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This Week's News IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 18th September 2016 __________________________________________________ ________________ Silent Key - John A.C. Breen EI7BV The funeral of John Breen EI7BV took place at Terenure College Chapel on Thursday last 15th September. A large number of radio amateurs were present including IRTS President Gerry Gervin EI8CC and Vice-President Jim Holohan EI4HH. John was a very active member of South Dublin Radio Club and at last Tuesday's meeting the news of his passing was met with shock and sadness. Spontaneous tributes to John were paid by many of the over 20 present in the club. May he rest in peace __________________________________________________ ________________ Contest Results Results of the August 2 Metres Counties Contest have been published. The Contest Results page at www.irts.ie/results has links to these results. Activity levels were low, 13 station logs were submitted, showing just 23 EI/GI counties active on the day, with the best representation from counties in the northern part of the country. A diary date for contesters: our first ever Autumn 40 metres counties contest takes place on Sunday 9th October; more details in later news bulletins. __________________________________________________ ________________ Echo Ireland Quite a few outdoor activities are covered in the September issue of Echo Ireland. Norby LX1NO/EI8KD describes a hectic visit to EI during which he activated all five EI/EJ IOTA groups as well as undertaking several SOTA activations. And speaking of SOTA, an article by John EI3KA the Association Manager for Ireland of the Summits On The Air programme, suggests how best to plan a successful SOTA activation. Staying with the "outdoor" theme, the latest Echo Ireland includes some interesting photos of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group's activation of the Copper Coast Geopark, as well as Avondhu Radio Club members operating in VHF/UHF Field Day and Cork Radio Club's CW Field Day operation. Anyone studying for the amateur station licence examination, or providing a course or other assistance to a candidate for this exam will find lots of useful information in the latest report from the IRTS Examination Board, which highlights some of the areas that have caused problems for candidates in recent exams, and suggests possible ways of addressing such difficulties. HF operating is well covered in this issue, with the regular HF Happenings column by Anthony EI2KC and a report on the new EI DX group's participation - as the society's HQ Station - in the IARU HF World Championship. The Contest News column covers recent IRTS contests and some suggestions for possible changes to the contest calendar and rules for 2017; the contest manager, Joe EI7GY is looking for feedback on these suggestions. The September Echo Ireland includes many other articles and updates, and was mailed to members during the week. __________________________________________________ ________________ South Dublin Radio Club As a mark of respect to the late John Breen EI7BV R.I.P, there is no club meeting this week Tuesday 20th September. Morse classes will resume the following week (27th September). __________________________________________________ ________________ JOTA The Scout Jamboree on the Air, JOTA, takes place next month on the weekend of 15th and 16th October. Scouting Ireland and IRTS are making a special effort to increase activity and a number of radio clubs and individual operators have already indicated their intention to take part. Activity can be for the whole weekend, just one day or even a few hours. This is a really worthwhile activity for both Scouting and Amateur Radio and will help promote the hobby particularly amongst teenagers and young adults. If you can help out either by hosting some scouts at your station or giving a hand at the local club station please contact Paul EI2CA QTHR or mobile 087 2523908. There is a particularly active and enthusiastic scout group in Ashbourne County Meath who want to team up with a club or individual operators. They are well resourced and have a premises in the town complete with a mobile antenna tower. Let us know if you can help. __________________________________________________ ________________ Kerry Amateur Radio Group In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Transatlantic Cable from Valentia Island, County Kerry to Hearts Content, Newfoundland, the Kerry Amateur Radio Group will be undertaking a HF linkup with the Radio Amateurs of Canada, operating as VO1TAC, as part of their AGM on Saturday 10th Sept. The Radio Amateurs of Canada AGM is being held in conjunction with the Hearts Content cable station 150th anniversary Hamfest. The Hearts Content cable station is the site of the first permanent transatlantic cable coming ashore from Europe in 1866. It is planned that Cyrus Field IV will make the first QSO from the AGM with EI1K at the Valentia Cable Station, to mark this historic event. The Expeditionary Radio Team will rig the antenna system for two stations operated by Kerry Amateur Radio Group members from 40m to 10m on SSB and CW from 1100UTC until 1900UTC in WAI square V47 on Saturday 10th September. I addition to Saturday's operation, the Kerry Amateur Radio Group will be putting on a public display at South Kerry Ploughing Championship at Flemings Farm in Fossa, Killarney, County Kerry. The show opens to public 11am to 6pm Sunday 11th September. There will be one station set up with the focus on demonstrating to the public on what amateur radio is about. __________________________________________________ ________________ DX News Andy DL3YM will be active again from Uganda using the callsign 5X8B from 21st September to 1st October. He will operate mainly CW during his spare time and his station will be located on the campus of Nkumba University in Entebbe. QSL to his home call and logs will also be uploaded to Logbook of The World. A group of 6 operators from the Czech Republic will operate as D66D from the Comoros Islands from 18th to 30th September. QSLs can be requested through ClubLog's OQRS . Bruce 3W3B will reactivate his XW4XR callsign in Laos from 19th to 30th September. QSL Manager is E21EIC. Les NI1L will be QRV as VK9LN from Lord Howe Island from 20th to 27th September. He will operate holiday style and mainly use CW on 40m to 10m. QSL to his home call. __________________________________________________ ________________ Digicon 2016 24 September 10.30am to 5pm Admittance - £3 Venue: Portadown Golf Club, 192 Gilford Road, Portadown BT63 5LF The days agenda will consist of talks on digital voice and other digital modes. Attractions: Catering, Lectures/Seminars, RSGB Book Stall Contact: Philip Hosey, MI0MSO, 07849025760. Email rm8 /at/ rsgb.org.uk. __________________________________________________ ________________ Items for inclusion in next week's Radio News can be submitted via e-mail to "newsteam /at/ irts / dot / ie" for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. Urgent news items for the radio news may be telephoned to the radio news editor, Aidan, EI7JC on 085 7100511. Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no later than midday on Thursday in order to be guaranteed inclusion in the following Sunday's bulletin. [C] News Archives |
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