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Old February 5th 16, 10:36 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2010
Posts: 197
Default WIANEWS for WEEK COMMENCING Feb 07 2016

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: Text edition:



Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email (click news in member area) Submit your audio news


Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
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WIA Executive Administrator interviews and appointment. -

WIA AGM and NZART to send a representative. -

WIA Archive Donations - acknowledgement. -

WIA talk at Westlake's well received. -

WIA sponsorship of RES free ham course on smart fones.-


"The role of the radio in humanitarian emergency and disaster situations"
13 February 2016

Humanitarian emergencies and disasters are increasing worldwide, with terrible
consequences for human lives, sometimes reducing years of development to dust.

Amidst the ruins and in the face of an emergency, the radio is often the first
medium for survival. Its durability is an incomparable advantage, often
enabling it to resist shocks and retransmit messages of protection and
prevention to as many people as possible, better and faster than other media,
saving lives.

Its proximity, simplicity and low cost also make the radio a medium that
promotes community living, providing a way to strengthen social ties and
ensure people's participation in humanitarian programmes and the discussions
that inform them. Innumerable accounts by victims describe how the radio has
enabled separated families to find each other, make contact and regain hope.
Community radio is a perfect example of this and must be supported.

That is Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO speaking for UN World Radio
Day this month

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO
theme for World Radio Day on February 13 is, 'Radio in Times of Emergency and

The UNESCO day dates back to 1946.

UNESCO recognises that the immediate access to radio frequencies is essential
in saving lives, should be protected so they are available in times of

Now, again, Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO.

'The power of the radio also relies on journalists, who are some of the first
on the scene to witness events and give a voice to local actors and victims,
to raise awareness and mobilize resources, without which there is no effective
humanitarian action. They play a crucial role in presenting the facts, avoiding
the sensationalism or manipulation of public debate. That is why nothing must
call into question the right to be informed or the safety of journalists.

UNESCO has set up early warning systems for tsunamis, floods and droughts, as
well as monitoring systems for earthquakes and landslides. The Organization
provides worldwide technical assistance for all types of risk. When protected
sites are endangered, UNESCO steps in to save cultural and historical
references. At all of these levels, by its ability to inform, relay messages
and contribute to debate and reflection, even in times of crisis, the radio is
an indispensable ally.

Today, we call upon public authorities and stakeholders in development and
humanitarian action to strengthen the links between the radio and emergency
response so that the voices of the men and women, victims, rescue workers and
journalists, who we hear at such times over the transistor, the mobile phone
or the computer, may be the voices of life and hope-"

The University of Adelaide has told "the assessment of
shortlisted bidders for Radio Adelaide is not yet complete," and it has
delayed its announcement of a new licence holder for Radio Adelaide.

"The University of Adelaide does not expect to be able to make an announcement
for some days," said a university spokesperson.

While the university is not willing to discuss details, it is possible that it
has taken some more time to consider all the ACMA requirements of such a move
before finalising its decision on which entity will best suit the requirements
of the licence transfer process.

Any new licensee will be required to tell the ACMA about its previous relevant
broadcasting experience, its financials and its capacity to continue the

NorthWest Tas. ATV Group via VK7WI news has reported on some MAJOR storm

Tasmania has experienced a lot of storm damage recently last few days.
Amongst those effected is the home of Jim VK7JH, which suffered an almost
direct lightning strike!

(as Jim stated,,, a very frightening experience).

As well as power failure for several hours, much of his Internet and
associated infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed.

This includes two computers and possibly several pi computers consequently,
the linking of vk7rtv to vk7rdr and vk7rak is affected and may be off for
several days yet.

This is the home of VK7RTV 2M Repeater and it is hard to believe that the
repeater has received little or no damage and appears to be functioning as
per normal.

Jim advises that he will be unable to relay this broadcast on vk7rtv, until
computers are repaired or replaced. Tony vk7ax, will fill this void in the

In the meantime, VK7RDR (Dazzler) will be Linked to VK7RAK (Hobart


President Phil Wait VK2ASD

NZART to send a representative to WIA AGM

The close relationship between the Wireless Institute of Australia and the
New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters, has these neighbouring IARU
member societies visit each other on alternative years.

