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Australian Telebridge in ARISS Nepal Link-Up:

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 04:19 PM PST

The well-equipped station of Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI enabled students in
Nepal to chat with Astronaut Tim Peake KG5BVI from England on board the
International Space Station. During the earthquake in that country last
year, a Brihaspati VidyaSadan High School building was used by HAM radio
operators from Nepal and India to provide emergency communications. In the
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) event the VK5ZAI
ground station had a session 17 questions and answers with the school in
Kathmandu, in the nine minute pass. Tony VK5ZAI said the ARISS program that
brings together orbiting astronauts and students, happened around the
world. He explained that in the link-up on January 21, students asked
questions about life in space, the developments and tools used by the
astronauts, and of course bodily functions like sneezing and exercising.

Win a HackRF SDR Plus 40 SDR Receivers!

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 12:52 PM PST

NooElec and have teamed up to give away a HackRF One SDR
(Software Defined Radio) transceiver to a lucky ham PLUS we're giving away
40 SDR receivers to radio enthusiasts (non-hams, too!)

Orlando HamCation and Project Diana:

Posted: 24 Jan 2016 12:51 PM PST

On this week's live Amateur Radio Roundtable
show (January 26th) we will have 2 segments.
The first segment will be by Peter Meijers,
AI4KM, the Chairman of Hamcation. He will be
telling us all about Hamcation which is a
very large hamfest located in Orlando, FL.

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