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![]() SB DX @ WW KB8NW $OPDX.743 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 743 The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 743 BID: $OPDX.743 January 16, 2006 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio) Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NG3K, W3TN, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4UEE, K4VUD, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4BAA, N7NG/1, N7OU, K8ND, N8PR, K8YSE, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, DL3APO, EA5KY, F5NQL & UFT, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, F8DVD, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK7JWX, IZ8CCW, JI6KVR & JA-IOTA Islands News, OE1EMS, OE3JAG, OH2BN, OH2HAN, SM5DQC, VA3RJ & ICPO and VE6LB/VA6XDX for the following DX information. DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 8th/January, through Sunday, 15th/January there were 211 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY9, D2, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, JA, JD/M, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XZ, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL). 3Y0X NEWS (Update: PRESS RELEASE 2006-5). Ralph/KØIR and Bob/K4UEE, Peter I DXpedition co-leaders, sent out the following press release dated January 10th, 2006: "We are pleased to announce that the 3Y0X DXpedition has been given a substantial grant by the ARRL/Colvin Award. This is a prestigious award and is important to our overall DXpedition financing. Our special thanks to the Awards Committee. Our twenty-two-man team now includes Wayne, KU4V and Robert, SP5XVY. Their special expertise rounds out the team. Our sea container containing all of our equipment, and most of the team's personal gear is aboard the vessel DAP Mares which is now in the S. Shetland Islands. Our foodstuffs are also aboard after being purchased in Punta Arenas, Chile. The team will be reunited with their equipment and gear on or about February 2nd to begin the 4 day voyage to Peter I. Remember these dates are target dates and weather dependent. The team has been assigned the special Chilean Antarctic callsign of XR9A for use to/from Peter I. We hope to be QRV from Punta Arenas for a few days and then maritime mobile to and from Peter I. There is also a possibility that the team will also be QRV from the S. Shetlands for a few days after the Peter I DXpedition is complete. Our website, www.peterone.com, will be updated regularly and should be checked often. The website should be considered the best source of updated and correct DXpedition news direct from the DXpedition leaders. We are currently designing a special "souvenir " QSL card to commemorate your QSOs. Please QSL via N2OO. Please visit our website often as we have worked hard to enable you to be a part of this incredible adventure. We are seeking financial support, so consider a donation please! Pay Pal is accepted!" 4Z, ISRAEL. Alex, 4Z5KJ, will be active as 4Z5J in the CQ WW 160M CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via W0MM. 6O, SOMALIA (Just A Reminder!). Eight Italian operators will operate from Somalia for two weeks starting January 19th. Operators mentioned a Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano/I2YSB, Carlo/IK1AOD, Carlo/IK1HJS, Vini/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA and Adriano/IK2GNW. They will operate as 6O0N (in memory of Adam Nuur Maxamed Islam) with three stations on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via I2YSB, direct (Silvano Borsa, Vle Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara, Italy) or by the bureau (E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to , a form is available on the Web site). The pilot for the operation will be Gianni, IS0VSG ( ). Further information, updates, pictures and logs will be posted to: http://www.i2ysb.com 9N, NEPAL. Operators Stig/LA7JO and Pop/YU7EF will be active as 9N7JO during the CQ WW 160M CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL via address on QRZ.com. 9Q, DEM. REP. OF CONGO. Pierre-Luc, F5HRH, will be active as 9Q/F5HRH/p from January 22-28th. No other details were provided (bands/modes). QSL via his home callsign. C6, BAHAMAS. Operators Bob/N4BP (C6AKQ), Kevin/K4PG (C6APG), Bruce/W4OV (C6AOV) and Pete/N8PR (C6AHR) will each operate in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as Single-Band entries on 160, 80, 40, and 15 meters. The group will be there on Monday, February 13th, and probably will be on the air by Tuesday. They will try to operate extensively on the WARC bands before the contest. Plans are to leave on February 20th. QSL to their home callsigns via QRZ.com. C6, BAHAMAS. Steve, AK0M, will