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Old January 26th 06, 12:36 AM posted to,,
Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
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Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #744

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 744

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 744
BID: $OPDX.744
January 23, 2006
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ
DX, KP4RV, K7BV, K8PT, K8YSE, W8QZA, NS0B, WØMM, Associazione Carabinieri
Radioamatori, DJ3FK, DK7PE, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, DL6KAC, F5NQL
Islands News, PA3GVI, PF5X, PS7DX, PY5EG, VA3RJ & ICPO, VK6JB and ZS5BBO
for the following DX information.

"Sorry NO report this week due to ISP problems!"

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3V8, TUNISIA. Frank, DJ3FK, informs OPDX that the Lufthansa Amateur Radio
Club (LARC) will be active as 3V8DLH from January 24-31st. Activity will
be on 160-6 meters on CW, SSB and Digital modes. There will be eight
operators. QSL Manager is DJ3FK. Rudi, DK7PE, mentioned on the "Topband
Reflector" that their 160/80/40m antenna will be a V160E TITANEX vertical.
He also mentions that he will try to show up during the CQ WW 160 Contest
for some hours hoping to give some stations a new one on 160m.
More info is availale at:

5X, UGANDA. Operator Shabu, 5X1RI, in Kampala, has been active and will
be here until February 2nd. Activity will be on 40/20/15 meters CW/SSB.
It is suggested to look for him daily on 7004 kHz starting around 2230z.

9G, GHANA. Alan, G3XAQ, will be active as 9G5XA from Accra, January 27th
to February 6th. Activity will be on HF CW. He will be using 100 watts
and a doublet antenna. QSL via G3SWH.

AH7, HAWAII. Bill, W8QZA, will be operating from KH6SQ's QTH for the
ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as AH7ZA. He will be operating
QRP on all bands. QSL via W8QZA. This is the first time that AH7ZA has
been used in a contest, so it will not be in the master file.

ANTARCTIC NEWS..........................
3RD AAW NEWS. Look for the following two French stations to be active
during the 3rd Antarctic Activity Week (AAW) to take place February
20-26th. These two callsigns will end with the suffix TAF (Which means
"Terres Australes Francaises" for the "French Australes Territories"
in the French language):
WAP-042 - Look for TM8TAF to be activated by a joint effort by the
Clipperton DX Club and the Bordeaux DX Group, February
13-23rd. Activity will be on CW, SSB, FM and the Digital
modes on HF and VHF. QSL via Laurent, F8BBL; the bureau
is preferred.

WAP-043 - Look for TM0TAF to be activated by the members of the
Provins ARS (F6KOP), from February 11-25th. Activity will
be on all modes, HF and VHF. QSL via Thierry, F4TTR.

AX, AUSTRALIA. Thursday, January 26th, is "Australia Day". Look for
Australian amateurs to use the AX prefix for 24 hours from 1301z Wednesday,
January 25th, until 1259z Thursday, January 26th. The West Coast will start
and finish 3 hours later than the East Coast as it runs from midnight to
midnight in each state of Australia. Some VK9's will start up to 3 hours
earlier, and others will finish up to 3 hours after Western Australia does.
John, VK6JB, states, "Its a bit of a dogs breakfast but just keep listening
and you will hear them come up." The AX prefix is usable by all VK amateurs
during this period. John, VK6JB, states, that he will be working 40 meters
SSB between 7040 and 7090 kHz. Many other operators will be on other bands
working, so listen for your chance to get a special AX prefix card. John
adds, "Please remember that there are QRP operators who want a chance to
get a card as well, so make sure you give them a go."

EA8, CANARY ISLANDS. Operator Leppala, OH2BYS, will be active as EA8/OH4NL
in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band
(20m or possibly 15/40m)/High-Power entry. QSL via OH2BYS.

FJ, ST. MARTIN. Ron, SM7DKF, will be active from St. Barthelemy (IOTA
NA-146, DIFO FJ-001), May 10-20th. His callsign was not provided. Activity
will be on all HF bands. QSL direct to his home callsign or LoTW.