This year the NZART will send Neill Ellis ZL1TAJ, a Northern Region Councillor,
to the WIA annual general meeting held on Norfolk Island (VK9) in May.

These bi-lateral meetings bring up mutual issues and some new ideas or ways of
doing things, with both the WIA and NZART benefitting greatly by the exchanges
and reports.

WIA Archive Donations - acknowledgement

A number of members or their families have sent in photographs and other
material relating to the series of ANZAC articles published in Amateur Radio

WIA Historian Peter Wolfenden VK3RV, on behalf of the Institute, thanks them
all. The material has been recorded and cross-referenced in the WIA Archive.

A special edition publication with some new material on radio amateurs at war,
is due to be released by the WIA in time for ANZAC Day 2016.

WIA talk at the Westlake's well received

The Wireless Institute of Australia gave an insight on its operations and busy
agenda, in an address to the Westlake's Amateur Radio Club in New South Wales.

WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD explained the structure and challenges ahead
to about 50 who had gathered at the club rooms in Teralba on Saturday, January
30. He talked mostly about the big-picture items, such as how the current WIA
operates, and the need for Amateur Radio to show it has public value, and
therefore better justify its continued access to spectrum.

Covered was the WIA response to the Spectrum Review and why it is important for
the future of Amateur Radio, and the WIA's suggested changes to the Foundation,
Standard and Advanced licences. Phil VK2ASD also emphasised that there was
enormous pressure on the spectrum from the new generation of mobile devices and
the Internet of Things - all set to grow in coming years.

The WIA Board in all that it does, both in membership services and the
time-consuming often hard advocacy, has as its first priority, the advancement
of Amateur Radio.

After the presentation the WIA answered about a dozen questions from the floor.
These included the cost of WIA membership, with a general idea that halving the
subscription rate could more than double the member number.

Phil VK2ASD explained that the idea was not new, however it was a pretty
dangerous exercise if it didn't work. The potential of a membership fee
reduction for a no-paper Amateur Radio magazine was also discussed, but the
saving to the individual by introducing such a measure was not large.

There was a question about the choice of Norfolk Island for the WIA annual
general meeting in May. Phil VK2ASD replied that it ticked all the boxes, was a
majority WIA Board decision, but agreed that some perceived that there could be
a problem with the choice.

A positive suggestion arising out of the question and answer session, which the
WIA will consider, was a reader feedback form in Amateur Radio each year to
gauge what people want in the publication.

Another was the possible re-introduction of the Conference of Clubs in
New South Wales that existed some years ago.

At the end of the afternoon session, which ran about two hours, Phil VK2ASD was
thanked for providing the sort of big-picture information that affects all, and
mostly not known to the audience previously.

WIA Executive Administrator interviews and appointment

In response to the advertised new senior role of WIA Executive Administrator,
there were 43 applications received.

These have been short-listed to six, who are now being interviewed.

Unsuccessful applicants missed out due to the high calibre of those seeking
the position.

The WIA Board will receive a report after the six interviews have been held,
and expects to be able to make an appointment.

Meantime, the WIA officially has a new Examination Officer, who has been in
that role for some months as a temporary through an agency. Petra has performed
well to show an understanding of the many facets of the WIA Exam Service.

The WIA Board discussed the matter, agreed to offer Petra an appointment, and
she has agreed beginning last week


web service:-

The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are looking forward to welcoming
all interested in Amateur Radio to the annual Field Day event at Wyong
Race course, Sunday Feb 28th, 2016.

It's only 3 WEEKS to go to the Field Day!

Here's updated lists of traders and exhibitors, don't forget
the big flea market. VK4ICE will be here as usual.

