. Anyone wishing to make an input can
find the consultation at Owing to a
technical issue, if you have previously posted on this Litmus Test, you
will have to recreate your user account if you wish to post again. This
was caused by our moving the Litmus Test to a new server. The Society
apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.

As previously announced by Ofcom, the temporary restrictions on 70cm,
2.3GHz and 3.4GHz around Games venues are now in force until 23
September. Changes to repeaters affected by Annex C of the Ofcom 70cm
restrictions have also been implemented. GB3OK at Orpington, Kent and
GB3NS at Banstead, North Surrey have changed to their new 9MHz split
operating frequencies. GB3EK at Margate in East Kent has temporarily
reduced power; whilst the new temporary Olympics repeater GB3OY in East
London has begun operation. The RSGB website has details of these, as
well as important updates for the temporary usage of 2m and Ofcom's
enhanced enforcement powers that also come into effect later this
month, at The next edition of RadCom will also
include details, as well as the latest arrangements for special events
and operating opportunities.

A new DX record has been achieved on the ageing OSCAR-7 satellite. This
was between Wyatt, AC0RA in Iowa and Bill, OM3BD in the Slovak
Republic. Their GPS-measured 7849km QSO between grid squares EN31vx and
JN88mf surpassed the prior 7843km record set in 2010. To make the path,
OM3BD was running a Yaesu FT-847 with SP2000 preamp fed by a pair of 10
element Yagis on 2m and an 8 element Yagi for 70cm. AC0RA also used a
Yaesu FT-847 transceiver with a 7 element Yagi on 2m and a 12 element
Yagi on 70cm.

Tasmania's first D-Star repeater is on the air. VK7RRR is the
southernmost D-Star repeater in the world, and the first and only such
public digital voice repeater in Tasmania. The system operates in the
70cm band, listening on 432.725MHz and transmitting on 438.125MHz with
50 watts of output power.

There have been four named storms in the Atlantic already this year.
Although none have made the news, it is time for the reminder that
amateur radio continues to play a part in gathering and distributing
information for the weather and emergency services each year. Radio
amateurs in Region 1 are reminded that some frequencies may be in use
by nets in North and Central America. It is possible for Region 1
amateurs to cause unintentional interference to these nets. 14.300MHz
is used by the Maritime Mobile Service Net daily and, as well as
handling traffic from Maritime Mobile

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast. Stations, also gathers weather reports
from maritime stations to assist forecasters. 14.325MHz is used by the
Hurricane Watch Net and the net is established whenever it appears that
a storm may affect the US mainland. The net gathers weather information
and links to the American National Hurricane Centre. 14.265MHz is used
by the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, which provides
Health and Welfare traffic links for those in affected areas, as well
as supporting the Salvation Army Disaster relief response should a
hurricane strike. A number of other frequencies are used by specific
countries and details of those can be found on the IARU Region 1

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

The 49th Cornish Radio Amateurs Club Rally takes place today, 8 July,
at Penair School, St Clements, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 1TN. Doors open at
10.30am and admission is £2. There will be trade stands and a Bring &
Buy. Details from Steve on 01209 844 939.

On 15 July, the McMichael Rally and Boot Sale takes place at Reading
Rugby Club, just off the A4 east of Reading. There is free car parking
and the gates open at 9.30am. Admission is £2. There will be trade
stands, special interest groups and a car boot area. More details from
Pete, G8FRC on 01189 695 697.

QRP in the Country will take place on 15 July at Upton Bridge Farm,
Long Sutton, Langport, Somerset TA10 9NJ, regardless of the weather.
Organiser Tim Walford says the cattle sheds have been cleaned and it
will be indoors if the weather stays bad. The farm gate opens at 10am.
Don't forget to bring your entries for the Ten Part Receiver Challenge!

Now for the news of special events

Poldhu Amateur Radio Club will be operating GB5TEL from Goonhilly Earth
Station on Wednesday 11 July to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
first transatlantic TV transmission via Telstar.