Clint/W3ARS will arrive on St. Martin on February 15th and will depart
on February 22nd. Both will use the following callsigns:
FS/K3LP St. Martin, PJ7/K3LP St. Maarten
FS/W3ARS St. Martin, PJ7/W3ARS St. Maarten
Look for David to be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th)
as FS/K3LP and as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. Look for Clint to
be active on 6 meters and the WARC bands. QSL via the operators' home
callsign (

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Contest Club
(BHCC) will be active as HB0/homecall from here January 25th through
February 1st. Operators mentioned a Mario/T94DX (aka DJ2MX), Braco/T94JJ
(aka OE1EMS), Danny/T93M, Ivek/T96Q and Boris/T93Y. The group's main activity
is participation in the CQ WW 160m Contest as HB0/T94DX as a Multi-Single
entry. However, look for them before and after the contest on CW, SSB and
RTTY on 160-10 meters. They plan to have three stations active with vertical
and wire antennas. QSLs for HB0/T94DX, HB0/T94JJ and HB0/T93M are via
DJ2MX, by the DL Bureau or direct to: Mario Lovric, Kampenwandstrasse 13,
D-81671 Munich, Germany. QSL HB0/T96Q and HB0/T93Y via T93Y, by the T9
Bureau or direct to: Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina. More detailed information is available, including
the online logs, at:

HI, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Dennis, K7BV, will operate in the ARRL DX CW
Contest from the HI3CCP Santiago mountaintop QTH (See the following Web
page at: ). Dennis will sign HI3TEJ during
the contest. Look for H3I/K7BV to be used outside the contest. QSL HI3/K7BV
to his CBA. QSL HI3TEJ via ON4IQ.

IOTA NEWS.............................
AF-032. 5H1C DXPEDITION UPDATE. As this was being written, John/F5VHQ
and Pascal/F5JSD were flying to Dar Es Salaam. Once there they
will meet with Joseph, 5H3WJN, and then pick up their licence.
They will meet with the 2nd part of the crew on Tuesday, January
24th, and also meet with the Director of the local aircraft-taxi
company to carry them to Zanzibar Island. Their first QSOs
are expected on Tuesday the 24th in the afternoon. Visit the
following Web page for more updates/details at:

NA-093. Look for a group of Cubans to activate Cayo Jutias Island
starting around 1700z, January 23rd through January 28th. The
group will be operating from a lighthouse (CUB-022) on that
island. Activity will be on 40/20/17/15 meters. Their callsigns
a CO3JN/1 (PSK31), CO2WL/1 (SSB), CO3LF/1 (SSB), CO3CJ/1
(SSB), CO3VK/1 (SSB) and CO3ET/1 (CW). On Saturday, January
28th, they will use the different callsign, T41JM, to celebrate
the Cuban holiday "Jose Marti Day". QSL via IZ8EBI. More info
is available at:

NA-112. Dennis, WA2USA, will be active as WA2USA/4 from Bogue Banks,
Emerald Isle (USI NC-010S, Carteret county) located in Onslow
Bay, Maine, February 12-19th. He is also expected to enter
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Operator/
All-Band entry. Activity before and after the contest will
be on 30 and 17 meters. QSL via his home callsign, direct or
by the bureau.

NA-124. Operators Ray/N6VR, Norm/N6JV, Marco/XE2TG, Gerardo/XE2Q,
Bernado/XE2HWB and Hector/XE2K plan to be active on one of the
islands in the Baja California Sur State South East Group
(Espiritu Santo, Ballena or Cerralvo), February 3-5th. They
will use the callsign, XF1K, on 80-10 meters CW and SSB. They
are also expected to have 3 stations operating simultaniously.
Watch the usual IOTA frequencies (+/- QRM) for activity. QSL
via N6AWD (

SA-024. Rick/PY2EL and Wal/PY2WC will be active from Comprida Island
(DIB 21 for the Brazilian Islands Award), January 26-30th.
Both will sign homecall/p. Activity will be on all HF bands,
also 6 meters and 144/432 MHz, mostly on CW, SSB and digital
(PSK31/RTTY). QSL via the bureau.