Exhibitors who have registered so far a

Kurrajong Radio Museum
Historical Radio Soc. Of Australia
Tube Radio Australia
QSL Bureau / Westlakes
Spark CC
Amsat VK

Traders who have registered so far a

Radio supply Pty Ltd
RF Solutions
Silvertone Electronics
NBS Antennas
CRO-TEK Instruments
Duoro Services

Entry is $15 - under 17 free

For full details about the field day, please go to the website

(Dave VK2DLS, Publicity Officer of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club).

web service:-

Less than a week unti Feb 13 That's the date when in VK3 MERC's HamFest
will be held 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre

AND 3 weeks until Melbourne's friendliest HamFest, the EMDRC HamFest and
WES. At the Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont in Melbourne's eastern

Sunday 28th of February from 10am!

Entry is still only $6, with bottomless tea and coffee, while out the front,
Jack will be cooking up a storm on the world famous BBQ, with plenty of onions
for your snag sandwich!

Every entry ticket receives a free raffle ticket with extras sold on the day.
Items from traders/commercial sellers will be raffled off, will you win a prize?
these will be drawn at midday, and you have to be there to win!

Icom Australia will be in attendance with a new rig, the IC7300 SDR HF radio,
and as we've said before this will be the first public display in VK.

All regular commercial supporters including radio books Cobram, PK loop's and
many more.

Nick will be there with all his connectors and bits, the TV man with all his
brackets and bits. + many other tables full of exciting gear!

If you would like more information, head to the EMDRC club website or search
VK3ER on Facebook!

(EMDRC Committee)


VK's Mr Repeater Andrew Chapman VK4QF tells us the 23cm repeater on Mt Coot-tha
is operational, no CTCSS and is on 1273.5 it's antenna is 75 meters up a tower
on Brisbanes largest "hill".


WIA trialling digital news broadcast

VK amateurs are trialling an experimental digital transmission of the
Wireless Institute of Australia's news service.

Operating under its club callsign VK5ARG, the Amateur Radio
Experimenters Group is transmitting via the FreeDV-1600 mode on
7,177kHz LSB from 22.30 GMT. Following the news bulletin there is a
call back net on the same frequency that gives amateurs the opportunity
to experiment further with the mode.

Whilst talking outlets of our WIA Newscast, also in VK5 another 'Newie'.

28.515 in Murray Bridge.

VK5HEL suggested to the LMARC president David Box VK5DB as there was no
10mtr broadcast in VK5 he would be willing to broadcast in VK5 on 28.515Mhz.

Geoff uses a Kenwood TS-590s and computer software to suit


Peel Amateur Radio Group will hold a swap meet 5th March 8am till noon

Bortolo Pavilion in Mandurah which I am told is just a short walk from the
train station.

It will run from 9 am to 12pm BUT with entry for stall set up at 8am

ALL OVER THE WORLD - Floating in unusual wind flows

The wind pattern over Australia's eastern states last weekend had pico balloon
PS-60 taking full advantage, but this time the solar powered payload sent VHF and
UHF signals at a mere 10mW for tracking.

Andy VK3YT launched balloon PS-60 on Saturday (January 30), transmitting
Automatic Packet Reporting System or APRS on 145.175 MHz, and Olivia 8/250 with
Radio Set Identification RSID on 434.649 MHz USB.

PS-60 was released to explore the interesting wind pattern and provide an
opportunity for extended local tracking.

Andy VK3YT says the circular wind pattern happens from time to time in various parts
of the world, which causes loops like what we have seen.

It is not very common for a balloon to be in right in the middle of one, like in
this case.

After days over Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales, it looped six times
which gave many hours of tracking.

Moving now over the Tasman Sea, New Zealand trackers are now expected to report its
location, altitude, the temperature and battery condition.

Meantime, the earlier PS-58 pico balloon on HF, launched from Melbourne December 29
safely negotiated the infamous Bermuda triangle. While still in the northern
hemisphere it entered Africa at Guinea to exit at Liberia.

The balloon then returned to the Southern Hemisphere, and was heard last heading
again back towards South America.

Trackers in North America and South Africa are keeping a watch on the latest
progress via the JT9 and WSPR transmissions.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Want to get a foundation, standard or advanced call?

Why not check in to Ham College that's ham

Yes its based in Western Australia, and we offer courses for all grades of
licences and our WIA accredited assessors run examinations for all levels,
including the practical assessment.

