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Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed[_3_] May 24th 21 11:26 PM

[Southgate] Changes to the RSGB 50MHz awards

Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed

Foundations of Amateur Radio


Streaming a dozen repeaters with an RTL-SDR dongle - A while ago as part of
my ongoing exploration into all things radio I came across a utility called
rtlsdr-airband. It's a tool that uses a cheap software defined radio dongle
to listen to a station frequency or channel and send it to a variety of
different outputs

Changes to the RSGB 50MHz awards


The RSGB Awards Manager has reviewed the current 50MHz awards offered by
the Society and concluded that the existing 50MHz 2-Way Countries and 50MHz
DX Countries awards are significantly duplicating each other

ARISS contact with school in Valdivia, Chile


An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Mark Vande Hei KG5GNP
with students at Windsor School and Liceo Industrial de Valdivia High
School, Valdivia, Chile

VK6WIA NewsWest


NewsWest for Sunday 23rd May 2021 is the New Amateurs Edition, and we turn
our attention to new Amateurs by acknowledging those who have gained a new
license, and by offering advice, information and resources to newcomers to
Amateur Radio

County supervisors shine spotlight on Ramona radio hams


The Ramona Sentinel reports amateur radio operators in Ramona are being
recognized for their dedication to emergency communications

Announcing: 2021 Inductees to the CQ Amateur Radio, Contesting and DX Halls
of Fame


CQ magazine is pleased to announce its 2021 Hall of Fame inductees,
including two new members each for the CQ DX Hall of Fame and the CQ
Contest Hall of Fame, along with six inductees to the CQ Amateur Radio Hall
of Fame. This year's inductions are again being conducted online due to
event cancellations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic

CubeSatSim PCB's Version 1.0 available at AMSAT Store

Posted: ail

The first release Version 1.0 of the AMSAT CubeSat Simulator printed
circuit boards (PCBs) are now available for a donation at the AMSAT Store

Next Generation Beacon installed at Bethlehem

Posted: il

On Wednesday 19 May, Brian, ZS6YZ and Danie, ZR6AGB travelled to Bethlehem
and with the assistance of Rickus, ZS4A, replaced the current CW beacon
with the new generation beacon

Solar flare frenzy and CME


On Saturday, the sun produced a sequence of solar flares unlike anything
we've seen in years

DX News from the ARRL


The American Radio Relay League's round-up of the forthcoming week's DX
activity on the amateur radio bands

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