J3, GRENADA. Bill, VE3EBN, will be active as J37LR from February 1st
to April 5th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters, on CW, SSB, RTTY and
PSK. QSL via the info on

J43, GREECE. Petros/SV3FUO and Nikos/SV3BSF will be active as J43BSF
from Greece during the CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest (February 11-12th) as a
Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via SV1CIB.

J49, CRETE. Look for Tomas, LY1DF, to be active as J49W during the CQ 160
Meters CW Contest (January 28-29th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LY1DF.
See last year's contest photos from Mt. Pentelli at:

KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Hide, JM1LJS, plans to be active as KH2VL/KH0 from
Saipan (IOTA OC-086), January 27-29th. No bands/modes of activity were
provided. QSL via JM1LJS (

KP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. John, WZ8D, is expected to be active as WZ8D/KP2
during the CQ WW 160 CW Contest (January 28-29th). QSL via WZ8D direct
(SASE please).

M, ENGLAND. Laci, HA0HW, will be in here on business between January 29th
and February 9th. He will try to operate as M/HA0HW, if time permits.
QSL via HA Bureau or via address.

MJ, JERSEY (OOOPPPSS!). In OPDX.743, there was a premature/incorrect
announcement on the activity by operators Jim/N1NK, Craig/K3PLV, Pete/K8PT
and Tom/W8JWN expected to take place March 15-18th. Pete, K8PT, informed
OPDX that the correct information is forthcoming when it's ready to be

OH0, ALAND ISLANDS. Operator Leppala, OH2BYS, will be active as OH0L during
the CQ WW 160 Meters CW Contest (January 28-29th). QSL via OH2BYS.

P4, ARUBA. Flo, F5CWU, will be active as P40CW from March 1-8th. He will
also be in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 4-5th) as a Single-Op/All-Band
entry. QSL via F5CWU.

P4, ARUBA. Operator John, KK9A, will be active as P40A during the ARRL DX
SSB Contest (March 4-5th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via

PA, THE NETHERLANDS (Experiment from PA!). On Thursday, January 26th
(2300z) through Friday, January 27th (0530z), Peter/PA8A and Rob/PA3GVI
will be active with a very special antenna system on SSB and CW. This
experiment will take place on 7 MHz and the antenna exists of a 2x4 stacked
dipole system between 2x 400 foot towers (Antenna-gain is +/- 22 dB and
radiation angle 7 degrees). This antenna is fixed on South/Central America,
and can be slewed towards the South Pacific and the USA slightly. They
invite all operators to make a contact, and if possible, an audio-recording
of the operation (especially from the aboved mentioned areas). Recordings
(not bigger then 1 Mb) can be sent to:
Look for them on +/- 7055/SSB and +/- 7010/CW. The transceiver will be
an IC-7800 with 150 watt. Coverage and received sound files will be
available (after the experiment) on: http:/

PT7, BRAZIL. Joska, HA9RT, will once again be in Brazil soon. He will
operate as HA9RT/PT7 between February 6-20th from Fortaleza. He prefers
operating on CW but will be active on 40-10 meters. If he can, Joska
will try to hang up a long wire to use on the lower bands. QSL via the
HA Bureau or via the address.

QSL INFO AND NEWS..................
Effective immediately, the QSL Manager for Sultan Al Kuwari, A71CT,
is Francisco, EA7FTR. QSLs for A71CT should be sent to EA7FTR either
through the bureau or direct to: Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23,
Aljaraque, Huelva 21110, Spain.

SEND NO MONEY! Ed, PS7DX, informs OPDX readers to please send no money
to PS7AA or PS7DX because somebody is opening his letters. Send only

WF5E DX QSL SERVICE NOTICE: The following list have callsigns of stations
that do not use the "WF5E DX QSL Service" as of January 3, 2006. It is
suggested to go direct to the following stations:
3B9FR, 8R1AK, 9H1AL, 9K2RA, A47RS, AD4Z, DL1QQ, DJ6QT, DL7FT, ET3AA,



Christian, XE1/DL6KAC, informs that he has been notified QSL cards for
his XE1/DL6KAC operation is piling-up in Germany. He requests, "Please
be patient as I will not be able to respond to these QSL cards until
I return to Germany. This return is scheduled for March 2006. Then the
cards need to be printed so that I hope to mail out the first cards
around May 2006. Please note the increase in German postage (e.g. 2 USD
are no longer sufficient to cover over-seas postage). As noted earlier
in the bulletins, German postage has increased prices from 1.55 EURO to
1.70 EURO. 1 IRC is still sufficient."