be active as C6ASB from Abaco Island NA-080), February 15-22nd. He will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th), category not known at this time. QSL via AK0M (QRZ.com). CE3, CHILE. Salvatore, IZ8CLM, is active as CE3/IZ8CLM through January 18th. Sal is in Chile for his job but will be on the air during his free time on HF. He was heard this past week on 20/17/15 meters SSB. CE0, JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLANDS (Update). The CE0Z team reports everything is a go for their January 21-28th operation. All operators are confirmed, equipments and antennas are ready to go and airplanes tickets and the hostelling are confirmed. The list of operators a Guillermo/XQ3SA (Team Leader), Maite/CE3BYL, Gerard/F2JD, Pedro/CE3BFZ, Hector/CE3VII, Dave/K4SV, Bill/N2WB, Bob/N6OX, Ignacio/CE3GFN, Sergio/CE3GL and Juan/ CE3GRG. Suggested frequencies a CW - 1820, 3540, 7020, 10110, 14040, 18080, 21040, 24890, 28040 and 50110 SSB - 1840, 3795, 7060, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 and 50110 kHz For the latest news visit: http://www.ce3bsq.cl/ce0z/index.html The log will be put online at: http://www.ce3bsq.cl/ce0z/log.htm QSL Managers a N2OO - ROBERT W SCHENCK, PO BOX 345, TUCKERTON NJ 08087, USA F6AJA - JEAN MICHEL DUTHILLEUL, 515 RUE DU PETIT HEM, 59870 BOUVIGNIES, FRANCE CE3BSQ - RADIOCLUB MANQUEHUE, P.O. BOX 27064, SANTIAGO, CHILE CT3, MADEIRA ISLAND. Karl, OE3JAG, will be active from Madeira (AF-014 Grid Loc.: IM12) as CT3/OE3JAG between May 15-22nd. His activity will be QRP with dipole or a long wire mainly on CW, PSK and RTTY on 20 and 30 meters. QSL via his home callsign. Visit his Web page at: http://www.oe3jag.com CU2 & V31, AZORES AND BELIZE. Martti/OH2BH and Pertti/OH2PM will be cruising in the Caribbean with their ladies to activate Belize in both ARRL International DX Contests as V31BH and V31PP, respectively, as a Multi-Operator/All-Bands entry (CW: February 18-19th and SSB: March 4-5th). On the way to the Caribbean, Martti will stop over in the Azores to activate CU2A in the CQ 160-Meter CW Contest (January 28-29th). QSLs to their respective home callsigns. DXCC NEWS.............. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager, informs OPDX that the following operations has been approved for DXCC credit: D2DX - Angola, current operation as of December 15th, 2004 KH9/W0CN - Wake Island, September 17-28th, 2005 RECENT KP5 OPERATIONS - As of Monday, January 9th, Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager, informed James, W0WOI: "We have heard absolutely nothing from them. We do need to see that they had permission to go there and we hope to hear from them soon." FG, GUADELOUPE (Update). Jacques, F6HMJ, will be here from February 3rd to March 7th. He will use the callsign TO2FG from February 17th to March 3rd. Look for him to use the TO2ANT callsign during the 3rd Antarctic Actiivity Week (AAW - February 20-26th). During his stay he will try to be active from La Desirade Island. Activity will be on 80-10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via F6HMJ. FT5W & FT5X, CROZET AND KERGUELEN ISLANDS. Gildas, TU5KG, is heading back to the Austral Sea (in Southern Indian Ocean) on a fishing boat. He is expected to be around the Kerguelen Island (FT5X) area between January 15th and February 3rd. After that, the boat is going to travel around the Crozet Island area until early March before heading back around Kerguelen area again until the end of March. Gildas is expected to operate as FT5XP from Kerguelen and FT5WK (probably) from Crozet. GJ2/MJ0, JERSEY. Rich, K2WR, will be active as GJ2A during the CQ WW 160M CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via K2WR (for USA) and GJ3DVC (for non-USA). Before the contest look for activity on CW and SSB by Rich as MJ0AWR. Send E-mail for skeds to: HB0, LEICHTENSTEIN (Topband Activity). If you still need HB0 on topband look for the following operators to be active between January 25th and February 2nd: Danny/N4EXA (HB0/T93M), Boris (HB0/T93Y), Mario/DJ2MX (HB0/T94DX), Braco/OE1EMS (HB0/T94JJ) and Ivek (HB0/T96Q). The group will be active during the CQ WW DX 160m CW Contest (January 28-29th) using the callsign HB0/T94DX. Before and after the contest they will operate with 3 stations on all HF bands but will focus on 160 and 80 meters. They will use vertical, dipole´s, loop´s (K9AY; maybe beverage RX) on the low bands. The QTH will be the same as the recent HB0/DL2OBO operation. HC2, ECUADOR. Luis, EA7OC, will be active from here between February 10-27th. He has all the correct papers but doesn't know what his callsign will be until he arrives in Guayaquil. It will probably be HC2/EA7OC. His activity will be mainly from Guayaquil, but he