Riviera Amateur Radio Club will be operating a portable station from
Brixham Breakwater on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 July in support of RNLI
Torbay's Lifeboat Week 2012. The club callsign MX0RIV will be active on
HF and VHF frequencies. Up-to-date frequencies are on the club website,

GB10SOTA, celebrating 10 years of Summits on the Air, continues from
the summit of Mount Snowdon, GW/NW-001. Using HF, VHF and UHF,
operation will continue until 15 July from the summit of the highest
mountain in England and Wales. Details are on

The RSGB team for the forthcoming IARU contest on 14 and 15 July has
obtained the special callsign GO2HQ for use in this Olympics year. This
is in advance of the general validity of O prefix NoVs, which commence
at 0000BST on 21 July.

GB4TDF will be on the air to celebrating the 99th year of the Tour de
France. Operating from Hancocks Radio Hut Low Bentham, Lancaster until
23 July. Main operators will be Barrie, G1JYB, Stephany, G1LAT, and
members of Sands Contest Group.

Moroccan operators will use the special prefix 5C13 until 27 July in
celebration of the 13th anniversary of the crowning of Mohammed VI as
King of Morocco. QSL as directed by each operator.

Netherlands special event station PC100NOM will be active until 29 July
to commemorate then 100th anniversary of The Netherlands Open Air
Museum in the city of Arnhem. The operator is PA0FAW who is using CW,
SSB and PSK on the various HF bands. QSL via PA0FAW, either direct, via
the bureau or electronically using eQSL. SWL reports are also welcome.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast. And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX
News and other sources

N6NB and W6TAI will be active as E51YNB and E51TAI from Rarotonga for
the IARU HF World Championship on 14 and 15 July. Their operation is
expected to start a few days before the contest and last several days
after the competition concludes. They will be on 15 to 40m, using SSB
only. QSL both callsigns via N6NB.

Members of the Trinidad and Tobago ARS will also be active as 9Y4HQ
during the IARU HF World Championships. Operations will be on all of
the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL only via DF2RG, either direct or via
the bureau.

Quito Radio Club will be on the air as HD081QRC, Hotel Delta Zero
Eighty One, between 14 and 22 July, to commemorate the founding of that
organisation 81 years ago. Activity will be on all bands using CW and
SSB. QSL HC1JQ direct or via the bureau.

W5JON will once again be operating as V47JA from his holiday home
overlooking Calypso Bay on St Kitts from 12 July until 2 August on 6 to
80m using SSB. He also plans to take part in the IOTA Contest later in
July. QSLs to W5JON either direct or via Logbook of the World.

Now the contest news

VHF NFD takes place over this weekend, ending at 1400UTC today, 8 July.
At one time there was only one section in VHF NFD, these days there are
six sections, including two for single-ops who stay at home and sweep
the bands looking for the portable entrants. The number of teams,
sweepers excluded, entering is almost the same now as it was 15 years
ago, which is the earliest date of the results on the Contest Committee
website. Using all modes on the 50 to 1296MHz bands, the exchange is
signal report, serial number and locator.

Today, Sunday 8th, the third leg of the 144MHz Backpackers Contest
takes place. Most of it overlaps the final part of VHF NFD, but it
continues for one hour after VHF NFD ends. The maximum power in this
event is 3 watts. Running from 1100 to 1500UTC and using all modes, the
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Tuesday 10 July sees the 432MHz UK Activity Contest taking place from
1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes on the bands, the exchange is signal
report, serial number and locator.