Laurent, W0MM, reports that as of January 15th, he is the QSL Manager
for Mike, YN4MG (WK6O). Mike is a missionary who spends most of his
time in YN-land when he is not in southern California. Laurent states
that he should receive his new cards from the printer (LZ1JZ) within
a month.

S65, SINGAPORE. Enno, 9V1CW (PF5X), informs OPDX that the Singapore Amateur
Radio Transmitting Society (SARTS) has been issued the special callsign
S65X for use in contests. This was established with kind cooperation of
Singapore's IDA communication authority. Look for this special callsign
to be first aired during the PACC Contest, February 11-12th. If time
permits, they will try to make some QSOs with stations outside the PACC
Contest during that weekend. Later in the year, they will try and air this
call in some international contests as well. QSL Manager is PA0KHS:
Henk van Hensbergen, Smaragdstraat 53, 6534 WN Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

SPECIAL EVENT. Scott/NE1RD and Dave/KZ1O will activate the special event
callsign, K1P, from Deer Isle (IOTA NA-055, USI ME-014S, Hancock county,
Maine), April 10-17th. Activity is to celebrate Patriots Day. Many do not
know that Maine was part of Massachusetts until 1820, and split as part of
the Missouri Compromise. Join them from the Maine sea coast celebrating
Patriots Day and New England's tradition of the sea, April 10-17th. Look
for activity on all bands. QSL via NE1RD (

SPECIAL EVENT. Members of the City of Provins ARS (F6KOP) will enter the
French HF Championship as TM0C, both modes CW (January 28-29th) and SSB
(February 25-26th). Precontest activities on all modes and bands HF/VHF
is possible between January 26th and February 2nd (and possibly later in
February). QSL both contest activities via F6KOP.

SPECIAL EVENT. To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Lvovs Shortwave
Club (LKK)(since 1926), Wojtek, SP8MI, will be active as SN80LKK between
May 1-31st. QSL via SP8MI by the Bureau or direct (SASE 1 IRC - new).
Please No e-QSL. More details are available at:

SPECIAL EVENT. February 2nd will mark the 70th anniversary of the end
of the collaboration between the Regal Italian Government and the
Titano Mount (San Marino Republic). This began on June 1st, 1921, when
upon request from the San Marino Government, 20 Carabinieri officers
were moved from the region of Ancona in the Republic in order to guarantee
the security, awaiting for a local Police force to be established. Members
of the Association C.O.T.A. (Carabinieri On The Air) and the ARRSM
Association, will celebrate this anniversary with the activation of T7COTA
(operated by COTA members) and T70A (by ARRSM members). The stations will
be active between February 3-5th on HF bands CW/SSB. QSL T7COTA via
IZ8DDG, by the bureau or direct to: Orlando Balisciano Villa Bisignano,
5 Traversa, 21 80147 Napoli, Italy. QSL T70A via direct.

SPECIAL EVENT. Members of the Highway Amateur Radio Club will be operating
a special event station using the callsign ZS5A1GP for the weekend of the
A1 Grand Prix, (and on other special occasions during 2006). The A1 Grand
Prix event will be held on the Durban beachfront in the vicinity of the
Suncoast Casino, January 27-29th. The station will be operational on the
HF bands, also on the local UHF and VHF repeaters and via the IRLP node
8300. A special QSL card will be sent to each station who makes contact
with the station during 2006. If you want one of these limited edition
cards for the shack wall, listen for ZS5A1GP via IRLP on their VHF/UHF
repeaters or on HF (CW/SSB). QSL ZS5A1GP via: Highway Amateur Radio Club,
PO Box 779, New Germany, 3620, South Africa. Further details and a picture
of the QSL card can be found on the HARC Web site at:
ADDED NOTE: Their repeater team is working on an VHF repeater which they
hope to have linked to the UHF network to provide handheld UHF and VHF
access to the IRLP from the race track. The VHF repeater will operate on
145.7625/145.1625 Mhz with a 107.2Hz CTCSS tone and the existing UHF
repeater is on 439.275/431.675 MHz with a 136.5Hz CTCSS tone.

