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/////////////////////////////////////////// YB4IR/8 Lucipara Island Posted: 11 Nov 2016 07:10 AM PST http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?thre...island.544135/ Imam, YB4IR inform dxnews.com that he will be active again from Lucipara Island, Lucipara Islands (IOTA OC-274), 14 - 18 November 2016 as YB4IR/8. http://dxnews.com/yb4ir-8-lucipara/ View attachment 329745 /////////////////////////////////////////// Tlthon France: indicatif spcial TM77T Posted: 11 Nov 2016 02:33 AM PST http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?thre...-tm77t.544110/ Cette année, le radioclub F6KBM (77 Cesson) soutient le Téléthon. Pour cette occasion, la station sera animée toute la nuit du vendredi 2 au samedi 3 décembre 2016 et des appels aux dons seront envoyés dans le monde entier ! Un pot-commun a dores-et-déjÃ* été mis en place afin que vous puissiez faire vos dons: Le Pot Commun – TM77T https://www.lepotcommun.fr/pot/tmphlcfi Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir durant cette soirée. Venez nombreux et avec vos équipements ! /////////////////////////////////////////// USS Midway (NI6IW) Special Event: Veterans Day and USMC Birthday Posted: 10 Nov 2016 04:29 PM PST http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?thre...rthday.544065/ The USS Midway aircraft carrier museum ship (NI6IW) in San Diego CA will be conducting a Special Event this Saturday November 12, 2016 commemorating Veterans Day and the establishment of the US Marine Corps on November 10, 1775. We will be operating from 1700Z to 2400Z. We will be on SSB 14.320 and 7.250, PSK on 14.070 and D-STAR on REF001C. For QSL card please send self-addressed stamped envelope to: USS Midway Museum Ship Radio Room, QRZ 910 N Harbor Drive San Diego CA 92101 /////////////////////////////////////////// Summit to Summit event 19th. November between NA and EU. Posted: 10 Nov 2016 12:43 PM PST http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?thre...and-eu.544045/ Following the success of the Australia-Europe Summit-to-Summit event in October, one between Europe and North America is now to take place from 1400 to 1700 UTC on Saturday the 19th. of November 2016. At the time of writing 31 stations in Europe, North America and even Africa, have indicated their intention to participate. SSB, CW and PSK are planned on 15, 17 & 20m (depending upon... Summit to Summit event 19th. November between NA and EU. |
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