Ham College also offers an online Foundation course

In addition to our attendance based courses, at all levels, we encourage
individuals wishing to gain further privileges for their licence, to be in
touch with us.

Contact us, http://www.ham

For ham College this is Andrew VK6AS

Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news
rather than this WIA National News Service.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART and the WW sources of the WIA.

WorldDAB to be Principal Sponsor of DBS 2016

Joan Warner, Vice President Asia Pacific WorldDAB and CEO Commercial Radio
Australia says this event which will take place in Kuala Lumpur from February
29 to March 3 is the third consecutive year that WorldDAB has been the
symposium's principal sponsor.

WorldDAB is the global industry forum responsible for defining the broadcasting
standard DAB+.

Topics will include the integration of digital radio in connected cars and
smart devices, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The workshop will take
a hands-on approach to helping broadcasters and regulators work together to
plan the digitisation of radio, even before the digital switchover of TV is

More than 60 speakers will be presenting at the conference and workshops
sessions ©

UFO Researcher To Launch CubeSat To Search For E.T. Close To Home

An engineer turned UFO researcher is hoping to launch a low-earth
orbit CubeSat to search for evidence of extra-terrestrial life.
Canadian Dave Cote has assembled a seven-person team to design, fund,
build and launch the project that he hopes will provide some answers
about the origins of recent unidentified object sightings across the globe.

"We have had astronauts, military personnel, police officers and the
former Defence Minister of Canada come forward stating that
extra-terrestrial UFOs are real, and that we are being visited," says
Cote. "How can this be ignored and brushed off as nonsense?"
Concerned that the public isn't getting straight answers, the group
has turned to crowdsourcing the project on Kickstarter.

Cote says they're a "go for launch" already but are looking for more
funding so they can pack it with as much science equipment as
possible. They aim to include image, infrared, electromagnetic, and
radiation sensors. This would give them the capability of not only
verifying visual data, but also correlating it with other events such
as electromagnetic and radioactive fluctuations.

Cote hopes to use our amateur radio frequencies to transmit the data
back to earth and a worldwide network of ham volunteers to receive it.

"We are planning to use the ham frequencies to send data down from
the CubeSat to earth in hex or datafax protocol," says Cote. "From
what we understand, we should be able to send a 100kB packet every
few minutes and this will enable us to send image thumbnails from
space, along with some basic EM data."

While the details of the transmissions have yet to be determined,
Cote hopes to assemble a worldwide team of hams willing to receive
and log whatever data the satellite captures.

Ready to help in whatever capacity

December and January were very busy as USA radio amateurs swung into action in
response to widespread flooding, a giant snowfall, and a tainted water supply

Bill Grimsbo N0PNP, District C Emergency Coordinator, said when floods hit
Southwest Washington and historic flooding occurred in the Greater St Louis
area, more than 170 hours of service was given working with responding agencies.

Some 26 ARES volunteers plus members of radio club worked with the Red Cross at
shelters. They helped coordinate communications among the shelters and Red
Cross headquarters.

Then a storm on the January 23-24 weekend dropped heavy snow, paralysing many
east coast states faced with ice causing power outages and flooding along
coastal areas. In the New York City area, ARES Hudson Division Director Mike
Lisenco N2YBB, said the city was shut down, including a ban on all cars.

ARES members were on standby to assist with any shelter communication, after
being asked by served agencies, including the Red Cross, and the county
emergency manager. Others were directly involved with storm-related operations.

Back here in VK, Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster
Communications Committee was busily keeping an eagle eye across all activity
and said SKYWARN took part on VHF and UHF repeaters, and 40 metres, tracking
the snowfall with vital weather information.

ARES was again called to help in Ohio Community where lead-tainted water was
found. An ARES Emergency Coordinator Wes Boyd W8IZC, received the initial call
that saw volunteers join others in moving and distributing 166 pallets of
bottled water in six days.

The Emergency Management Agency and Red Cross were overjoyed that radio
operators were involved, showing their availability in any capacity at times
of need.

Stormy weather also wreaked havoc with one important DXpedition.

