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TWIAR via Admin April 4th 20 05:04 AM

[TWIAR] Circuit Board for Bare-Bones Ventilator Moves Toward Production with Radio Amateurs Help

TWIAR News Feed

Circuit Board for Bare-Bones Ventilator Moves Toward Production with Radio
Amateurs Help

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

We know many examiners have canceled amateur radio license exam sessions to
meet the requirements and recommendations of national and local government
and of health officials.Â*The health and safety of examinees and our
Volunteer Examiners (VEs) is first and foremost in any decision-making
process.Â*The ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) does not offer
video-supervised online amateur radio licensing exams at the present time.
We are aware, however, that some VE teams are exploring alternative formats
on a local basis. Please use ARRL’sÂ*License Exam SearchÂ*to find scheduled
exam sessions in your area and verify with the local exam team that the
session is still being held.

To All ARRL Members and ARRL VEC Accredited Volunteer Examiners

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

We know many examiners have canceled amateur radio license exam sessions to
meet the requirements and recommendations of national and local government
and of health officials.Â*The health and safety of examinees and our
Volunteer Examiners (VEs) is first and foremost in any decision-making
process.Â*The ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) does not offer
video-supervised online amateur radio licensing exams at the present time.
We are aware, however, that some VE teams are exploring alternative formats
on a local basis. Please use ARRL’sÂ*License Exam SearchÂ*to find scheduled
exam sessions in your area and verify with the local exam team that the
session is still being held.

International Marconi Day 2020 has been Canceled

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

The annual International Marconi Day (IMD) ham radio operating event that
was set to take place on April 25 has been canceled because of the
coronavirus pandemic. The 24-hour amateur radio event celebrates the birth
of Marconi on April 25, 1874. Sponsored by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club,
which operates as GB4IMD, International Marconi Day features participating
stations operating at sites hav...

Some Countries Permitting "STAYHOME"-Suffix Call Signs during COVID-19

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

Some countries around the world are allowing radio amateurs to use special
“STAYHOME” call sign suffixes. For example, listen for 8A1STAYHOME from
Indonesia, and A60STAYHOME/# call signs from the United Arab Emirates. In
Canada, Michael Shamash, VE2MXU, is using VC2STAYHOM “to raise awareness
for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Canada limits call
sign suffixes to seven character...

Spain Grants Unlicensed Individuals Permission to Use Amateur Stations
During Lockdown

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

Spain’s International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society URE has
obtained temporary permission from the country’s telecommunications
regulator for unlicensed people to use amateur stations during the
coronavirus lockdown. “The main objective of the request is to disseminate
and promote amateur radio among schoolchildren who must be confined at
home,” the announcement from the Ministry of ...

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