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QSO Today via Admin September 4th 16 09:12 AM

[QSO Today] W7KFI
QSO Today Amateur RAdio Podcast - Podcasts


Posted: 02 Sep 2016 06:34 AM PDT

Episode 109 - Susan Meckley - W7KFI There is no time like the present to
sail the South Pacific, solo, with amateur radio. This is exactly what
Susan Meckley, W7KFI, did for almost twenty years until she retired from
the open seas at almost eighty years of age. As a ham for almost seventy
years, Susan developed a love for 20 meter CW and sailing. She combined
them both in her journey that she shares with Eric, 4Z1UG, in this QSO
Today. Show Notes
Listen to Podcast
First Elmer: George Ulm, W9EVT - George has an impressive station
with hundreds of radios.

National HRO-60 General Coverage Receiver

First Rig:National HRO-70 receiver - I could not find this rig on line.
Transmitter - metal inverted 6L6 running in oil3476 Crystal

First License: W9SOC. Novice, 1949,
General Class upgrade: 1950
Extra Class upgrade: 2016

When sending CW - send at the speed of the station

Navel CW Operator, Bainbridge, MD

Danny Weil VP2VB, Yasme - sailed around the World in the Yasme

Transoceanic sail boat, 46 foot
Challenger sail boat, 32 foot was Susans boat the Darma

Susans Website on

Treasure Island Yacht Club member

Monterey Bay moorings

Orca whale

Darmas Electronics:Icom IC-718 with Pactor emailYaesu FT-847Elecraft
K3Radar private sail boatForward looking sonarAutomatic Identification
SystemAntenna tunerBackstay antenna
Generation 3 night vision

G5RV Antenna

Pacific Seafarers Net 14.300 Mhz

Boeing Space Launch Platform at Sea

Island of Socorro, Mexican military station, active volcano.

Panga boat

Long liners - fish nets that are miles in length

REM Sleep -

Solo sailor sleep deprivation

Art Bell, W6OBB & Susan Meckley, W7KFI - Solo Sailing the Pacific

Filling a Fire Extinguisher with Cayenne Pepper?

Sail Mail

WinLink send global email over HF frequencies

Sturgeon for land sickness

Hurricane Marty

Johnston Island, Marshall Islands,

US Fish and Wildlife

CPR to Dog

Pucker factor - when terror causes your "cheeks" to contract to the surface
you are sitting on.

Mines still in the sea

Abandoned boats in marinas

Current Rig: computer with Remote on 20 CW

Susan Meckley Biography The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO
today is available from here.

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National HRO-60 GC Receiver Icom IC-718 Elecraft
K3 HF Transceiver On the Dock with W7KFI

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