Operators on the VP 8 STI DXpedition team were forced to break down operations
and return to their transport vessel, the R/V Braveheart, after declaring an
emergency on Monday, Jan. 25 as a result of the fierce South Atlantic storm
near their camp site on Southern Thule Island.

They were forced to leave their gear and personal belongings on the island.

Vacuum tubes from 3-D printers

DARPA, through its Innovative Vacuum Electronic Science and Technology
(INVEST) program, aims to develop the science and technology base for
new generations of more capable vacuum tube electronic devices (VEDs).

Those microwaves that heat the food in your microwave oven come from a
magnetron, the vacuum tube that made radar possible in the first half of
the 20th century. Travelling wave tubes (TWTs), not solid-state amplifiers,
generate the strong electromagnetic signals in communication satellites
because of their exceptional on-orbit reliability and high power efficiency.

Tubes are not dead!

DARPA aims over the next three years to create a community of researchers
that will find ways to strengthen the science and technology base for
new generations of vacuum tubes operating at millimetre-wave frequencies
above 75 GHz.

3D printers should allow an entire tube structure to be aligned right off the
assembly line, which a DARPA spokesman called "a beautiful vision" and
"a choreographed effort across many disciplines to create one of these
vacuum tubes."

We'll tune our Gunn diodes to 75 GHz and listen for DARPA to come on the air.

================================================== ===========================

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


ARRL DX CW Contest is February 20-21st.

"All aboard" the Sydney Ferries. VHF/UHF 'contest' Sunday March 13.

WIA John Moyle Field Day 19-20 March 2016

Harry Angel 80 mtr sprint (WIA) provisional date Saturday 7th May.


Remembrance or RD Contest August 13-14

36th ALARA Contest is on the last full weekend in August, Aug 27-28.


VK5 Inwards QSL Bureau needs new manager

After some time Stephan Forka VK5RZ has reluctantly tendered his resignation
handling QSL card management for VK5.

This means someone will have to take over the Inwards QSL card distribution
in South Australia.

If you can be the new VK5 Inwards QSL Bureau manager, then please inquire by
email to

V 31 YN from Belize to 21st February. CW and RTTY on 160-10 metres, with
participation in the CQ WW 160 Meter CQ WPX RTTY and ARRL DX CW contests.
You may QSL via bureau.

An international group of amateur radio operators will descend onto
Heilala Holiday Lodge, a beach resort on the Kingdom of Tonga, during
the last two weeks of February 2016

callsign will be A35T.

This trip encompasses the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 20-21st).

Activity will be on 160-10 meters, using CW, SSB and RTTY
(antennas, weather, propagation all permitting).

QSL via M 0 URX

F 6 ITD, is active as FG/F 6 ITD from Guadeloupe and two of its islands
until March 28th.

These include main island, between January 20th and February 2nd and
La Desirade Island (between March 3-8th). He will work all HF bands, both on
SSB and in digital modes. Listen for the callsign TO 6 D.
QSL via his home callsign, F 6 ITD.

IOTA AS-202.
Members of Bahrain Amateur Radio Group (BARG) will be active as A 91 HI
from Hawar Island between April 28th and May 1st.
QSL via A 9 2AA.

Dog Island is IOTA reference NA-085 and Bruce, K5TEN, will once again be active
from Dog between May 14-21st.
Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and possibly RTTY, PSK31 and JT65A.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.


CubeSats to get weather watch role

Big weather observing satellites could soon be joined by a network of small
CubeSats - the type pioneered by radio amateurs.

Start-up 'Spire' is proposing a constellation of 100 weather satellites in the
first private weather satellite network.

It will gather data that may help forecasters to fill in the gaps leading to
more accurate and timely warnings.

Rather than expensive satellites that feed into computer modelling, the
alternative may be cheap, tiny, low-orbiting satellites.

The ambitious project claims traditional weather satellites provide 1,500
readings a day, while the CubeSat constellation when launched in 12 months
can give 10,000 observations daily.

The World Meteorology Organisation and weather bureaux around the world are
understood to be watching the Spire project with interest.


