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[email protected] July 19th 16 04:23 PM

[RAC-Bulletin] Call for Nominations of Candidates for Regional Director to serve onthe RAC Board of Directors for the Regions of Atlantic, BritishColumbia/Yukon, Midwest and Ontario North/East

*Call for Nominations of Candidates for Regional Director to serve on the
Board of Directors of Radio Amateurs of Canada Inc.*

The Secretary of Radio Amateurs of Canada Inc. hereby solicits nominations
for the positions of Director for the Regions of Atlantic, British
Columbia/Yukon, Midwest and Ontario North/East (postal codes K and P). If
required, elections for these positions will be held in October 2016 to
take office on January 1, 2017 for a two-year term.


*Atlantic:* Everett Price, VO1DK

*British Columbia/Yukon:* William (Bill) Gipps, VE7ISV/VE7XS; tenure

*Midwest: *Derek Hay, VE4HAY; tenure completed

*Ontario North/East:* Allan Boyd, VE3AJB

1. The Candidate:

- must be a Full Voting Member of RAC
- must have reached the legal age of majority
- must reside in the Region for which he or she is nominated

2. A candidate may not nominate himself/herself.

3. The nomination form will:

- be printed or typed
- clearly indicate the candidate’s name, call sign and RAC membe
- clearly indicate the names, call signs, RAC membership numbers and
original signatures of ten (10) or more full voting members of RAC

4. The nominators must have reached the legal age of majority and must
reside in the same Region as the candidate whom they are nominating.

5. Each candidate must:

- sign the nomination form, indicating a willingness to be nominated
- include with the nomination a brief biographical sketch/CV limited to
500 words succinctly setting out his/her background and qualifications.
candidate choosing to submit a biographical sketch in both English and
French languages will be allowed 500 words in each language. The
biographical sketch will not include any campaign platform material.

6. All *original nominations and supporting documentation, including the
biographical sketch*, must be *received *by the Secretary of RAC at the
address indicated below on or before Friday, September 16, 2016.

Candidates should consider the time required for delivery to ensure their
nomination documents are received on time.

*Faxed or emailed documents will not be accepted.*

- Clearly indicate on the mailing envelope that Nomination Documents are
- The envelope will be held unopened until after the closing deadline of
September 16, 2016. After this date, the Election Committee, under the
supervision of the RAC Secretary, will open all submissions, review the
documentation for accuracy, completeness and validity, and then announce
the results of the Call for Nominations. The decision of the Election
Committee is final.
- Should a balloted election be required in any of the regions, ballots
will be mailed from RAC Headquarters on or before September 30, 2016.

Nominations must be sent to the following address:

Secretary, Radio Amateurs of Canada
720 Belfast Road, Suite 217
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5

Clearly indicate on the envelope: “Nomination Documents”.

*Alan GriffinRAC MarCom Director*

720 Belfast Road, #217
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5
613-244-4367, 1- 877-273-8304

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