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Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1544 - March 16, 2007
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1544 with a release date of Friday, March 16th, 2007 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. Iraq closes down Amateur Radio, U-S hams respond after tornadoes hit the south and New Zealand T-Hunts a jamming E-L-T. You wont believe where it was found. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) report number 1544 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** WORLDBEAT: YI1DZ CLAIMS IRAQ HAS BANNED HAM RADIO Amateur Radio operation has been banned in Iraq That is a claim made in a letter to the world-wide ham radio community from Diya Sayah,YI1DZ and distributed by Ian Abel, G3ZHI Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reports: -- In his note dated March 13th, Iraq Amateur Radio Society President Diya Sayah, YI1DZ, says that he received confirmation from the office of Prime Minister Al Maliki that all Amateur Radio activity in that nation is to be closed down immediately. This includes operation by Iraqi nationals, foreign visitors and even members of the coalition forces safeguarding that nation. Thinking the note may have been a mistake, YI1DZ made contact with Iraq's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Its reply was to confirm that all ham radio in Iraq was to cease operation and that hams would not be permitted to return to the airwaves until that nations security has been stabilized. As to how casual Amateur Radio contacts made for recreational purposes could be a danger to the stability of Iraq's government -- this was not revealed. Interestingly, Sayah's letter seems to blame the United States and Great Britain for Iraq's new ban on ham radio rather than the administration that imposed it. It says and we quote as closely as we can: "Congratulations to Mr. Bush and Blair for this freedom and democracy brought to a new Iraq and the new strategy to impose the law. If you think you can support Amateur Radio in Iraq , you need to talk to the creators of democracy and freedom." The writers words, not ours. More on this as we get it. For now, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the studio in Los Angeles, Fred. -- No word on how long ham radio operation will remain banned in Iraq. YI1DZ note does allow for a possible misunderstanding on the part of government officials as to the nature and purpose of Amateur Radio. You can read the complete text of the YI1DZ letter to the ham community on the home page at www.qrz.com (G3ZHI, QRZ.com, others) ** RESCUE RADIO: SEVERE WEATHER PUTS AMATEUR RADIO VOLUNTEERS TO THE TEST IN 3 STATES Back in the United States, tornadoes and other severe weather on March 1st prompted activation by Amateur Radio Emergency Service and SKYWARN volunteers in Alabama, Georgia and Missouri. This, according to the ARRL Letter which says that twenty people died in the three states, including seven in Alabama. ARRL Alabama Section Manager Greg Sarratt, W4OZK. said that tornadoes wreaked extensive property damage in the affected communities. Sarratt said that Amateur Radio operators all across the state were busy tending to the massive severe weather outbreak. At week's end, Sarratt had informed the ARRL that Enterprise and Coffee County Emergency Coordinator Jim Garrison, KL0LN, and local amateurs were still at the Enterprise E-O-C assisting the local emergency management agency and the city with recovery efforts. In Georgia, ARRL Section Traffic Manager Charles Pennington, K4GK, said the Georgia ARES Net activated during the afternoon of March 1st and continued into the wee hours of March 2nd. This, as a series of severe weather watches and warnings were posted there. Several tornadoes were reported, scattered mostly through central and southern Georgia. Georgia ARES stood down March 2nd but remained on standby if needed during recovery operations.. In Missouri, Section Traffic Manager Dale Huffington, AEZ0S, cited many reports of activation March 1st on the 75-meter phone net. Amateurs in over half of Missouri's ARES districts reported activation due to the storm. In Howell County, in south-central Missouri, , a tornado was blamed for the death of a seven-year-old girl. An ARES net activated in that area. In Boone County, in central Missouri, ARES teams activated at the request of the Joint Communications Information Center. Ten weather spotters including Missouri Section Emergency Coordinator Don Moore, KM0R provided real-time, ground-level weather observations to supplement the National Weather Service radar in Kansas City and St Louis. (ARRL) ** RESCUE RADIO: ELT DOWN IN THE DUMPS New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management Hamilton Office was recently called out to locate interfering signals affecting emergency frequencies. Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, has mo -- From the outset, New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management searchers kind of figured that they were hunting for a wayward Emergency Locator Transmitter. A helicopter had already traced the signals, which were coming from a landfill outside Paeroa. Now it was time for the dirty work to begin. Using the latest global positioning technology together with a negative gain antenna, an area of interest on the far side of the landfill was selected. After each grab by a back hoe digger, the area was checked to ensure the transmitter was still operational. On the fourth grab, the beacon was unearthed. Markings on the outside indicated that it could have been 20 years old. The on/off and test control had been lost in the landfill. The Radio Spectrum Management inspectors removed the batteries to stop it from transmitting. All agreed that it was another job well done by New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management in action. In Auckland, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF -- New Zealand's Radio Spectrum Management group regularly deals with similar scenarios involving distress beacons. They and other administrations urge all users of these devices to ensure that batteries have been properly removed prior to disposal. (WIA, NZART, others) ** Break 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world (5 sec pause here) ** ENFORCEMENT: SALE OF MODIFYABLE CB SETS BRINGS $7000 FINE Call this one the case of the C-B Radio retailer who did not know to quit while he was ahead. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has the details: -- The FCC says that Ben Metzger owns 1 Stop Communications also known as the 1 Stop CB Shop in Titusville, Florida. The regulatory agency also says that on March 21st, 2006, the Commission's Tampa Office issued Metzger and his store a Citation for marketing non-certified CB transceivers. This included Connex models 3300, CX 3300HP, CX 4400HP as well as Galaxy models DX44 and DX88HL. This says the FCC is a violation of Section 302(b) of the Act and Section 2.803(a)(1) of the Commissions Rules. In a response dated March 31st, 2006, Metzger stated that the models listed in the Citation were Amateur Radio Service radios. He claimed that they not require type acceptance. On May 11th of 2006, the Tampa Office responded that the models were intended for use on CB as well as Amateur Service frequencies because they have built-in design features which facilitate their operation on CB by the exercise of simple, end-user accessible modifications. Accordingly, the letter advised, such devices are considered CB transmitters irrespective of any labeling purporting the devices to be "Amateur Radio Transceivers." In his response dated May 16, 2006, Metzger stated he removed the Connex and Galaxy radios mentioned in the Citation from his store. On June 6, 2006, the Tampa Office received a letter from his attorney, which requested that the Citation be withdrawn, again insisting that the radios were marketed and sold as ham gear, not CB radios. The FCC refused to withdraw the Citation. But it was not over yet. A few days later on June 22nd of 2006, agents from the Tampa Office revisited the 1 Stop CB Shop. There they observed a "40 Channel" Connex CX 3300HP transceiver along with other uncertified radios in the display case. The Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology had previously tested Connex models very similar to the CX 3300HP and determined them to be non-certified CB transceivers. The agents inquired whether this particular Connex could operate on both CB channels and amateur bands. Metzger reportedly stated that there were easy directions on the Internet which show how to modify the radio to operate on CB. He also stated that he could easily modify the radio to operate on the CB channels for a small "tune-up" charge. The agents paid him for the radio and the "tune-up." Mr. Metzger handed them the modified Connex CX 3300HP transceiver about 20 minutes later and then demonstrated how to use the different toggle switches on the radio to switch from the amateur band to the different CB channels. The agents later determined that the modified Connex radio was capable of operating on frequencies from 25.615 MHz to 28.305 MHz with an output power that varied from 2.4 watts to 15 watts. On December 12, 2006, the Tampa Office issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Metzger in the amount of $7,000. This, for the apparent willful and repeated violation of Section 302(b) of the Act and Section 2.803(a) of the Rules. Metzger responded with a letter requesting cancellation of the proposed forfeiture. In it Metzger states that he sold the agents a Connex CX 3300HP ARS radio, which he still maintained does not require FCC certification.. He claimed that if he modified the radio to operate on CB frequencies after selling it, a point which he does not concede, such action does not violate the Rules. Metzger also claimed that being fined for selling an easily modifiable piece of gear that he says is for ham radio use violates due process. But the FCC sees things differently. In its February 28th order, the agency says that it has examined Metzger's response to the N-A-L pursuant to the statutory factors and in conjunction with the Forfeiture Policy Statement. . It found that based on the evidence before it, Metzger apparently willfully and repeatedly violated Section 302(b) of the Act and Section 2.803(a) of the FCC Rules by offering for sale non-certified CB transmitters on March 21, and June 22, 2006. And as a result of this review it no basis for cancellation of the proposed forfeiture and the $7,000 fine stands. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, reporting. -- Metzger was given the customary 30 days to pay. If he fails to do so, the FCC says it can turn the matter over to the Department of Justice for collection and follow-up. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: BROOKLYN UNLICENSED BROADCASTER FINED $10000 An unlicensed broadcaster in New York has been hit with a rather stiff fine by the FCC. Jim Davis, W2JKD, tells us who and how much: -- The FCC has fined Elroy Simpson of Brooklyn, New York $10000. This for willfully and repeatedly violating Section 301 of the Communications Act by operating an unlicensed radio transmitter on the frequency 102.3 MHz. On November 8, 2006, the Commission's New York Field Office issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Simpson. This, after tracing the unlicensed broadcast transmitter to him. To date, Simpson has not filed a response to the N-A-L. Based on the information before it, the FCC has now affirmed the forfeiture and given Simpson 30 days to pay. . If the forfeiture is not paid within the period specified, FCC says that the case may be referred to the Department of Justice for collection. -- This is just another in a long series of fines recently handed down against unlicensed broadcast operations all across the United States. (FCC) ** RADIO RULES: REQUEST FOR STUDY OF BIRD TO TOWER CRASHES Broadcast and tower groups are joining with wildlife advocates. This, in calling on the FAA to look into whether the use of steady red obstruction sidelights can be safely eliminated. The move is a development in recent discussions over the long-debated migratory bird question and whether these lights are a major contributing factor in the deaths of thousands of migratory birds each year as conservationists claim. (CGC) ** TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAW: MICROSOFT VS. CYBERSQUATTERS Microsoft has decided to get tough with those illegally using its name and logo. Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, reports: -- Microsoft has filed two lawsuits against so-called cybersquatters who use the company's product names to profit illegally from online advertising. The world's largest software maker said the explosion in online advertising in recent years had given rise to the illegal registration of Web site domains containing trademark Microsoft phrases or common brand name misspellings. With billing for the ads determined by number of clicks, such sites can drive up traffic and, ultimately, ad revenue. -- No word as to who will be first to get dinged by a Microsoft powered lawsuit. (Published reports) ** HAM RADIO ON THE NET: REC.RADIO.AMATEUR.MODERATED IS CREATED A new, moderated discussion newsgroup for Amateur Radio has been Created on Usenet. It's title is rec.radio.amateur.moderated and as its name suggests, safeguards are in place to preclude junk posting, feuds and personal attacks. As the group is brand new some Internet Service Providers may not have it listed as of yet. If your I-S-P does not provide access to it or to the Usenet newsgroups, you can also read and post to this new ham radio moderated newsgroup at the Google Groups Web Site. Just go to www.google.com and then click on the word more then on the word groups. The type rec.radio.amateur.moderated in the find group dialogue box. (K3FU) ** HAM RADIO ON THE WEB: 60M WEB PAGE FOR DXERS. Ton Colyard, K4MM, has created an interesting Web page for 60 meters operators looking for DX. The site lists stations that have been active on this new band and also lists upcoming operations. Its in cyberspace at http://60meters.info (Via e-mail) ** DAYTON HAMVENTION RTTY FORUM. Shelby Summerville, K4WW, in Louisville says that the 2007 Dayton RTTY forum will take place on Sunday, May 20th, from 10:15 to noon. The venue is the Hara Arena, in Meeeting Room 2. This years speakers will include Ken Wolff, K1EA, and Ed Muns, W0YK. Wolff will discuss log checking, and distinguish between myth and reality. Muns will give ideas of efficiently improving RTTY contesting. Time permitting, there will be a question and answer session following the presentations. (Via e-mail) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: CHANGE A BULB AND SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT A new coalition is urging everyone to throw away incandescent light bulbs and go modern to help save the environment. Burt Hicks, WB6MQV, has mo -- A coalition of private companies and government agencies is launching a grass-roots marketing campaign to persuade more Americans to help combat global warming by using Energy efficient light bulbs. Backers of the 18 Seconds movement include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, U.S. mayors, retailers, religious organizations and conservation groups. The campaign's goal is to increase awareness of energy-efficient light bulbs as a way to slow global climate change. Organizers say that If every American swapped just one bulb, the country could save $8 billion in energy costs and eliminate 2 million cars worth of greenhouse gas emissions. The campaigns name is based upon thre average time it takes to remove an incandescent lamp and replace it with one that's more energy efficient. -- More is on-line