LilacSat-2 FM Transponder

Paul Stoetzer reports:

LilacSat-2's FM transponder has been on nearly continuously for the past days

It's got a good signal and can be easier to track than SO-50 because the
carrier stays active for a period when not receiving signals. The downlink
antenna also uses circular polarization, so there is less fading when
using linear antennas than on SO-50.

Uplink: 144.350 MHz FM (No PL)
Downlink: 437.200 MHz FM

If you use LoTW, the satellite name to use when uploading QSOs is 'CAS-3H.'

Keep in mind that this uplink frequency is not within the normal 145.8-146 MHz
satellite sub band, though this frequency is within the 144.3 - 144.5 MHz
"New OSCAR sub band" in the ARRL band plan and is allocated to the Amateur
Satellite Service.

Much like the story of the UFO researcher a major worry these days
is "who's on where and what" when it comes to Space Comms and our Ham Bands.

IARU Region 1 has released the papers for an Interim Meeting to be held in
Vienna April 15-17, 2016 . Among the papers they cover global band planning
considerations and among the recommendations say:

"Emphasise that space borne APRS must be confined to globally
coordinated amateur satellite sub bands. Therefore items that are
ambiguous and generate confusion in national band plans such as
'Space communications' and 'New Oscar Sub band' should be removed as
soon as possible in all Regions in accordance with IARU-AC and
Satellite Coordination guidance."

It is believed that 'New Oscar Sub band' refers to the USA's ARRL
144 MHz band plan and 'Space communications' to the Australian WIA
144 MHz band plan. These band plans, as well as those for some other
countries, show 144.300 - 144.500 MHz as being for Amateur Satellite use.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters

Nepal has an IRLP-enabled repeater

The 2-metre repeater in Kathmandu Nepal serves those with hand-held transceivers
and has now been upgraded to become the latest IRLP node with worldwide access.

The repeater, donated through the Radio Mala group and the Bay-Net in
California, was installed last year following the massive earthquake in the
Himalayas. Bay-Net volunteers helped build, test and ship the repeater system
that is at the Tribhuvan University with the callsign of 9N1SP.

George Zafiropoulos KJ6VU of Bay-Net reports that after testing, the IRLP node
has worked well over the last two weeks.

The new IRLP connection in Kathmandu Nepal has been assigned the Node number

(Jim Linton VK3PC, IARU Region 3 Chairman, Disaster Communications Committee)


One Ham Radio Group that constantly uses this WIA Broadcast to advantage is
that, the ILLW or International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend group. Fully aware
we only broadcast an item once the ILLW are forever updating us with fresh
slants and news on their August Event.

Enter - Trinidad and Tobago

The historic Toco Lighthouse at Point Galera on Trinidad's northeast Coast is
a new country for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend held on
the third weekend of August.

The site first began as ship navigation in 1897, with it being recently being
refurbished into a centre for tourism and community activity. Tony Sandy 9 Z 4 A
has registered Toco Lighthouse, noting that the restoration work was a
collaborative private and public partnership.

Although the lantern was removed earlier, the structure and surrounds have
become a key feature amid the spectacular flora and fauna.

So far 130 registrations have been received for the fun-event from 24
countries. Germany remains in the lead with 30, Australia 20, and the USA with
15, followed by England, Scotland and Holland.

If you want to read past event reports, the easy guidelines, or perhaps apply
for a registration on the weekend of August 20 and 21, then visit the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Morse code: A staple in the Navy IW toolkit

US naval students have been learning Morse code while attending the first
revised Basic Manual Morse Trainer (BMMT) course at the Centre for
Information Dominance Unit, Corry Station

Morse code is just one tool that cryptologic technician Sailors use as
members of the Navy's Information Warfare community to perform collection,
analysis and reporting on communication signals.

The latest Manual Morse software used by the Department of Defence was tested
out in a nine-week pilot course. The self-paced course provides basic
instruction and practical application in the interception of Morse-type

"Morse code continues to be an inexpensive and efficient means of
communication for many states throughout the globe," said Senior Chief
Cryptologic Technician Tony Gonzales, CTR rate training manager for
CID headquarters. "Manual Morse operators here at Corry Station are
learning a skill set that has stood the test of time.

