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KB6NU via Admin June 15th 16 05:01 PM

[KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Hamvention wants future at Hara, Lake County ARC, Army spending $127b on radios

KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog

Amateur radio in the news: Hamvention wants future at Hara, Lake County
ARC, Army spending $127b on radios

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 03:48 PM PDT

Hamvention wants a future at Hara Arena. Hara Arena should remain home to
Hamvention, despite reports of other uses for the property, said
participants and vendors at Friday’s opening of the 65th annual gathering
of the amateur radio convention.

All I can say is that the reporters didnt talk to me.Dan

Hamming it up on the radio not a lost art. Anyone can use a cellphone to
chat with someone else in the country or, for that matter, anywhere in the
world. And anyone can use the Internet for the same purpose.Â*However, not
everyone can use an amateur radio – better known as a ham radio – to pull
off such a feat.

This isnt strictly ham radio-related, but I thought you all would be
interested in it. After reading this story, you wont complain about the
cost ofÂ*the latest and greatest from Elecraft or FlexRadio.Dan
The Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-158 Manpack Radio covers 30 MHz 2.5 GHz and
costs about $200,000 per unit.

Is the U.S. Army Really Spending $12.7 Billion on Radios?Â*The U.S.
government spends a lot of money on weapons. So much money, in fact, that
sometimes, you see a number and think, That cant be right. But then again,
maybe.Â*But it wasnt a typo.Â*And the Pentagon really is spending $12.7
billion on radios.

The post Amateur radio in the news: Hamvention wants future at Hara, Lake
County ARC, Army spending $127b on radios appeared first on KB6NUs Ham
Radio Blog.

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