THE 2006 WRTC REFEREES HAVE CHOSEN. The following 47 individuals have been
selected to referee the 2006 World Radiosport Team Championship to be held
in July. The referees a DJ2YA, DJ6QT, DK2OY, DL6LAU, EY8MM, G3LZQ, G3XTT,
VE7AHA, VE7SV, W0GJ, W4OI, W6OAT, W6UM and WX0B. For the complete press
release and details on how the individuals were selected by the 2006 WRTC
Committee, please visit the 2006 WRTC Web page at:

TI8, COSTA RICA. Operators Carlos/TI2KAC, Ed/K4UN, Will/K4WPM, Rob/W4BW and
Keith/W4KTR will be active as TI8M during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March
4-5th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via TI2KAC (Check TI8M on for info).
Operators will be active before the contest on 160-10 meters on SSB and
perhaps CW and the Digital modes.

TY, BENIN. Operators Ronald/PA3EWP, Andrea/IK1PMR, Claudia/K2LEO and
Tom/GM4FDM will be active from Cotonou between March 15-20th. Tom, GM4FDM,
states that the team has to pick up their licence upon arrival. They
requested the following callsigns: TY5WP, TY1MR, TY2LEO and TY4TW. Activity
will be on 160-10 meters and on all modes. They hope to be active either
as a team or as individuals in the BARTG RTTY Contest during the first
weekend. PLEASE NOTE: Pay attention to the individual's QSL routes. Further
details can be found on their Web page at:

V3, BELIZE. Operators Alan/NS0B and John/WC0W will be active in the ARRL
DX CW Contest (February 18-19th), using either V31TP or V31EV as the
callsign. They will also be there for a couple of days on either side of
the contest, probably Wednesday through Monday. Activity will be on 160-10
meters; no WARC bands (no antennas for them).

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS. Larry, VQ9LA, in Diego Garcia (AF-006), announced
that he will be active in the CQ WW 160 CW Contest (January 28-29th).
QSL via the VQ9LA info on

VU4, ANDAMAN ISLANDS. Last week the first group to announce publicly
they have intentions to operate from the Andaman Islands is Sigi, DL7DF,
and a team of operators. Operators mentioned so far include Manfred/DK1BT,
Sigi/DL7DF, Leszek/SP3DOI, Jurek/SP3GEM and SP3CCY. The team plans to
head there early before the NIAR Hamfest (April 15th) to set up three
transceivers, with two linears, using a Titanex V80DX low band vertical,
a five band Hexbeam, a Cushcraft R7 and verticals for 30/40 meters. Most
of Sigi's team is very well known for their low band activity. It was
also mentioned that others may join the team. It is suggested to watch
Sigi's Web page for updates at:

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND. Jim, N6TJ, will be active as ZD8Z in the CQ WPX
SSB Contest (March 25-26th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via VE3HO.

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Olav, LA9VFA, will be active as ZK1VFA from
Raratonga (OC-013), now through January 28th. Activity will be SSB and
the digital modes. QSL via his home callsign.

ZL, NEW ZEALAND. Operators ZL2BSJ, ZL1AZE and possibly others will be
active as ZL6QH during the CQWW 160m CW DX Contest as a Multi-Op entry.
QSL via the Bureau or ZL2AOH. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the presence of a local
GPS differential correction system on 1818 kHz, the team will be unable
to copy weak signals between 1816 and 1820 kHz.

ZP0, PARAGUAY. Operator Dale, N3BNA, will be active as ZP0R during the
ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as Single-Op entry. QSL via W3HNK.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via "
"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
Help: mailto Subscribe: mailto Unsubscribe: mailto OPDX WORLD-WIDE WEB HOME PAGE (provided by John, K8YSE):
Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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