The full story on

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP --- OOH-BER (Out Of Ham Band - Electronic Radio)

Fast Imaging in the 868 MHz band

These days much radio experimental work takes place in licence-exempt bands
which are free of some of the restrictions of the amateur radio licence.

In one of his blogs Dave Akerman M 0 RPI writes about his experiments using
high-speed data transfer in 868 MHz to download images from High Altitude
Balloons. By using the 250 kHz bandwidth option on the readily available
LoRa modules a data rate of around 17,000 bps might be achieved enabling a
1280×640 image to be downloaded in about 70 seconds.

Read the M0RPI blog post at

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Youngsters On The Air, YOTA

Have you noticed 11 year and up youngsters playing with wires and batteries?

Or maybe a young relative or neighbour seems to want to spend more time in
your shack then yourself?

I'd say they are hooked on Ham Radio so now it's up to you to 'reel them in'.

These days even the Eleven year old's often have their own smart phones so
'get smart' and tell them about the WIA sponsored Ham radio Foundation course
for iOS and Android

The Australian Radio & Electronics School (RES) has made available a
free 2-3 day amateur radio Foundation licence course devices

The applications were made possible by sponsorship from the WIA in
cooperation with RES. Both applications once downloaded and installed
require no internet connection.

This short course is suitable for about 11 years and up.. well done WIA,
and well done SouthGate Amateur News for pointing us to this, yet another,
example of your WIA at work.

iOS devises

Android link on

Radio & Electronics School


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

The Tablelands Radio Group will be putting on a display of radio equipment
at the Cardwell Bush Telegraph Heritage Centre on Saturday 13th February
from 9am until around Midday.

The theme this time around is Radio in Natural Disasters especially
severe cyclones like Larry, Yasi, Althea, Winifred and Tracey.

The display, originally devised by the Bush Telegraph committee and assisted
by the TRG, aims to raise awareness of the vital role radio plays in helping
and informing communities during dire times.

Regional radio media are expected to also participate in the event.

Once the event wraps up TRG volunteers will be meeting up at Annie's Kitchen
for a late lunch - so if you are in Cardwell on the 13th February make sure
to drop in and see the display and meet the TRG and Heritage Centre



Feb 6 Melbourne QRP by the Bay starting 3pm. Held at Victory Park at Chelsea
it is a gathering of QRPers and homebrewers. Bring and talk about your
latest project and hear what others have been up to. Gather in the park
near the lifesaving club. If there's wind maybe they'll try kite
antennas. Held in February and November each year, there's a great write
up on the previous one by Paul VK3HN at

Feb 13 VK3 MERC HamFest 10am at Werribee Masonic Centre (wia)
Feb 13 VK4 BOOT SALE Caboolture Radio Club 169 Smiths Rd CABOOLTURE 7:30 (vk4lw)
Feb 28 VK2 Central Coast Field Day (vk2ztm)
Feb 28 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont. (wia)

Mar 5 VK6 PARG swap meet 8am till noon Mandurah. (parg sec.)

Ap-May 29-2 VK4 Clairview Gathering check Mackay ARS website. (theTARCinc)

May 27-29 VK9 WIA AGM this year on Norfolk Island (

June 3- 5 VK4 Central Highlands Social Gathering Theresa Creek dam (wia)
June 4 VK4 BARCfest Mt Gravatt Showgrounds. (vk4atc)
June 11-13 VK5 VK Foxhunting Championship & SERG convention Mt Gambier(VK5HCF)

July 19 VK3 GippsTech 2016 Churchill )

Sep 23-25 VK4 Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend
Lake Maraboon Holiday Village, near Emerald. (theTARCinc)
Sep-Oct 30-3 VK4 Cardwell Gathering Long Weekend, Beachcomber Motel(theTARCinc)

Nov 6 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am! (VK5KC)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.


================================================== ===========================
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-

Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to

from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address

You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


Vk1wia-news mailing list

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