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Ham Radio 360 via Admin February 17th 18 07:18 AM

Ham Radio 360: Shopping List Show
Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Shopping List Show

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 10:08 AM PST

Ham Radio Shopping List

Welcome to the Other Ham Radio Podcast!Â* With Christmas in sight and Black
Friday rapidly approaching, Fo Time brings you another Shopping List Show
for the Amateur Radio Operator!

George and Jeremy drop by to help sift through the chaff as we explore what
and why to buy this year!Â* From HF rigs to Station Accessories we cover it

Gifts under $100

ARRL handbook and CD ROM 49.95
Ham Radio Deluxe software99.95
Soldering station Hakko FX888D or Weller WESD51
Hand tools wire cutters, needle nose pliers, screwdrivers
Digital multi-meter
Raspberry PI 2 Model B 39.95
Raspberry PI Starter Pack 59.95
Membership in the ARRL & QST magazine subscription $39
CQ magazine subscription Â*Â* $37
100 RG-8X or RG-213 coax $120
Bag of coax connectors PL-259, RG8X and RG58 sleeves, N
Bag of adapters UHF to BNC to N Â*- great stocking stuffers
Winkeyer kit WKUSB-SMT Â*$89

Anderson Power Pole Crimper $37

Happy Thanksgiving Yall!


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Ham Radio 360: Listening to the Spectrum

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 11:31 AM PST

Ham Radio-Listening to the Spectrum.

A few months ago, Jeremy (KF7IJZ) and I were texting back and forth on show
ideas.Â* He suggested we do a Radio Spectrum Show.Â* In Episode 38, that is
exactly what we begin to do!

Some newer hams may not be aware of what is out there to listen to.Â* Some
may not know why they should or even how to listen to it.

There are receivers for everything.Â* Some are low-cost like the RTL-SDR
dongle. Others are simple SWL Radios.Â* There are also specialized receivers
for certain parts of the spectrum (ex: Police/Fire Scanners).

While we try to cover it all, we also try to keep from getting bogged down
too often (there is a lot to cover).Â* This is the Overview Program,Â* we
have plans to bring you specific Band and Gear shows in the very near

Thanks for listening!

Beverage Antennas

Numbers Station in Ukraine

Addendum:Â* Freudian SlipLow-Fers not sure what happend there but my
apologies to the Low-fers (loafers) at LWCA.orgÂ* and, like you Ive been
laughing since I heard it. *insert embarrassed emoji*

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Ham Radio 360: Your 2nd HT. Choices, Options, Reasons

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 11:40 AM PDT

Almost Every New Ham in the US, it seems, begins their jump into the hobby
with the Low-Cost Chinese handi-talkie (HT).Â* In many cases they soon find
themselves looking for a more user-friendly option.Â* What features do they
look for? Whats important-whats not?

Ed Bradshaw, W4EDF, has some well thought out opinions on the subject and
shares them with us in Episode 37.

You may remember mentions of Ed throughout our programs over the first
season.Â* Well, its Season 2 and here he is.Â* Like most of us new guys, Eds
working it all out for his specific end goals-with the obligatory stumbling
blocks provided by the Game of Life.

This show was not an attempt to disregard the intro-level HT, but a means
to help those along looking for an Upgrade.Â* We all like new toys, right?Â*
After listening to Episode 36, Ed determined it was time to delve into
DStar and purchased himself the ICOM I-51a Plus (shown above).

From battery chemistry and charging circuits, to display size and memory
banks-we discuss the ins and outs of the higher end Handi-Talkies.Â* We
touch on most current models and try to highlight their commonalities and

Not all HTs are created equal, and if youve been licensed for any length of
time, you pretty much know that.Â* Some new operators may need some help
wading through the morass of specs and thats the purpose of this show!

Here are some of Eds videos, from KF7IJZ

As Mentioned:

Linux in the HamShack Podcast

Episode 36-DStar

ARRL QST Magazine

KF7IJZ You Tube Channel

The ID-51A Plus uses 2.5A while transmitting 5W. The charger is rated at
2A.Â* That is the reason you dont want to use it for anything but charging.Â*
You would probably be OK on lower power but its best to have a dedicated
power source.

Icom says that you can use the car charger for operation but the manual
states: NOTE: Up to 5 W (approximately) of maximum out-put power is
possible when using external DC power. However, when the supply voltage
exceeds 14 V, the built-in protection circuit activates to reduce the
transmit output power to approximately 2.5 W.

So, as always, check your manual before using your charger during transmit.

Thanks for listening, sharing, subscribing, reviewing and supporting!

73 Yall


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