Wednesday 11 July sees the SSB leg of the 80m Club Championships from
1900 to 2030UTC. The exchange is the usual signal report and serial

The 2012 IARU HF World Championships will take place next weekend, 14
and 15 July, beginning at 1200UTC on the 14th and ending at 1200UTC on
the 15th. The objective of this contest is to contact as many other
amateurs, especially IARU Member Society HQ stations, around the world
as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands, on phone
and/or CW. The UK HQ station will be active and looking for as many
QSOs as possible on as many HF contesting bands and modes as possible
with as many people as possible. This includes UK stations. As
mentioned earlier, the UK HQ station will be using a very special
callsign for the event, GO2HQ, which should get them noticed. They will
be the only Golf Oscar station in the world. The exchange is signal
report and ITU zone, which for the UK is 27. As in previous years,
there are awards for individuals and clubs who work it, see the rules

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast. And now the solar factual data for the
period from Friday the 29th of June to Thursday the 5th of July,
compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 6th of July

Two large sunspot groups dominated the solar disc all week and produced
large solar flares every day. Solar activity was moderate but increased
to high on the 2nd, 4th and the 5th. Seven M class solar flares took
place on the 4th and ten on the 5th. Sudden ionospheric disturbances
and coronal mass ejections were associated with the larger flares. Over
one hundred smaller C class solar flares took place throughout the
period. Solar flux levels increased from 117 units on the 29th to 166
by the 2nd. The average was 149 units. The 90 day solar flux average on
the 5th was 121, that's 3 units up on last week. X-ray flux levels
increased from B3.9 to C2.6 units by the 5th. The average was B8.4
units. Geomagnetic activity was dominated by the coronal hole
disturbance that arrived on the 30th when the Ap index was 27 units and
lasted until the 3rd. Only the 29th was quiet, with an Ap of 5 units.
The average was Ap 16 units. Solar wind data from the ACE spacecraft
saw solar wind speeds increase from 360 kilometres per second on the
29th to 730 by the next day. Speeds then gradually declined to 450
kilometres per second by the end of the period. Particle densities were
moderate for the first 3 days, reaching a peak of 25 particles per
cubic centimetre during the morning of the 30th. Bz initially varied

th between minus 6 and plus 5 nanoTeslas on the 29 , but increased to
minus and plus 12 nanoTeslas during the disturbance. VHF aurora was
reported from high latitude stations during the early evening of the
2nd. A good 144MHz Es opening to Portugal, Spain and Morocco took place
around 1800 hours on the 4th, with one or two stations also working
Madeira and the Canary Islands. Es occurred daily up to 70MHz.

And finally the solar forecast. This week the active side of the Sun is
expected to be rotating out of view. Solar activity should be moderate
on some days. Solar flux levels should remain around present levels but
could decline later in the week to around 130 units. Geomagnetic
activity could increase due to any coronal mass ejections that head our
way, however, if none do, then activity should remain mostly low. MUFs
during daylight hours at equal latitudes should be about 23MHz for the
south and 20MHz for the north. Darkness hour lows should be around
14MHz. Path this week to Australia should have a maximum usable
frequency with a 50 per cent success rate of around 21MHz. The optimum
working frequency with a 90 per cent success rate will be about 15MHz.
The best time to try this path will be between 0800 and 1100 hours.
During the evening peaking around 2200 hours the long path will be at
its best with an MUF of around 27MHz and the optimum working frequency
of about 21MHz. Sporadic-E is expected to take place all most every
day, with openings occasionally up to 144MHz.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies

can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses

and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to
the service area of your transmission.]

NEWS FOR THE MIDLANDS We start with clubs that have several events this
week. Lincoln Short-Wave Club is taking part in VHF NFD at Brattleby
Bomb Site all day today, Sunday 8 July. On Tuesday they are taking part
in the 432MHz UK Activity Contest from the shack and on Wednesday G6COL
is on the air for the 80m Club Calls SSB. There's a club net on
145.375MHz from 8pm on Thursday, and Saturday morning sees the surgery
in the shack, plus a special event station for Lincoln Scouts at
Brayford Wharf, opposite Nando's. For more information contact Pam
Rose, G4STO, on 01427 788 356.

On Telford & District Amateur Radio Society is taking part in Lions Day
on Wheels today, Sunday 8 July. On Wednesday it's the 3rd 2m DF hunt,
with 2E0CLR as the fox. Contact Mike, G3JKX, on 01952 299 677.