at www.18seconds.org (Press release) ** RESCUE RADIO: COMMUNICATIONS ACADEMY 2007 Communications Academy 2007 will be held from March 31st to April 1st in Seattle, Washington. This event offers 40 hours of instruction along with a static display of Emergency Communications vehicles and the like. Communications Academy is not a hamfest but will have several prominent ham radio speakers including John Cline W5USN and the ARRL's Harold Kramer, WJ1B. More is on line at www.commacadeny.org (N7NVP) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: NAB HONORS LOUIS KING, PE The National Association of Broadcasters has named Louis King, chairman of Kintronic Laboratories, as the recipient of its Radio Engineering Achievement Award, to be presented during the upcoming NAB2007 convention. The NAB says that from the time that he built his first crystal radio to the receipt of his amateur radio license, Louis King was destined to make his mark on the broadcast world. And says the NAB, he did. It was here in the early 1950's that King started manufacturing AM broadcast antenna systems and components. That lead to his establishing Kintronic Laboratories which today is an RF equipment manufacturer with customers in all 50 states and in over 100 countries,. King still serves as its Chairman of the Board. King is a life member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (NAB) ** WORLDBEAT - BELGIUM: AMATEUR RADIO EXHIBITED AT EUROPEAN PARLIMENT "Amateur Radio, a European Resource" was the title of a short term exhibit set up for a week at the European Parliament, Brussels Belgium. It was inaugurated at a special ceremony on Monday March 5th with about 100 guests in attendance. The display consisted of five self supporting panels each of which represents a specific aspect of amateur radio. Among the items shown were emergency activities, space communications, the training of the youth, careers directly influenced by amateur radio and even an area dealing with personalities who are radio amateurs. Several additional posters told onlookers whom hams are, why the service exists and what we do. The Exhibition was installed Friday March 2nd and removed March 9th. The president of IARU Region 1 along with several presidents and vice-presidents of national societies were on hand for the exhibits grand opening. ** WORLDBEAT - AUSTRALIA: FREQUENCIES RESERVED FOR DRM Meantime, down-under, Australia's radio regulator is preparing for the introduction of Digital Radio Mondiale transmissions. Again, from Auckland, heres Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF: -- The Australian Communications and Media Authority has placed an embargo on frequencies and bands potentially suitable for use by digital broadcasting services using Digital Radio Mondiale. These bands are outside the spectrum used by traditional broadcasting services. The frequencies involved are 5.950 to 6200, 7.100 to 73.00, 9.500 to 9900, 11.650 to 12.050, 13.600 to 13.800, 15.100 to 15.600, 17.550 to 17.900, 21.450 to 21.850 and 25.670 to 2.6100 MHz. The ACMA will consider applications for the licensing of trials to investigate the use of these bands for Digital Radio Mondiale operations. -- No word as to when the spectrum study will be completed. (WIA News) ** WORLDBEAT - CUBA: CONGRESS TO SCRUTINIZE RADIO MARTI The Miami Herald reports that a congressional committee now led by Democrat Representative William Delahunt of Massachusetts plans oversight hearings into Radio and TV Marti. This, amid allegations of mismanagement of taxpayer money. According to the news account the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House International Relations Committee will hold the hearings. Radio and Television Marti are United States propaganda stations that beam news and other information to communist dominated Cuba. (RW) ** DX In D-X, the W2RZS Amateur Radio Club will be returning to Dominica for the 2007 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) and they will be using their J75RZ callsign. They expect to arrive on March 21st and stay for 6 days. All QSLs for J75RZ should be sent to W2RZS via direct or by the bureau. And UA4WHX, continues to be active from Madagascar as 5R8VB, but there are no details on when he is leaving. He was heard this past several weeks on 80 through 18 meters using CW or SSB. QSL via UA4WHX, after he returns from his trip. (OPDX) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: GOING BACK TO CELEBRATE 50 YEARS And finally this week, a special celebration for a California ham. Gordon West, WB6NOA, has the story: -- Audio report only. Hear it I the audio version at www.arnewsline.org -- And we add our congratulations to Dr. Overbeck on this very special moment in his ham radio career. (WB6NOA) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB, the Southgate News and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. A reminder that Amateur Radio Newsline is currently seeking nominees for our Young Ham of the Year Award. Candidates must be 18 years of age or younger. An on-line nominating form is in cyberspace at www.yhoty.org For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Fred Vobbe, W8HDU, saying 73 and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. |
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