hopes to be active from other cities in the Guayas Province. QSL via EA7OC, directly or via the EA Bureau. HS0, THAILAND (Topband Activity). Ian, HS0ZGL, announced that he will be active in the CQ WW 160M CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Single-Op/ Low-Power entry. The Thai band is only between 1.800-1.825 MHz. QSL via HS0ZGL. IOTA NEWS..................... SA-064. (Correction!) In last week's OPDX.742, we had the wrong IOTA listed (SA-046) for Marco's, CE6TBN/7, activity this past weekend from Las Huichas Island (DICE ICE-705). QSL via CE6TBN. KP3, PUERTO RICO. Brooke, N2BA, will be active as KP3/N2BA in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via WA3RHW. Look for his XYL Eve, N2GSG, before and after the contest. MJ, JERSEY. Operators Jim/N1NK, Craig/K3PLV, Pete/K8PT and Tom/W8JWN will be active here signing MJ/homecall from March 15-18th. Bands and modes of activity were not provided. QSL via their home cllsigns. OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Operators OH2NAK, OH3BHL, OH6GAZ, OH6HJE, OH6HZH, OH6KTS, OH6OKSA, OH9MDV and OH9MM will be active as OH0Z in the CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest (February 11-12th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via W0MM. Depending on the conditions, they may try Multi/Multi. P4, ARUBA. Paolo, I2UIY, will be active as P40G during the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (February 11-12th) and the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th). Operation class is to be determined (TBD). QSL via I2EOW. PACIFIC 2006 DXPEDITION TOUR. Members of the Central German Contest Group will be heading to the Pacific between January 14th and March 3rd, and plan to activate several different island. Operators mentioned are Wolfgang (Wulf)/DL1AWI, Matthias (Mat)/DL5XU and Erik/DL9AWI. Their planned scheduled is: January 15-28th - From Ua Pou Island (OC-027) (Marquesa Islands, FO-023) February 1-14th - From Raivavae (OC-114) (Austral Islands, FO-122) After February 14th - They will travel to the Auckland (OC-036), New Zealand, and spend the rest of the time there. Callsigns will be announced later, but they will be active as ZL/homecall/m from New Zealand. They will try to run two stations using a FT-847, FT-890 or IC-706 MKII, w/Amp 800w into Antenna tuners, vertical antennas as well as three fiberglass rods and plenty of wire for beverage antennas. Activity will have an emphasis on the lower bands, especially 160m. Their Web site will be updated frequently at: http://www.radioklub.de/cgcg QSL cards for these activities all go via DL3APO. PJ2, NETHERLAND ANTILLES. Members of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium (CCC) will activate Signal Point Station on Curacao during the last few weeks in January. Look for Joe/W9JUV and Bill/W9VA to be active from Signal Point Station between January 19-27th. QSL via their home callsign. Also, look for Jeff, K8ND, to be operating from the Signal Point Station between January 23-31st. He activity will include the CQWW 160 Meter CW Contest (January 28-29th) as PJ2T and as a Single-Op entry. Before and after the contest Jeff will be focusing on 80 and 40 meters and testing receiving antennas on 160 meters. QSL PJ2/K8ND via LoTW or his home callsign. QSL PJ2T via LoTW or N9AG as always. Visit the CCC Web site at: http://www.pj2t.org LAST MINUTE ADDITION: Members of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium (CCC) will activate Signal Point Station on Curacao during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 4-5th) as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned a W9JUV, NW0L, W0CG, K8ND, WB9Z, KB0US, KB0UT and KB0VVT. QSL via N9AG. QSL INFO AND NEWS.................... LOTW WAS OFF-LINE THIS PAST WEEKEND. Wayne Mills, N7NG/1, ARRL Manager of the Membership Services Department, announced in the middle of last week: "The LoTW system will be off-line for maintenance this coming weekend. It will be shut down at 8:00 AM EST (1300Z) on Saturday, January 14TH, and will return to service at 8:00 AM (1300Z) on Monday, January 16TH." 3C2MV BUREAU QSLS. Gerry, VE6LB/VA6XDX, reports that all the bureau cards for 3C2MV have been processed and sent to the VE outgoing bureau. He states, "Thanks to RAC and Nenad, VE3EXY, for handling these bureau cards as well as Rich, VE6AX, for helping with the processing. All special PX cards for VE6JO have been cleared as well. Regular VE6JO and UA6U/VE6JO cards were processed as well but the older logs were not clear on already sent cards. If you don't get you cards for any VE6JO operation please resubmit to VE6LB at the QRZ.com address." Tom, DL2OBO, reports that the log and pictures for his recent HB0 operation is now online at: http://www.hosenose.com/dl2obo KG4SB QSL INFO. Jose Castillo, N4BAA, reports that he now has a QSL Manager to assist him with QSLs. QSLs can go to Jose or via Rod, EA7JX, for all 2006 KG4SB contacts. Either QSL route will be good for ALL QSOs! Alfredo, IK7JWX, informs OPDX that he is the QSL Manager for the Sazan Island (EU-169) ZA0IS and ZA0/IK7JWX activity between December 18-23rd "ONLY" (via the bureau, direct, or E-mail at: ). For other dates and other ZA callsign (ZA1KP - ZA5G - ecc...), QSL direct to ZA1FD: Fatos Demeti, P.O.Box 1439, Tirane, Albania. S9, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE. Jose/CT1APE and Filipe/CT2GLO will once again be active from Ilheu das Rolas (AF-023) between January 18-28th. The callsign they will use is S92RI. Activity will be on all bands and modes. QSL via CT1APE. SOUTH PACIFIC DXPEDITION (Update). Bob/W7YAQ and Bill/N7OU will be heading to the South Pacific in February and will activate three islands. Bill informs OPDX that their main interest is CW, but they plan to do some RTTY and SSB too. Activity will be on 80-10 meters. Here is the schedule Bill provided: February 16-24th - Rarotonga, South Cooks. W7YAQ will be ZK1YAQ and N7OU will be ZK1NOU. They will also be operating Multi/Single in the ARRL DX CW Contest as ZK1NOU. February 26-28th and March 11-13th - Nadi, Fiji. W7YAQ will be 3D2NB and N7OU will be 3D2OU. March 1-10th - Rotuma. W7YAQ will be 3D2RX and N7OU will be 3D2RO. They will also operate as Multi/Single in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as 3D2RX. QSL all callsigns via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau. Bureau QSLs can be obtained by E-mailing your info via: -or- SPECIAL EVENT. Due to a peace treaty signing during the Second World War, Finland had to rent Porkkala Cape to the Soviet Union for 50 years as a military base. That period started in the autumn of 1944, and the Finnish people living in that area had only 9 days time to move away before Soviet troups came in. During that time the whole area with a distance of only 30 kilometers to Helsinki was totally closed to the Finnish people and army. However, due to good relations in the international political climate that area was returned to Finland only after 11 years on the 26th of January 1956, which was a great relief to Finnish people. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this release, the a local Finnish radio amateur club station, OH2ET, will be on the air January 26th. Activity will be on SSB, CW and RTTY on mainly 80-20 meters. SU, EGYPT (Topband Activity). Hans, SM0CFO, is now active as SU9HP and has been listening for North America stations on 160 meters. Look for him between 1945-2300z. Hans is using an ICOM IC-736 "barefoot", 100 watts to a dipole. Hans is spending his winter in Egypt and will return to Sweden sometime in April. TZ, MALI. Paul, ON7ASL, will be active as TZ6PVI from Bamako. His activity will be mostly on 40 meters in the evening. QSL via his home callsign: Paul van Impe, Maleizenstraat 44, B-3020 Herent, BELGIUM, or QSL direct via ON4LN: Eric Lauwers, Benediktijnenlaan 25, B-3010 KESSEL-LO, VBT, BELGIUM. V2, ANTIGUA. John/G4RCG and Bruce/KI7VR will be active as V25G and V26VR, respectively, between January 18th and February 1st. They will be active on all bands operating mainly on CW with a special emphasis on 160, 80, 40 and 30 meters. Look for V25G to participate in the CQ 160M CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL both callsigns via G4OOC. VU4 PRESENTATION. Charles Harpole, K4VUD, now back in Florida for a couple of months, is scheduled to present an illustrated talk about the VU4 2004 DXpedition at the Miami Hamfest February 4-5th. Charles states, "I will have some different photos compared to my presentations at Visalia, W9DXCC and etc." ZP0, PARAGUAY. Tomas, ZP5AZL, will be active as ZP0R during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 4-5th). Operation class is unknown. QSL via W3HNK. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET HELP/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS: Help: mailto ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.papays.com/opdx.html ALSO VISIT THE NORTHERN OHIO DX ASSOCIATION'S WEB HOME PAGE: http://www.papays.com/nodxa.html -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to: - OR - Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at: 1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!) /EXIT -- Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - --or-- Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence") President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA) DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG) |
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