Wythall Radio Club is holding a Sunday club net on 145.225MHz today and
next Sunday, and there's a committee meeting in the shack on Tuesday.
Details from Chris, G0EYO, on 07710 412 819.

South Birmingham Radio Society is unloading its trailer on Monday, then
holding an exam revision session on Thursday. Friday sees shack and
aerial work. Contact Don, on 01214 581 603, for more information.

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 9
July Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society is holding a DF
hunt. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01452 548 478, daytime.

On Monday 9 July Stratford Upon Avon District Radio Society is holding
a barbecue and is on the air. Contact G0CHO, on 01608 664 488.

On Tuesday 10 July Derby & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting. Contact Richard Buckby, by email to

On Tuesday 10 July Eagle Radio Group is having a talk on simple wire
antennas by Peter Day, G3PHO. Contact John, M6JMS, on 01754 873 926.

On Tuesday 10 July Friskney and East Lincolnshire Communications Club
is attending a talk on the solar cycle by BBC Sky at Night astronomer
Paul L Money FRAS, FBIS. This talk is open to the public and takes
place at Wainfleet Coronation Hall, High Street, Wainfleet,
Lincolnshire, PE24 4BT. Doors open at 8.30 and admission is £2.50. For
more information contact the FELCC Information Line on 07554 362 020.

On Tuesday 10 July Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club is
conducting practical antenna comparisons. More information from Chris,
G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

On Tuesday 10 July Worcester Radio Amateurs Association is having a
talk. Details from Rich Moles, M0UVA, via email to

On Wednesday 11 July Midland Amateur Radio Society is holding a
committee meeting and training classes. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on
07808 078 003.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast. On Wednesday 11 July South Kesteven
Amateur Radio Society is having an informal evening. Contact Nigel,
M0CVO, on 01476 402 550.

On Wednesday 11 July Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society is taking
part in the 80m SSB contest. For more information contact Peter D
Rivers, G4XEX, on 01858 432 105.

On Friday 13 July Coventry Amateur Radio Society is taking part in
Castles on the Air at Kenilworth Castle. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 07958
777 363.

NEWS FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND We start with clubs that have several
events this week. Sheffield Amateur Radio Club is holding a barbecue
and QRP portable evening on the club fields and surrounding hills on
Monday. On Wednesday they are participating in the RSGB 80m Contest SSB
from the club station, G3RCM. More information from Peter Day, G3PHO,
by email to

Friskney and East Lincolnshire Communications is holding a club net on
Monday from 7pm, on 144.165 USB, vertical polarisation. On Wednesday
there is a M3+M6 club net on GB3FR from 7.30pm, and on Friday there is
a club net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For more information contact the
FELCC Information Line on 07554 362 020.

Otley Amateur Radio Society is holding a Morse class, is on the air and
doing antenna refurbishment on Tuesday. Saturday sees the start of the
IARU HF World Championship Contest weekend event, from noon to noon.
More information from Paul, 2E0PAK, on 07768 996 370.

On Wednesday 11 July Hornsea Amateur Radio Club is holding a barbecue
and taking part in the 80m Club Contest at Bewholme on Wednesday.
Saturday sees the start of the IARU HF World Championship Contest
weekend event, from noon to noon. Contact Gordon MacNaught, G3WOV, on
01377 240 573.

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 9
July Bolton Wireless Club is having a talk by John, G4NTY on building
6m and 4m Super Moxons. For details, send an email to

On Tuesday 10 July Morecambe Bay Amateur Radio Society is holding a
treasure hunt. Contact Sheila, on 07867 516 836.

On Wednesday 11 July Denby Dale Radio Club is holding a club net on
145.575MHz from 1930. Details from Richard, M0RBG, on 07976 220 126.

On Wednesday 11 July Goole Radio and Electronics Society is having a
debrief after the VHF NFD contest. Contact Ken, G6YYN, on 01757 638

On Thursday 12 July Keighley Amateur Radio Society is having a talk on
RAYNET from 8.15 at Parkside Social Club, Butt Lane, Haworth, BD22 8QJ.
Further details are on the KARS website.

On Thursday 12 July South Manchester Radio and Computer Club is
watching the Secret War DVD. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 01619 693 999.

On Thursday 12 July Wakefield & District Radio Society is having a talk
and demo on the Kenwood TS2000X by Phil, 2E0GBF. Contact Ken, G8FSO, on
07900 563 117.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast.

NEWS FOR NORTHERN IRELAND No news items have been received for Northern
Ireland this week.

NEWS FOR SCOTLAND On Tuesday 10 July Livingston & District Amateur
Radio Society is having a club evening. Details from Norman, GM1CNH, on
07740 946 192.

On Thursday 12 July Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is having a club
holiday. Contact Fred Gordon, MM0ODL, on 01975 651 365.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH EAST and EAST ANGLIA We start with clubs that have
several events this week. Farnborough & District Radio Society is
running a Top Band net on 1.995MHz from 2000 to 2100 on Monday. On
Wednesday, Bob, G0YYY will be presenting the club awards. Friday sees a
CW net from 1300 to 100 on 3.570MHz, followed by a 2m net from 2000 to
2100. Contact Neville, G3SPD, on 01252 404 816.

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society is having a club net from 8.30pm on
Tuesday, then Wednesday sees a committee meeting at 7.30pm in Danbury
Village Hall. Contact Martyn, G1EFL, on 01245 469 008.

Chesham & District Amateur Radio Society is holding a members'
equipment forum on Wednesday, then Sunday sees a visit to the McMichael
rally & boot sale. More details from Terry, G0VFW, on 01442 831 491.

Norfolk Amateur Radio Club is holding an informal meeting on Wednesday,
when the shack and workshop will be open and members will be taking
part in the RSGB 80m Club Championship SSB. Sunday 15 July sees the
club's very informal family and friends get together on the North
Norfolk Coast at West Runton. Details from Chris Danby, G0DWV, on 01603
898 678.

On Thursday Reading & District Amateur Radio Club is having a talk on
squeezing the last few nanoseconds out of digital logic super-fast
processors by Des Howlett G8FIF. Sunday 15 July sees the club running
the McMichael Radio Rally at Reading Rugby Club, Sonning. Details from
Pete, G8FRC, on 01189 695 697.

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Monday 9
July Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is having a natter night.
Details from Steve Beal, G3WZK, by email to

On Monday 9 July East Kent Radio Society is having a barbecue at the
QTH of Paul, G3VJF. Details from Karl Davies, M1DFM, on 01227 710 120.

On Monday 9 July West Kent Amateur Radio Society is holding a club
meeting. Details from Keith, G4JED, via email to

On Tuesday 10 July Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society is at the shack.
For more information contact Steve, on 01424 720 815.

On Tuesday 10 July Harwell Amateur Radio Society is holding its summer
DF hunt. Details from Malcolm, G8NRP, on 01235 524 844.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast. On Tuesday 10 July South Essex Amateur
Radio Society is having a talk on astronomy by Bruce, G1JJS. Details
from Dave, G4UVJ, on 01268 697 978.

On Stevenage & District Amateur Radio Society is holding an operating
evening. Contact Martin Juhe, M0XJP, on 07973 793 770.

On Wednesday 11 July Darenth Valley Radio Society is having a talk on
SSTV by Ray, G0FDU. Details form Bob, M0RAW, on 01322 663 804.

On Wednesday 11 July Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group is holding a
Scrapheap Challenge. Details from Kevan, 2E0WMG, on 07766 543 784.

On Wednesday 11 July Southgate Amateur Radio Club is on the air in the
Spinney. Contact David Sharp, M0XDS, by email to

On Wednesday 11 July Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club is holding
a discussion evening and is on the air for the 80m Club Championship
SSB contest. Contact John, G8FMJ, on 01273 593 232.

On Thursday 12 July Bredhurst Receiving and Transmitting Society is
holding a club night, with CW practice from 8:30 - 9pm. Details from
Charles, G4VSZ, on 07982 244 788.

On Thursday 12 July Edgware & District Radio Society is having a
discussion on why members like amateur radio and what brought them into
the hobby. More information from Mike, G4RNW, on 02089 500 658.

On Thursday 12 July Hilderstone Radio and Electronics Club is closed
due to a school prize giving. Contact Chrissie Turner, by email to

On Thursday 12 July Horsham Amateur Radio Club is holding a social
evening at the Bridge Inn, Amberley. Details are on the web at

On Thursday 12 July Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society is on the air
on 6m. Contact David Leech, G7DIU, on 01480 431 333.

On Thursday 12 July Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society is having
a 2m pedestrian fox hunt, with Terry, G4OXD and Peter, M0CKA as foxes.
Details from John Burnett, M6JBU, on 07860 804 793.

On Thursday 12 July Vange ARS is watching a DVD. More information from
Steve, G0KVZ, on 01268 552 606.

On Thursday 12 July Verulam Amateur Radio Club is holding a joint
social evening with the GB3VH repeater group from 7.30pm at the Rose
and Crown, Sandridge. Contact Ralph, G1BSZ, on 01923 265 572.

On Friday 13 July Cambridge & District Amateur Radio Club is holding an
operating evening for beginners. Contact Ron, G3KBR, on 01223 501 712.

On Friday 13 July Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society is holding a
post-event equipment check. Details form Rob, 2E0RJA, on 01444 232 129.

On Friday 13 July Radio Society of Harrow is having a talk on
smartphone ham software by M0SFX. More information from Linda, G7RJL,
on 02083 868 586.

On Friday 13 July Wimbledon & District Amateur Radio Society is on the
air. Contact Andrew Maish, G4ADM, on 02083 353 434.

On Sunday 15 July Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society is
operating GB0IS for Theydon Bois Donkey Derby. Contact Marc Litchman,
G0TOC, on 02085 021 645.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast.

NEWS FOR THE SOUTH WEST We start with clubs that have several events
this week. Exeter Amateur Radio Society is considering 4m ex-PMR radio
operations in the Moose Centre at 19:00 on Monday. The club 2m net is
on Tuesday at 19.45 and the 4m net on Thursday at 19.00. Contact Nick,
2E0NRJ, on 01363 775 756.

South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is having a VHF NFD debriefing on
Thursday. The GB2BLE Lundy Island DXpedition departs on Saturday, and
on Sunday there's a club visit to QRP in the Country. Details from
Andrew Jenner, G7KNA, on 07838 695 471.

Now we return to the traditional listing in date order. On Sunday 8
July Cornish Radio Amateur Club holds its 49th Rally at Penair School.
Details from Steve, G7VOH, on 01209 844 939.

On Monday 9 July Riviera Amateur Radio Club is having a club night with
MX0RIV on the air. Contacs Alan Wyatt, G2DXU, by email to

On Monday 9 July Weston Super Mare Radio Society is holding a Morse
class and a natter night. Details from Paul, G3SDH, on 01761 221 206.

On Tuesday 10 July Mid Somerset Amateur Radio Club is having a
demonstration of the merits of WDMorse by Ian Davies, G3KZR. Contact
Nick, 2E0FGQ, on 01749 346 320.

On Tuesday 10 July Plymouth Radio Club is having an antenna building
workshop with Chris Wingate, M5CJW. Details from Rob James, 2E0ONO, via
email to

On Thursday 12 July Swindon & District Amateur Radio Club is holding an
activity night. Contact Den, M0ACM, on 07810 317 750.

On Thursday 12 July Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is having CW training and
local testing of homebrew rigs. Contact Steve Crask, G7AHP, by email to

On Friday 13 July Torbay Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night
and holding an 80m net. For more information contact Dave, G6FSP, by
email to

NEWS FOR WALES No news items have been received for Wales this week.

Copyright © RSGB 2012. Not for public release before Monday 9 July 2012
except as a GB2RS broadcast.

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